You’ve been hit by 🔪
You’ve been struck by 🔪
A Roman Senator 🔪🔪🔪
(via quomododragon)
You’ve been hit by 🔪
You’ve been struck by 🔪
A Roman Senator 🔪🔪🔪
(via quomododragon)
Saturday, 22 December @ 17:00-21:00 EST. The party starts now! Choose your link, below!
Four hours of the Kirkwall Gazette team being utter lunatics for your amusement. Ask us about our stories, our characters, weird-ass lore, and anything else you want to know about what we’ve got coming up. (Except spoilers. We’re probably not doing spoilers, but we’ll tell you that if you ask about one.)
Vhenadahlen (16/25)
Like the vhenadahl, Artie is there for the people.
This is the L A S T advent image being posted on Tumblr! You can find the other nine elsewhere!
It is extremely likely this account will be deleted in January, so if you like my shit, come follow me elsewhere now!
- The Kirkwall Gazette on Patreon
- The Kirkwall Gazette on Pillowfort
- penbrydd’s advent tag on Dreamwidth
- Advent RSS feed (picks up every year on 1 December)
This is no longer, if it ever was, a particularly reliable place for my works. I’ll be returning to my previous haunts and a new one, though I’ll still exist on tumblr for a bit yet. (It took me years to jump ship on LJ, after I survived the Strikethrough, though I don’t expect to be that lucky, this time.)
- penbrydd @ AO3
- penbrydd @ Pillowfort
- penbrydd @ Dreamwidth (pretty much art only)
- A Light in Darkness Shines (my main archive, though I’ve been shitty about xposting fic, the last few years)
- I do exist on Discord, but you’ll have to know me to get that.
I’ve begun porting my old DA meta posts to Pillowfort, and I expect to make one final backup of this month’s posts, on the 17th, before I delete my account. I’ve lost about 200 posts already, and I’m not just going to sit here and wait to be flagged into the ground. I love you guys, but this latest decision is bullshit enough that I’m pulling the plug on myself so that Tumblr can no longer count me as a user.
That said, I’m on Pillowfort, as noted above, and you don’t even have to be following my main to get the stuff you’re looking for, because *gasps* COMMUNITIES.
- Vexation of Spirit (For those of you following the CM/LGM crossover fic)
- DAMN Me (A Dragon Age lore/meta community)
- The Kirkwall Gazette (For those of you following A Comedy of Assholes/Rhapsody)
That means posts are going to be late sometimes, because PF doesn’t have f’kin scheduled/queued posts, but the content will get posted, when I’m not sleeping. *laughs* Yeah, most of the post times are times I’m asleep.
Anyway, if you’re one of our fans, and you don’t have a Pillowfort key, let me know at this month’s party, and I’ll see what I can do. Merry xmas, Rhapsody fans, I will help you off this shitfire of a site.
ALSO, all the usual Kirkwall Gazette content is still on our Patreon, because Patreon finally decided we weren’t NSFW.
And if enough of you tell me you’re on DW, I’ll set up xposting over there, too. Point is, not here. Not after this.
Is THIS SATURDAY, 22 December @ 17:00-21:00 EST. (What time is that?)
We party on DISCORD. If you do not have an account, you’re gonna need one. (But, that’s not difficult.) Our server will only show the ‘announcements’ channel, until the party starts, so feel free to join early and wait until you get dragged into #partyhard.
As usual, if our bot doesn’t automatically turn your name orange or yellow, when you join, send a Discord direct message to @penbrydd, so we can get that fixed for you. (Grey names won’t get pulled into the party channel, so this is important.)
Flowers and Artifice (15/25)
After all that time he spent farming up north, Val’s surprisingly good at unexpected flowers and the magic needed to support them.
Please be aware that all of this year’s Advent images have been flagged. As such, they will not be posted on Tumblr after the 16th. To continue seeing these images, please try an alternate location:
This is no longer, if it ever was, a particularly reliable place for my works. I’ll be returning to my previous haunts and a new one, though I’ll still exist on tumblr for a bit yet. (It took me years to jump ship on LJ, after I survived the Strikethrough, though I don’t expect to be that lucky, this time.)
- penbrydd @ AO3
- penbrydd @ Pillowfort
- penbrydd @ Dreamwidth (pretty much art only)
- A Light in Darkness Shines (my main archive, though I’ve been shitty about xposting fic, the last few years)
- I do exist on Discord, but you’ll have to know me to get that.
I’ve begun porting my old DA meta posts to Pillowfort, and I expect to make one final backup of this month’s posts, on the 17th, before I delete my account. I’ve lost about 200 posts already, and I’m not just going to sit here and wait to be flagged into the ground. I love you guys, but this latest decision is bullshit enough that I’m pulling the plug on myself so that Tumblr can no longer count me as a user.
That said, I’m on Pillowfort, as noted above, and you don’t even have to be following my main to get the stuff you’re looking for, because *gasps* COMMUNITIES.
- Vexation of Spirit (For those of you following the CM/LGM crossover fic)
- DAMN Me (A Dragon Age lore/meta community)
- The Kirkwall Gazette (For those of you following A Comedy of Assholes/Rhapsody)
That means posts are going to be late sometimes, because PF doesn’t have f’kin scheduled/queued posts, but the content will get posted, when I’m not sleeping. *laughs* Yeah, most of the post times are times I’m asleep.
Anyway, if you’re one of our fans, and you don’t have a Pillowfort key, let me know at this month’s party, and I’ll see what I can do. Merry xmas, Rhapsody fans, I will help you off this shitfire of a site.
ALSO, all the usual Kirkwall Gazette content is still on our Patreon, because Patreon finally decided we weren’t NSFW.
And if enough of you tell me you’re on DW, I’ll set up xposting over there, too. Point is, not here. Not after this.
As a fairly non-religious jew I don’t think I ever appreciated how badass the story of passover was until I considered how it would look to your average egyptian dude living through it
Imagine growing up all your life being waited on by a race of slaves who despite living in squalor cling to the belief that they were the chosen of this omnipotent elder god. You laugh this up, pray to Horus and then go about your day
Then one day, a slave with a robe and staff barges into the palace claiming to be the hand of an elder god and demands liberation. You grab the popcorn and try to get a front row seat while the two highest level clerics in the entire kingdom demolish the guy, then watch in shock as he summons a giant cobra and kills them both in one go.
Then, Over the next 10 days you watch this warlock proceed to flood your rivers with blood, summon hordes of wild vermin, drop a pestilence on your people and livestock.
All the while your king goes off and says “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”
Its at this point that the hand of a dark and ancient god has had enough, and with a wave of his scepter like a conductors baton, he calls down the fucking reckoning. As meteors stream from the sky, the warlock yells out his incantation. It’s not an ancient tongue, or poem of dread. Just four simple words: “let my people go”. With one more breath he raises his staff, and with the screaming of a million angels he puts out the sun
At this point I should point out that with each plague this sorcerer has turned the domain of one of your gods against you, starting with Sobek: god of the Nile and working his way up until it appears he has struck down Horus: the god of gods.
Your gods are dead, and the only one still alive is your pharaoh: the representative of the gods on earth
Now, with extreme prejudice, this sorcerer summons a fucking angel of death, and one by one it slaughters the heir of every family until your own king, a firstborn himself pleads for mercy and gives in.
As the freed slaves retreat, your king grins and unleashes a sneak attack, pinning the sorcerer and his people between an army and the sea. Finally this sorcerer, who the whispers say was a fallen prince, raises his staff in mock surrender, and when he brings it down the fucking ocean shatters. Leaving a jagged crack for his people to escape
God fucking damn that’s hardcore
holy crap
I have no use for religion in my life, but I fucking **LOVE** stories like this. We humans are exceptionally good at creating and telling our myths, and whoever developed this particular myth deserves the biggest fucking trophy in the known universe.
The Wild Elf of Winter (14/25)
Theron getting even further over the top with his holiday displays, but it’ll make a great story later.
Please be aware that all of this year’s Advent images have been flagged. As such, they will not be posted on Tumblr after the 16th. To continue seeing these images, please try an alternate location: