创河五金制品有限公司公司 Chuanghe Fastener Co., Ltd.
公司简介 Company introduction创河五金制品有限公司,通过ISO 9001_58_2008和ISO 14001_58_2004认证的公司,是一家专业的综合性企业,专业生产工业紧固件和10年左右的机械零件。它集开发、设计、销售、服务于一体。已于2017年开始涉足智能锁事业。Chuanghe Fastener Co., Ltd, an ISO 9001_58_2008 and ISO 14001_58_2004 certified corporation, is a professional integrated enterprise that specializes in manufacturing industrial fastening pieces and machinery parts for about 10 years. It integrates exploitation, design, sales and service into one. And has taken involved in intelligent lock business since year 2017.我们是一支专注于五金行业的专业技术团队,属下有材料拉丝厂,冲压成型件厂,紧固标准件厂,紧固非标件及机械零配件厂,目前有在职员工约200人。We are a professional technical team focused on the hardware industry, the company has material drawing factory, stamping parts factory, fasteners Factory, non-standard fasteners and machinery parts factory, now there are about 200 professional staff.公司长期以来与全球百强企业Gopro、LG、Panasonic、Midea(美的)、NoKIA、Lenovo(联想)、Haier、SMSUNG(三星)建立了良好的合作关系The company has long and the world's top 100 companies LG, Panasonic, Gopro, Midea (the United States), Lenovo, Haier (Lenovo), NoKIA, SMSUNG (Samsung) established a good cooperative relationship人力资源是公司的核心价值和有价值的资产。我们尊重人才,为我们的工人制定了一个系统的培训计划。Human resource is the core value and the most valuable asset of the company. We respects talent and forms a systematic training plan for our workers. 基本福利待遇 Basic benefits treatment1.底薪+提成+餐补+社保+培训+奖金Basic salary + commission + eat fills + insurance + training + bonus2.公司对员工实行(包吃包住)政策,配有自己的员工食堂,饭菜美味可口、健康卫生;The company has implemented (the package to eat) the policy,company its own staff canteen, the food is delicious, health and health;3.住宿免费,条件优越;宿舍配备有空调、电风扇、热水器、洗衣机、饮水机等日用电器; Accommodation free of charge, the condition is superior;Dormitory equipped with air conditioning, electric fan, water heater, washing machine, water machine and other household electrical appliances;4.上班时间5.5天8小时、享受国家法定假期及婚假、产假、丧假等Work time: 8 hours, 5.5 days;, enjoy national law to decide holiday and marriage leave, maternity leave, funeral leave etc5.员工结婚、生育的等,公司将送相应的祝金;Employees get married and have children, the company will send the appropriate blessing gift money;6.公司具有公平、激励的晋升体制,能使每个创河人都享有公平、公正的晋升机会。the company has a fair and incentive promotion system, can make every river people have a fair, fair promotion opportunities.7.工作表现优秀者公司提供出国学习及出国度假机会Working performance is excellent person,The company provides study abroad and a holiday abroad opportunities8.公司每周、每月不定期组织集体活动Weekly and monthly of the not regularly organize collective to Outdoor activities 公 司 培 训 Company training根据公司发展及育人宗旨,公司建立了完善的培训体系,为提高个人业务能力,公司均安排有内训及外训课程。According to the company's development and the educational purpose, the company established a perfect training system, in order to improve the professional competence of individuals and companies are arranged internal training and external training courses.新进人员入职企业文化及管理制度专业培训;New employee's corporate culture and management system training of;基层、中层管理者培训;Junior and middle management personnel training;专业、技术培训等课程;Professional, technical training course;