Samuel Selvon
Samuel Selvon(1923–1994) bio je trinidadski pisac miješanog indo-trinidaskog i evropskog projekla. Selvon je obrazovan na Naparima Collegeu u San Fernandu prije nego što se 1950-ih preselio u London, a kasnije u kanadsku Albertu. Najpoznatiji je po romanima The Lonely Londoners i Moses Ascending.
- Clement Wyck, Sam Selvon's dialectal style and fictional strategy (1991).
- Austin Clarke, Passage back home: a personal reminiscence of Samuel Selvon (1994).
- Mark S. Looker, Atlantic Passages: history, community, and language in the fiction of Sam Selvon (1996).
- Roydon Salick, The Novels of Samuel Selvon (2001).