枣庄康立箱包制品有限公司是一家专业生产各种吉它琴箱、乐器背包企业,公司始建于2006年,位于山东省枣庄市峄城区风景秀丽的万亩“冠世榴园”脚下,距206国道仅3公里,距京福高速20公里。 现月产硬琴箱4,000多只,软包10,000多个。附产品有尼龙背带、软包、皮背带、泡沫盒等。本厂结合传统制作工艺和现代化成型设备,产品工艺精湛,造型优美,为您的爱琴打造舒适的外衣。 我公司以“精益求精、创新发展、产业报国”为宗旨,竭诚欢迎国内外商家前来参观、洽谈,康立与您携手共创美好的未来! Zaozhuang Kangli Case Co., Ltd. was set up in 2006, as a professional cases and bags manufacturer, located in the Neighborhood of the beautiful megranate garden tens of thousands unit of area, Yicheng, Zaozhuang, Shandong Pro., 3km away from 206 national highway , and 20km from thruway of Beijing & Fuzhou. The output per month is 4,000 Hard cases and 10,000 gig bags, including nylon straps, leather straps, foam cases . Combining traditional hand-making craft with modern equipments, Kangli is able to supply you many kinds of Guitar cases for your art treasures. With the tenet of “Excelsior , Creativity development, Industry dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland”, We sincerely invite distributors and Wholesalers to visit our factory and do business and create the brilliant future together!