深圳市大鹏激光科技有限公司成立于2005年,是一家集研发、制造、销售工业激光设备、精密激光加工为一体的高新技术企业,**于激光工艺研发、激光设备设计研发、技术支持、服务和咨询,为客户节约成本、量身打造**的设备。本公司的主要产品包括:激光打标机系列、激光焊接机系列、激光切割机系列、行业**及自动化激光设备,广泛应用于电子、IC芯片、电工电器、照明灯具、珠宝首饰、五金工具、卫浴洁具、仪器仪表、汽摩配件、手机通讯部件、模具、精密机械、医疗器械、IT数码金属外壳、**航空部件、服装皮革、工艺礼品、广告装饰、模型、炊具餐具、厨具等行业。 大鹏激光的产品质量稳定可靠,并可根据客户需求提供各种非标自动化在线激光设备。追求**产品品质的同时,大鹏激光还为客户提供高效、及时、舒心的售前、售中、售后服务和**性价比的产品。大鹏激光通过实施“帮助客户成功、创造价值典范、打造工业激光设备行业服务品牌”的经营理念,赢得广大用户的信赖和赞誉。客户分布在全国各地及海外,年销售激光设备2000余台。公司建立了完善的生产销售及售后服务体系,在深圳、温州、昆山、厦门都有生产基地,并在国内主要工业城市和地区设有办事处,各办事处都有设备展示、工艺打样、销售服务及售后服务,常驻技术服务人员,为客户提供高效、及时、舒心的售前、售中、售后支持和服务。大鹏人深知品质及服务是公司生存的根本、创新是公司长期发展的基础,帮助客户创造价值、努力打造激光设备行业品牌。公司核心价值观: 营销理念:创新、诚信、服务 守法经营,诚信服务;用我们的工作创造更多的价值。 技术引领,互利共赢。
Founded in 2005, Shenzhen Dapeng Laser Technology Limited is the market leader in developing, manufacturing and servicing products and systems for laser marking, laser welding, laser cutting and engraving. The company provides equipment to a wide range of markets including medical industries, jewelry, automotive, aerospace, military, semiconductor and solar industries as well as the battery, electric vehicle, electronics and general industrial markets. With a decade of cumulative laser equipment design and manufacturing expertise, Dapeng Laser is able to offer standard and custom designs that solve challenging OEM applications. Dapeng Laser is CE and FDA certified. Our laser marker systems are highly precise, most reliable, and cost-effective. We have sold over thousands of systems worldwide for last 10 years. Our products can be found in Europe, America, Russia, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil, Colombia, and South Africa, among others. Since our inception, customer support has been a top priority and that standard still remains today. ?We hope that we will have a chance to give you a great laser solution with Dapeng Laser products.?Our mission is to be a full ,service provider of industrial laser equipment that emphasize the quality, reliability, safety, cost effectiveness, and technical support.?