189 posts tagged with ocd.
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Recommendation for a therapist for relationship indecision

I’m looking for a therapist who specialises in relationship OCD or relationship anxiety/indecision. I’d like to do telehealth/Zoom consults, so they could be anywhere in the world. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 8, 2025 - 4 answers

Seven year old son struggling with obsessive thoughts about cleanliness

My seven year old son has been struggling with spiralling thoughts for the last few days and I'm looking for advice on the best way to help him through this. [more inside]
posted by NoneOfTheAbove on Nov 4, 2024 - 17 answers

Coping after a health anxiety/panic disorder crisis

I went through what I would call a crisis (maybe breakdown) over the past week or two due to anxiety over my health. What can I do to find my way back to something that feels normal? [more inside]
posted by rachaelfaith on Apr 15, 2024 - 18 answers

Using a tally counter (clicker) for self-help purposes

I'm thinking of using a tally counter to help fight against intrusive thoughts and memories. Has anyone used this technique for this purpose, or for something related (like compulsive behaviors)? [more inside]
posted by akk2014 on Mar 11, 2024 - 10 answers

How to stop blurting in response to embarrassing memories

I suffer from a compulsion that's been discussed a few times on Metafilter, as well as in other places. Briefly, I tend to relive memories of events that were embarrassing or otherwise painful. And when I experience one of these memories, I typically blurt out a short phrase, or I grunt. I have a psychologist I'm working with, but I'm also crowdsourcing advice here on the Green. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 22, 2023 - 21 answers

Help with a teenager with possible OCD

My son (15, based in the UK) has been given an informal diagnosis of OCD. What should our next steps be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 19, 2023 - 6 answers

Please help me find ways to stop thinking and talking about politics

I am from the USA and vote Democratic. I would describe myself as center-left. I do a lot of international travel and spend very little time in the US. I am interested in world history and current events. Sadly, this is inhibiting my personal growth and interfering with my social life. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 26, 2023 - 20 answers

Autism, OCD, or spirited pre-schooler

Have you had experience with or can you recommend reputable resources to learn more about autism and OCD? When can a child be described instead as spirited? How can parents best advocate for their child when navigating evaluation and diagnosis for the first time? Especially when this is the eldest (i.e. parents do not have experience with the neurotypical behavior for the age to serve as a guidepost). [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 25, 2023 - 13 answers

Is this OCD? What should I do about this?

I have created chaos in my life and relationship by breaking up and getting back together with my partner twice over the past year due to my obsessive rumination about the relationship not being right and compulsive urges to break up. I have also struggled with severe bouts of body dysmorphia and obsessive thinking about other themes as well as some minor disordered eating/obsessive dieting. I’m on a new anti-anxiety medication right now but it’s too soon to tell if it’s working. I’ve been in therapy for a decade but think I need to find a new therapist because it’s not helping. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 28, 2023 - 8 answers

Have you tried Buspar or other non-SSRI medications for anxiety?

I have anxiety with some OCD tendencies. I had a bad time with SSRIs and a terrible time quitting them so I am curious about other options for medication. I do not have depression. Looking for experiences with Buspar, beta blockers or any other “unusual” medication specifically for anxiety or OCD. Thanks!
posted by vanitas on Mar 14, 2023 - 17 answers

Dementia, OCD and ‘normal’ aging behaviour - I need a reality check

I spent some time with an older relative over Christmas and came away concerned about their mental health. They do not come from a family or a community with any culture of talking about feelings or mental health beyond a joke (e.g. “I’m a bit OCD”), no one in their social circle has ever had therapy or been diagnosed (openly, at least) with a mental health disorder so this is extremely unfamiliar territory for them and I want to be careful how I approach it & sure of what I’m saying. [more inside]
posted by AFII on Jan 7, 2023 - 16 answers

ISO perfectionism/ADHD resourses and workbooks

Help me find resources on managing adult ADHD, perfectionism and obsessive thoughts while I get together enough funds to start therapy. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 4, 2022 - 2 answers

How to keep the house clean, fairly: neurodivergent new parent filter

For the past year since the arrival of our baby, we've really struggled to stay on top of very basic house cleaning. We're constantly fighting about it because both of us feel like we're doing our very best and the other parent could be doing more. What strategies have you used successfully to stay on top of cleaning and have a roughly equal division of labour, when you were a new parent? [more inside]
posted by Ceci n'est pas une chaussette on Aug 3, 2022 - 44 answers

Exposing myself to (possible) Covid

I must attend an indoor wedding this week with my family in NYC. I haven’t left my house for more than getting the kids to school, Target pickup or visiting relatives since COVID started. Scared of the idea of being maskless eating for the rehearsal dinner and reception. Scared thinking about my family having COVID despite us all being appropriately vaxed. I have a therapist, I’m on meds, but no idea how to handle getting myself out there. out there I must be to support my spouse and children who want to attend. Am I doomed to panic attack and fear? How did you overcome this?
posted by Geckwoistmeinauto on Jul 14, 2022 - 26 answers

Coping with temporary chaos/clutter without meltdowns

I have what I suspect is a meltdown whenever my environment is too visually overwhelming/disorganized/chaotic. Please help me figure out how to control this or how to accept it and work around it. [more inside]
posted by crunchy potato on Jun 26, 2022 - 16 answers

Exposure and Response Prevention for cringey memories

If I'm doing something that doesn't occupy my entire brain, it likes to randomly remember a minor and incredibly cringy error I did or said in the past. I find myself swearing or apologising out loud to "defuse" the feeling, particularly if I'm alone in the car. Have you dealt with something like this in therapy or otherwise? How does it work? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 15, 2022 - 16 answers

How do you help a friend with extreme anxiety in the moment?

How do you support a friend with extreme anxiety in the moment? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 9, 2021 - 12 answers

Inventory App for Lego Bricks or your favorite modular building block

I am seeking apps or software that people use to inventory their lego bricks, sets, and collections. [more inside]
posted by jadepearl on Jul 1, 2021 - 10 answers

How to steer your own mental health journey?

After nearly two years of pretty intense instability, I finally feel stable and can look for new / better support. But without much in the way of diagnosis or explanation, how do I figure out what I'm looking for from therapy next and what modalities to use? [more inside]
posted by internet of pillows on Apr 7, 2021 - 4 answers

OCD self-help

I have some behaviors that are consistent with OCD. I have all sorts of self-help stuff I do for anxiety already, including meditation, but I really struggle in the moment to not get stuck in a compulsive head space in a particular situation. I'm wondering if there are tools and techniques that I don't already know about. [more inside]
posted by crunchy potato on Dec 24, 2020 - 15 answers

Supporting disabled family

My brother has austism and OCD. The OCD has gotten a lot worse since the beginning of the pandemic. We're not sure if he's still taking his meds. Can you tell us about how you support family that's disabled and lives semi-independently? [more inside]
posted by marfa, texas on Sep 21, 2020 - 3 answers

Why do I do weird things when I do science?

When I was in college and took difficult science courses, I would engage in problematic behaviors such as compulsive eating and hair pulling, especially around the finals period. In the end, I could not cope with the behaviors and chose a non-science college major that made me happy. I am working on some programming projects right now, and similar behaviors have cropped up. They very intensely crop up when I work on math and I don't know what is going on. [more inside]
posted by kinoeye on Aug 9, 2020 - 12 answers

Not trusting my gut on guy I'm dating

I've been dating someone for three months. He's thoughtful, intelligent, successful, wants the same things in life as me and has made it clear that he sees a future with me (as much as someone can in such a short space of time). He also has literally built my dream life and is inviting me to be a part of it. But my gut keeps telling me to run away, and my therapist says that one of my key challenges is learning to tune into and act on my gut. I'm obsessing and would love your thoughts. [more inside]
posted by starstarstar on Jul 22, 2020 - 61 answers

Are Higher Than FDA Approved SSRI Doses Safe?

My DR has me on 250MG of Sertraline/Zoloft. This is higher than the FDA recommendation. Is this safe? [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Jul 7, 2020 - 4 answers

Obsessive fears about leaving the house in the era of Corona

I was already an obsessive worrier before COVID. Now it's like all my fears have been made real in the world. I also have a brand new case of agoraphobia. Sometimes I go days or weeks without leaving the apartment. I live in a populated area that is for the moment on the downward curve. We have a backyard in apartment of the building I would like to use but I may have to pass others indoors to get there. My question is twofold: [more inside]
posted by captainscared on Jun 28, 2020 - 19 answers

Can Marijuana Impact Efficacy Of Serotonin Drugs?

I have OCD, anxiety and depression. I'm working with a new Dr who specializes in OCD. I'm not getting better and he thinks that the marijuana may be the problem. Is this lazy psychiatry? [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on May 23, 2020 - 10 answers

Trying not to rOCD the boat

Some of the stuff on relational OCD sounds like me... Any experiences to share? [more inside]
posted by existentialwhale on Mar 16, 2020 - 3 answers

How to work with irrational fear/phobia regarding Psychedelics & THC?

Occasionally I harbour a fear that I will somehow get dosed with LSD/Psilocybin or accidentally consume a THC edible or the like. It's not an obsession or debilitating phobia that severely impacts my life, but rather a more annoying ongoing anxiety symptom that I'm looking to manage better. What's the best approach I could take in therapy to help work through this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 30, 2019 - 5 answers

It's that same old anxiety again.

About once or twice a year, I have a major anxiety freakout/OCD flare up that is almost always triggered when I either make a mistake at work or am "in trouble" at work. I'm having one now and I need it to stop. [more inside]
posted by tafetta, darling! on Aug 10, 2019 - 12 answers

End-of-life care with an adult OCD child with special needs

My mom is a widower in her 70s, and while she is sharp of mind and has a desire to be independent, she has limited mobility due to multiple hip and knee operations. My middle-aged sibling, diagnosed with OCD at an early age and who has been on SSI for many years due to that issue, is hounding her unreasonably for money and support. Help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 22, 2019 - 16 answers

anxiety, incoming.

I believe that I might be in for a spell of anxiety in the future. What can I do to nip my anxious thoughts and feelings in the bud before they become an actual problem? [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser on Jul 19, 2019 - 5 answers

Potential Mental Health Breakthrough – ADHD/OCD - thoughts?

A search of my Ask history will reveal that I have been struggling with depression for my whole life. It has been severe for the last decade despite therapy, psychiatric drugs and even ketamine. I think that it perhaps is due to incomplete diagnosis. Details within [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Jun 14, 2019 - 8 answers

Coping with Existential OCD / fear of going crazy.

I'm going through an extended bout of Existential OCD, and having a hard time navigating my way through. Looking to hear some success stories for people who have successfully managed or learned to live with this particular strand of the disorder. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 3, 2019 - 6 answers

My Brain Won't Ever Shut Up & It Is Ruining My Life

I am a middle aged man with lifelong depression, OCD and anxiety. I have been through multiple therapists and tried numerous medications over the years. What do I do now? Am I doomed to feel this way for the rest of my life? [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Mar 17, 2019 - 24 answers

Best Meditation For OCD

There are so many different meditations and apps out there. There was a link on Kelly Brogan's site with a meditation specifically for OCD, but the link is down. Does anyone know of a type of meditation that is particularly helpful for OCD? Thank you in advance [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Nov 4, 2018 - 6 answers

About To Make A Medication Change. Very Unsure and Anxious

I have been on Luvox for 6 months for my lifelong OCD and depression. I have had a ton of side effects and felt like I wasn't getting better. I went to a different doctor in NYC who made a recommendation that i am second guessing. I am not sure if it is my anxiety and OCD, or a legitimate "disagreement" with the course of action. details inside [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Sep 23, 2018 - 5 answers

"Nikki Minaj Won't Get Out of My Head" or, pathological earworms

For the past 11 months, my autistic 14-year-old daughter has been afflicted with earworms. Neurotypical people can push Nikki Minaj's "Anaconda" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller" out of their head, but she can't. This gets in the way of just about everything. [more inside]
posted by musofire on Aug 29, 2018 - 39 answers

Advice on medicating or not medicating a pre-teen?

Just curious about the experiences of others dealing with a kid who exhibits symptoms of OCD (and perhaps a related eating disorder and depression..), but it's hard to tell because the kid isn't quite cooperating. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 23, 2018 - 16 answers

Started Anti Depressants Again After 5 Years. Some Questions

I've had lifelong OCD/anxiety/depression. I have been off meds for about 5 years. I tried everything in the interim and had to try meds again. Questions inside [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Apr 15, 2018 - 4 answers

Depression Is Awful. On The Cusp of Trying Meds Again. Help!

I will try to keep this short. I have had lifelong OCD/Anxiety/Depression. I tried meds in the past. I have been in therapy for a decade. I’ve done it all, including ketamine infusions. Docs want me to try meds again. Info inside [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Jan 18, 2018 - 17 answers

ISO DIY CBT workbooks for OCD

I need recommendations for DIY workbooks (preferably things I can literally write in, but not mandatory) to learn about CBT tactics, particularly for OCD. Additionally, am interested in any recommendations for books (and especially audiobooks) that cover these topics, and referrals in NYC for CBT professionals. [more inside]
posted by Autumn Willow on Dec 28, 2017 - 2 answers

need to move: must be under 1000 ft elevation, cold, low cost of living

So my 19 year old son informed me last night that he quit his job, where he'd been for 1.5 years, and was going to buy a ticket to Buffalo New York. He wanted to move there today or tomorrow, with basically the clothes on his back and his laptop. He's saved $15,000 from the job, and wants to live on that until it runs out. [more inside]
posted by Rapunzel1111 on Nov 15, 2017 - 58 answers

Risperidone / Risperidal For Obsessive Thoughts?

I just started seeing a new therapist and psychiatrist for my lifelong OCD. They suggested Risperidal / Risperidone. Thoughts inside...... [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Nov 5, 2017 - 9 answers

Best, Cutting Edge, OCD Treatment or Center

I have had lifelong OCD/Depression/Anxiety. I have tried a bunch of different medications in the past (including SSRIs like Luvox) as well as therapy, homeopathy (B vitamins), meditation and ketamine infusions. I am considering taking another stab at medications, even though I have never had success with them. My current psychiatrist is recommended finding an OCD treatment center because they would be up on the latest treatments. I live in NY. Where do I go from here? Details inside [more inside]
posted by kbbbo on Sep 24, 2017 - 7 answers

Have all therapists heard of "Pure O" OCD?

After hearing it described on a podcast and doing a lot of googling, I'm 99.9% sure that I have "pure obsessional" OCD. I'm currently seeing a therapist for anxiety, and I want to tell them about the OCD too – but they're a "mental health counselor" at a low-cost clinic. Is it possible they wouldn't have heard about this OCD variant? [more inside]
posted by cookiedough on Apr 18, 2017 - 7 answers

I think I have OCD.

I've always thought I had anxiety, but now I think it's actually OCD. What's the best way to go about treating this? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 7, 2017 - 16 answers

OCD with intrusive, obsessive thoughts: what next?

After years of wondering why I am constantly experiencing intrusive, obsessive thoughts about things I'm failing to do or otherwise screwing up, I have come to suspect that it is highly probable that I may have a form of OCD. I will be bringing this up with my therapist and psychiatrist, respectively, when I see them next. In the meantime, I'm seeking some advice from those who have been diagnosed with or are familiar with the condition. [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings on Mar 23, 2017 - 8 answers

Books for small children with OCD?

I have two preschool-aged children, both of whom exhibit some classic signs of OCD. I've been aware of it in my eldest since they were very tiny, but only recently my youngest has been sharing that they are having intrusive thoughts about death and dying. They are especially struggling with it at bedtime and asking a lot of questions about it (which I am comfortable answering in an honest but reassuring way. We had a death in the family last year, and my parents are both dead, so I think my kids are old enough to start understanding that all living things must eventually die). [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 22, 2017 - 6 answers

Songs for a brain problem situation

I'd like to build a playlist of songs for getting through clinical depression, anxiety and OCD. I have some good starting points. [more inside]
posted by Countess Elena on Feb 19, 2017 - 24 answers

Roadblocks toward independence

I've got a 12-year-old girl on the spectrum with a raft of other mental health issues. It's difficult for her to maintain self-control and my wife and I have recently decided to progressively increase the risk of her melting down by not removing what we identify as obvious irritants, or by diffusing potentially upsetting situations. Have you tried this with someone you love with a disability? Can you offer potential avoidable pitfalls or strategies? [more inside]
posted by Stanczyk on Jan 4, 2017 - 19 answers

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