{F35423970}This story is one part of all the contents that go in the quick view mentioned in T306898
Image specifications in quick view
- The header image in the quick view should be the same image used in the thumbnail/Go bar (see T306883). This image should match the one shown as thumbnail in the results so that the quick view could be connected to the result shown.
- The width of an image box should be the width of the quick view component.
- The height of the image box should be fixed for landscape image.
- The height of the image box should be variable for portrait image.
- The height should not go beyond a maximum height as specified in figma for Portrait image.
- If the width of the quick view component shrinks on small screens then the height will adjust to retain its proportion.
- The image should fill the image box and align to the top of the image similar to the rules prescribed for thumbnails. See option 4 here as an example.
- When the image is not present do not show anything. The contents below the image area should take its place.
- Show placeholder image if the image is taking longer to load.
Check Figma for the specs.
Landscape image (when the image width is larger than its height)
Portrait image (when the image height is larger than its width)