GoJS is a JavaScript and TypeScript library for building interactive diagrams and graphs. From simple flowcharts and org charts to highly-specific industrial diagrams, SCADA and BPMN diagrams, medical diagrams such as genograms and outbreak modeling diagrams, and more. GoJS makes constructing graphs of complex nodes, links, and groups easy with customizable templates and layouts. GoJS offers advanced features for user interactivity such as drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste, in-place text editing, tooltips, context menus, automatic layouts, templates, data binding and models, transactional state and undo management, palettes, overviews, event handlers, commands, extensible tools for custom operations, and customizable animations. We maintain hundreds of sample diagrams, detailing different examples of interactivity, templates, and user logic for you to start from. We offer free developer-to-developer support during evaluation.
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Minitab Workspace
Searching for simple solutions to achieve the greatest impact with your work and provide business value? Minitab Workspace enables you to move work forward with powerful visual tools, process maps, brainstorming diagrams and forms in one intuitive interface right at your fingertips. Our tools help form processes and identify opportunities, ultimately making problems easier to solve. Build flowcharts with ease to help understand, see and communicate all the activities in a process with the added ability to customize the level of detail necessary. Map out and identify every relevant element for a holistic view of your processes or projects, regardless if they are simple or complex. Visualize the flow of deliverables and information through your organization, department, or team and showcase the value it creates for your customers and stakeholders.
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MyDraw is one of the most advanced diagramming and vector graphics drawing tools available today. MyDraw is an easy, affordable yet powerful tool that can help you create a large number of diagrams including flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, infographics, network diagrams, floor plans, family tree diagrams, business model diagrams, flyers, newsletters, and many more.
MyDraw is cross-platform and works on both Windows and macOS. It also features class-leading Microsoft Visio® compatibility that allows you to both import and export files from different Visio formats. The software is packed with advanced features such as advanced drawing tools, unrivaled text and table formatting options, automatic layouts, import and export to various image formats (PDF, SVG, JPEG, BMP, etc.), smart shapes and connectors, and others.
The software also includes a vast number of ready-made templates and thousands of shapes that help you get inspired and be more productive.
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Venngage is the simple design platform for bringing your dull data, dry documents and complex communications to life.
Using our engaging visual communication templates, created by our expert in-house designers, Venngage users can easily create powerful visuals; no design experience required. Our easy-to-use drag and drop editor, alongside some helpful articles, videos and courses, will have you creating dazzling designs in minutes.
Venngage has a wide range of templates perfect for business and professional communications including infographics, charts, reports, diagrams, mind maps, presentations, and more so that you can impress your boss, your clients, prospects and online audience.
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