The WPF-based text editor component used in SharpDevelop
SharpDevelop .NET Framework 4.7.2 upgrade
Play / Record - From MRLs: rtsp, rtmp, mms, http, avi, mp3, etc...
Chess notation converter
A simple screensaver (Plays video, with a clock and news)
Easy way to convert H.265 videos to H.264 (New) - x64 Only
A free IDE for C#, VB.NET, & Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform
PDF Reader (It converts PDFs to JPGs first, to be able to read it)
Customized C# Intel 8080 emulator
A rudimentary 2D isometric engine
Simple animation of a journey at light speed
C# custom control for round gauge creating and tuning.
Libre open source SI units converter
PHD 2000 syringe pump controller
XSD2Classes for C# and AutoMetal to get c# from SQLCe
Robo-Interface is a GUI for Robocopy (Robust File Copy).
skinned form
Based on stable SharpDeveleop 3.2.1 to support C# and Boo only
A basic browser.
Inverts colors on your monitor