iElectrodes is a free and open-source Matlab® toolbox to obtain intracranial electrode coordinates from MRI and CT images.
Precise and reliable localization can be achieved fast and in a semiautomatic way with minimal user intervention.
The toolbox works with ECoG (subdural grids and strips) and SEEG (depth) electrodes. The new GridFit algorithm can precisely localize high-density electrodes (up to 3mm).
Brain parcellations (atlas) and surfaces can be imported to aid 2D and 3D visualization and anatomical localization can be done in native or normalized space.
You can plan grid and depth electrode array implantations and compare them with the implanted locations.
Additional scripts are provided for image coregistration using SPM, Freesurfer pipeline integration, etc.
Visit the Wiki tab to learn more about the toolbox.
We are trying to make iElectrodes a great toolbox every day. We strongly appreciate your feedback.
iElectrodes is developed by Alejandro Blenkmann
- SEEG and ECoG electrode localization
- Implantation planning
- MRI and CT images visulization
- Easy electrode labeling
- One by one electrode navigation
- Automatic report of electrode locations and anatomical labels
- Projection of grid electrodes to Smoothed Cortical Envelope