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good eve!


Pick a set of pronouns and go with it! TERFS, homophobes, transphobes, and anybody of that ilk, DNI

Something that my therapist said today stuck with me.

America has never been a white country.

This got me thinking. The United States are fundamentally different from Europe. First there was Native people. And then came the immigrants, and European slavery of African people, and immigrants, immigrants, immigrants.

It is very hard to claim ownership to the American identity when so many of us, despite how long we've lived here, do not feel welcomed. Yes, the United States is a center of colonialism. But it is also one of the first postcolonial states. We're not going to have the linearity of European history. We do not serve a king. Monarchy has no place here.

There are always going to be people who go too far, because immigration and exploitation has been what created America, and all immigrants are a little desperate and all exploited people are at the very least angry. It's not something that goes away, even with generations. But it matters that America as a nation-state exists in spite of that. It matters that our defining stories start with "Despite of".

I don't have legal citizenship and I probably never will. But that doesn't stop me from saying I had a home here. That doesn't make it less true that I am a person from here. I am American in the way I smile at people behind the counter in the immigrant-run deli that sells nice sandwiches. I am American in the way I think about personal boundaries and make everyday efforts to try to exist with different people.

There is such a huge spectrum of ways to be American. Evangelical Christianity is not the definition. Rich white suburbia is not the norm. The people in power right now have no understanding of what it means to be American. We live on unceded land, in cities built by enslaved people and impoverished immigrants. Everything of note that was achieved here happened "in spite of."

America has never been a white country.


#IsBruceWayneBatman: a social media au | Part I

I mean yeah this is exactly what would happen.

Batman has gone to great lengths to create the persona of “Bruce Wayne, upper class twit who could never be Batman.”

If Batman walked into the middle of Gotham Square and pulled off his mask and yelled “I, Bruce Wayne, am Batman!” The Headline would be “Bruce Wayne gets drunk at costume party, driven home by Commissioner James Gordon.”

And on that ride home:

Gordon: You are such a piece of shit you know that right? One of these days that’s not gonna work.

Bruce: *With the biggest shit eating grin ever* I know Jim, but it never stops being funny.

Gordon: So…. out of curiosity, how much money did Ollie lose to you this time?

Bruce: A gentleman never tells Jim, besides, its not about the money, its about the satisfaction of being right….. and the look on his face.

Gordon: Nice.

and you just know Alfred has a veritable host of “embarrassing early morning bruce” pics and video raring to go, like after a “skiing accident” to cover up a particularly nasty bat-injury in the line of duty

“I’m fine Alfred.”

“If you are, then prove it by putting on your socksies by your self.”

(source is Harley Quinn season 2, episode 5, but I can see this as part of Dave Willis’ “Happy Bruce” headcanon

I think the villain reactions would be priceless as well.

Two Face: Look I was friends with Bruce for years. He’s a nice guy, but doesn’t have the brains God gave a fiddler crab. He’s not Batman.

Riddler: I can confirm this. I took him and his board of directors hostage once. He tried to write me a check and got the check wrong. Four. Times. He had to ask his guy Lucius Fox to do it. It was just plain awkward for everyone involved.

Poison Ivy: Bruce is what we in the business call a Himbo, great to look at, a real sweetheart, but not much going on upstairs. I guarantee he’s not Batman.

Penguin: I’ve had Bruce Wayne as a guest at the Iceberg lounge before. Nice guy, excellent tipper, complete and utter moron. If he’s Batman I’ll eat my umbrella.

Joker: What? Oh yea of course Bruce Wayne is Batman. I mean obviously right?

Rest of the villains:……

Joker: Wait, you mean you guys didn’t know? I figured it out like the first day.

Penguin: You…. you’re joking right.

Joker: Penguin you will KNOW when I am joking. Seriously. No one else figured it out. No one. Just me. You guys are dumbasses.

Riddler: *Pinches bridge of nose* Okay…. so if Bruce Wayne is Batman, and you KNEW this the whole time, why not just KILL BRUCE WAYNE?

Joker: *As serious as a heart attack* because I’m not fighting Bruce Wayne, I’m fighting Batman. Obviously.

Riddler: Goddammit I hate you so much Joker. So fucking much. I can literally taste how much I hate you.


bruce wayne maintains a presence on all conspiracy theory boards with the screen name BruceWayneIsTheBatman and all his posts have titles like “BRUCE WAINE IS BAT-MAN INDISPUTABLE PROOF” and it’s just a picture of Bruce Wayne from the back next to a picture of Batman from behind and they both have the contours of their butt drawn on in a shitty MSPaint red line (note: Bruce is in a suit and Batman has a cape, neither of their butts are clearly discernible) and the quote “THE BUTTS MATCH!!! THE FACTS DON’T LIE!!!!!” and he makes at least three of these posts a day, and “Bruce Wayne is the Batman” becomes a meme a la “Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer” and he gets asked about it on a talk show and he laughs uproariously at the idea and Stephen Colbert just HAPPENS to have a batman mask under the desk and they do a bit together where Bruce Wayne puts on the mask and walks around saying things like “excuse me, bank robbers, can I perhaps offer you some money to stop you robbing this bank?” and “I say, cease and desist your criminal behavior or I’ll have my butler ask you to leave” and the audience is LOSING THEIR MINDS laughing at the idea of this pampered rich guy taking on the Joker on a bi-weekly basis and then anyone who suggests “Bruce Wayne is Batman” in earnest gets met with mocking “oh man do the butts match” comments


Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA): "Do you know how many people are on SNAP in your district?" Rep. Arrington (R-TX): "A lot less after we passed the tax cuts and jobs act." Rep. McGovern: "36,529...you’re doing these cuts and you didn’t even know what you’re cutting...They're all scared shitless..."


Nazi propaganda and Trump propaganda are the same thing. Republicans are too busy licking boots to say anything.


In an attempt to show what a stupid cunt he his, JD Vance has decided to take a swing at Scotland over anti-abortion buffer zones - saying that we have criminalised private prayer in the home and that the government encouraged us to report on our neighbours.

For Americans who are hearing about this law for the first time through the shit-stained filter of your witless vice president. Anti-abortion buffer zones are designed to prevent anti-choice protesters from harassing people accessing abortion services outside family planning clinics. The zone is a 200 metre boundary from the clinics.

Home owners within those 200m zones were, rightfully, advised by the government how the law would impact them. They can privately pray as much as they like, but they can’t be seen to publicly harass or intimidate anyone accessing healthcare under the guise it’s from their own house.

The only critics of this law that I’ve seen are from people who want to dictate what people do with their bodies. JD Vance has previously argued for a nationwide ban on abortion in the US, he can ruin his country all he likes (and I hope Americans oppose their government with everything they have) but he can fuck right off sticking his neck in here. Piss off, cunt.


First Felon does not consult legal advice. He breaks laws, then tries to find lawyers and judges willing to sacrifice all integrity to enable his crimes.

Breaking the law is MAGA default. Zero court rulings against MAGA crimes will be obeyed.

Civil liberties and personal freedoms threaten abusers/rapists/felons.

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