• Sprint 66 (Jul 2020), Sprint 67 (Aug 2020), Sprint 68 (Sep 2020), Sprint 69 (Oct 2020), Sprint 70 (Nov 2020)
    • 2

      It will be very useful to add "Host interfaces" in Host Prototype (screen 1) definition.
      Then we can add more templates ex. Linux OS (which uses Zabbix Agent) and link it to the Discovered VM - (screen 2).
      As you know without that, Zabbix will try to connect to zabbix agent on vSphere IP.
      The same with SNMP Host Interface...

      Workaround is to add more Host Interfaces to vSphere host, and then manually change it on every Item created from OS Linux Template... but .. thus is not "auto-discovery"

        1. 2020-09-29_14-28-34.mp4
          1.18 MB
        2. image-2020-10-14-17-21-11-119.png
          194 kB
        3. screen 1.png
          screen 1.png
          20 kB
        4. screen 2.png
          screen 2.png
          14 kB
        5. Selection_713.png
          123 kB
        6. zbx_export_hosts.yaml
          4 kB
        7. zbx_export_templates.yaml
          5 kB

            iivs Ivo Kurzemnieks
            mbsit Grzegorz Grabowski
            Team B
            63 Vote for this issue
            41 Start watching this issue
