no need to apologize comrade. we need to squeeze every ounce of joy from this world that we can rn. even if that means wringing it from our own fucking canvas by revisiting embers of glee that yet burn in the hearts of old loves
thanks anon youre the realest
I have a feeling you might like Wolfstride
the artstyle is FIRE???? hell yeah
Have you played sorry we're closed? It's a really cool game with a strong art direction, I personally loved it (I'm recommending it around because it's sadly kind of niche) just spreading the brain rot
no i havent!! but i just looked it up and it looks really good :) gonna add it to my wishlist
your art helped me to come out of my comfort zone and try new things with my own drawings, thank you! never stop making art
:) im really glad to hear that
u draw bobby + simon so incredibly, like it makes me 1000x times gayer anytime i see any art u post of them.... UR ART IS SO GOOD U ARE LIKE MY HERO. U INSPIRE ME SO MUCH. so uhm thank u for that :3
-sincerely, a very unnormal blackbright selfshipper
<:) thank you!!! and youre welcome? lmao
estimado seagiri, el video de girasol consiguio que ahora tenga puesto puro nasa histoires en el spotify y es culpa de usted (muchas gracias <3)
Denada escuchen Diente de Leon
I have to have watched that blackbright animation a million damn times since you posted it last night, and then a million before that when you posted the WIP version of it. your style is absolutely wonderful, the transitions are MWAH and I had to watch the bit with fullbright switching emotions in slow-mo just to sit back and go "WOW." Genuinely amazing stuff, you are SERIOUSLY amazing at what you do- thank you sm for posting where I can see something so cool!
:D thank you so much! Im very happy it’s been so well received