You can create the tiled pyramid TIFFs using vips in the usual way. However, JPEG doesn't support alpha channels, so make sure you save your TIFF either using lossless compression such as Deflate or LZW like this: vips tiffsave source_image output_image.tif --tile --pyramid --compression deflate --tile-width 256 --tile-height 256 Or if you want lossy compression, TIFF supports WebP compression which does allow transparency. You can then use your TIFF image through OpenSeaDragon's Deepzoom API using...
Again, I'm very sorry to inconvenience you, but thank you very much for your time and attention. No problem. By the way, I tried with a few images on the Chronicling America site and they all seem to work, so maybe it is indeed a problem at your end.
Maybe this is the wrong place to post this, and if so, I apologize in advance, but here goes nothing: I'm afraid that you are correct that this is not the right place to ask. From what I can see, the Library of Congress does not use either the IIPImage server or viewer. The software they use is the OpenSeaDragon viewer, so you could try asking for help on their help forums.
For the moment, the only way to use images stored remotely (such as on cloud storage) is to mount the remote host so that the images are available to IIPImage on the local file system. For Amazon S3, for example, there's a tutorial on how to do this using NFS. Although this kind of solution can be made to work with IIPImage, be aware that this will necessarily be much slower than having the images and server hosted together. I've been meaning to look into the feasibility of adding this functionality...
iipsrv 1.2 released
If you had to do anything differently or have any suggestions on how to make the instructions clearer, please let me know.
I'm glad it's now working! Did you rebuild using the instructions here: or did you have to change anything?
The QUERY_STRING is whatever is in your URL after the http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi part. So, as you haven't made a requested for an image or anything, you should get back an info message in your browser. There doesn't seem to be any error in the iipsrv log file and iipsrv seems to be working, so try increasing the VERBOSITY parameter to 6 and do a full request with an image like http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=image.tif&WID=500&CVT=JPEG Exchange "image.ti" for your own image of...