2 posts tagged with forums by fake.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

PHPBB Auto User Pruning - how do I undo it?

I run a forum where we discuss open source book scanning technology. Many users visit only occasionally. In a recent update, PHPBB enabled a feature called "Auto User Pruning", and it deleted users who had not logged in for 24 months. Two Thousand Users were deleted. It did not delete their posts, and their account names are still attached to their posts. Please help me restore these users from my database backups or via some other method.
posted by fake on Mar 3, 2014 - 5 answers

Is there an "edit window" for PHPBB?

Is there such a thing as an "edit window" for PHPBB? [more inside]
posted by fake on Dec 21, 2011 - 2 answers

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