Import data and the importing Wiki may contain differing and/or more or less name space names and name space name aliases. Currently, if adjustemns are needed, one needs to know that before the import is started, and has to alter the import data so as to match the importing wikis names space names and aliases. This can be cumbersome and time consuming for. It is error prone, and next to impossible for large automated imports.
We could add an option (checkbox) asking dor a stepwise approach like this:
- Show a list of all namespace names in the import and in the local wiki with
an automatically generated mapping suggestion.
- Allow the importer to adjust the mapping.
- Do the final import.
The downsides:
A) An uploaded file has to be preserved over some time including possibly
multiple data submissions by the importer.
B) The import file has to be read twice. It has to be read and analyzed in its
entirity during the 1st scan already since the the list of original namespaces
in the beginning does not deal with possible occurrences of
name space name aliases embedded in page data. Those need to be part of the
mapping, however.
The good sides:
- Most flexible.
- Often used mappings can be preserved and automagically be recalled by the
import process.
- Step 1) could by the way reveal some statistics to the importer, allowing e.g. to not import implausible data.
This looks like a major revaming of the import code, however.
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
See Also: