公司简介 珠海易达打印耗材设备有限公司是一家专业研制色带、喷墨、激光三大类打印耗材生产设备及注墨站设备供应商和技术服务商,产品外销欧美、日本、印度、韩国、俄罗斯及中东等60多个国家和地区. 易达不断坚持科技创新,每年至少取得15项国家专利, 更不断投入人力、物力提高品质监控管理, 并在打印耗材设备行业中率先通过ISO9001:2000管理体系认证。于2007 年8月再一次扩大生产规模,是亚太地区大的打印耗材生产设备供应商。 ZhuHai YEEDAR is a leading company specializing toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges, ribbon and station equipment supplier and technical support, sells to Japan, India, South Korea, Russia, Europe and America and the Middle East and more than 60 countries. YEEDAR is persisting the technical innovation unceasingly obtains more than 15 items of national monopolies every year, invests the manpower, improved the quality monitoring unceasingly, take the lead in passing ISO9001: 2000 management systems authentication. Once again expands the production scale in August, 2007, has become the Asian and Pacific area the biggest printing consumables production equipment supplier.