• Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 1.6
    • Frontend (F)
    • None

      The following refers to 1.6.1 stable.

      When deleting a template (haven't tested for hosts), the tables applications gets not cleaned up.
      That is one source of the issue when linking more than one template to a host.
      To get only the correct records i used:
      a.applicationid, a.name, a.templateid from applications a, hosts h where h.hostid = a.hostid
      And veryify against the the table table applications. The difference is imho garbage.

      It seems that items_applications gets also not cleaned up. Given that it uses applicationid i assume i must not have more entries that applications. However i still do not know, yet
      In my case applications had ~ 300 records where item_applications had ~3400.

      To get only the correct records i used:
      select i.itemappid, i.applicationid, i.itemid from items_applications i, applications a where a.applicationid = i.applicationid

      I just removed hosts with items that have an application and can see that items_applications gets cleaned up.
      However: - When adding an application (other than other) to an item i get proper records but if there is no application and it defaults to other i see strange increase.

      It seems this might be related to the template linking issue with more than one template.
      ERROR: Conflict between selected templates

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            alexei Alexei Vladishev
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