Pink crab spider, Thomisus onustus, Thomisidae
Found throughout Europe and into northern Africa and Asia
Photo 1 (with male on female) by bugzone, 2 by durand_mathis, and 3 by sonic7730
still not over the fact that teenage boba fett tried to hide his identity on concord dawn by taking on the alias jaster mereel
this kid really did the mandalorian equivalent of showing up at the border like, “hello fellow americans, i am also an american, which you can tell by my very normal american name, john f. kennedy”
carcass acres
You are faced with some random problem and the only person who can help you is the main character from the last piece of media you consumed (you can also do favorite character if there are multiple main characters). You can stay in this universe or be in the universe of the character, whichever you prefer, but the problem remains the same and the only person who can directly help you is the main character. That character can call on the help of those they know in their media, but when it comes down to it, they are the only person really helping you. How do you react to this situation?
Spin to find out your problem:
Your Reaction:
Literally the best problem and the best person to solve it! Yippee!
With this problem, character will definitely be helpful, this will go well!
Ok, could be worse, this is definitely going to be an adventure, but a fun one.
This problem isn't getting solved, actually more problems will be created help.
Well, I'm cooked, and so is the world honestly. And it won't even be that fun.
See ResultsI love this game.
This band is The Hu! Mongolian metal. Absolute favorite.
Do yourself a favor and at least give their song Wolf Totem a listen.
Treat yo’self!
The Hu!!! I love these guys! I'm on mobile so I can't link right now but highly recommend their song Yuve Yuve Yu, it's so good!!
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.