Brinebloods take the field for the first time !
Sharp Practice in 28mm. My Spanish await the French.
A 15mm Medieval Art de La Guerre game. Italians versus French .
Saga Magic. Using the old school Warhammer lizard men against Hugh’s werewolves
Always fun.
Our first post Covid large game in over a year. An 8 player Blood and Plunder naval action. For a twist one player brought natives in Paraguas, while we had a mix of sloops, brigs, and 2 Fluyts!.
A fun adventure. A lot of local Gogmagog ( double Belgium beer) was consumed and a lot of laughs to go round.
Ambush markers for ADLG. 3D printed bases
A game of Battaile Empire in 15mm. French versus Russians.
It’s been a while since I’m person gaming. We got a Warhammer game in of Phil’s Cryx versus my Cygnar. Phil pulled out the win in a bloody fight. Fun times.