On the Docker image, TimedMediaHandler's ffmpeg background processes get stuck when run with resource limits applied, and never complete.
Steps to reproduce:
- follow the steps & workaround for T246935 (install TMH, upload a WebM video, then run maintenance/runJobs.php)
Actual results:
- Job runner gets stuck on the first transcode, and the ffmpeg process and its running bash shell never exit.
Expected results:
- All jobs should run to completion and clean up.
Disabling all the resource limits seems to get it working:
$wgMaxShellMemory = 0; $wgMaxShellFileSize = 0; $wgMaxShellTime = 0; $wgMaxShellWallClockTime = 0; $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit = 0; $wgTranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit = 0; $wgTranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit = 0;
There may be another task in the system with a related problem; I remember coming across one recently but I can't find it at the moment. Eg this is probably not Docker-specific and may not be ffmpeg-specific, but I wasn't having it under MW-Vagrant.