Translation Services‐DeepL Translator(*This is a machine translation and may contain mistranslations.)
アイキャッチ画像はなにやら不穏な雰囲気……第一印象で当選したらこういう画像を作ろうと思って先走って妄想していましたが、パッケージや本体を眺めていて、はなはだしい勘違いかも……! と思いました。もちろん、届いてすぐのファーストインプレッションでレビューするのも新鮮で面白いのですが、時間をかけて玩具と向き合い、思索してからレビューするのが自分には合っていそうです。
There are some toys that haven't arrived at ...... but the last of this year's toy reviews!
It's Gusari by APOSTOYS, an artist based on the concept of wild soft vinyl.
It was raffled off in November and purchased with a made-to-order T-shirt set, so it arrived in December, just in time for the T-shirts to be printed.
The eye-catching image is something disturbing: ......I was delusional ahead of time, thinking I would make such an image if I won the lottery based on my first impression, but after looking at the package and the body of the product, I may be very wrong...!I was looking at the package and the body...! I thought.Of course, it is fresh and interesting to review the toy based on first impressions immediately after receiving it, but it seems to suit me to take the time to face the toy and ponder over it before reviewing it.
Now, is Gusari as bad a monster as he looks?
I wish there was always one ...... truth in Jicchan's name ......!
Approximately 18 cm tall, 5 parts, molded in ivory.