• S24-W28/29, S24-W30/31, S24-W32/33, S24-W34/35
    • 0.5

      The user should not be gendered, the error message :

      User cannot add himself to a disabled group or a group with disabled GUI access.

      should be changed to something like

      A user cannot add themself to a disabled group or a group with disabled GUI access.


      You can't add yourself to a disabled group or a group with a disabled GUI access.

      Steps to get this message (on master):

      1. Go to Users->User groups;
      2. Press Create user group;
      3. Fill form:
        1. Group name = "test";
        2. Users = select your current user;
        3. Frontend access = "Disabled";
      4. Press "Add" button.

            esekace Eliza Sekace
            jnulle Janis Nulle
            Team B
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
