Shanghai KAIJI Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd. is a nongovemental fine chemiccal enterprise. It's lacated in South of Shanghai covering an area of 30 000 m2. Annual output of 6000 t Polyester Resin. Our WEIYI RESINs are well accepted around the world. 本单位是中国研制生产粉末涂料与聚酯树脂早企业之一.现是以生产粉末涂料专用热固性饱和聚酯树脂。2008年底聚酯树脂生产能力达到 20000 吨。产品销往世界各地。 . . . . . 2008:聚酯树脂生产能力达到20000 吨。 The polyester resin productivity amounts to 20,000 tons.
2002:聚酯树脂生产能力达到4500 吨。 The polyester resin productivity amounts to 4,500 tons.
2000: 成立上海维一实业有限公司。 Establishes Shanghai Weiyi Industry Co.,Ltd.