このLive BytesやらLivingやら、タイトルから大体推測できるものの、ちゃんとした定義をしりたかったのですが、ヘルプ内を探しても見当たらず、iOS開発関係の本を見てもどの値が何とまでは書いてくれていませんでした。たまたまググったら出てきたので、下記にまとめておきます。
Live Bytes
The Live Bytes column indicates how many of this type of object have been allocated and still are around in memory.
# Living
# Living column tells you how many objects of this type are still around in memory.
Overall Bytes と # Overall
The Overall Bytes and # Overall columns show the total size in memory and number of all allocated objects of that type, whether or not they are still around in memory at this time.
# Transitory
# Transitory is simply the difference between # Living and # Overall, showing how many objects of that type were created and destroyed during the time period you are analyzing.
Living と Overallの差分。