Golden Nodding on the e-Bike
- Długość śladu
- 11,33km
- Suma +
- 123m
- TrailRank
- 23
E-Bike ride around North Buck. Broken cadence sensor, heavy loose sand a challenge, even with Fat Tires
E-Bike ride around North Buck. Broken cadence sensor, heavy loose sand a challenge, even with Fat Tires
From Private Docks at the south end of Sidney Island via the Red Trail to its junction with the Blue Trail and down to the sea level. After lunch we followed the trail towards the Point at the end of the island but the w...
La difficulté de la balade à été la chaleur accablante 34°C avec un ressenti de 40 °C. Autre problème fut la 117 après St-Sauveur à éviter ( Accotement trop petite ) Reste une belle balade beaucoup à travers les bois . E...
Richmond to Blue Shank Rd and punctured tire, missed recording first 7.7 km Richmond to Wellington. Was aiming for Emerald, stopped short at Blue Shank Rd by a puncture. Got picked up there. Total should have been 7.7 + ...
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Get Wikiloc Premium Upgrade to remove AdsLoop / Home to Huntington Ravine / Ravine to Plateau / West to Ridgeline / South to Pond / Pond to Winter Club / Club to Joint Point / JP to Whistling Tunnel / Home
Home to Pond / Ravine to WinterClub / Hill to Brisebois / Side Hill to Edgemont / Ravine to McEwen / Lower McEwen to 64th Tunnel / Home
Garfield Road To Murray HBR and return, missing last 8 km as Wikiloc stopped recording, add 8 km to 50 = 58 km
Orchid Day 26 July 2023. A lot of lesser purple fringed orchids and white fringed orchids beside the trail today.
Shawn, Alex & John Home to Jean Laurie Blvd. Found Old Studebaker in Aspen Grove Great loop. Ended up at Madison’s / wing night
Home / 64th Lot / McEwen Ravine / Shaganappi Trail / Brisebois Dr / Winter Club / Pond / Rabbit Hole / Ravine / Home
Home to 14 St. / South to Jean Laurier / West to Charleswood / North up ravine to Plateau - North to Coulee / East to 14th St. / South to 64th Ave. / Home
Riverbend Loop / Carburn Park to Bow Valley Ranche (Annie’s Cafe) to Carburn Park. Kerry, Larry, Cliff & John October 9, 2023
Superbe randonnée en vélo dans le secteur du Lac-St-Jean. Un parcours de 60 km dans le Parc St-Henri-de-Taillon.
July 9 ride
E ride
Northshore First Ride
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