After implementing T244546: Newcomer tasks: guidance root screen, we realized that the buttons from the root screen don't always align with the headers of the help panel after the button is clicked. On the root screen, the panel header is currently "Get help with editing" -- that should stay the same. Below is how the three buttons should correspond to the resulting headers. There are three changes, which are in bold.
Help desk
- Root screen button pre-title: N/A
- Button title: Ask the help desk
- Panel header after click: Ask the help desk (currently "Ask a question")
General help
- Root screen button pre-title: N/A
- Button title: General editing help
- Panel header after click: General editing help (currently "Get help with editing")
- Root screen button pre-title: Suggested edits (currently "Suggested edit")
- Button title: <task type>
- Panel header after click: Suggested edits