収録時間: 2:32:43 | Download MP3 (73.8MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さんをゲストに迎えて、macOS Big Sur, iOS 14, スタージス、Apple, 将棋などについて話しました。
- Podcasters: don’t install the Big Sur beta
- Recover lost QuickTime files with this handy trick
- Attempt to repair an interrupted QuickTime Player audio recording
- Virginia: COVIDWISE
- Apple and Google’s COVID-19 tracking system will make its full US debut in new Virginia app
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- Sorrowful Shinji Wajima (from NINGEN ISU)
- Apple confirms cloud gaming services like xCloud and Stadia violate App Store guidelines
- Trump’s WeChat ban could devastate Apple’s Chinese business
- Watch the full "Axios on HBO" interview with President Trump - Axios
- Can you guess what Trump was asked based on his answer?
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- Spy pixels are evolving like malware, so HEY's adapting
- シリコンバレーの金儲け | 海部美知