i have been tagged by dear friend @scenegraph for a ‘posting challenge’ …
“Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.”
i actually don’t have very many WIPs.. just finishing a major project will do that to you. i guess i can think of a couple things though… might be a slight stretch to put them here considering they don’t have a ton of progress but it’s ok.
huh that is not what i expected to win. well that’s 12 votes i think so here come twelve sentences about funny super mario world.
i’ve wanted to make a solo SMW hack for a while, but it’s been kinda on and off. i have a concept but have stopped in the middle of making one level twice now, so those WIPs are just sitting on my drive. i do feel strongly about my concept and want to go back to it at some point, but it’s hard to find the right moment where i decide “yes, this is what i’m committing to.”
the thought that’s been on my mind recently is that i originally was thinking of making a super hard run the gauntlet inspired hack out of my concept, but i’ve been thinking about level length more and decided that maybe i should just try making something shorter/easier on a per level basis. it would be a lot more lightweight to make, after all, and more people would just play it to begin with lol. spatial whirl was a catalyst for this in my head, i really like that hack and i think it sets itself apart a ton from like, your typical variety collab hack, because it’s a more humble package adding up to a greater whole. i think i tend to like the variety collab style more than most, but spatial whirl is just really solid, smooth mario that isn’t too overly ambitious. i have really been valuing the platonic ideal Classic Mario lately and it’s basically that hack’s fault - i have a newfound addiction to random coins and hidden 1 ups and bonus rooms and other such arts that have been lost in the style of Gimmicky Standard. i have a long way to go with being able to quickly make those types of levels though, and i am especially not doing that great on the length thing considering the last level i made was 1F screens lol.
i don’t want to say too much about the concept i have in my head because it is pretty out there and i want it to be a surprise if i do inevitably end up making it. it does involve a concept i think that SMW hacks never really do well and that i want to give a real shot at, though. you must understand that i am unable to make anything that will ever have mass appeal, so instead i will veer down the dark path of showing the world my twisted mind; you may interpret this however you’d like.