Patchlet number 1 (for issues in collective bugzilla 454).
- moved the notification calls to module RecentChange
- fully reestablished memcache-efficient user_newtalk table,but only for the newmessage marker.
- it works now that way:
when someone writes on another user's X talk page, Article.php creates an watchlist entry for this user_talk:X (and
the user-page) on-the-fly now (calls addwatch for it), whereas the immediately following editupdate call triggers
sending the ENotif via the hook in RecentChange. This is safe and clean now.
- needed to move two RecentChange calls in Article just behind the editupdates calls to make that working; I did
not notice any problem with that move
- TimestampOrNull slightly modified, but still database independent
-, tables.sql and maintenance/patch-create-user_newtalk.sql supplied with the patch
- WatchedItem:duplicatEntries now copies both pages (subject/talk) when a page is moved
Version: 1.5.x
Severity: normal