3 posts tagged with IUD by madonna of the unloved.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
To IUD or not to IUD (again)?
It’s been about five years since I last thought about birth control, as that is when I had my first IUD put in. It’s been great not having to think about it at all, but all good things must come to an end in August. Before getting another one inserted, I thought I'd check and see what other methods people use and like. [more inside]
How long did you have your Mirena IUD in for?
I've been having more spotting and "breakthrough bleeding" recently, and I'm wondering if this has to do with my Mirena getting "older." Are there any signs that it's time to get a new one? [more inside]
My uterus ain't having it.
IUD insertion failure... should I try again? [more inside]