This invention relates to variation in genes that encode pharmaceutically-important proteins. In particular, this invention provides genetic, variants of the human B-factor, properdin (BF) gene and methods for identifying which variant(s) of this gene is/are possessed by an individual.
Current methods for identifying pharmaceuticals to treat disease often start by identifying, cloning, and expressing an important target protein related to the disease. A determination of whether an agonist or antagonist is needed to produce an effect that may benefit a patient with the disease is then made. Then, vast numbers of compounds are screened against the target protein to find new potential drugs. The desired outcome of this process is a lead compound that is specific for the target, thereby reducing the incidence of the undesired side effects usually caused by activity at non-intended targets. The lead compound identified in this screening process then undergoes further in vitro and in vivo testing to determine its absorption, disposition, metabolism and toxicological profiles. Typically, this testing involves use of cell lines and animal models with! limited, if any, genetic diversity.
What this approach fails to consider, however, is that natural genetic variability exists between individuals in any and every population with respect to pharmaceutically-important proteins, including the protein targets of candidate drugs, the enzymes that metabolize these drugs and the proteins whose activity is modulated by such drug targets. Subtle alteration(s) in the primary nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding a pharmaceutically-important protein may be manifested as significant variation in expression, structure and or function of the protein. Such alterations may explain the relatively high degree of uncertainty inherent in the treatment of individuals with a drug whose design is based upon a single representative example of the target or enzyme(s) involved in metabolizing the drug. For example, it is well-established that some drugs frequently have lower efficacy in some individuals than others, which means such individuals and their physicians must weigh the possible benefit of a larger dosage against a greater risk of side effects. Also, there is significant variation in how well people metabolize drugs and other exogenous chemicals, resulting in substantial interindividual variation in the toxicity and/or efficacy of such exogenous substances (Evans et al., 1999, Science 286:487-491). This variability in efficacy or toxicity of a drug in genetically-diverse patients makes many drugs ineffective or even dangerous in certain groups of the population, leading to the failure of such drugs in clinical trials or their early withdrawal from the market even though they could be highly beneficial for
other groups in the population. This problem significantly increases the time and cost of drug discovery and development, which is a matter of great public concern.
It is well-recognized by pharmaceutical scientists that considering the impact of the genetic variability of pharmaceutically-important proteins in the early phases of drug discovery and development is likely to reduce the failure rate of candidate and approved drugs (Marshall A 1997 Nature Biotech .15:1249-52; Kleyn PW et al. 1998 Science 281: 1820-21; Kola 1 1999 Curr Opin Biotech 10:589-92; Hill AVS et al. 1999 Evolution in Health and Disease Stearns SS (Ed.) Oxford University Press, New York, pp 62-76; Meyer U.A. 1999 mEvolution in Health and Disease Stearns SS (Ed.) Oxford University Press, New York, pp 41-49; Kalow W et al. 1999 Clin. Pharm. Therap. 66:445-7; Marshall, E 1999 Science 284:406-7; Judson R et al. 2000 Pharmacogenomics 1:1-12; Roses AD 2000 Nature 405:857-65). However, in practice this has been difficult to do, in large part because of the time and cost required for discovering the amount of genetic variation that exists in the population (Chakravarti A 1998 Nature Genet 19:216-7; Wang DG et al 1998 Science 280:1077-82; Chakravarti A 1999 Nat Genet 21:56-60 (suppl); Stephens JC 1999 Mol. Diagnosis 4:309-317; Kwok PY and Gu S 1999 Mol. Med. Today 5:538-43; Davidson S 2000 Nature Biotech 18: 1134-5).
The standard for measuring genetic variation among individuals is the haplotype, which is the ordered combination of polymorphisms in the sequence of each form of a gene that exists in the population. Because haplotypes represent the variation across each form of a gene, they provide a more accurate and reliable measurement of genetic variation than individual polymorphisms. For example, while specific variations in gene sequences have been associated with a particular phenotype such as disease susceptibility (Roses AD supra; Ulbrecht M et al. 2000 Am JRespir Crit Care Med 161: 469-74) and drug response (Wolfe CR et al. 2000 BMJ 320:987-90; Dahl BS 1991 Acta Psychiatr Scand 96 (Suppl 391): 14-21), in many other cases an individual polymorphism may be found in a variety of genoniic backgrounds, i.e., different haplotypes, and therefore shows no definitive coupling between the polymorphism and the causative site for the phenotype (Clark AG et al. 1998 Am JHum Genet 63:595-612; Ulbrecht M et al. 2000 supra; Drysdale et al. 2000 PNAS 97:10483-10488). Thus, there is an unmet need in the pharmaceutical industry for information on what haplotypes exist in the population for pharmaceutically-important genes. Such haplotype information would be useful in improving the efficiency and output of several steps in the drug discovery and development process, including target validation, identifying lead compounds, and early phase clinical trials (Marshall et al., supra).
One pharmaceutically-important gene for the treatment of diabetes and systemic lupus erythamotosis is the B-factor, properdin (BF) gene or its encoded product. BF also known as complement factor B or glycine-rich beta-glycoprotein (GCG) is an important component of the alternate pathway of the complement system. The complement system is comprised of two pathways, classical and alternative, which act to amplify the action of antibodies on target cells, with the ultimate consequence being the assembly of membrane attack complexes which destroy microorganisms
(Albert et al., 1994; Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd ed). For both pathways, complement activation can be subdivided into early and late stages. In the early stage, a number of different proteases are employed in each pathway to generate the central C3 complement component, which will ultimately cause the recruitment of inflammatory cells, phagocytosis, and/or cell lysis in the late stage (Albert et al., supra).
In the alternative pathway, BF forms a complex with C3b (a cleavage product of C3). This complex is then cleaved by Factor D to generate C3 convertase. The C3 convertase undergoes additional cleavage and binding steps to produce C5 convertases. The C5 covertaseses, in both the classical and alternative pathways, initiate the formation of the membrane attack complexes which participate in a range of cellular processes including cell lysis (Makrides, Pharmacol Rev
1998;50(l):59-87). Davis and Forristal (J. Clin. Lab. Med. 96: 633-639, 1980) studied two families with partial BF deficiency. They showed a diminished consumption of C3 in the presence of activators of both alternative and classic complement pathways suggesting a complete absence of complement activation. Stanekova et al. (Folia Biol (Praha) 1993;39(3): 117-23) studied the association of the BF gene with type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes. The authors found that the frequency of a rare BF allele (FI) to be greater among diabetics (9.37%) compared to healthy subjects (0.35%). Another BF allele (SO.7), occurred with greater frequency in the diabetic subjects (8.85%) versus controls (3.57%). Thus, BF may be involved in the etiology of type I diabetes. The presence of immue complex (IC) in tissues along with complement-mediated inflammation represents a proposed mechanism in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythamotosis (SLE). It has been previously shown that patients with C2 deficiency have milder forms of IC disease compared to individuals with Clq and C4 deficiency, which suggested that C2-deficient individuals have a compensatory mechanism. Traustadottir et al. (Arthritis Rheum 1998; 427-434) studied the association of BF with states of remission in C2-deficient patients with SLE. BF levels were inversely correlated with the presence of clinical symptoms in SLE patients. BF levels were also correlated with immune complex red cell binding, a process which could delay deposition of IC in tissues of C2- deficient individuals. These data suggest that an increase in BF activity can positively affect clinical outcomes in some cases of SLE, therefore, BF represents a potential therapeutic target for treating some forms of this disease.
The B-factor, properdin gene is located on chromosome 6p21.3, within the class IH region of major histocompatibility complex (Meijia et al., Hum Immunol 1994 Jan;39(l):49-53), and contains 18 exons that encode a 764 amino acid protein. A reference sequence for the BF gene is shown in the contiguous lines of Figure 1 (Genaissance Reference No. 1621934; SEQ ID NO: 1). Reference sequences for the coding sequence (GenBank Accession No. NM_001710.1) and protein are shown in Figures 2 (SEQ ID NO: 2) and 3 (SEQ ID NO: 3), respectively.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms have been detected in the BF gene. The following SNPs
have been deposited into the NCBI SNP database: cytosine or thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 6976 (rs541862), and a SNP of cytosine or thymine corresponding to nucleotide 9944 in Figure 1 (rs522162).
Because of the potential for variation in the BF gene to affect the expression and function of the encoded protein, it would be useful to know whether additional polymorphisms exist in the BF gene, as well as how such polymorphisms are combined in different copies of the gene. Such information could be applied for studying the biological function of BF as well as in identifying drugs targeting this protein for the treatment of disorders related to its abnormal expression or function.
Accordingly, the inventors herein have discovered 28 novel polymorphic sites in the BF gene. These polymorphic sites (PS) correspond to the following nucleotide positions in Figure 1 : 3834 (PSl), 4049 (PS2), 4204 (PS3), 4331 (PS4), 4438 (PS5), 4915 (PS6), 4960 (PS7), 5028 (PS8), 5169 (PS9), 5557 (PS10), 5639 (PS11), 5844 (PS12), 5971 (PS13), 6038 (PS14), 6087 (PS15), 6709 (PS16), 6732 (PS17), 6941 (PS18), 7010 (PS20), 7316 (PS21), 7565 (PS22), 7836 (PS23), 8107 (PS24), 8181 (PS25), 8887 (PS26), 8930 (PS27), 9045 (PS28) and 9857 (PS29). The polymorphisms at these sites are cytosine or thymine at PSl, thymine or adenine at PS2, cytosine or thymine at PS3, guanine or adenine at PS4, cytosine or thymine at PS5, cytosine or thymine at PS6, guanine or adenine at PS7, thymine or guanine at PS8, guanine or adenine at PS9, cytosine or thymine at PS 10, guanine or adenine at PSl 1, cytosine or thymine at PS12, cytosine or thymine at PS13, thymine or cytosine at PS 14, guanine or adenine at PS 15, guanine or adenine at PS 16, cytosine or thymine at PS 17, adenine or guanine at PS18, thymine or adenine at PS20, cytosine or thymine at PS21, thymine or cytosine at PS22, adenine or guanine at PS23, cytosine or thymine at PS24, adenine or guanine at PS25, adenine or guanine at PS26, cytosine or thymine at PS27, thymine or guanine at PS28 and cytosine or thymine at PS29. In addition, the inventors have determined the identity of the alleles at these sites, as well as at the previously identified sites at nucleotide positions 6976 (PS19) and 9944 (PS30), in a human reference population of 79 unrelated individuals self-identified as belonging to one of four major population groups: African descent, Asian, Caucasian and Hispanic/Latino. From this information, the inventors deduced a set of haplotypes and haplotype pairs for PS1-PS30 in the BF gene, which are shown below in Tables 4 and 3, respectively. Each of these BF haplotypes constitutes a code that defines the variant nucleotides that exist in the human population at this set of polymorphic sites in the BF gene. Thus each BF haplotype also represents a naturally-occurring isoform (also referred to herein as an "isogene") of the BF gene. The frequency of each haplotype and haplotype pair within the total reference population and within each of the four major population groups included in the reference population was also determined.
Thus, in one embodiment, the invention provides a method, composition and kit for genotyping the BF gene in an individual. The genotyping method comprises identifying the nucleotide
pair that is present at one or more polymorphic sites selected from the group consisting of PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29 in both copies of the BF gene from the individual. A genotyping composition of the invention comprises an oligonucleotide probe or primer which is designed to specifically hybridize to a target region containing, or adjacent to, one of these novel BF polymorphic sites. A genotyping kit of the invention comprises a set of oligonucleotides designed to genotype each of these novel BF polymorphic sites. In a preferred embodiment, the genotyping kit comprises a set of oligonucleotides designed to genotype each of PS1-PS30. The genotyping method, composition, and kit are useful in determining whether an individual has one of the haplotypes in Table 4 below or has one of the haplotype pairs in Table 3 below.
The invention also provides a method for haplotyping the BF gene in an individual. In one embodiment, the haplotyping method comprises determining, for one copy of the BF gene, the identity of the nucleotide at one or more polymorphic sites selected from the group consisting of PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 andPS29. In another embodiment, the haplotyping method comprises determining whether one copy of the individual's BF gene is defined by one of the BF haplotypes shown in Table 4, below, or a sub-haplotype thereof. In a preferred embodiment, the haplotyping method comprises determining whether both copies of the individual's BF gene are defined by one of the BF haplotype pairs shown in Table 3 below, or a sub-haplotype pair thereof. Establishing the BF haplotype or haplotype pair of an individual is useful for improving the efficiency and reliability of several steps in the discovery and development of drugs for treating diseases associated with BF activity, e.g., diabetes and systemic lupus erythamotosis.
For example, the haplotyping method can be used by the pharmaceutical research scientist to validate BF as a candidate target for treating a specific condition or disease predicted to be associated with BF activity. Determining for a particular population the frequency of one or more of the individual BF haplotypes or haplotype pairs described herein will facilitate a decision on whether to pursue BF as a target for treating the specific disease of interest. In particular, if variable BF activity is associated with the disease, then one or more BF haplotypes or haplotype pairs will be found at a higher frequency in disease cohorts than in appropriately genetically matched controls. Conversely, if each of the observed BF haplotypes are of similar frequencies in the disease and control groups, then it may be inferred that variable BF activity has little, if any, involvement with that disease. In either case, the pharmaceutical research scientist can, without a priori knowledge as to the phenotypic effect of any BF haplotype or haplotype pair, apply the information derived from detecting BF haplotypes in an individual to decide whether modulating BF activity would be useful in treating the disease. The claimed invention is also useful in screening for compounds targeting BF to treat a specific condition or disease predicted to be associated with BF activity. For example, detecting which of the BF haplotypes or haplotype pairs disclosed herein are present in individual members of a
population with the specific disease of interest enables the pharmaceutical scientist to screen for a compound(s) that displays the highest desired agonist or antagonist activity for each of the BF isoforms present in the disease population, or for only the most frequent BF isoforms present in the disease population. Thus, without requiring any a priori knowledge of the phenotypic effect of any particular BF haplotype or haplotype pair, the claimed haplotyping method provides the scientist with a tool to identify lead compounds that are more likely to show efficacy in clinical trials.
Haplotyping the BF gene in an individual is also useful in the design of clinical trials of candidate drugs for treating a specific condition or disease predicted to be associated with BF activity. For example, instead of randomly assigning patients with the disease of interest to the treatment or control group as is typically done now, determining which of the BF haplotype(s) disclosed herein are present in individual patients enables the pharmaceutical scientist to distribute BF haplotypes and/or haplotype pairs evenly to treatment and control groups, thereby reducing the potential for bias in the results that could be introduced by a larger frequency of a BF haplotype or haplotype pair that is associated with response to the drug being studied in the trial, even if this association was previously unknown. Thus, by practicing the claimed invention, the scientist can more confidently rely on the information learned from the trial, without first determining the phenotypic effect of any BF haplotype or haplotype pair.
In another embodiment, the invention provides a method for identifying an association between a trait and a BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair for one or more of the novel polymorphic sites described herein. The method comprises comparing the frequency of the BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair in a population exhibiting the trait with the frequency of the BF genotype or haplotype in a reference population. A higher frequency of the BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair in the trait population than in the reference population indicates the.trait is associated with the BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair. In preferred embodiments, the trait is susceptibility to a disease, severity of a disease, the staging of a disease or response to a drug. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the BF haplotype is selected from the haplotypes shown in Table 4, or a sub-haplotype thereof. Such methods have applicability in developing diagnostic tests and therapeutic treatments for diabetes and systemic lupus erythamotosis.
In yet another embodiment, the invention provides an isolated polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence which is a polymorphic variant of a reference sequence for the BF gene or a fragment thereof. The reference sequence comprises the contiguous sequences shown in Figure 1 and the polymorphic variant comprises at least one polymorphism selected from the group consisting of thymine at PSl, adenine at PS2, thymine at PS3, adenine at PS4, thymine at PS5, thymine at PS6, adenine at PS7, guanine at PS8, adenine at PS9, thymine at PS10, adenine at PSl 1, thymine at PS12, thymine at PS13, cytosine at PS14, adenine at PS15, adenine at PS16, thymine at PS17, guanine at
PS 18, adenine at PS20, thymine at PS21, cytosine at PS22, guanine at PS23, thymine at PS24, guanine at PS25, guanine at PS26, thymine at PS27, guanine at PS28 and thymine at PS29. In a preferred
embodiment, the polymorphic variant comprises one or more additional polymorphisms selected from the group consisting of thymine at PS 19 and thymine at PS30.
A particularly preferred polymorphic variant is an isogene of the BF gene. A BF isogene of the invention comprises cytosine or thymine at PSl, thymine or adenine at PS2, cytosine or thymine at PS3, guanine or adenine at PS4, cytosine or thymine at PS5, cytosine or thymine at PS6, guanine or ■ adenine at PS7, thymine or guanine at PS8, guanine or adenine at PS9, cytosine or thymine at PS 10, guanine or adenine at PS 11 , cytosine or thymine at PS 12, cytosine or thymine at PS 13 , thymine or cytosine at PS 14, guanine or adenine at PS 15, guanine or adenine at PS 16, cytosine or thymine at PS 17, adenine or guanine at PS 18, cytosine or thymine at PS 19, thymine or adenine at PS20, cytosine or thymine at PS21, thymine or cytosine at PS22, adenine or guanine at PS23, cytosine or thymine at PS24, adenine or guanine at PS25, adenine or guanine at PS26, cytosine or thymine at PS27, thymine or guanine at PS28, cytosine or thymine at PS29 and cytosine or thymine at PS30. The invention also provides a collection of BF isogenes, referred to herein as a BF genome anthology.
In another embodiment, the invention provides a polynucleotide comprising a polymorphic variant of a reference sequence for a BF cDNA or a fragment thereof. The reference sequence comprises SEQ ID NO:2 (Fig.2) and the polymorphic cDNA comprises at least one polymorphism selected from the group consisting of adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 26, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 94, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 221, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 405, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 450, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 504, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 672, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 754, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 858, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1114, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1137, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1365, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1524, guanine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1598 and guanine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1953. A particularly preferred polymorphic cDNA variant comprises the coding sequence of a BF isogene defined by haplotypes 1-7, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 22, and 24-31.
Polynucleotides complementary to these BF genomic and cDNA variants are also provided by the invention. It is believed that polymorphic variants of the BF gene will be useful in studying the expression and function of BF, and in expressing BF protein for use in screening for candidate drugs to treat diseases related to BF activity.
In other embodiments, the invention provides a recombinant expression vector comprising one of the polymorphic genomic and cDNA variants operably linked to expression regulatory elements as well as a recombinant host cell transformed or transfected with the expression vector. The recombinant vector and host cell may be used to express BF for protein structure analysis and drug binding studies.
In yet another embodiment, the invention provides a polypeptide comprising a polymorphic
variant of a reference amino acid sequence for the BF protein. The reference amino acid sequence comprises SEQ ID NO:3 (Fig.3) and the polymorphic variant comprises at least one variant amino acid selected from the group consisting of histidine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 9, histidine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 74, serine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 252, isoleucine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 372, arginine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 533 and glutamic acid at a position corresponding to amino acid position 651 and/or the protein truncates prematurely at amino acid 31 due to the termination signal at codon 32 in the coding sequence. A polymorphic variant of BF is useful in studying the effect of the variation on the biological activity of BF as well as on the binding affinity of candidate drugs targeting BF for the treatment of diabetes and systemic lupus eryfhamotosis. The present invention also provides antibodies that recognize and bind to the above polymorphic BF protein variant. Such antibodies can be utilized in a variety of diagnostic and prognostic formats and therapeutic methods.
The present invention also provides nonhuman transgenic animals comprising one or more of the BF polymorphic genomic variants described herein and methods for producing such animals. The transgenic animals are useful for studying expression of the BF isogenes in vivo, for in vivo screening and testing of drugs targeted against BF protein, and for testing the efficacy of therapeutic agents and compounds for diabetes and systemic lupus erythamotosis in a biological system.
The present invention also provides a computer system for storing and displaying polymorphism data determined for the BF gene. The computer system comprises a computer processing unit; a display; and a database containing the polymorphism data. The polymorphism data includes one or more of the following: the polymorphisms, the genotypes, the haplotypes, and the haplotype pairs identified for the BF gene in a reference population. In a preferred embodiment, the computer system is capable of producing a display showing BF haplotypes organized according to their evolutionary relationships.
Figure 1 illustrates a reference sequence for the BF gene (Genaissance Reference No. 1621934; contiguous lines), with the start and stop positions of each region of coding sequence indicated with a bracket ([ or ]) and the numerical position below the sequence and the polymorphic site(s) and polymorphism(s) identified by Applicants in a reference population indicated by the variant nucleotide positioned below the polymorphic site in the sequence. SEQ ID NO: 1 is equivalent to Figure 1, with the two alternative allelic variants of each polymorphic site indicated by the appropriate nucleotide symbol (R= G or A, Y= T or C, M= A or C, K= G or T, S= G or C, and W= A or T; WIPO standard ST.25). SEQ ID NO: 144 is a modified version of SEQ ID NO: 1 that shows the context sequence of each polymorphic site, PS1-PS30, in a uniform format to facilitate electronic searching. For each polymorphic site, SEQ ID NO: 144 contains a block of 60 bases of the nucleotide sequence
encompassing the centrally-located polymorphic site at the 30th position, followed by 60 bases of unspecified sequence to represent that each PS is separated by genomic sequence whose composition is defined elsewhere herein.
Figure 2 illustrates a reference sequence for the BF coding sequence (contiguous lines; SEQ ID NO:2), with the polymorphic site(s) and polymorphism(s) identified by Applicants in a reference population indicated by the variant nucleotide positioned below the polymorphic site in the sequence. Figure 3 illustrates a reference sequence for the BF protein (contiguous lines; SEQ ID NO:3), with the variant amino acid(s) caused by the polymorphism(s) of Figure 2 positioned below the polymorphic site in the sequence. Any exclamation points (!) presented below the reference sequence represent a termination codon introduced by a polymorphism of Figure 2.
The present invention is based on the discovery of novel variants of the BF gene. As described in more detail below, the inventors herein discovered 31 isogenes of the BF gene by characterizing the BF gene found in genomic DNAs isolated from an Index Repository that contains immortalized cell lines from one chimpanzee and 93 human individuals. The human individuals included a reference population of 79 unrelated individuals self-identified as belonging to one of four major population groups: Caucasian (21 individuals), African descent (20 individuals), Asian (20 individuals), or Hispanic/Latino (18 individuals). To the extent possible, the members of this reference population were organized into population subgroups by their self-identified ethnogeographic origin as shown in Table 1 below.
In addition, the Index Repository contains three unrelated indigenous American Indians (one from each of North, Central and South America), one three-generation Caucasian family (from the CEPH Utah cohort) and one two-generation African- American family.
The BF isogenes present in the human reference population are defined by haplotypes for 30 polymorphic sites in the BF gene, 28 of which are believed to be novel. The BF polymorphic sites identified by the inventors are referred to as PS1-PS30 to designate the order in which they are located in the gene (see Table 2 below), with the novel polymorphic sites referred to as PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29. Using the genotypes identified in the Index Repository for PS1-PS30 and the methodology described in the Examples below, the inventors herein also determined the pair of haplotypes for the BF gene present in individual human members of this repository. The human genotypes and haplotypes found in the repository for the BF gene include those shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The polymorphism and haplotype data disclosed herein are useful for validating whether BF is a suitable target for drugs to treat diabetes and systemic lupus erythamotosis, screening for such drugs and reducing bias in clinical trials of such drugs.
In the context of this disclosure, the following terms shall be defined as follows unless otherwise indicated: Allele - A particular form of a genetic locus, distinguished from other forms by its particular
nucleotide sequence.
Candidate Gene - A gene which is hypothesized to be responsible for a disease, condition, or the response to a treatment, or to be correlated with one of these.
Gene - A segment of DNA that contains all the information for the regulated biosynthesis of an RNA product, including promoters, exons, introns, and other untranslated regions that control expression.
Genotype - An unphased 5 ' to 3 ' sequence of nucleotide pair(s) found at one or more polymorphic sites in a locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes in an individual. As used herein, genotype includes a full-genotype and/or a sub-genotype as described below. Full-genotype — The unphased 5 ' to 3 ' sequence of nucleotide pairs found at all polymorphic sites examined herein in a locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes in a single individual. Sub-genotype - The unphased 5' to 3' sequence of nucleotides seen at a subset of the polymorphic sites examined herein in a locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes in a single individual. Genotyping - A process for determining a genotype of an individual.
Haplotype - A 5' to 3' sequence of nucleotides found at one or more polymorphic sites in a locus on a single chromosome from a single individual. As used herein, haplotype includes a fiill- haplotype and/or a sub-haplotype as described below.
Full-haplotype - The 5 ' to 3 ' sequence of nucleotides found at all polymorphic sites examined herein in a locus on a single chromosome from a single individual.
Sub-haplotype - The 5' to 3' sequence of nucleotides seen at a subset of the polymorphic sites examined herein in a locus on a single chromosome from a single individual.
Haplotype pair - The two haplotypes found for a locus in a single individual. Haplotyping - A process for determining one or more haplotypes in an individual and includes use of family pedigrees, molecular techniques and/or statistical inference.
Haplotype data - Information concerning one or more of the following for a specific gene: a listing of the haplotype pairs in each individual in a population; a listing of the different haplotypes in a population; frequency of each haplotype in that or other populations, and any known associations between one or more haplotypes and a trait. Isoform - A particular form of a gene, mRNA, cDNA or the protein encoded thereby, distinguished from other forms by its particular sequence and/or structure.
Isogene - One of the isoforms (e.g., alleles) of a gene found in a population. An isogene (or allele) contains all of the polymorphisms present in the particular isoform of the gene.
Isolated - As applied to a biological molecule such as RNA, DNA, oligonucleotide, or protein, isolated means the molecule is substantially free of other biological molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, or other material such as cellular debris and growth media. Generally, the term "isolated" is not intended to refer to a. complete absence of such material or to absence of
water, buffers, or salts, unless they are present in amounts that substantially interfere with the methods of the present invention.
Locus - A location on a chromosome or DNA molecule corresponding to a gene or a physical or phenotypic feature, where physical features include polymorphic sites. Naturally-occurring - A term used to designate that the object it is applied to, e.g., naturally- occurring polynucleotide or polypeptide, can be isolated from a source in nature and which has not been intentionally modified by man.
Nucleotide pair - The nucleotides found at a polymorphic site on the two copies of a chromosome from an individual. Phased - As applied to a sequence of nucleotide pairs for two or more polymorphic sites in a locus, phased means the combination of nucleotides present at those polymorphic sites on a single copy of the locus is known.
Polymorphic site (PS) - A position on a chromosome or DNA molecule at which at least two alternative sequences are found in a population. Polymorphic variant - A gene, mRNA, cDNA, polypeptide or peptide whose nucleotide or amino acid sequence varies from a reference sequence due to the presence of a polymorphism in the gene.
Polymorphism - The sequence variation observed in an individual at a polymorphic site. Polymorphisms include nucleotide substitutions, insertions, deletions and microsatellites and may, but need not, result in detectable differences in gene expression or protein function.
Polymorphism data - Information concerning one or more of the following for a specific gene: location of polymorphic sites; sequence variation at those sites; frequency of polymorphisms in one or more populations; the different genotypes and/or haplotypes determined for the gene; frequency of one or more of these genotypes and/or haplotypes in one or more populations; any known associations) between a trait and a genotype or a haplotype for the gene.
Polymorphism Database - A collection of polymorphism data arranged in a systematic or methodical way and capable of being individually accessed by electronic or other means.
Polynucleotide - A nucleic acid molecule comprised of single-stranded RNA or DNA or comprised of complementary, double-stranded DNA. Population Group - A group of individuals sharing a common ethnogeographic origin.
Reference Population - A group of subjects or individuals who are predicted to be representative of the genetic variation found in the general population. Typically, the reference population represents the genetic variation in the population at a certainty level of at least 85%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95% and even more preferably at least 99%. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) - Typically, the specific pair of nucleotides observed at a single polymorphic site. In rare cases, three or four nucleotides may be found.
Subject - A human individual whose genotypes or haplotypes or response to treatment or
disease state are to be determined.
Treatment - A stimulus administered internally or externally to a subject. Unphased - As applied to a sequence of nucleotide pairs for two or more polymorphic sites in a locus, unphased means the combination of nucleotides present at those polymorphic sites on a single copy of the locus is not known.
As discussed above, information on the identity of genotypes and haplotypes for the BF gene of any particular individual as well as the frequency of such genotypes and haplotypes in any particular population of individuals is useful for a variety of drug discovery and development applications. Thus, the invention also provides compositions and methods for detecting the novel BF polymorphisms, haplotypes and haplotype pairs identified herein.
The compositions comprise at least one oligonucleotide for detecting the variant nucleotide or nucleotide pair located at a novel BF polymorphic site in one copy or two copies of the BF gene. Such oligonucleotides are referred to herein as BF haplotyping oligonucleotides or genotyping oligonucleotides, respectively, and collectively as BF oligonucleotides. In one embodiment, a BF haplotyping or genotyping oligonucleotide is a probe or primer capable o hybridizing to a target region that contains, or that is located close to, one of the novel polymorphic sites described herein. As used herein, the term "oligonucleotide" refers to a polynucleotide molecule having less than about 100 nucleotides. A preferred oligonucleotide of the invention is 10 to 35 nucleotides long. More preferably, the oligonucleotide is between 15 and 30, and most preferably, between 20 and 25 nucleotides in length. The exact length of the oligonucleotide will depend on many factors that are routinely considered and practiced by the skilled artisan. The oligonucleotide may be comprised of any phosphorylation state of ribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleotides, and acyclic nucleotide derivatives, and other functionally equivalent derivatives. Alternatively, oligonucleotides may have a phosphate- free backbone, which may be comprised of linkages such as carboxymethyl, acetamidate, carbamate, polyamide (peptide nucleic acid (PNA)) and the like (Varma, R. in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology, A Comprehensive Desk Reference, Ed. R. Meyers, VCH Publishers, Inc. (1995), pages 617-620). Oligonucleotides of the invention may be prepared by chemical synthesis using any suitable methodology known in the art, or may be derived from a biological sample, for example, by restriction digestion. The oligonucleotides may be labeled, according to any technique known in the art, including use of radiolabels, fluorescent labels, enzymatic labels, proteins, haptens, antibodies, sequence tags and the like.
Haplotyping or genotyping oligonucleotides of the invention must be capable of specifically hybridizing to a target region of a BF polynucleotide. Preferably, the target region is located in a BF isogene. As used herein, specific hybridization means the oligonucleotide forms an anti-parallel double-stranded structure with the target region under certain hybridizing conditions, while failing to form such a structure when incubated with another region in the BF polynucleotide or with a non-BF polynucleotide under the same hybridizing conditions. Preferably, the oligonucleotide specifically
hybridizes to the target region under conventional high stringency conditions. The skilled artisan can readily design and test oligonucleotide probes and primers suitable for detecting polymorphisms in the BF gene using the polymorphism information provided herein in conjunction with the known sequence information for the BF gene and routine techniques. A nucleic acid molecule such as an oligonucleotide or polynucleotide is said to be a "perfect" or "complete" complement of another nucleic acid molecule if every nucleotide of one of the molecules is complementary to the nucleotide at the corresponding position of the other molecule. A nucleic acid molecule is "substantially complementary" to another molecule if it hybridizes to that molecule with sufficient stability to remain in a duplex form under conventional low-stringency conditions. Conventional hybridization conditions are described, for example, by Sambrook J. et al., in Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1989) and by Haymes, B.D. et al. in Nucleic Acid Hybridization, A Practical Approach, IRL Press, Washington, D.C. (1985). While perfectly complementary oligonucleotides are preferred for detecting polymorphisms, departures from complete complementarity- are contemplated where such departures do not prevent the molecule from specifically hybridizing to the target region. For example, an oligonucleotide primer may have a non-complementary fragment at its 5' end, with the remainder of. the primer being complementary to the target region. Alternatively, non-complementary nucleotides may be interspersed into the probe or primer as long as the resulting probe or primer is still capable of specifically hybridizing to the target region. Preferred haplotyping or genotyping oligonucleotides of the invention are allele-specific oligonucleotides. As used herein, the term allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) means an oligonucleotide that is able, under sufficiently stringent conditions, to hybridize specifically to one allele of a gene, or other locus, at a target region containing a polymorphic site while not hybridizing to the corresponding region in another allele(s). As understood by the skilled artisan, allele-specifϊcity will depend upon a variety of readily optimized stringency conditions, including salt and formamide concentrations, as well as temperatures for both the hybridization and washing steps. Examples of hybridization and washing conditions typically used for ASO probes are found in Kogan et al., "Genetic Prediction of Hemophilia A" in PCR Protocols, A Guide to Methods and Applications, Academic Press, 1990 and Ruano et al., 87 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 6296-6300, 1990. Typically, an ASO will be perfectly complementary to one allele while containing a single mismatch for another allele.
Allele-specific oligonucleotides of the invention include ASO probes and ASO primers. ASO probes which usually provide good discrimination between different alleles are those in which a central position of the oligonucleotide probe aligns with the polymorphic site in the target region (e.g., approximately the 7th or 8th position in a 15mer, the 8th or 9th position in a 16mer, and the 10th or 11 m position in a 20mer). An ASO primer of the invention has a 3 ' terminal nucleotide, or preferably a 3 ' penultimate nucleotide, that is complementary to only one nucleotide of a particular SNP, thereby
acting as a primer for polymerase-mediated extension only if the allele containing that nucleotide is present. ASO probes and primers hybridizing to either the coding or noncoding strand are contemplated by the invention. ASO probes and primers listed below use the appropriate nucleotide symbol (R= G or A, Y= T or C, M= A or C, K= G or T, S= G or C, and W= A or T; WIPO standard ST.25) at the position of the polymorphic site to represent that the ASO contains either of the two alternative allelic variants observed at that polymorphic site.
A preferred ASO probe for detecting BF gene polymorphisms comprises a nucleotide sequence, listed 5' to 3', selected from the group consisting of:
GGACAGGYGGGGCGA (SEQ ID NO 4) and its complement,
CCCCAACWCTGCCTG (SEQ ID NO 5) and its complement,
TTTGGCCYAGCCCCA (SEQ ID NO 6) and its complement,
CAGACACRTACCTGC (SEQ ID NO 7) and its complement,
CAGTGGCYTAAGGCA (SEQ ID NO 8) and its complement,
ACGGTTAYACTCTCC (SEQ ID NO 9) and its <complement,
ATGGCCGRTGGAGTG (SEQ ID NO 10 and its complement,
TGCTGTCKCCCTGAC (SEQ ID NO 11 and its complement,
CCAACCCRGGCATCC (SEQ ID NO 12 and its complement,
TCATGTAYGACACCC (SEQ ID NO 13 and its complement,
TGGGCACRGCCCAGG (SEQ ID NO 14 and its complement,
GCAACTTYACAGGAG (SEQ ID NO 15 and its complement,
CTCTGAAYAACAGGG (SEQ ID NO 16 and its complement,
CAGTTTCYTGACTGG (SEQ ID NO 17 and its complement,
TACTGAGRGCCTCCC (SEQ ID NO 18 and its complement,
AGATGACRTCCCTCC (SEQ ID NO 19 and its complement,
GGAACCGYACCCGCC (SEQ ID NO 20 and its complement,
ATCAACTRTCTCTAA (SEQ ID NO 21 and its complement,
TCTTCCTWATCTCCT (SEQ ID NO 22 and its complement,
TCAAAGTYAAGGATA (SEQ ID NO 23 and its complement,
CTTTCTAYAGTCCTA (SEQ ID NO 24 and its complement,
TCAGCACRTTCTCCT (SEQ ID NO 25 and its complement,
AGGGACAYGAGAGCT • (SEQ ID NO 26 and its complement,
GATGACARGGAACAC (SEQ ID NO 27 and its complement,
GAG GACRAAGGCAA (SEQ ID NO 28 and its complement,
GAAGTGAYGCAGTCT (SEQ ID NO 29 and its complement,
ATGGGGAKAAGGTGA (SEQ ID NO 30 and its complement, , and
ACAGGGGYGTGGGAT (SEQ ID NO 31 ) and its complement .
A preferred ASO primer for detecting BF gene polymorphisms comprises a nucleotide sequence, listed 5' to 3', selected from the group consisting of:
Other oligonucleotides of the invention hybridize to a target region located one to several . nucleotides downstream of one of the novel polymoφhic sites identified herein. Such oligonucleotides are useful in polymerase-mediated primer extension methods for detecting one of the novel polymoφhisms described herein and therefore such oligonucleotides are referred to herein as "primer- extension oligonucleotides". In a preferred embodiment, the 3 '-terminus of a primer-extension oligonucleotide is a deoxynucleotide complementary to the nucleotide located immediately adjacent to the polymoφhic site.
A particularly preferred oligonucleotide primer for detecting BF gene polymoφhisms by primer extension terminates in a nucleotide sequence, listed 5 ' to 3 ', selected from the group consisting of:
In some embodiments, a composition contains two or more differently labeled BF oligonucleotides for simultaneously probing the identity of nucleotides or nucleotide pairs at two or more polymoφhic sites. It is also contemplated that primer compositions may contain two or more sets of allele-specific primer pairs to allow simultaneous targeting and amplification of two or more regions containing a polymoφhic site.
BF oligonucleotides of the invention may also be immobilized on or synthesized on a solid surface such as a microchip, bead, or glass slide (see, e.g., WO 98/20020 and WO 98/20019). Such immobilized oligonucleotides may be used in a variety of polymoφhism detection assays, including but not limited to probe hybridization and polymerase extension assays. Immobilized BF oligonucleotides of the invention may comprise an ordered array of oligonucleotides designed to rapidly screen a DNA sample for polymoφhisms in multiple genes at the same time. In another embodiment, the invention provides a kit comprising at least two BF oligonucleotides packaged in separate containers. The kit may also contain other components such as hybridization buffer (where the oligonucleotides are to be used as a probe) packaged in a separate container. Alternatively, where the oligonucleotides are to be used to amplify a target region, the kit may contain, packaged in separate containers, a polymerase and a reaction buffer optimized for primer extension mediated by the polymerase, such as PCR.
The above described oligonucleotide compositions and kits are useful in methods for genotyping and/or haplotyping the BF gene in an individual. As used herein, the terms "BF genotype" and "BF haplotype" mean the genotype or haplotype contains the nucleotide pair or nucleotide, respectively, that is present at one or more of the novel polymoφhic sites described herein and may optionally also include the nucleotide pair or nucleotide present at one or more additional polymoφhic sites in the BF gene. The additional polymorphic sites may be currently known polymoφhic sites or sites that are subsequently discovered.
One embodiment of a genotyping method of the invention involves isolating from the individual a nucleic acid sample comprising the two copies of the BF gene, mRNA transcripts thereof or cDNA copies thereof, or a fragment of any of the foregoing, that are present in the individual, and determining the identity of the nucleotide pair at one or more polymoφhic sites selected from the group consisting of PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29 in the two copies to assign a BF genotype to the individual. As will be readily understood by the skilled artisan, the two "copies" of a gene, mRNA or cDNA (or fragment of such BF molecules) in an
individual may be the same allele or may be different alleles. In a preferred embodiment of the method for assigning a BF genotype, the identity of the nucleotide pair at one or more of the polymorphic sites selected from the group consisting of PS 19 and PS30 is also determined. In another embodiment, a genotyping method of the invention comprises determining the identity of the nucleotide pair at each of PS1-PS30.
Typically, the nucleic acid sample is isolated from a biological sample taken from the individual, such as a blood sample or tissue sample. Suitable tissue samples include whole blood, semen, saliva, tears, urine, fecal material, sweat, buccal, skin and hair. The nucleic acid sample may be comprised of genomic DNA, mRNA, or cDNA and, in the latter two cases, the biological sample must be obtained from a tissue in which the BF gene is expressed. Furthermore it will be understood by the skilled artisan that mRNA or cDNA preparations would not be used to detect polymoφhisms located in introns or in 5 ' and 3 ' untranslated regions if not present in the mRNA or cDNA. If a BF gene fragment is isolated, it must contain the polymoφhic site(s) to be genotyped.
One embodiment of a haplotyping method of the invention comprises isolating from the individual a nucleic acid sample containing only one of the two copies of the BF gene, mRNA or cDNA, or a fragment of such BF molecules, that is present in the individual and determining in that copy the identity of the nucleotide at one or more polymoφhic sites selected from the group consisting of PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS 18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, -PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29 in that copy to assign a BF haplotype to the individual.
The nucleic acid used in the above haplotyping methods of the invention may be isolated using any method capable of separating the two copies of the BF gene or fragment such as one of the methods described above for preparing BF isogenes, with targeted in vivo cloning being the preferred approach. As will be readily appreciated by those skilled in the art, any individual clone will typically only provide haplotype information on one of the two BF gene copies present in an individual. If haplotype information is desired for the individual's other copy, additional BF clones will usually need to be examined. Typically, at least five clones should be examined to have more than a 90% probability of haplotyping both copies of the BF gene in an individual. In some cases, however, once the haplotype for one BF allele is directly determined, the haplotype for the other allele may be inferred if the individual has a known genotype for the polymoφhic sites of interest or if the haplotype frequency or haplotype pair frequency for the individual's population group is known. In some embodiments, the BF haplotype is assigned to the individual by also identifying the nucleotide at one or more polymoφhic sites selected from the group consisting of PS 19 and PS30. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the nucleotide at each of PS 1-PS30 is identified. In another embodiment, the haplotyping method comprises determining whether an individual has one or more of the BF haplotypes shown in Table 4. This can be accomplished by identifying, for one or both copies of the individual's BF gene, the phased sequence of nucleotides present at each of
PS1-PS30. This identifying step does not necessarily require, that each of PS1-PS30 be directly examined. Typically only a subset of PS1-PS30 will need to be directly examined to assign to an individual one or more of the haplotypes shown in Table 4. This is because at least one polymoφhic site in a gene is frequently in strong linkage disequilibrium with one or more other polymoφhic sites 5 in that gene (Drysdale, CM et al. 2000 PNAS 97: 10483-10488; Rieder MJ et al. 1999 Nature Genetics 22:59-62). Two sites are said to be. in linkage disequilibrium if the presence of a particular variant at one site enhances the predictability of another variant at the second site (Stephens, JC 1999, Mol. Diag. 4:309-317). Techniques for determining whether any two polymoφhic sites are in linkage disequilibrium are well-known in the art (Weir B.S. 1996 Genetic Data Analysis II, Sinauer
10 Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, MA).
In another embodiment of a haplotyping method of the invention, a BF haplotype pair is determined for an individual by identifying the phased sequence of nucleotides at one or more polymoφhic sites selected from the group consisting of PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17, PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25,
15.. PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29 in each copy of the BF gene that is present in the individual. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the haplotyping method comprises identifying the phased sequence of nucleotides at each of PS1-PS30 in each copy of the BF gene.
When haplotyping both copies of the gene, the identifying step is preferably performed with each copy of the gene being placed in separate containers. However, it is also envisioned that if the
20 two copies are labeled with different tags, or are otherwise separately distinguishable or identifiable, it could be possible in some cases to perform the method in the same container. For example, if first and second copies of the gene are labeled with different first and second fluorescent dyes, respectively, and an allele-specific oligonucleotide labeled with yet a third different fluorescent dye is used to assay the polymoφhic site(s), then detecting a combination of the first and third dyes would identify the 25 polymoφhism in the first gene copy while detecting a combination of the second and third dyes would identify the polymoφhism in the second gene copy.
In both the genotyping and haplotyping methods, the identity of a nucleotide (or nucleotide pair) at a polymoφhic site(s) may be determined by amplifying a target region(s) containing the polymoφhic site(s) directly from one or both copies of the.BF gene, or a fragment thereof, and the
30 sequence of the amplified region(s) determined by conventional methods. It will be readily appreciated by the skilled artisan that only one nucleotide will be detected at a polymoφhic site in individuals who are homozygous at that site, while two different nucleotides will be detected if the individual is heterozygous for that site. The polymoφhism may be identified directly, known as positive-type identification, or by inference, referred to as negative-type identification. For example,
35 where a SNP is known to be guanine and cytosine in a reference population, a site may be positively determined to be either guanine or cytosine for an individual homozygous at that site, or both guanine and cytosine, if the individual is heterozygous at that site. Alternatively, the site may be negatively
determined to be not guanine (and thus cytosine/cytosine) or not cytosine (and thus guanine/guanine).
The target region(s) may be amplified using any oligonucleotide-directed amplification method, including but not limited to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (U.S. Patent No. 4,965,188), ligase chain reaction (LCR) (Barany et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 189-193, 1991; WO90/01069), and oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) (Landegren et al., Science 241: 1077-1080, 1988). Other known nucleic acid amplification procedures may be used to amplify the target region including transcription-based amplification systems (U.S. Patent No. 5,130,238; EP 329,822; U.S. Patent No. 5,169,766, WO89/06700) and isothermal methods (Walker et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:392-396, 1992). A polymoφhism in the target region may also be assayed before or after amplification using one of several hybridization-based methods known in the art. Typically, allele-specific oligonucleotides are utilized in performing such methods. The allele-specific oligonucleotides may be used as differently labeled probe pairs, with one member of the pair showing a perfect match to one variant of a target sequence and the other member showing a perfect match to a different variant. In some embodiments, more than one polymoφhic site may be detected at once using a set of allele- specific oligonucleotides or oligonucleotide pairs. Preferably, the members of the set have melting temperatures within 5°C, and more preferably within 2°C, of each other when hybridizing to each of the polymoφhic sites being detected.
Hybridization of an allele-specific oligonucleotide to a target polynucleotide may be performed with both entities in solution, or such hybridization may be performed when either the oligonucleotide or the target polynucleotide is covalently or noncovalently affixed to a solid support. Attachment may be mediated, for example, by antibody-antigen interactions, poly-L-Lys, streptavidin or avidin-biotin, salt bridges, hydrophobic interactions, chemical linkages, UV cross-linking baking, etc. Allele- specific oligonucleotides may be synthesized directly on the solid support or attached to the solid support subsequent to synthesis. Solid-supports suitable for use in detection methods of the invention include substrates made of silicon, glass, plastic, paper and the like, which may be formed, for example, into wells (as in 96-well plates), slides, sheets, membranes, fibers, chips, dishes, and beads. The solid support may be treated, coated or derivatized to facilitate the immobilization of the allele- specific oligonucleotide or target nucleic acid. The genotype or haplotype for the BF gene of an individual may also be determined by hybridization of a nucleic acid sample containing one or both copies of the gene, mRNA, cDNA or fragments) thereof, to nucleic acid arrays and subarrays such as described in WO 95/11995. The arrays would contain a battery of allele-specific oligonucleotides representing each of the polymoφhic sites to be included in the genotype or haplotype. The identity of polymoφhisms may also be determined using a mismatch detection technique, including but not limited to the RNase protection method using riboprobes (Winter et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:7575, 1985; Meyers et al., Science 230:1242, 1985) and proteins which recognize
nucleotide mismatches, such as the E. coli mutS protein (Modrich, P. Ann. Rev. Genet. 25:229-253, 1991). Alternatively, variant alleles can be identified by single strand conformation polymoφhism (SSCP) analysis (Orita et al., Genomics 5:874-879, 1989; Humphries et al., in Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases, R. Elles, ed., pp. 321-340, 1996) or denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) (Wartell et al, Nucl. Acids Res. 18:2699-2706, 1990; Sheffield et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:232-236, 1989).
A polymerase-mediated primer extension method may also be used to identify the polymoφhism(s). Several such methods have been described in the patent and scientific literature and , include the "Genetic Bit Analysis" method (W092/15712) and the ligase/polymerase mediated genetic bit analysis (U.S. Patent 5,679,524. Related methods are disclosed in WO91/02087, WO90/09455, WO95/17676, U.S. Patent Nos. 5,302,509, and 5,945,233. Extended primers containing a polymoφhism may be detected by mass spectrometry as described in U.S. Patent No. 5,605,798. Another primer extension method is allele-specific PCR (Ruano et al, Nucl. Acids Res. 17:8392, 1989; Ruano et al, Nucl. Acids Res. 19, 6877-6882, 1991; WO 93/22456; Turki et al, J. Clin. Invest. 95:1635-1641, 1995). In addition, multiple polymoφhic sites may be investigated by simultaneously amplifying multiple regions of the nucleic acid using sets of allele-specific primers as described in Wallace et al. (WO89/10414).
In addition, the identity of the allele(s) present at any of the novel polymoφhic sites described herein may be indirectly determined by haplotyping or genotyping another polymoφhic site that is in linkage disequilibrium with the polymoφhic site that is of interest. Polymoφhic sites in linkage disequilibrium with the presently disclosed polymoφhic sites may be located in regions of the gene or in other genomic regions not examined herein. Detection of the allele(s) present at a polymoφhic site in linkage disequilibrium with the novel polymoφhic sites described herein may be performed by, but is not limited to, any of the above-mentioned methods for detecting the identity of the allele at a polymoφhic site.
In another aspect of the invention, an individual's BF haplotype pair is predicted from its BF genotype using information on haplotype pairs known to exist in a reference population. In its broadest embodiment, the haplotyping prediction method comprises identifying a BF genotype for the . individual at two or more BF polymoφhic sites described herein, accessing data containing BF haplotype pairs identified in a reference population, and assigning a haplotype pair to the individual that is consistent with the genotype data. In one embodiment, the reference haplotype pairs include the BF haplotype pairs shown in Table 3. The BF haplotype pair can be assigned by comparing the individual's genotype with the genotypes corresponding to the haplotype pairs known to exist in the general population or in a specific population group, and determining which haplotype pair is consistent with the genotype of the individual. In some embodiments, comparison of the genotype of the individual to the haplotype pairs identified in a reference population and determination of which haplotype pair is consistent with the genotype of the individual may be performed by visual inspection
(for example, by consulting Table 3). When the genotype of the individual is consistent with more than one haplotype pair, haplotype pair frequency data (such as that presented in Table 6) may be used to determine which of these haplotype pairs is most likely to be present in the' individual. This determination may also be performed in some embodiments by visual inspection upon consulting Table 6. If a particular BF haplotype pair consistent with the genotype of the individual is more frequent in the reference population than others consistent with the genotype, then that haplotype pair with the highest frequency is the most likely to be present in the individual. In other embodiments, the comparison may be made by a computer-implemented algorithm with the genotype of the individual and the reference haplotype data stored in computer-readable formats. For example, as described in PCT/US01/12831, filed April 18, 2001, one computer-implemented algorithm to perform this comparison entails enumerating all possible haplotype pairs which are consistent with the genotype, accessing data containing BF haplotype pairs frequency data determined in a reference population to determine a probability that the individual has a possible haplotype pair, and analyzing the determined probabilities to assign a haplotype pair to the individual. Generally, the reference population should be composed of randomly-selected individuals representing the major ethnogeographic groups of the world. A preferred reference population for use in the methods of the present invention comprises an approximately equal number of individuals from Caucasian, African-descent, Asian and Hispanic-Latino population groups with the minimum number of each group being chosen based on how rare a haplotype one wants to be guaranteed to see. For example, if one wants to have a q% chance of not missing a haplotype that exists in the population at a p% frequency of occurring in the reference population, the number of individuals (n) who must be sampled is given by 2n=log(l-q)/log(l-p) where p and q are expressed as fractions. A preferred reference population allows the detection of any haplotype whose frequency is at least 10% with about 99% certainty and comprises about 20 unrelated individuals from each of the four population groups named above. A particularly preferred reference population includes a 3-generation family representing one or more of the four population groups to serve as controls for checking quality of haplotyping procedures.
In a preferred embodiment, the haplotype frequency data for each ethnogeographic group is examined to determine whether it is consistent with Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium. Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium (D.L. Hartl et al. Principles of Population Genomics, Sinauer Associates (Sunderland, MA), 3rd Ed, 1997) postulates that the frequency of finding the haplotype pair Hx I H2 is equal to
PH-wi.H IH2) = 2p(Hl)p(H2) if Hλ ≠ H2 and pH_w(H I H2) = p(H )p(H2) if Hλ = H2 .
A statistically significant difference between the observed and expected haplotype frequencies could be due to one or more factors including significant inbreeding in the population group, strong selective pressure on the gene, sampling bias, and/or errors in the genotyping process. If large deviations from
Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium are observed in an ethnogeographic group, the number of individuals in that group can be increased to see if the deviation is due to a sampling bias. If a larger sample size
does not reduce the difference between observed and expected haplotype pair frequencies, then one may wish to consider haplotyping the individual using a direct haplotyping method such as, for example, CLASPER System™ technology (U.S. Patent No. 5,866,404), single molecule dilution, or allele-specific long-range PCR (Michalotos-Beloin et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 24:4841-4843, 1996). In one embodiment of this method for predicting a BF haplotype pair for an individual, the assigning step involves performing the following analysis. First, each of the possible haplotype pairs is compared to the haplotype pairs in the reference population. Generally, only one of the haplotype pairs in the reference population matches a possible haplotype pair and that pair is assigned to the individual. Occasionally, only one haplotype represented in the reference haplotype pairs is consistent with a possible haplotype pair for an individual, and in such cases the individual is assigned a haplotype pair containing this known haplotype and a new haplotype derived by subtracting the known haplotype from the possible haplotype pair. Alternatively, the haplotype pair in an individual may be predicted from the individual's genotype for that gene using reported methods (e.g., Clark et al. 1990 MolBio Evol 7:111-22; copending PCT/USOl/12831 filed April 18, 2001 ) or through a commercial haplotyping service such as offered by Genaissance Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (New Haven, CT). In rare cases, either no haplotypes in the reference population are consistent with the possible haplotype pairs, or alternatively, multiple reference haplotype pairs are consistent with the possible haplotype pairs. In such cases, the individual is preferably haplotyped using a direct molecular haplotyping method such as, for example, CLASPER System™ technology (U.S. Patent No. 5,866,404), SMD, or allele-specific long-range PCR (Michalotos-Beloin et al, supra).
The invention also provides a method for determining the frequency of a BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair in a population. The method comprises, for each member of the population, determining the genotype or the haplotype pair for the novel BF polymoφhic sites described herein, and calculating the frequency any particular genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair is found in the population. The population may be e.g., a reference population, a family population; a same gender population, a population group, or a trait population (e.g., a group of individuals exhibiting a trait of interest such as a medical condition or response to a therapeutic treatment). In another aspect of the invention, frequency data for BF genotypes, haplotypes, and/or haplotype pairs are determined in a reference population and used in a method for identifying an association between a trait and a BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair. The trait may be any detectable phenotype, including but not limited to susceptibility to a disease or response to a treatment. In one embodiment, the method involves obtaining data on the frequency of the genotype(s), haplotype(s), or haplotype pair(s) of interest in a reference population as well as in a population exhibiting the trait. Frequency data for one or both of the reference and trait populations may be obtained by genotyping or haplotyping each individual in the populations using one or more of the methods' described above. The haplotypes for the trait population may be determined directly or, alternatively, by a predictive genotype to haplotype approach as described above. In another
embodiment, the frequency data for the reference and/or trait populations is obtained by accessing previously determined frequency data, which may be in written or electronic form. For example, the frequency data may be present in a database that is accessible by a computer. Once the frequency data is obtained, the frequencies of the genotype(s), haplotype(s), or haplotype pair(s) of interest in the reference and trait populations are compared. In a preferred embodiment, the frequencies of all genotypes, haplotypes, and/or haplotype pairs observed in the populations are compared. If a particular BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair is more frequent in the trait population than in the reference population at a statistically significant amount, then the trait is predicted to be associated with that BF genotype, haplotype or haplotype pair. Preferably, the BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair being compared in the trait and reference populations is selected from the full- genotypes and full-haplotypes shown in Tables 3 and 4, or from sub-genotypes and sub-haplotypes derived from these genotypes and haplotypes. Sub-genotypes useful in the invention preferably do not include sub-genotypes solely for any one of PS 19 and PS30 or for any combination thereof.
In a preferred embodiment of the method, the trait of interest is a clinical response exhibited by a patient to some therapeutic treatment, for example, response to a drug targeting BF or response to a therapeutic treatment for a medical condition. As used herein, "medical condition" includes but is not limited to any condition or disease manifested as one or more physical and/or psychological symptoms for which treatment is desirable, and includes previously and newly identified diseases and other disorders. As used herein the term "clinical response" means any or all of the following: a quantitative measure of the response, no response, and/or adverse response (i.e, side effects).
In order to deduce a correlation between clinical response to a treatment and a BF genotype, haplotype, or haplotype pair, it is necessary to obtain data on the clinical responses exhibited by a population of individuals who received the treatment, hereinafter the "clinical population". This clinical data may be obtained by analyzing the results of a clinical trial that has already been run and/or the clinical data may be obtained by designing and carrying out one or more new clinical trials. As used herein, the term "clinical trial" means any research study designed to collect clinical data on responses to a particular treatment, and includes but is not limited to phase I, phase II and phase IH clinical trials. Standard methods are used to define the patient population and to enroll subjects.
It is preferred that the individuals included in the clinical population have been graded for the existence of the medical condition of interest. This is important in cases where the symptom(s) being presented by the patients can be caused by more than one underlying condition, and where treatment of the underlying conditions are not the same. An example of this would be where patients experience ■ . breathing difficulties that are due to either asthma or respiratory infections. If both sets were treated with an asthma medication, there would be a spurious group of apparent non-responders that did not actually have asthma. These people would affect the ability to detect any coπrelation between haplotype and treatment outcome. This grading of potential patients could employ a standard physical exam or one or more lab tests. Alternatively, grading of patients could use haplotyping for situations
where there is a strong correlation between haplotype pair and disease susceptibility or severity.
The therapeutic treatment of interest is administered to each individual in the trial population and each individual's response to the treatment is measured using one or more predetermined criteria. It is contemplated that in many cases, the trial population will exhibit a range of responses and that the investigator will choose the number of responder groups (e.g., low, medium, high) made up by the various responses. In addition, the BF gene for each individual in the trial population is genotyped and/or haplotyped, which may be done before or after administering the treatment.
After both the clinical and polymoφhism data have been obtained, correlations between individual response and BF genotype or haplotype content are created. Correlations may be produced in several ways. In one method, individuals are grouped by their BF genotype or haplotype (or haplotype pair) (also referred to as a polymoφhism group), and then the averages and standard deviations of clinical responses exhibited by the members of each polymoφhism group are calculated.
These results are then analyzed to determine if any observed variation in clinical response between polymoφhism groups is statistically significant. Statistical analysis methods which may be used are described in L.D. Fisher and G. vanBelle, "Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences", Wiley-Interscience (New York) 1993. This analysis may also include a regression calculation of which polymoφhic sites in the BF gene give the most significant contribution to the differences in phenotype. One regression model useful in the invention is described in WO 01/01218, entitled "Methods for Obtaining and Using Haplotype Data". A second method for finding correlations between BF haplotype content and clinical responses uses predictive models based on error-minimizing optimization algorithms. One of many possible optimization algorithms is a genetic algorithm (R. Judson, "Genetic Algorithms and Their Uses in Chemistry" in Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol. 10, pp. 1-73, K. B. Lipkowitz and D. B. Boyd, eds. (VCH Publishers, New York, 1997). Simulated annealing (Press et al, "Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing", Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) 1992, Ch. 10), neural networks (E. Rich and K. Knight, "Artificial Intelligence", 2nd Edition (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991, Ch. 18), standard gradient descent methods (Press et al, supra, Ch. 10), or other global or local optimization approaches (see discussion in Judson, supra) could also be used. Preferably, the correlation is found using a genetic algorithm approach as described in WO 01/01218. Correlations may also be analyzed using analysis of variation (ANOVA) techniques to determine how much of the variation in the clinical data is explained by different subsets of the polymoφhic sites in the BF gene. As described in WO 01/01218, ANOVA is used to test hypotheses about whether a response variable is caused by or correlated with one or more traits or variables that can be measured (Fisher and vanBelle, supra, Ch. 10). From the analyses described above, a mathematical model may be readily constructed by the skilled artisan that predicts clinical response as a function of BF genotype or haplotype content. Preferably, the model is validated in one or more follow-up clinical trials designed to test the model.
The identification of an association between a clinical response and a genotype or haplotype (or haplotype pair) for the BF gene may be the basis for designing a diagnostic method to determine those individuals who will or will not respond to the treatment, or alternatively, will respond at a lower level and thus may require more treatment, i.e, a greater dose of a drug. The diagnostic method may take one of several forms: for example, a direct DNA test (i.e, genotyping or haplotyping one or more of the polymoφhic sites in the BF gene), a serological test, or a physical exam measurement. The only requirement is that there be a good correlation between the diagnostic test results and the underlying BF genotype or haplotype that is in turn correlated with the clinical response. In a preferred embodiment, this diagnostic method uses the predictive haplotyping method described above. In another embodiment, the invention provides an isolated polynucleotide comprising a polymoφhic variant of the BF gene or a fragment of the gene which contains at least one of the novel polymoφhic sites described herein. The nucleotide sequence of a variant BF gene is identical to the reference genomic sequence for those portions of the gene examined, as described in the Examples below, except that it comprises a different nucleotide at one or more of the novel polymoφhic sites PSl, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8,PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14, PS15, PS16, PS17,
PS18, PS20, PS21, PS22, PS23, PS24, PS25, PS26, PS27, PS28 and PS29, and may also comprise one or more additional polymoφhisms selected from the group consisting of thymine at PS 19 and thymine at PS30. Similarly, the nucleotide sequence of a variant fragment of the BF gene is identical to the corresponding portion of the reference sequence except for having a different nucleotide at one or more of the novel polymoφhic sites described herein. Thus, the invention specifically does not include polynucleotides comprising a nucleotide sequence identical to the reference sequence of the BF gene, which is defined by haplotype 19, (or other reported BF sequences) or to portions of the reference sequence (or other reported BF sequences), except for the haplotyping and genotyping oligonucleotides described above. The location of a polymoφhism in a variant BF gene or fragment is preferably identified by aligning its sequence against SEQ ID NO:l. The polymoφhism is selected from the group consisting of thymine at PSl, adenine at PS2, thymine at PS3, adenine at PS4, thymine at PS5, thymine at PS6, adenine at PS7, guanine at PS8, adenine at PS9, thymine at PS10, adenine at PSl 1, thymine at PS12, thymine at PS13, cytosine at PS14, adenine at PS15, adenine at PS16, thymine at PS17, guanine at PS18, adenine at PS20, thymine at PS21, cytosine at PS22, guanine at PS23, thymine at PS24, guanine at PS25, guanine at PS26, thymine at PS27, guanine at PS28 and thymine at PS29. In a preferred embodiment, the polymoφhic variant comprises a naturally-occurring isogene of the BF gene which is defined by any one of haplotypes 1- 18 and 20 - 31 shown in Table 4 below.
Polymoφhic variants of the invention may be prepared by isolating a clone containing the BF gene from a human genomic library. The clone may be sequenced to determine the identity of the nucleotides at the novel polymoφhic sites described herein. Any particular variant or fragment thereof, that is claimed herein could be prepared from this clone by performing in vitro mutagenesis
using procedures well-known in the art. Any particular BF variant or fragment thereof may also be prepared using synthetic or semi-synthetic methods known in the art.
BF isogenes, or fragments thereof, may be isolated using any method that allows separation of the two "copies" of the BF gene present in an individual, which, as readily understood by the skilled artisan, may be the same allele or different alleles. Separation methods include targeted in vivo cloning (TIVC) in yeast as described in WO 98/01573, U.S. Patent No. 5,866,404, and U.S. Patent No. 5,972,614. Another method, which is described in U.S. Patent No. 5,972,614, uses an allele specific . oligonucleotide in combination with primer extension and exonuclease degradation to generate hemizygous DNA targets. Yet other methods are single molecule dilution (SMD) as described in Ruano et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 87:6296-6300, 1990; and allele specific PCR (Ruano et al, 1989, supra; Ruano et al, 1991, supra; Michalatos-Beloin et al, supra).
The invention also provides BF genome anthologies, which are collections of at least two BF isogenes found in a given population. The population may be any group of at least two individuals, including but not limited to a reference population, a population group, a family population, a clinical population, and a same gender population. A BF genome anthology may comprise individual BF isogenes stored in separate containers such as microtest tubes, separate wells of a microtitre plate and the like. Alternatively, two or more groups of the BF isogenes in the anthology may be stored in separate containers. Individual isogenes or groups of such isogenes in a genome anthology may be stored in any convenient and stable form, including but not limited to in buffered solutions, as DNA precipitates, freeze-dried preparations and the like. A preferred BF genome anthology of the invention comprises a set of isogenes defined by the haplotypes shown in Table 4 below. A BF genome anthology is useful in providing control nucleic acids for kits of the invention.
An isolated polynucleotide containing a polymoφhic variant nucleotide sequence of the invention may be operably linked to one or more expression regulatory elements in a recombinant expression vector capable of being propagated and expressing the encoded BF protein in a prokaryotic or a eukaryotic host cell. Examples of expression regulatory elements which may be used include, but are not limited to, the lac system, operator and promoter regions of phage lambda, yeast promoters, and promoters derived from vaccinia virus, adenovirus, retroviruses, or SV40. Other regulatory elements include, but are not limited to, appropriate leader sequences, termination codons, polyadenylation signals, and other sequences required for the appropriate transcription and subsequent translation of the nucleic acid sequence in a given host cell. Of course, the correct combinations of expression regulatory elements will depend on the host system used. In addition, it is understood that the expression vector contains any additional elements necessary for its transfer to and subsequent replication in the host cell. Examples of such elements include, but are not limited to, origins of replication and selectable markers. Such expression vectors are commercially available or are readily constructed using methods known to those in the art (e.g., F. Ausubel et al, 1987, in "Current Protocols in Molecular Biology", John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York). Host cells which may
be used to express the variant BF sequences of the invention include, but are not limited to, eukaryotic and mammalian cells, such as animal, plant, insect and yeast cells, and prokaryotic cells, such as E. coli, or algal cells as known in the art. The recombinant expression vector may be introduced into the host cell using any method known to those in the art including, but not limited to, microinjection, electroporation, particle bombardment, transduction, and transfection using DEAE-dextran, lipofection, or calcium phosphate (see e.g., Sambrook et al. (1989) in "Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual", Cold Spring Harbor Press, Plainview, New York). In a preferred aspect, eukaryotic expression vectors that function in eukaryotic cells, and preferably mammalian cells, are used. Non-limiting examples of such vectors include vaccinia virus vectors, adenovirus vectors, heφes virus vectors, and baculovirus transfer vectors. Preferred eukaryotic cell lines include COS cells, CHO cells, HeLa cells, NIH/3T3 cells, and embryonic stem cells (Thomson, J. A. et al, 1998 Science 282: 1145-1147). Particularly preferred host cells are mammalian cells.
As will be readily recognized by the skilled artisan, expression of polymoφhic variants of the BF gene will produce BF mRNAs varying from each other at any polymoφhic site retained in the spliced and processed mRNA molecules. These mRNAs can be used for the preparation of a BF cDNA comprising a nucleotide sequence which is a polymoφhic variant of the BF reference coding sequence shown in Figure 2. Thus, the invention also provides BF mRNAs and corresponding cDNAs which comprise a nucleotide sequence that is identical to SEQ ID NO:2 (Fig. 2), or its corresponding RNA sequence, for those regions of SEQ ID NO:2 that correspond to the examined portions of the BF gene (as described in the Examples below), except for having one or more polymoφhisms selected from the group consisting of adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 26, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 94, adenine at a position corresponding to. nucleotide 221, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 405, adenine at a position corresponding to . nucleotide 450, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 504, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 672, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 754, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 858, adenine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1114, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1137, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1365, thymine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1524, guanine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1598 and guanine at a position corresponding to nucleotide 1953. A particularly preferred polymoφhic cDNA variant comprises the coding sequence of a BF isogene defined by any one of haplotypes 1-7, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 22, and 24-31. Fragments of these variant mRNAs and cDNAs are included in the scope of the invention, provided they contain one or more of the novel polymoφhisms described herein. The invention specifically excludes polynucleotides identical to previously identified and characterized BF mRNAs, cDNAs or fragments thereof. Polynucleotides comprising a variant BF RNA or DNA sequence may be isolated from a biological sample using well-known molecular biological procedures or may be chemically synthesized.
As used herein, a polymoφhic variant of a BF gene, mRNA or cDNA fragment comprises at
least one novel polymoφhism identified herein and has a length of at least 10 nucleotides and may range up to the full length of the gene. Preferably, such fragments are between 100 and 3000 nucleotides in length, and more preferably between 200 and 2000 nucleotides in length, and most preferably between 500 and 1000 nucleotides in length. In describing the BF polymoφhic sites identified herein, reference is made to the sense strand of the gene for convenience. However, as recognized by the skilled artisan, nucleic acid molecules containing the BF gene or cDNA may be complementary double stranded molecules and thus reference to a particular site on the sense strand refers as well to the corresponding site on the complementary antisense strand. Thus, reference may be made to the same polymoφhic site on either strand and an oligonucleotide may be designed to hybridize specifically to either strand at a target region containing the polymoφhic site. Thus, the invention also includes single-stranded polynucleotides which are complementary to the sense strand of the BF genomic, mRNA and cDNA variants described herein. Polynucleotides comprising a polymoφhic gene variant or fragment of the invention may be useful for therapeutic puφoses. For example, where a patient could benefit from expression, or increased expression, of a particular BF protein isoform, an expression vector encoding the isoform may be administered to the patient. The patient may be one who lacks the BF isogene encoding that isoform or may already have -at least one copy of that isogene.
In other situations, it may be desirable to decrease or block expression of a particular BF isogene. Expression of a BF isogene may be turned off by transforming a targeted organ, tissue or cell population with an expression vector that expresses high levels of untranslatable mRNA or antisense RNA for the isogene or fragment thereof. Alternatively, oligonucleotides directed against the regulatory regions (e.g., promoter, introns, enhancers, 3' untranslated region) of the isogene may block transcription. Oligonucleotides targeting the transcription initiation site, e.g., between positions -10 and +10 from the start site are preferred. Similarly, inhibition of transcription can be achieved using oligonucleotides that base-pair with region(s) of the isogene DNA to form triplex DNA (see e.g., Gee et al. in Huber, B.E. and B.I. Carr, Molecular and Immunologic Approaches, Futura Publishing Co, Mt. Kisco, N.Y, 1994). Antisense oligonucleotides may also be designed to block translation of BF mRNA transcribed from a particular isogene. It is also contemplated that ribozymes may be designed that can catalyze the specific cleavage of BF mRNA transcribed from a particular isogene. The untranslated mRNA, antisense RNA ot antisense oligonucleotides may be delivered to a target cell or tissue by expression from a vector introduced into the cell or tissue in vivo or ex vivo. Alternatively, such molecules may be formulated as a pharmaceutical composition for administration to the patient. Oligoriboriucleotides and/or oligodeoxynucleotides intended for use as antisense oligonucleotides may be modified to increase stability and half-life. Possible modifications include, but are not limited to phosphorothioate or 2' O-methyl linkages, and the inclusion of nontraditional bases such as inosine and queosine, as well as acetyl-, methyl-, thio-, and similarly modified forms of adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil which are not as easily recognized by endogenous
The invention also provides an isolated polypeptide comprising a polymoφhic variant of (a) the reference BF amino acid sequence shown in Figure 3 or (b) a fragment of this reference sequence. The location of a variant amino acid in a BF polypeptide or fragment of the invention is identified by aligning its sequence against SEQ ID NO:3 (Fig. 3). A BF protein variant of the invention comprises an amino acid sequence identical to SEQ ID NO:3 for those regions of SEQ ID NO:3 that are encoded by examined portions of the BF gene (as described in the Examples below), except for having one or more variant amino acids selected from the group consisting ofhistidine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 9, histidine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 74, serine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 252, isoleucine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 372, arginine at a position corresponding to amino acid position 533 and glutamic acid at a position corresponding to amino acid position 651 and/or the protein truncates prematurely at amino acid 31 due to the termination signal at codon 32 in the coding sequence. Thus, a BF fragment of the invention, also referred to herein as a BF peptide variant, is any fragment of a BF protein variant that contains one or more of the amino acid variations described herein. The invention specifically excludes amino acid sequences identical to those previously identified for BF, including SEQ ID NO:3, and previously described fragments thereof. BF protein variants included within the invention comprise all amino acid sequences based on SEQ ID NO:3 and having any combination of amino acid variations described herein. In preferred embodiments, a BF protein variant of the invention is encoded by an isogene defined by one of the observed haplotypes, 1-7, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 22, and 24- 31 , shown in Table 4.
A BF peptide variant of the invention is at least 6 amino acids in length and is preferably any number between 6 and 30 amino acids long, more preferably between 10 and 25, and most preferably between 15 and 20 amino acids long. Such BF peptide variants may be useful as antigens to generate antibodies specific for one of the above BF isoforms. In addition, the BF peptide variants may be useful in drug screening assays.
A BF variant protein or peptide of the invention may be prepared by chemical synthesis or by expressing an appropriate variant BF genomic or cDNA sequence described above. Alternatively, the ' BF protein variant may be isolated from a biological sample of an individual having a BF isogene which encodes the variant protein. Where the sample contains two different BF isoforms (i.e, the individual has different BF isogenes), a particular BF isoform of the invention can be isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography using an antibody which specifically binds to that particular BF isoform but does not bind to the other BF isoform.
The expressed- or isolated BF protein or peptide may be detected by methods known in the art, including Coomassie blue staining, silver staining, and Western blot analysis using antibodies specific for the isoform of the BF protein or peptide as discussed further below. BF variant proteins and peptides can be purified by standard protein purification procedures known in the art, including
differential precipitation, molecular sieve chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, isoelectric focusing, gel electrophoresis, affinity and immunoaffinity chromatography and the like. (Ausubel et. al, 1987, In Current Protocols in Molecular Biology John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York). In the case of immunoaffinity chromatography, antibodies specific for a particular polymoφhic variant may be used.
A polymoφhic variant BF gene of the invention may also be fused in frame with a heterologous sequence to encode a chimeric BF protein. The non-BF portion of the chimeric protein may be recognized by a commercially available antibody. In addition, the chimeric protein may also be engineered to contain a cleavage site located between the BF and non-BF portions so that the BF protein may be cleaved and purified away from the non-BF portion.
An additional embodiment of the invention relates to using a novel BF protein isoform, or a fragment thereof, in any of a variety of drug screening assays. Such screening assays may be performed to identify agents that bind specifically to all known BF protein isoforms or to only a subset of one or more of these isoforms. The agents may be from chemical compound libraries, peptide libraries and the like. The BF protein or peptide variant may be free in solution or affixed to a solid support. In one embodiment, high throughput screening of compounds for binding to a BF variant may be accomplished using the method described in PCT application WO84/03565, in which large numbers of test compounds are synthesized on a solid substrate, such as plastic pins or some other surface, contacted with the BF protein(s) of interest and then washed. Bound BF protein(s) are then detected using methods well-known in the art.
• In another embodiment, a novel BF protein isoform may be used in assays to measure the binding affinities of one or more candidate drugs targeting the BF protein.
In yet another embodiment, when a particular BF haplotype or group of BF haplotypes encodes a BF protein variant with an amino acid sequence distinct from that of BF protein isoforms encoded by other BF haplotypes, then detection of that particular BF haplotype or group of BF haplotypes may be accomplished by detecting expression of the encoded BF protein variant using any of the methods described herein or otherwise commonly known to the skilled artisan.
In another embodiment, the invention provides antibodies specific for and immunoreactive with one or more of the novel BF variant proteins described herein. The antibodies may be either monoclonal or polyclonal in origin. The BF protein or peptide variant used to generate the antibodies may be from natural or recombinant sources or produced by chemical synthesis using synthesis techniques known in the art. If the BF protein variant is of insufficient size to be antigenic, it may be conjugated, complexed, or otherwise covalently linked to a carrier molecule to enhance the antigenicity of the peptide. Examples of carrier molecules, include, but are not limited to, albumins (e.g., human, bovine, fish, ovine), and keyhole limpet hemocyanin (Basic and Clinical Immunology, 1991, Eds. D.P. Stites, and A.I. Terr, Appleton and Lange, Norwalk Connecticut, San Mateo, California).
In one embodiment, an antibody specifically immunoreactive with one of the novel protein isoforms described herein is administered to an individual to neutralize activity of the BF isoform expressed by that individual. The antibody may be formulated as a pharmaceutical composition which includes a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Antibodies specific for and immunoreactive with one of the novel protein isoforms described herein may be used to immunoprecipitate the BF protein variant from solution as well as react with BF protein isoforms on Western or immunoblots of polyacrylamide gels on membrane supports or substrates. In another preferred embodiment, the antibodies will detect BF protein isoforms in paraffin or frozen tissue sections, or in cells which have been fixed or unfixed and prepared on slides, coverslips, or the like, for use in immunocytochemical, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescence techniques.
In another embodiment, an antibody specifically immunoreactive with one of the novel BF protein variants described herein is used in immunoassays to detect this variant in biological samples. In this method, an antibody of the present invention is contacted with a biological sample and the formation of a complex between the BF protein variant and the antibody is detected. As described, suitable immunoassays include radioimmunoassay, Western blot assay, immunofluorescent assay, enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA), chemiluminescent assay, immunohistochemical assay, immunocytochemical assay, and the like (see, e.g., Principles and Practice of Immunoassay, 1991, Eds. Christopher P. Price and David J. Neoman, Stockton Press, New York, New York; Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 1987, Eds. Ausubel et al,. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York).
Standard techniques known in the art for ELISA are described in Methods in hnmunodiagnosis, 2nd Ed, Eds. Rose and Bigazzi, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1980; and Campbell et al, 1984, Methods in Immunology, W.A. Benjamin, Inc.). Such assays may be direct, indirect, competitive, or noncompetitive as described in the art (see, e.g., Principles and Practice of Immunoassay, 1991, Eds. Christopher P. Price and David J. Neoman, Stockton Pres, NY, NY; and Oellirich, M, 1984, J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem, 22:895-904). Proteins may be isolated from test specimens and biological samples by conventional methods, as described in Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, supra. Exemplary antibody molecules for use in the detection and therapy methods of the present invention are intact immunoglobulin molecules, substantially intact immunoglobulin molecules, or those portions of immunoglobulin molecules that contain the antigen binding site. Polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies may be produced by methods conventionally known in the art (e.g., Kohler and Milstein, 1975, Nature, 256:495-497; Campbell Monoclonal Antibody Technology, the Production and Characterization of Rodent and Human Hybridomas, 1985, In: Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Eds. Burdon et al. Volume 13, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam). The antibodies or antigen binding fragments thereof may also be produced by genetic engineering. The technology for expression of both heavy and light chain genes in E. coli is the subject of PCT patent applications, publication number WO 901443, WO 901443 and WO 9014424 and in Huse et al, 1989,,
Science, 246:1275-1281. The antibodies may also be humanized (e.g., Queen, C. et al. 1989 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 86; 10029).
Effect(s) of the polymoφhisms identified herein on expression of BF may be investigated by preparing recombinant cells and/or nonhuman recombinant organisms, preferably recombinant animals, containing a polymoφhic variant of the BF gene. As used herein, "expression" includes but is not limited to one or more of the following: transcription of the gene into precursor mRNA; splicing and other processing of the precursor mRNA to produce mature mRNA; mRNA stability; translation of the mature mRNA into BF protein (including codon usage and tRNA availability); and glycosylation and/or other modifications of the translation product, if required for proper expression and function.
To prepare a recombinant cell of the invention, the desired BF isogene may be introduced into the cell in a vector such that the isogene remains extrachromosomal. In such a situation, the gene will be expressed by the cell from the extrachromosomal location. In a preferred embodiment, the BF isogene is introduced into a cell in such a way that it recombines with the endogenous BF gene present in the cell. Such recombination requires the occurrence of a double recombination event, thereby resulting in the desired BF gene polymoφhism. Vectors for the introduction of genes both for recombination and for extrachromosomal maintenance are known in the art, and any suitable vector or vector construct may be used in the invention. Methods such as electroporation, particle bombardment, calcium phosphate co-precipitation and viral transduction for introducing DNA into cells are known in the art; therefore, the choice of method may lie with the competence and preference of the skilled practitioner. Examples of cells into which the BF isogene may be introduced include, but are not limited to, continuous culture cells, such as COS, NIH/3T3, arid primary or culture cells of the relevant tissue type, i.e, they express the BF isogene. Such recombinant cells can be used to compare the biological activities of the different protein variants. Recombinant nonhuman organisms, i.e, transgenic animals, expressing a variant BF gene are prepared using standard procedures known in the art. Preferably, a construct comprising the variant gene is introduced into a nonhuman animal or an ancestor of the animal at an embryonic stage, i.e., the one-cell stage, or generally not later than about the eight-cell stage. Transgenic animals carrying the constructs of the invention can be made by several methods known to those having skill in the art. One method involves transfecting into the embryo a retrovirus constructed to contain one or more insulator elements, a gene or genes of interest, and other components known to those skilled in the art to provide a complete shuttle vector harboring the insulated gene(s) as a transgene, see e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,610,053. Another method involves directly injecting a transgene into the embryo. A third method involves the use of embryonic stem cells. Examples of animals into which the BF isogenes may be introduced include, but are not limited to, mice, rats, other rodents, and nonhuman primates (see "The Introduction of Foreign Genes into Mice" and the cited references therein, In: Recombinant DNA, Eds. J.D. Watson, M. Gilman, J. Wifkowski, and M. Zoller; W.H. Freeman and Company, New
York, pages 254-272). Transgenic animals stably expressing a human BF isogene and producing the encoded human BF protein can be used as biological models for studying diseases related to abnormal BF expression and/or activity, and for screening and assaying various candidate drugs, compounds, and treatment regimens to reduce the symptoms or effects of these diseases. An additional embodiment of the invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions for treating disorders affected by expression or function of a novel BF isogene described herein. The pharmaceutical composition may comprise any of the following active ingredients: a polynucleotide comprising one of these novel BF isogenes; an antisense oligonucleotide directed against one of the novel BF isogenes, a polynucleotide encoding such an antisense oligonucleotide, or another compound which inhibits expression of a novel BF isogene described herein. Preferably, the composition, contains the active ingredient in a therapeutically effective amount. By therapeutically effective amount is meant that one or more of the symptoms relating to disorders affected by expression or function of a novel BF isogene is reduced and/or eliminated. The composition also comprises a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, examples of which include, but are not limited to, saline, buffered saline, dextrose, and water. Those skilled in the art may employ a formulation most suitable for the active ingredient, whether it is a polynucleotide, oligonucleotide, protein, peptide or small molecule antagonist. The pharmaceutical composition may be administered alone or in combination with at least one other agent, such as a stabilizing compound. Administration of the pharmaceutical composition may be by any number of routes including, but not limited to oral, intravenous, intramuscular, intra-arterial, intramedullary, intrathecal, intraventricular, intradermal, transdermal, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intranasal, enteral, topical, sublingual, or rectal. Further details on techniques for formulation and administration may be found in the latest edition of Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences (Maack Publishing Co, Easton, PA).
For any composition, determination of the therapeutically effective dose of active ingredient and/or the appropriate route of administration is well within the capability of those skilled in the art. For example, the dose can be estimated initially either in cell culture assays or in animal models. The animal model may also be used to determine the appropriate concentration range and route of administration. Such information can then be used to determine useful doses and routes for administration in humans. The exact dosage will be determined by the practitioner, in light of factors relating to the patient requiring treatment, including but not limited to severity of the disease state, general health, age, weight and gender of the patient, diet, time and frequency of administration, other drugs being taken by the patient, and tolerance/response to the treatment.
Any or all analytical and mathematical operations involved in practicing the methods of the present invention may be implemented by a computer. In addition, the computer may execute a program that generates views (or screens) displayed on a display device and with which the user can interact to view and analyze large amounts of information relating to the BF gene and its genomic variation, including chromosome location, gene structure, and gene family, gene expression data,
polymoφhism data, genetic sequence data, and clinical data population data (e.g., data on ethnogeographic origin, clinical responses, genotypes, and haplotypes for one or more populations). The BF polymoφhism data described herein may be stored as part of a relational database (e.g., an instance of an Oracle database or a set of ASCII flat files). These polymoφhism data may be stored on the computer's hard drive or may, for example, be stored on a CD-ROM or on one or more other storage devices accessible by the computer. For example, the data may be stored on one or more databases in communication with the computer via a network.
Preferred embodiments of the invention are described in the following examples. Other embodiments within the scope of the claims herein will be apparent to one skilled in the art from consideration of the specification or practice of the invention as disclosed herein. It is intended that the specification, together with the examples, be considered exemplary only, with the scope and spirit of the invention being indicated by the claims which follow the examples.
EXAMPLES The Examples herein are meant to exemplify the various aspects of carrying out the invention and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way. The Examples do not include detailed descriptions for conventional methods employed, such as in the performance of genomic DNA isolation, PCR and sequencing procedures. Such methods are well-known to those skilled in the art and are described in numerous publications, for example, Sambrook, Fritsch, and Maniatis, "Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual", 2nd Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, USA, (1989).
EXAMPLE 1 This example illustrates examination of various regions of the BF gene for polymoφhic sites.
Amplification of Target Regions
The following target regions of the BF gene were amplified using PCR primer pairs. The primers used for each region are represented below by providing the nucleotide positions of their initial and final nucleotides, which correspond to positions in SEQ ID NO: 1 (Figure 1).
PCR Primer Pairs
Fragment No. Forward Primer Reverse Primer PCR Product Fragment 1 3199-3218 complement of 3820 - 3800 622 nt Fragment 2 3527-3549 complement of 4085 - 4061 559 nt Fragment 3 3691-3712 complement of 4242 - 4220 552 nt Fragment 4 4100-4122 complement of 4576 - 4554 477 nt Fragment 5 4666-4689 complement of 5233 - 5211 567 nt Fragment 6 5010-5030 complement of 5523 - 5501 514 nt Fragment 7 5347-5369 complement of 5861 - 5837 515 nt Fragment 8 5641-5663 complement of 6112 - 6093 472 nt Fragment 9 5936-5958 complement of 6518 - 6496 583 nt Fragment 10 6382-6403 complement of 6997 - 6977 616 nt
Fragment 11 6766-6788 complement of 7455 - 7433 690 nt
Fragment 12 7081-7101 complement of 7609 - 7587 529 nt
Fragment 13 7605-7627 complement of 8122 - 8102 518 nt
Fragment 14 7820-7842 complement of 8356 - 8334 537 nt
Fragment 15 8380-8399 ' complement of 8942 - 8920 563 nt
Fragment 16 8716-8738 complement of 9272 - 9250 557 nt
Fragment 17 9043-9065 complement of 9615 - 9592 573 nt
Fragment 18 9616-9637 complement of 10103 - 10081 488 nt
These primer pairs were used in PCR reactions containing genomic DNA isolated from immortalized cell lines for each member of the Index Repository. The PCR reactions were carried out under the following conditions:
Reaction volume 10 μl
10 x Advantage 2 Polymerase reaction buffer (Clontech) ; l μl
100 ng of human genomic DNA ■■ l μl
10 mM dNTP 0.4 μl
Advantage 2 Polymerase enzyme mix (Clontech) ; 0.2 μl
Forward Primer (10 μM) ; 0.4 μl
Reverse Primer (10 μM) : 0.4 μl
Water 6.6μl
Amplification profile: 97°C - 2 min. 1 cycle
97°C - 15 sec. 70°C - 45 sec. 10 cycles 72°C - 45 sec.
97°C - 15 sec. 64°C - 45 sec. 35 cycles 72°C - 45 sec.
Sequencing of PCR Products
The PCR products were purified using a Whatman/Polyfiltronics 100 μl 384 well unifilter plate essentially according to the manufacturers protocol. The purified DNA was eluted in 50 μl of distilled water. Sequencing reactions were set up using Applied Biosystems Big Dye Terminator chemistry essentially according to the manufacturers protocol. The purified PCR products were sequenced in both directions using the primer sets described previously or those represented below by the nucleotide positions of their initial and final nucleotides, which correspond to positions in SEQ ID NO:l (Figure 1). Reaction products were purified by isopropanol precipitation, and run on an Applied Biosystems 3700 DNA Analyzer.
Sequencing Primer Pairs
Fragment No. Forward Primer Reverse Primer Fragment 1 3225-3244 complement of 3755-3735 Fragment 2 3559-3578 complement of 4050- 4030 Fragment 3 3732-3751 complement of 4206- 4187 Fragment 4 4172-4191 complement of 4527- 4508 Fragment 5 4701-4720 complement of 5153- 5134 Fragment 6 5061-5080 complement of 5491- 5471 Fragment 7 5384-5403 complement of 5775- 5755 Fragment 8 5673-5692 complement of 6069- 6050 Fragment 9 5973-5992 complement of 6458- 6439 Fragment 10 6439-6458 complement of 6973- 6954 Fragment 11 6853-6872 complement of 7293- 7272 Fragment 12 7106-7125 complement of 7517- 7496 Fragment 13 7649-7668 complementof 8092- 8073 Fragment 14 7880-7899 complement of 8332- 8313 Fragment 15 8428-8447 complement of 8905- 8886 Fragment 16 8791-8810 complement of 9183- 9164 Fragment 17 9081-9100 complement of 9542- 9523 Fragment 18 9649-9668 complement of 10024- 10004
Analysis of Sequences for Polymoφhic Sites
Sequence information for a minimum of 80 humans was analyzed for the presence of polymoφhisms using the Polyphred program (Nickerson et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 14:2745-2751 , 1997). The presence of a polymoφhism was confirmed on both strands. The polymoφhisms and their locations in the BF reference genomic sequence (SEQ ID NO:l) are listed in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Polymoφhic Sites Identified in the BF Gene
Polymoφ hie Nucleotide Reference Variant CDS Variant AA
Site Number PolyIda Position Allele Allele Position Variant
PSl 1622113 3834 C T
PS2 1622109 4049 T A 26 L9H
PS3 1622105 4204 C T 94 Q32!
PS4 1622101 4331 G A 221 R74H
PS5 1622097 4438 C T
PS6 1622091 - 4915 C T 405 Y135Y
PS7 1622089 4960 G A 450 R150R
PS8 1622085 5028 T G
PS9 1622078 5169 G A 504 P168P
PS10 1622072 5557 C T 672 Y224Y
PS11 1622070 5639 G A 754 G252S
PS12 1622066 5844 C T 858 F286F
PS13 1622064 5971 C T
PS14 1622062 6038 T C
PS15 1622058 6087 G A
PS16 1622041 6709 G A 1114 V372I
PS17 1622039 6732 C T 1137 R379R
PS18 1622037 6941 A G
PS19R 1622035 6976 C T
PS20 1622033 7010 T A
PS21 1622029 7316 C T 1365 V455V
PS22 1622025 7565 T C
PS23 1622023 7836 A G
PS24 1622013 8107 C T 1524 H508H
PS25 1622011 8181 A G 1598 K533R
PS26 - 1622007 8887 A G
PS27 1622005 8930 C T
PS28 1622000 9045 T G . 1953 D651E
PS29 1621990 9857 C T
PS30R 1621986 9944 C T aPolyId is a unique identifier assigned to each PS by Genaissance Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Previously identified in literature
This example illustrates analysis of the BF polymoφhisms identified in the Index Repository for human genotypes and haplotypes.
The different genotypes containing these polymoφhisms that were observed in unrelated members of the reference population are shown in Table 3 below, with the haplotype pair indicating the combination of haplotypes determined for the individual using the haplotype derivation protocol described below. In Table 3, homozygous positions are indicated by one nucleotide and heterozygous positions are indicated by two nucleotides. Missing nucleotides in any given genotype in Table 3 were inferred based on linkage disequilibrium and/or Mendelian inheritance.
<_Λ ^ 4^ t t J o 4
O t_Λ o l_Λ
i-3 i-3 i-3
O O O O O O O O O O O O l— » l> (— > ι— » l— » μ-» ι— » ι— » ι— » t— » i— ». C l _-J I\J .-J U .-J C__π _--Λ .-J M [\_l .-J C_n U^ •*] ib i ji cri ji π π cri .π ri cri σi σ> cn σ. cn (.π cτι cn cn c_r_ cr. cn cn cn cr. ch cn σ> U) m m σi π -J cn σ.
H1 _h' Uπ ( M M _sJ l VD ) l--' K_) (--l l_D I--! lO M H M M H H M N Is) GO M CO h-1 _-> l-> μ CD
IΛ 4^ J^ w ) to > o Π o Cd o C/l o
^ ^ ^ α__. α_i ^ ^ ι^ co c ω co ω co (o ω o [N_) M N_) M M W K) t\_> M l m U fc ) M H O W ro J 0l Ui ih U M H O W C0 l m Ul *i ) M H O W) C0 l (5i Ui ih lA) M H O
* ; ^ * < < J J
Table 3(Part3). Genotypes and Haplotype Pairs Observed for BF Gene
Genotype Polymorphic Sites
Number PS21 PS22 PS23 PS24 PS25 PS26 PS27 PS28 PS29 PS30 HAP Pair
I C T A C A A C T C 16 16 2 C T A C A A C T C T 5 5
3 C C A C A A C T C T 15 15
4 C T A . C A G C T C 17 17
5 C T A C A A C T C T 8 8
6 C C/T A C. A A C/T T C/T T 15 1 7 C T A C A A C T C 16 31
8 . C T A C A A C T . , C T/C 16 19
9 C ' T A C/T A" A/G C T C T 16 26
10 C T A C A A/G C ' T C C/T 19 17
II C T A C A A C T C T 5 9 12 C T A C A A C T/G C T 16 30
13 C T .A C A A C T C T 5 8
14 C T A C A A C T C T 5 3
15 C/T C/T A. C A . A C T C T/C 15 22
16 C . A C A A C T C T 5 4 17 C C/T A C A A C T C T 15 24
18 • C T ' A C A A C T • C T/C 16 29
- ' 19 C. T A C A A/G C T C- T 25 17
20 C C/T A C A A C T C T/C 15 19
21 C T A C A A C T/G C T 25 27 22 C T A C A A C T C T/C 16 21
23 C/T T A C A A C T C T/C 16 13 .
24 C T A/G C* A A C/T T C/T T 16 2
25 C C/T A C A A C T C T 15 9
26 C T A C A A • C/T T C/T T 5 1 27 C T A C A A C/T T . C/T T 16 1
28' C T A C A A C T C T/C 5 19
29 C C A C A A C T C T 15 18
30 C T A C A A C T C T 25 28
31 C T A C A/G A C T C T/C 16 12 32 C/T C/T A C A A C T C . T/C 15 13
33 C T A C A A C T C T 16 3
34 C T A . C A A C T C T 5 23
35 C T A C A A C T C T/C 25 19
36 C T A C A A C T C 16 9 - 37 C/T T A C 'A A C T C T/C 16 7
38 C T A C A A C T C T/C 16 20
• 39 C C/T A C A ' A C T C T 15 25.
40 C T ' A C A A C T C T 16 23
41 C C/T A C A A C T C T 15 3 42 . C C/T A. C A A C T C T 15 5
43 C C/T A C ' A A/G C ' T C T 15 17
44 C T/C A .C A A C T C T 16 6
45 C' C/T A C A A C T C T 15 16
46 C T A C A A C T C T/C 25 11 47 C T A C - A A C T C T 14 10
The haplotype pairs shown in Table 3 were estimated from the unphased genotypes using a computer-implemented extension of Clark's algorithm (Clark, A.G.1990 Mol Bio Evol 7, 111-122) for assigning haplotypes to unrelated individuals in a population sample, as described in PCT/US01/12831, filed April 18, 2001. In this method, haplotypes are assigned directly from
individuals who are homozygous at all sites or heterozygous at no more than one of the variable sites. This list of haplotypes is then used to deconvolute the unphased genotypes in the remaining (multiply heterozygous) individuals. In the present analysis, the list of haplotypes was augmented with haplotypes obtained from two families (one three-generation Caucasian family and one two-generation African- American family).
By following this protocol, it was determined that the Index Repository examined herein and, by extension, the general population contains the 31 human BF haplotypes shown in Table 4 below.
A BF isogene defined by a full-haplotype shown in Table 4 below comprises the regions of the SEQ ID NOS indicated in Table 4, with their corresponding set of polymoφhic locations and identities, which are also set forth in Table 4.
Table 4. Haplotypes Identified in the BF Gene
Haplotye Number3 PS PS SEQ ID Region
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. b Pos.c No.d Examined6 -C C C C C C C C C C 1 3834/30 1/144 3199-4516
A A' T T T T T T T T 2 4049/150 1/144 3199-4516
C T C C C C C C C C 3 4204/270 1/144 3199-4516
G G A G G G G G G G 4 4331/390 1/144 3199-4516
C C C C C C C C C C 5 4438/510 1/144 3199-^4516 C C C C C C C C C C 6 4915/630 1/144 4666-8356
G G G A. A A G G G G 7 4960/750 1/144 4666-8356
T T T T T T G G T T 8 . 5028/870 1/144 4666-8356
A A G G G G G G G G 9 5169/990 1/144 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C- 10 5557/1110 1/144 4666-8356 G G G A G G G G G G 11 5639/1230 1/144 4666-8356
C C C C C T C C C C 12 5844/1350 1/144 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C 13 5971/1470 1/144 4666-8356
T T T T T T T T C T 14 6038/1590 1/144 4666-8356
A A A A A A A A A A 15 6087/1710 1/144 - 4666-8356 G G G G G G G G G A 16 6709/1830 1/144 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C 17 6732/1950 1/144 4666-8356
A A A A A A A A A A 18 6941/2070 1/144 4666-8356
T ' T T T T T C T T T 19 6976/2190 1/144 4666-8356
T T T T T T T T T A 20 7010/2310 1/144 4666-8356 C C C C C C T C C C 21 7316/2430 1/144 4666-8356
T T T T T C T T T T 22 7565/2550 1/144 4666-8356
A G A A A A A A A A 23 7836/2670 1/144 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C . 24 8107/2790 1/144 4666-8356
A A A A A A A A A A 25 8181/2910 1/144 4666-8356 A A A A A A A A A A 26 8887/3030 1/144 8380-10103
T T C C C C C C C C 27 8930/3150 1/144 8380-10103
T T T "T T T T T T T 28 9045/3270 1/144 8380-10103
T T C C C C C C C C 29 9857/3390 1/144 8380-10103
T T T T T T C T T T 30 9944/3510 1/144
' 8380-10103
O O H O > > O > H O H O > O Ω H O O Ω O Ω H Ω.O O Ω O H O
O O H O Ω O > H O H O > O Ω > H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
O O H O > > Ω > H H H O > O Ω > H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
H O H O > O > H O > H O Ω H Ω O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
H O H O > O O O H H > O Ω H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
H O H O > > O > H O H H > O Ω H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
H O H O Ω > O H O H H O Ω > H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O
H O H O > > O > O O H H H Ω > H O O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H "o
O O H O > -0 > H O H O > O Ω Ω H Ω O Ω O Ω H Ω O O Ω O H O t
O O H O > > O > H O H O > O Ω > H H O Ω O Ω H Ω O 0 Ω O H O
4 o t to IV) I to t to t to to M M M M M M M SO 00 ~J cn Cπ ib. Co o CD oo -j σ> Cπ 4-. co tO M O O 00 -J cn cn a-. CO tO M ? 4-» 4-» 4-. O h CO tO O 00 O CO o *• ω oi M 4S> CD 4-> co to co so o o
M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ≥ o
^ -i t-^ \-^ \-i \-i i-i -i t^ -^ i-> l-> t-i M M - \-^ t-> ι-^ M M M M M M M M ιl_-_. ιb. ιI-» 4-. 4-. ιb. α-> ιb> ιb> ι£» 4^> ιb> ιb. ιfc- 4-. 4-. 4-- 4-. b ι^ b. ιb. ι . ιb. ιb* ιb* ι∑-_. ιt_. b ιb ιb ιb 4-. 4^ ι . ιb. ιb» . s. ιb. 4-. 4-. iCs. ib 4-. 4-. ib. ib. ib. ib.
00 00 CO 00 CO iC-. t-_-. a__. j---. lt-__. ι__» b ib. ib. ιf__. ib ib. hi----. ιb 4-. 4-. CO CO ω ω ω O O CO CO CO cn n cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn _n cn cn cn cn cn cn cn M M M M M X
CO CO CO 00 CO n cn cn cn σι cn cn cn cn cn cn cn n cn en en cn cn cn cn co co CD CD CD PJ
O O O O cn cn n en en cn en cn cn en cn cn cy_ cn cn cn σ> cn cn cn co o CD CD CD I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l t i l l l l l l l I I I 3 H
M M co oo co co co oo co co co CO 00 CO CO CO 00 00 00 CO CO OO lb. 4=- it. it. b.
O O o co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co CO CO co cπ Cπ Cπ Cn Cπ CD
M M M cn Cπ Cπ cn Cn cn cn Cn cn Cn Cπ cπ Cn Cπ Cπ Cn Cn cn cπ cπ M M M M M
O O O cn cn cn n cn cn cn cn cn cn cn n cn cn cn cn cn c_n en cn cn cn σ. cn cn
Haplotype Number,a PS PS SEQ ID Region
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 No. b Pos.c No.d Examined6
C C c C C C C C C C T 1 3834/30 1 3199-451.6
T T T T T T T T T T T 2 4049/150 1 3199-4516
C c C T T T T T T T T 3 4204/270 1 3199-4516
G G G G G G G G G G G 4 4331/390 1 3199-4516
C T T C C C C C C C C 5 4438/510 1 3199-4516
T C C C C C C C C T C 6 4915/630 1 4666-8356
G G G A G G G G G G G 7 4960/750 1 4666-8356
T T T T T T T T T T T 8 ' 5028/870 1 4666-8356
G G G G G G G G G G G ' 9 5169/990 1 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C T C C 10 5557/1110 1 4666-8356
G G G G G G G G G G G 11 5639/1230 1 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C C 12 5844/1350 1 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C T 13 5971/1470 1 4666-8356
T T T T T T T T T T A 14 6038/1590 1 4666-8356
G A A A A A A A A A G 15 6087/1710 1 4666-8356
G G G G G G G G- G G G '16 6709/1830 1 4666-8356
C C C C C C C C C C C 17 6732/1950 1 4666-8356
A A A A A A G G A G G 18 6941/2070 1 4666-8356
C C T T T T T T C T T 19 6976/2190 1 4666-8356
T T T T T T T T T- T T 20 7010/2310 1 -4666-8356 c T C C C C C C c C C 21 7316/2430 1 4666-8356
T T T. T T T T T T T T 22 7565/2550 1 4666-8356
A A A A A A' A A A A A 23 7836/2670 1 4666-8356
C C C C C T C C C C C 24 8107/2790 1- 4666-8356
A A A A A A A A A A A 25 8181/2910 1 4666-8356
A A A A A G A A A A A 26 8887/3030 1 8380-10103
C C C C C C C C C C C 27 8930/3150 1 8380-10103
T T T T T T G T T G T 28 9045/3270 1 8380-10103 c c C C C ■ C C C c C C 29 9857/3390 1 8380-101-03 c c T T T T T T c T . T 30 9944/3510 1 8380-10103 aAlleles for BF haplotypes are presented 5 ' to 3 ' in each column bPS = polymoφhic site;
"Position of PS within the indicated SEQ ID NO, with the Imposition number referring to the . first SEQ ED NO and the 2nd position number referring to the 2nd SEQ ID NO; dlst SEQ ID NO refers to Figure 1, with the two alternative allelic variants of each polymoφhic site indicated by the appropriate nucleotide symbol; 2nd SEQ ID NO is a modified version of the 1st SEQ ID NO that comprises the context sequence of each polymoφhic site, PS1-PS30, to facilitate electronic searching of the haplotypes;
Region examined represents the nucleotide positions defining the start and stop positions within the 1st SEQ ID NO of the sequenced region.
SEQ ID NO: 1 refers to Figure 1 , with the two alternative allelic variants of each polymoφhic site indicated by the appropriate nucleotide symbol. SEQ ID NO: 144 is a modified version of SEQ ID NO:l that shows the context sequence of each of PS1-PS30 in a uniform format to facilitate electronic searching of the BF haplotypes. For each polymoφhic site, SEQ ID NO: 144 contains a block of 60 bases of the nucleotide sequence encompassing the centrally-located polymoφhic site at the 30th position, followed by 60 bases of unspecified sequence to represent that each polymoφhic site is separated by genomic sequence whose composition is defined elsewhere herein.
Table 5 below shows the percent of chromosomes characterized by a given BF haplotype for
all umelated individuals in the Index Repository for which haplotype data was obtained. The percent of these umelated individuals who have a given BF haplotype pair is shown in Table 6. In Tables 5 and 6, the "Total" column shows this frequency data for all of these unrelated individuals, while the other columns show the frequency data for these umelated individuals categorized according to their self-identified ethnogeographic origin. Abbreviations used in Tables 5 and 6 are AF = African Descent, AS = Asian, CA = Caucasian, HL = Hispanic-Latino, and AM = Native American. Table 5. Frequency of Observed BF Haplotypes In Unrelated Individuals
1 1 628105 2.44 7.14 , 0.0 0.0 2.78 0.0
2 1 628122 0.61 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.78 0.0
3 1 628106 1.83 0.0 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.0
4 1 628114 0.61 2.38 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0
5 1 628100 17.07 28.57 2.5 27.5 5.56 33.33
6 ] 628127 0.61 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0
7 ] 628126 0.61 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0
8 ] [628107 1.83 0.0 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.0
9 - ] L628104 2.44 0.0 5.0 0.0 2.78 - 16.67
10 1 1628120 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 ] [628115 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
12. ] [628128 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 ] [628108 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
14 1 [628116 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 ■ 1 L628098 24.39 38.1 7.5 20.0 30.56 33.33
16 1 L628099 19.51 7.14 35:0 20.0 19.44 0.0
17 1 [628103 4.27 2.38 0.0 0.0 16.67 0.0
18 ] 1628112 1.22 2.38 0.0 0.0 2.78 0.0
19 ] [628102 5.49 7.14 7.5 0.0 8.33 0.0
20 ] [628111 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
21 ] [628124 0.61. 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
22 ,] L628129 0.61 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0
23 1 [628109 ■ 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
24 ) 1628113 0.61 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 1628101 5.49 0.0 17.5 0.0 2.78 16.67
26 L628119 0.61 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.78 0.0
27 L628121 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
28 1628125 0.61 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
29 1628123 0.61 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 1628118 0.61 0.0 2.5. 0.0 0.0 0.0
31 1628117 0.61 0.0 0.0- 0.0 2.78 0.0
Table 6. Frequency of Observed BF Haplotype Pairs In Umelated Individuals
16 16 4.88 0.0 15.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
5 5 3.66 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0
15 ' 15 4.88 9.52 0.0 5.0 5.56 0.0
17 17 2.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.11 0.0
8 8 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
15 1 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
16 31 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
16 19 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
16 26 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
19 17 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
5 9 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.33
16 30 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 8 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
5 3 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
15 22 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
5 4 1.22 4.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 24 1.22 4.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 29 1.22 4.76 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0
25 17 1.22 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 5.56 0.0
15 19 2.44 4.76 0.0 0.0 5.56 . 0.0
25 27 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 21 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 13 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
16 2 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
15 9 1.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
5 1 2.44 9.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 1 1.22 4.76 ό.o 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 1'9 2.44 9.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 18 2.44 4.76 0.0 0.0 5.56 0.0
25 28 1.22 . 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 12 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 13 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
16 3 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
5 23 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
25 19 3.66 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 9 2.44 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 7 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
16 20 2.44 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 25 2.44 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 33.33
16 23 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
15 3 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
15 5 15.85 33.33 5.0 10.0 11.11 33.33
15 17 1.22 4.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 6 1.22 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
15 16 7.32 4.76 5.0 5.0 16.67 0.0
25 11 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 10 1.22 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
The size and composition of the Index Repository were chosen to represent the genetic diversity across and within four major population groups comprising the general United States
population. For example, as described in Table 1 above, this repository contains approximately equal sample sizes of African-descent, Asian- American, European- American, and Hispanic-Latino population groups. Almost all individuals representing each group had all four grandparents with the same ethnogeographic background. The number of unrelated individuals in the Index Repository provides a sample size that is sufficient to detect SNPs and haplotypes that occur in the general population with high statistical certainty. For instance, a haplotype that occurs with a frequency of 5% in the general population has a probability higher than 99.9% of being observed in a sample of 80 individuals from the general population. Similarly, a haplotype that occurs with a frequency of 10% in a specific population group has a 99% probability of being observed in a sample of 20 individuals from that population group. In addition, the size and composition of the Index Repository means that the relative frequencies determined therein for the haplotypes and haplotype pairs of the BF gene are likely to be similar to the relative frequencies of these BF haplotypes and haplotype pairs in the general U.S. population and in the .four population groups represented in the Index Repository. The genetic diversity observed for the three Native Americans is presented because it is of scientific interest, but due to the small sample size it lacks statistical significance.
In view of the above, it will be seen that the several advantages of the invention are achieved and other advantageous results attained.
As various changes could be made in the above methods and compositions without departing from the scope of the invention, it is intended that all matter contained in the above description and shown in the accompanying drawings shall be inteφreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense.
All references cited in this specification, including patents and patent applications, are hereby incoφorated in their entirety by reference. The discussion of references herein is intended merely to summarize the assertions made by their authors and no admission is made that any reference constitutes prior art. Applicants reserve the right to challenge the accuracy and pertinency of the cited references.