This ticket is to keep track of partial blocks deployment on Wikimedia projects.
Deployed on:
- Beta wikis
- Arabic wikipedia
- Meta wiki
- Mediawiki
- Italian wikipedia
- Persian wikipedia
- Polish Wikipedia
- French Wikipedia
- Chinese Wikipedia (local poll)
- Telugu Wikipedia (Requested here)
- Bengali Wikipedia (Local discussion)
- Hungarian Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Japanese Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Hebrew Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Serbian Wikipedia - on wiki interest +, poll started 04/30/19
- All Wikivoyage
- All Wiktionary
- All Wikisource
- Finnish Wikipedia (Consensus)
- German Wikipedia (Vote)
- Russian Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Portuguese Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Dutch Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Korean Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Spanish Wikipedia (Vote)
- Scots Wikipedia (Consensus)
- English Wikipedia (Consensus)
- Commons Wikimedia (Consensus)
Deployment plan for the remaining wikis:
- June 14 - Let 3 pilot wikis (English Wikisource, English Wikivoyage and English Wiktionary) know about upcoming partial blocks deployment on these wikis. Choosing these three wikis because they are the first wikis to get partial blocks in a new project. English language because of ease of communication to get feedback in addition to these being among the more active communities in these projects.
- June 17 - Deploy to English Wikisource, English Wikivoyage and English Wiktionary.
- Collect feedback from the communities. If no major issues are found, we can go ahead with the next step.
- Deploy to all Wikisource, Wiktionary and Wikivoyage wikis.
- Collect all the feedback we can get. Work on bug fixes, if any.
- January 6 - Deploy to all remaining projects that are not pending current community discussions (this can exclude wikipedias where we feel like we need consensus like German).
- January 15 - Deploy to Commons