Open-top chamber fumigation system for exposure of field grown Pinus sylvestris to elevated carbon dioxide and ozone concentration
Palomäki V., Hassinen A., Lemettinen M., Oksanen T., Helmisaari H.-S., Holopainen J., Kellomäki S., Holopainen T. (1998). Open-top chamber fumigation system for exposure of field grown Pinus sylvestris to elevated carbon dioxide and ozone concentration. Silva Fennica vol. 32 no. 3 article id 681.
An open-top chamber fumigation system was built in a young Scots pine stand to study the effects of realistic elevated ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and their combination on trees in natural conditions. Doubled CO2 concentration compared to present ambient concentration, and O3 concentration between 40 ppb and 70 ppb in the first study year (1994) and doubled O3 concentration in years 1995 and 1996 were the target concentrations in the chambers. The O3 concentration in the chambers was successfully maintained close to the target concentration and differences between chambers were small. The mean CO2 concentration in the CO2 treatment was ca. 100 ppm below the target, but was maintained at this level throughout the growing season. Two degrees higher mean air temperature and slightly lower light intensity compared to open air were measured in the chambers. The operation of the fumigation system was satisfactory during the three study years and repeatability of the gas treatments can be regarded good in this low cost exposure system.
Pinus sylvestris;
open-top chamber;
Received 18 September 1997 Accepted 6 July 1998 Published 31 December 1998
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