Together with the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (DMH) acts as one of the hypothalamic centers that integrate autonomic and central information. The DMH in the rat brain has extensive intrahypothalamic connections and is implicated in a wide variety of functions. Up until now, no knowledge has been available to indicate that the human DMH might have functions similar to those of the rat DMH. In the present study, intrahypothalamic efferent projections of the human DMH were revealed by a recently developed in vitro postmortem tracing method. It was found that the most densely innervated areas are the PVN, the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and the area below the PVN. Other significant terminal fields include the periventricular nucleus, the lateral hypothalamic area, and the medial part of the anteroventral hypothalamic area. Scarce fibers project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, infundibular nucleus, posterior hypothalamic nucleus, and posterior part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminals. The projections of the ventral and dorsal part of the DMH show some differences. The dorsal part of the DMH has denser projections to the dorsal part of the PVN than to the ventral part of the PVN. In contrast, the ventral part of the DMH has denser projections to the ventral part of the PVN. Labeled fibers in the PVN from ventral and dorsal DMH appear to run near many vasopressin and oxytocin neurons of different sizes, and also near some corticotropin- releasing hormone neurons, suggesting that the DMH neurons may directly affect the functioning of these PVN neurons. In many aspects, the observed projections of the human DMH resemble those of the rat, indicating that the organization of DMH intrahypothalamic projections of human is similar to that of rat. The functional significance of DMH intrahypothalamic connections is discussed.