The present invention relates to the field of the homeopa¬ thy, homotoxicology, and the treatments by means of food integrators, and more particularly a method of energizing natural substances by electromagnetic fields .
In the homeopathy it is known to energize a preparation by a mechanical shaking or stirring before administering it to the patient. Such an energizing system causes the energy delivered by the substance and not the substance 0 itself, contained in the homeopathic preparation in often negligible guantity, to influence the patient. It is known for some time that the proportioning of the energy in the same homeopathic preparation achieves thera¬ peutic results which are different and/or applicable to 5 different pathologies. The experience has proved that the stirring aims at transmitting energy to a substance, which energy is the sole active principle as there are no traces of the original substance in the homeopathic preparation which can be quantified. The results of the homeopathic 0 treatments are now ascertained and irrefutable.
However, it should be noted that transmitting energy by mechanical shaking is rather primitive because such a crude treatment is not constant and does not involve the whole material deep down at molecular and atomic levels. 5 It is very important to remember that the substances to be energized are often formed of biological, very delicate, thermolabile material which is very sensitive to dena-
turing modifications. An example of a denaturing modifica¬ tions due to the energization may be the heat which is a form of energy transmitted through electromagnetic waves in the infrared field and injuring the biological sub- stances very easily. Many qualities and vital charac¬ teristics already disappear at 42°C.
It is important to notice that the present "homeopathic shaking", even if it energizes the medicine, causes, however, the treated substances to lose the little magnetism which is naturally inherent therein, thus im¬ poverishing them of another form of vital energy and then of the therapeutic activity. It should be mentioned that the magnetism is a basic component of the biological sub¬ stances not to be neglected on pain of the therapeutic im- poverishment and the increase of the toxicity as a greater quantity is needed to achieve the same effect. It is known that the variations of the electromagnetic fields can cause heavy influences on the life and the bio¬ logical phenomena. As known, atoms show electromagnetic phenomena and the matter is bound to oscillating motions. The main difference between inert substance and living substance is that the latter has more energy. Methods of biophysics analysis, such as CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) and NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) which allow the state of the cells to be evaluated, prove that the biological substances respond to and follow the laws of the physics.
A number of authors are interested in the study of the ef¬ fects of the magnetic fields on different biological structures. The obtained results are different and con¬ flicting and strictly depend upon the waveform, the field
intensity, and the used frequencies but it seems that fur¬ ther, not less important parameters, such as the duration of the exposure to the field and the moment in which the latter is applied to the selected experimental model, come into play. Several experimentations have proved that the behaviour of the cells changes when they are exposed to a magnetic field.
Experimentations have proved that several effects are caused by subjecting a cellular culture to a pulsating magnetic field (in this particular instance a field of 70 Gauss = 0.467 DH) .
First of all a marked orientation of the cellular cultures to the lines of force of the magnetic field is noted. There are further particular changes of the reproduction cycle as well as modifications of the cell surface mor¬ phology. Summing up, the cells subjected to the magnetic field have a more elongated form (Italian Journal of On¬ cology, Vol. II, No. 2, April-June 1982, "Effects of the pulsating magnetic fields on the cellular cultures", G. Marinozzi et al) .
It has also been ascertained that the cultures, which are subjected to a magnetic field and in which a cut has been made, undergo an attempt of invasion of the cut surface by the neighbouring cells as if the magnetic field had in- duced a migration of cells.
The effects of the magnetic fields on biological masses at ultrastructural levels have been studied too. It has been established from such studies that there is an increase of the focal length of the last atomic orbital in the presence of an outer magnetic field. Under such conditions there are "moments" with increased energy level, the
average remaining at the "base level".
The result of the described phenomenon is the in¬ creased probability of ionization with relative increase of the exchanges and then the dynamic activity (B. Brandi- marte, La Sapienza University of Rome) .
Finally, the influence of the magnetic fields on biologi¬ cal, even living materials has been proved by the experi¬ mentations in the field of the cicatrization of the burns and the diabetic sores. The beneficial effects of the magnetic field have given surprising results, especially relating to the reduction of the healing time (XL Congress of the Italian Society of Anatomy - "Effects of the magnetic fields on the culture in vitro of fibroblastes", Scientific Contribute of M.A. Continenza et al) . The above experimentations confirm the clear influence on the biological material and show that any disorder of the molecular system may be "mended" by only supplying energy with the result of eliminating the biological injury.
starting from such assumptions the inventor has surprisin¬ gly found that an energization of the substances may be provided to a greater extent than that hitherto obtained by homeopathic methods by subjecting such substances to the lines of force of a continuous or alternate magnetic field.
Therefore, one object of the invention is of increasing the activity of natural therapeutic products by energizing such substances to bring them to the state that they had in the living plants without resorting to the mechanical shaking used in homeopathy.
Another object of the invention is of resorting to the in-
fluence of a magnetic field on biological products for re¬ activating the same.
The experience showed that the substances exposed to the lines of force of a magnetic field of a certain intensity may be energized without being overheated, which would have a denaturing effect to the same, and without changing the inherent quality of the substances.
The intensity of such a force is measured in DinaHerg (in the following, so-called DH) , where one DH corresponds to the magnetization acquired by a substance which is exposed to a magnetic field of 150 Gauss for one hour. Advantageously, it has been proved that the magnetic field can be applied to any therapeutic, alimentary or cosmetic substance, and that magnetic fields of any intensity may be applied.
A better understanding of the invention will ensue from the following description with reference to the accompa¬ nying drawings. In the drawings:
Fig. 1 shows schematically a substance which is subjected to a magnetic field produced by a coil;
Fig. 2 shows schematically a substance which is subjected to a magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet.
It is known that a magnet induces magnetism to any neigh¬ bouring body and that the magnetism is a quantifiable energy which is easily transmitted. Another basic feature of the magnetism is that such a form of energization is in
accordance with the natural phenomenon and the molecular biology.
Some substances may be easily magnetized because the mag¬ netic dipoles (Fe, Co, Ni) may be easily oriented but some other substances are heavy to be magnetized because con¬ flicting forces are acting therein.
Tests have shown that the magnetization induced through immersion into an artificial magnetic field may infuse energy both by fixed polarization which keeps the polari- zation of the dipoles unchanged, and by alternate polari¬ zation which infuses a high energy without orienting the dipoles of the body, i.e. without creating a morphological unbalance in the matter subjected to the electromagnetic induction. It is evident that the alternate magnetic energization in¬ fuses energy without orienting (magnetizing) the therapeu¬ tic substance. This allows energy at high level to be in¬ fused into the matter without changing the inherent quality of the same, unlike the mechanical shaking which infuses energy affecting the electromagnetic balance be¬ longing to that particular substance.
According to the invention, it is not important, however, what type of magnetic energy is used, such energy being indifferently supplied by a continuous or alternate ag- netic field, but what is important is the intensity of the magnetic energy to which a body is subjected and which is measured, as already mentioned, in DinaHerg (DH) . The better intensity of the magnetic field proposed by the experimentations is about 150 Gauss which energizes the living and biological tissues without altering them. As already mentioned, according to the invention, one Dina-
Herg is the magnetism to which a body is subjected when it is exposed to a magnetic field of 150 Gauss for one hour. By inducing a little amount of DH into the drug, the lat¬ ter is infused with that energy and magnetism which will be lost in the next manipulations, i.e. warm or cold breaking, micronization, drying, grinding, heating, shaking, extraction, etc.).
With the treatment of the present invention the problems mentioned above along with the problem of preparing drugs from fresh plants which are difficult to be found when and where they have to be used, because many plants are exotic and then remote from the site of consumption, are over¬ come. According to the homeopathic teachings any particle or molecule has its own electromagnetic energy which gives it a specific "character" contributing along with that of the other particles to form the characteristics of the plant or phytoterapic element. Accordingly, the operator has an instrument for modulating also the characteristics of the phytoterapic element as a whole by modulating such electromagnetic energy. The ex¬ periments of the inventor have shown that, for example, a camomile of 4 DH energy level has a sedative action, while a higher energy level, for example 12 DH, has a sleep- inducing effect and his action is faster and more concen¬ trated. In other words, the latter has the effect of an overdose, however, without being hypertoxic as a higher energy and not a greater quantity of matter is transmit¬ ted. The electromagnetic energization takes on, therefore, the greatest importance in the preparation of the drugs.
It should be appreciated, however, that the magnetism is a characteristic which may be go lost and/or very easily in¬ fluenced. It is then fundamental not to touch the thus prepared drugs with the hands but to swallow without touching them. The reason is to be seen in that we human beings are made of biological matter and have our own mag¬ netism which could affect or change the effectiveness of the drugs. Therefore, according to the invention there are provided special protecting packages capable of keep the energizing characteristics of the preparations unchanged. The method of strengthening the therapeutic activity of the present invention includes the following steps:
- magnetically energizing substances and preparations by subjecting such natural, particularly biological, sub- stances for a predetermined period of time to the action of a continuous or pulsating magnetic field having such an intensity as not to cause heating or denaturing effects within the treated substances;
- sealing the thus obtained preparations in packages capa- ble to guarantee the integrity and the protection from shaking and outer magnetic fields in order to keep the electromagnetic energizing characteristics acquired during the magnetic treatment unchanged.
As already mentioned, energy, wavelength and exposure time have to be exactly modulated because also a little mag¬ netic field can cause in the time overheating, denaturing effects, unbalances and denaturing molecular distortions. The research and the experience have shown what values of such parameters are the best.
From the foregoing the advantages of the method of the present invention are self-evident.
It is then possible to overcome a problem that could not be hitherto solved, i.e. the maximum doses of the thera- peutic substance which may be administered. Actually, it is not necessary to increase the dose of the drug in order to increase the effect but it is sufficient to increase the electromagnetic energization due to the substance energized according to the described method. In other words, the differences due to the quantities disappear and those due to the quality appear: an electromagnetically energized vitamin C is much more active than a synthetic one. It should be appreciated that, for example, a food integrator of today cannot include more than 60 mg vitamin C which corresponds to 100% RAD (daily advised dose) according to the sanitary rules in force. If such a dose is overcome, the field of the medicine is involved where vitamin C may reach a dose of 1 g. However, it is known that most of vitamin C administered by mouth is not absorbed by the body which assumes the needed quantity. On the contrary, administering a 8 DH vitamin C stands for assuming a vitamin which has absorbed a field of 1200 Gauss, i.e. a considerable energy capable of increasing the biological disposability and activity also in little doses.
The same consideration as above are valid for all biologi¬ cal substances, vitamins, phytopreparations and mineral salts.
The present invention is described according to a pre¬ ferred embodiment thereof but it is evident that anyone
skilled in the art could make equivalent modification and/or replacement without departing from the scope of protection of the present industrial invention.