• Sprint 92 (Sep 2022), Sprint 93 (Oct 2022), Sprint 94 (Nov 2022)
    • 2

      Vmware datastore discovery returns multiple times the same datastore. The errors were not present with Zabbix server and Proxy with version 6.0.7. The system has been updated from 6.0.7 to 6.2.2.


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Configure host with template VMware (monitored by proxy)
      2. Execute "Discover VMware datastores", item prototypes are created correctly
      3. Sometimes (some vcenter has the problem other not) red notification on discovery with messages of "item with same key already exist" (see attachment n.1)
      4. The items of read and write latency of the datastore with error have red notification with message "No datastore available" and no data retrieved (see attachment n.2)

      See attachments.
      The discovery seems to retrieve multiple times the same datastore, name, uuid and extent. This happens with only some datastore, not all.
      This happens with VMware version 6.7 and 7.0.

            asestakovs Aleksejs Sestakovs
            giorgio.clavello@axians.it Giorgio Clavello
            Team B
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
