So I’m still down for ‘short the fucker’ and cash in on his ill fortune. After all, everyone knows that working for the government requires financial sacrifice on the part of the employee.
“average cat owner spends 3 years in prison” factoid actualy just statistical error. average owner spends 0 years in prison. Miette’s mother, who kicked her body like the football and went to jail for One Thousand Years is an outlier adn should not have been counted
I love how every single Georg post observes the original’s typo
i like that you said “observe” instead of “preserve,” implying this has religious importance.
the typos are important for the ritual to work. Otherwise you land.
and the first thing you see is “This is not a place of honor.”
I don’t normally post photos or talk about the protest actions I participate in, but I was at the Chicago Stand Up For Science rally on behalf of my job recently and this sign took me out at the knees.
Guys…you gotta stop responding to this post with some variant of “yeah, unfortunately stupid ones.”
1. “Only intelligent people should live to adulthood” is eugenics.
2. Linking vaccines with cognitive impairment is kind of what we are against here.
I know what y'all are going for, truly I do. I know you’re not malevolent and you don’t think you’re talking about people with disabilities, just lack of critical thinking skills. I know you’re not advocating for some kind of IQ-based barrier to medical treatment, or the deaths of children. I’m not mad, I don’t think you’re bad people or bad actors, and I know you come from a place of deep anger over genuine injustice.
But if you are in support of vaccination as a public health issue you have to support vaccination for everyone and you cannot link the right to medical care with an arbitrary measure of intellect even in jest. There is a direct line from “vaccines let stupid people grow to adulthood” to “maybe the disabled should be sterilized” to “certain kinds of people should be euthanized for the good of society” and I know that because it’s how the Nazis did it. And when you joke about it, actual modern day eugenicists show up to take you fully seriously as a supporter of letting the wrong kind of kid just die.
I know because I’ve been deleting their replies to those jokes since I posted this.
Support vaccination because it is a good thing that children live. All children. It’s admittedly not a funny quip, but not everything has to be.
It’s ‘for cake’s sake, vaccinate,’ because you vaccinate so you or your kid can enjoy more birthdays on which to have cake.
Vaccinations are a universal public -good,- in that if people don’t die, that’s good.
And for those in the ‘only intelligent people should live to adulthood,’ crowd, consider whether the diseases infecting the people you condemn care about the intelligence of the host body they infect.
Quick answer: they don’t.
Take measles, vaccine preventable, and now spreading in California and New York as well as the outbreak in Texas. Measles is airborne, and lives in the air and on surfaces for two hours after the infected person leaves the space.
Ask yourself: do you know who was in that elevator, grocery store, library before you? You probably don’t, so rather than be a T-4 eugenics advocate, just be pro vaccine and make sure you’re up to date.
Okay, kids. Who knows what a company town is, and how well that turned out for the people who were workers there?
I also just have to say that this sentence:
That’s fucking meaningless. These people feel like they have a mandate to blah blah blah, but a mandate isn’t a real thing.
What they mean is they feel like the political atmosphere will let them do whatever the fuck they want and they don’t care about the consequences. Do you want someone who complains about regulations and safety requirements building “nuclear reactor startups”? The startup mindset of “move fast and break things” should not be used here.
Also, uh:
Oh, so you think local voters should be able to vote to opt out of federal law? Surely that would never be abused!
Remember, kids, no matter what billionaire libertarian techbros tell you:
Safety regulations are written in blood.
excellent book, btw, and an example of why I will NEVER own property and move to NH. Have a job in NH, sure, if Philip’s Exeter or St Paul’s call. Own there? Nope.
one of you lovely folk on my dashboard linked to the investigative economic reporting on the egg crisis. It has been REALLY insightful (I’ve seen this show before: we called it OPEC I, OPEC II, and ‘learn to read in a gas line and pack a lunch’).
Part 1, originally linked by someone whose post I have since lost track of, is here:
And it is the 15th birthday of this pup, Geoffrey, born on March the Eleventh, 2010, adopted on July 1, and named for Geoffrey Tennant (because we were on a Slings & Arrows kick at the time)
Geoffrey’s mother was a standard dachshund. While we believe his father to also be a dog, we have not ruled out wolverine or honey badger.
So have Geoffrey on your dash, or feel… kinda crappy… on this day, the Eleventh of March.
“They have called this day the eleventh of March! And whomsoever of you gets through this day, unless you are shot in the head or somehow slain, you will stand at tiptoe when e'er you hear the name again. And you will get excited at the name March the eleventh! We happy few, we few, we band of brothers… our names will be as like… household names! And those who are not here… be they sleeping or doing something else, they will feel themselves sort of crappy! Because they are not here to join the fight on this day the eleventh of March!
I’m trying to find a frame to put my emergency management certificate in, but everything is a god damn two pack or five pack or ten pack. I just want one nice little frame, and I’ve been striking out at the thrift store. Just give me a single frame. One frame.
online thrift? We got super lucky with 35 lb of towels for $20 including shipping from° (example, not recommendation).
alternatively, what size are you looking for? We could probably crowdsource you one?
° I’m now aware their labor practices suck: I was not aware at the time of purchase
I was reading a piece of fan fiction about a girl so beautiful, all the heroes wanted to make her their wife, yet so powerful, no villain dared fighting her. Instead they sought legal action against her.
Had to lay it down, I can't stand these marry/sue characters.
Hobbes, a crochet pattern designed by Ann S Balla on Ravelry. Find the free pattern and links to relevant crochet tutorials on her blog.
Ann designed Hobbes after American Cartoonist Bill Watterson’s illustrations from his comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. Ann’s decision to release the pattern for free was inspired by Watterson’s desire to keep his work from being commercialized.
that’s it, I can’t take this anymore. I’m so fucking done. I feel like a non-Christian person in fucking December. Listen, people: the Ides of March is a FINE holiday, it’s fun and nerdy, I like it - but I’ve seen like 6 memes for it in the last 3 days and not a Single one for its sibling nerd holiday, MARCH 14, aka 3/14, aka
3/14, optimized at 1:59 and 26 seconds, AM or PM (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399… that’s as far as I ever memorized).
Celebrationsaroundtheworld - as is ONLY appropriate for the one and only celebration of the constant ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter!
And the radius to its area, and the radius of a sphere to its volume and surface area, AND one of the key five numbers in Euler’s Identity, aka e^(iπ) + 1 = 0, aka the sexiest, simplest mathematical equation in the world.
There’s going to be an HOUR-LONG LUNAR ECLIPSE this year, visible throughout East Asia, Australia, North and South America, and most of Africa and Europe!
It’s even Albert Einstein’s birthday!
Is Pi Day underrepresented because math is continuously viewed as the subject it’s culturally acceptable to hate, where even “boring” history and “pretentious” literature can be lauded? Does every holiday need a centuries-famous play in order to get attention these days? DO PEOPLE NOT WANT AN EXCUSE TO EAT SAVORY PIES FOR DINNER (PIZZA, SHEPHERD’S PIE, ETC) AND SWEET PIES OF FRUIT AND/OR CHOCOLATE FOR DESSERT??
So help me god I’m going to start making a new Pi Day meme every time I see an Ides of March meme. I’m going to blaze them. PRETENDING TO KILL A DICTATOR IS FUN, BUT IT IS A TREAT BEST PAIRED WITH THE ELEVATION OF SCIENCE!