M438863 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關於一種滑執,特別是有關於一種可 以雙向括拉使用之雙向抽屜滑軌及其抽屜紅。 【先前技術】 首按習知滑轨結構或其連動裝置,已十分廣泛為業 界運用於連接複數物件,並提供複數物件彼此間的相對 運動’例如抽履、工具櫃體等。 畀關一般抽屜 、 -------------夕7 Μ四匕公開之專 么。第1355908號,其揭示有一種滑軌裝置,包括一 一滑執、一滑動套設於該第一滑軌之第二滑轨及一滑 ,設於該第二滑軌之第三滑轨,該第一滑軌設有一^ °亥第一滑執開設一滑槽,該滑槽内滑動裝設一定 件二該定位件包括一第一阻擋部及一第二阻擋部,該 三滑轨設有一卡抵部,該卡抵部卡擋於該第一阻擋部 該第三滑,端部與該第二滑軌相應端部之間保持二預 距離,该第一滑轨之解鎖部推抵該定位件之第二阻擋 使忒定則牛移動並使該第一阻擒部與 部脫離卡抵,該第二滑軌與該定位件之間二 位件復位之彈性元f者收合本滑軌裝置時使該/ :滑執與該第三滑軌之間可形成一安全空間以防止使 者之手指被夾傷。 雖說習知前案具有不同防護結構以保護或方 使用者,但都受限於抽屜只能作單一方向之開啟, 4 無法作雙向開啟,如此造成使用者必需繞行的麻煩, 或其僅能提供一側使用者拉動抽屜,而於對向另側之 使用者則無法反向拉動抽廢之設計,簡言之對於習 知具有抽屜之大型植台或工具櫃等場所,於櫃台對向 二側之使用者無法便利的輪流雙向拉動抽屜,由於習 知刖案欠缺雙向滑執拉動設計,而造成二側之使用者 • 热法便捷的輪流雙向拉動抽屜以選取所須之手工具或 廚具,甚而影響廚房或工作場所之操作效能,對使用 者而S十分不便。 有鑑於上述習知前案欠缺雙向滑執拉動設計之 缺點,本創作人遂以其多年從事相關產品之製造及設 計實務經驗,而積極研究改良,並經多次實物樣品製 作及測試,進而具體改良習知櫃體抽屜滑執結構之上 述缺點,終致完成本創作。 鲁【新型内容】 有鑑於上述習知技藝之問題,本創作目的之一就是 在於提供一種雙向抽屜滑執及其抽屜組,以解決習知抽 屜只能單向拉出之困擾。 ——、 依上述之創作目的,提出一種雙向抽屜滑轨,其包 含第一滑軌,至少一面設有一第一滑槽。第二滑執,套 銜於第一滑槽,且至少一面設有一第二滑槽,而該第二 滑槽兩端具有一套接段。第一滚珠件分別設於第 5 M438863 滑轨之間 至少一面設有一第三滑槽:動擦。第三滑執’ 二滑軌之第二滑槽,俾以形成:以第三滑槽與第 設於容置空間内’其上下滾珠排分別 二弟件 ;擋插:本體至少-面設有套接凸塊,配合一套接二::套 接凹口套設於第二滑槽二端,其 之套 ;塊及第:位:止撞肋。限位件係自-鎖合::二t 第一限位才干’該限位件鎖設於第三滑執而使第— 頂抵第三滑槽,又該第-限位桿以-垂 =接-按壓段,該第二限位桿則自頂點反向延伸— Μ Ϊ 作目的’再提出—種雙向抽屜滑執之 =兩端各具有-開口,該拙展容槽二侧内壁= 广別組設有一定位凹座’且該第一滑執係組裝於★亥 抽屜容槽之二側内壁面;一抽履主體, 動容 ^該抽㈣槽内,於該㈣主體二外側係分別組^ 滑軌及位凸柱,且各該定位凸㈣與該定位 凹座相互對應配置。 承上所述,本創作之一種雙向抽屜滑軌及其抽屜 、·且’具有下述進步性要點: 本創作之雙向抽屜滑轨及其抽屜組,具有雙向 抽拉之特性,使用者無需特別繞至特定一邊, 便可恢序輪流雙向抽拉抽廢。 M438863 2. 本創作之雙向抽履滑轨及其抽廢組,可以具有 方便大型櫃台或工具櫃台之置物隔離作用,且 其可同時提供兩邊使用者輪流雙向取拿抽屜内 之共用物品者。 【實施方式】 ' 請參照各圖式,其係說明本創作雙向抽屜滑執及其 ' 抽屜組之實施例,首先請配合參閱圖1至圖4所示,本 _創作雙向抽歷滑執及其抽屜組,其包括: 括:第 数個雙向抽屜滑軌丨,用以組設於抽屜二側,其包 , 滑執11,其至少一面設有第一滑槽111及複數 ,孔112’且於第一滑執u兩端設有第一擔止凸點m 4二滑軌12’其至少—面設有第二滑槽121,而第二滑 12係q目對於第二滑槽121之—面套銜於第一滑槽 之峑二第二滑槽121兩端分別設有具-套接凹口 1221 係對應第—擋止凸點123’而第二擋止凸點123 珠件η甘'月轨U之第—擒止凸點113配置;第一滚 U之門,j呈矩形片狀且分別設於第―、二滑軌11、 且其:,:;,-、二滑執Η、運動之磨擦, ^ 〈止於—對應之第一播止凸點113及坌 止凸點123間.h l 粞止凸點113及第一擋 槽⑷,該第三滑執7: 14二二至少-面設有第三滑 標號) 件15 執12 之第二滑槽m對應套銜,二與第二滑軌12 其呈:為開放端1411;第二滾珠 Η之容置空:概二且=設於第二、三滑 八上、下滾珠排151、152分 7 ^隔於第二、三滑轨12、H間;複數止擋插件16, ^體至少一面延伸有套接凸塊161,其配合套接凹口 21以套接於第二滑槽ΐ2ι端側且該止擋插件μ自 一體兩側更分別設有一止擋塊162、一滑邊163及第一、 止擋肋164、165 ’而該止擋塊162之内端面係一垂直 处1623,且该垂直邊1623之頂端緣係延設有第一、二 二邊1621、1622 ’又第一 '二止擋肋164、165分別設 —限位凹槽1641、165卜俾提供上、下滾珠排151、152 —側套銜擔止限位,其t該二止擔插件16係以倒轉對向 的配置方式以套接於第二滑槽121之左右二端側;二限 4件17,其係對應組設於第三滑槽l4i端面上,該限位 件17,構係自一鎖合部171斜向延伸具彈性之第一、二 限位梓172、173 ’其藉由鎖固元件穿銜鎖合# 171後而 鎖設於第三滑轨14之鎖孔142位置,其中該二限位件 係以倒轉對向的配置方式鎖設於第三滑軌14之第三 /月枝141的左右端面適處位置,而限位件17第一、二限 位杯172、173之中段頂點係彈性頂抵於第三滑槽ΐ4ι 之上下端面,該第一限位桿172之中段以一垂直段174 連接-按㈣175,而該垂直段174係具有橫向限位撞 止於該止擋插件16之垂直邊1623的作用(如圖8),另而 使用者係藉由撥動該按壓段175以使得能拆卸抽出該第 二滑執14 ’繼而,又於第二限位桿Π3自中段頂點而反 向延伸一斜収!76,而其係利於該斜坡段176與該止 擒插件16之第二斜邊1622間產生彈性内縮作動(如圖 7),另該第二限位桿173係與該止擋插件16之第一斜邊 1621間產生彈性内縮作動,俾利於滑軌間之順暢往復連 M438863 動; 一 組2’其包括:—抽屜容槽21,其兩端各且有 :開口川、212,該抽履容槽21至少 ^ 央位置適處係組設有一定位凹座213,而該定位=中 頂面中央位置係具有對稱圓弧狀之凹部214,而二 一滑軌η制目對組裝固設於該抽屜容槽21之二側_ :上,即其係配合鎖固元件以穿銜鎖孔ιΐ2以將第一ς 軌11鎖設於抽屜容槽21内側壁,而該定位凹座2 對應位設於該第-滑ΙΛ11之底面適處位置;㈣主體 22’其係活動容置於抽屜容槽21 $,其具有容物空間 22卜於該抽屜主體22之二外側係配合鎖固元件以對應 組裝固設第三滑執14’且於抽屜主體22兩端之拉動面 222係分別設有把手223,俾利於雙向拉動抽屜主體 又於抽屜主體22至少一側之第三滑執14底面中央位置 係設有一圓柱狀之定位凸柱224,且其係與該定位凹座 213相互對應配置,俾使得抽屜主體22於推動到中央關 閉位置時,而導致該定位凸柱224得以滑動定位於該定 位凹座213的中央凹部214位置(如圖5),進而達到抽屜 主體22平穩定位及避免不當滑動之作用。 再請參閱圖6至圖8所示,其係為本創.作雙向抽屜滑 軌及其抽屜組之作動實施態樣示意圖,其係顯示抽屜本 體22位於向右拉動狀態’即當位於右方之使用者欲開啟 抽履主體22取放物品時,其只需藉由拉動右方把手223 之抽屜主體22 ’而使其定位凸柱224滑動脫離定位凹座 213的中央凹部214位置,俾使得固設於抽展主體22側 9 M438863 壁之第三滑執14以相對於第二滑軌12向右滑動,而兮 右方限位件π之第-限位桿172及第:限位= 彈性且受該右方止擋插件16之滑邊163及第一邊 1621、1622引導作用(如圖7),俾得以順利彈性 滑動通過,惟當向右拉動至該左方之第一限位 t直段Μ抵掣於該右方止擋插件16之垂直邊湖時 (圖)’俾忐達到抽屜滑軌之向右方完全拉動開啟狀 態^時抽屜主體22已是拉伸出於抽履容槽Μ之最大 距離範圍,故而方便使用者取拿或放置於抽屜主體U 内之物品;本創作由於上述構造配置關係,如欲收回抽 屜主體22時,只需回推抽屜主體22,待抽屜主體22二 側之定位凸柱224滑動定位於定位凹座213的中央凹部 214位置時,便完成抽屜主體22之復位關閉動作。' 繼而,同理當位於左方之使用者欲開啟左方之抽屜 主體22時,其實施態樣則再請參閱圖9至圖1〇所示, 即其基本作動方式與上述實施例作動機構相似,其係顯 不抽屜本體位於已完全向左拉動之狀態,由於其係反向 拉動該抽屜主體22,故於向左拉動過程中,該位於左方 之限位件17係能彈性内縮以滑動通過該位於左方之止 擋插件16,且當該位於右方之限位件17依序滑動抵掣 於忒左方之止擔插件16時(如圖1 〇),則使得抽廢本體達 到向左完全拉動開啟狀態,故而方便另一側使用者取拿 或放置於抽屜主體22内之物品。 在本創作内容中所提出之具體實施例僅用以方便說 明本創作之技術内容’而非將本創作狹義地限制於上述 M438863 實施例,在不超出本創作之精神與下述之申請專利範圍 的情況下,所作的種種變化實施,仍屬於本創作之範圍。 綜上所述,本創作雙向抽屜滑軌及其抽屜組結構確 實具有創新性和進步性,實已符合我國專利法有關新型 專利之申請要件的規定,爰乃依法提起專利申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係本創作之雙向抽屜滑軌的立體分解示意圖。 圖2係本創作之雙向抽屜滑軌的部份構件示意圖。 圖3係圖1之組裝結構的剖®示意圖。 圖4係本創作之雙向抽展滑執及其抽屜組之實施例示 意圖。 圖5係本創作雙向抽屜滑執及其抽屜組之作動實施例 的剖面示意圖一,其係顯示抽屜本體位於關閉狀 態。 圖6係本創作雙向抽屜滑執及其抽屜組之作動實施例 的剖面示意圖二,其係顯示抽屜本體位於向右拉 動狀態。 圖7係擷取圖6之局部剖面示意圖,其係顯示抽屜本體 位於部份向右拉動之實施態樣。 圖8係另一擷取圖6之局部剖面示意圖,其係顯示抽屜本 體位於已完全向右拉動之實施態樣。 M438863 圖9係本創作雙向抽展滑轨及其抽屜組之作動實施例 的剖面示意圖三’其係顯示抽歷本體位於向左拉 動狀態。 圖10係擷取圖9之局部剖面示意圖,其係顯示柚屜本體 位於已完全向左拉動之實施態樣。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 ·.雙向抽廢滑軌 11.. 第一滑軌 111 .·第一滑槽 112.. 鎖孔 113··第一擋止凸點 12.. 第二滑執 121.. 第二滑槽 122.. 套接段 1221 .·套接凹口 123.. 第二擒止凸點 13.. 第一滾珠件 14.·第三滑轨 141.. 第三滑槽 12 M438863 1411.. 開放端 142.. 鎖孔 15.. 第二滾珠件 151.. 上滾珠排 152.. 下滾珠排 16.. 止擋插件 161.. 套接凸塊 162.. 止擋塊 1621.. 第一斜邊 1622.. 第二斜邊 1623.. 垂直邊 163.. 滑邊 164.. 第一止擋肋 1641.. 限位凹槽 165.. 第二止擋肋 1651.. 限位凹槽 17.. 限位件 171.. 鎖合部 172.. 第一限位桿 173.. 第二限位桿 13 M438863 174.. 垂直段 175.. 按壓段 176.. 斜坡段 2.. 抽屜組 21.. 抽屜容槽 211、212.·開口 213.. 定位凹座 214.. 凹部 22.. 抽屜主體 221.. 容物空間 222.. 拉動面 223.. 把手 224.. 定位凸柱M438863 V. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation department is about a kind of slippery, especially about a two-way drawer slide and its drawer red that can be used in both directions. [Prior Art] The first conventional slide rail structure or its linkage device has been widely used by the industry to connect a plurality of objects and to provide relative motion of a plurality of objects, such as a crawler, a tool cabinet, and the like. Shaoguan general drawer, ------------- eve 7 Μ four 匕 open special. No. 1355908, which discloses a slide rail device, comprising: a sliding handle, a second sliding rail sleeved on the first sliding rail and a sliding, and a third sliding rail disposed on the second sliding rail, The first sliding rail is provided with a first sliding gate to open a sliding slot, and the sliding slot is fixedly disposed in the sliding slot. The positioning component comprises a first blocking portion and a second blocking portion. The three sliding rails are provided. There is a card abutting portion, the card abutting portion is blocked by the first sliding portion, and the second sliding portion maintains a pre-distance between the end portion and the corresponding end portion of the second sliding rail, and the unlocking portion of the first sliding rail is pushed against The second blocking of the positioning member causes the cow to move and disengages the first blocking portion and the portion, and the elastic element of the second position between the second sliding rail and the positioning member is folded The rail device allows a safe space to be formed between the /slip and the third rail to prevent the fingers of the messenger from being pinched. Although the prior art case has different protective structures to protect or protect the user, it is limited to the drawer can only be opened in a single direction, 4 can not be opened in both directions, thus causing the user to have troubles to bypass, or it can only One side of the user is provided to pull the drawer, and the user on the opposite side cannot pull the design of the waste. In short, it is a large-scale table or tool cabinet with a drawer, and is opposite to the counter. The user on the side cannot conveniently pull the drawer in two directions. Due to the lack of two-way sliding pull design, the two sides of the user are required to be heated and convenient to rotate the drawer in two directions to select the required hand tools or kitchenware. It even affects the operational performance of the kitchen or workplace, which is very inconvenient for the user. In view of the shortcomings of the two-way slippery pull design in the previous case, the creator actively researched and improved the experience of manufacturing and designing related products for many years, and after many physical sample production and testing, The above shortcomings of the conventional cabinet drawer sliding structure were improved, and the creation was finally completed. Lu [New Content] In view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, one of the aims of the present invention is to provide a two-way drawer slipper and a drawer set thereof, so as to solve the problem that the conventional drawer can only be pulled out in one direction. - According to the above-mentioned creative purpose, a two-way drawer slide is proposed, which comprises a first slide rail and at least one side is provided with a first chute. The second sliding sleeve is sleeved on the first sliding slot, and at least one side is provided with a second sliding slot, and the second sliding slot has a connecting portion at both ends. The first ball members are respectively disposed between the 5th M438863 slide rails and at least one side of the slide rails is provided with a third sliding slot: movable rubbing. The third sliding gate is a second sliding slot of the second sliding rail, and is formed by: a third sliding slot and a first sliding groove arranged in the accommodating space; the upper and lower ball rows are respectively separated by two parts; the blocking insert: the body is at least-faced Socketd bumps, with a set of two:: the socket recess is sleeved at the two ends of the second chute, the sleeve; the block and the: position: the rib. The limit member is self-locking:: two t first limit is capable of 'the limit member is locked in the third slipper so that the first top is pressed against the third chute, and the first limit rod is dangling = connected-pressed section, the second limiting rod extends backward from the apex - Μ Ϊ for the purpose of 're-proposed' - two-way drawer sliding = both ends have - opening, the two sides of the 容The Guangbie group is provided with a positioning recess' and the first sliding system is assembled on the inner wall surface of the two sides of the drawer of the ★Hai drawer; a pumping body is movable in the pumping (four) slot, and the outer side of the body is respectively The group ^ slide rail and the position protrusion column, and each of the positioning protrusions (4) and the positioning recess seat are correspondingly arranged. As mentioned above, this two-way drawer slide and its drawers have the following progressive points: The two-way drawer slide and its drawer set of this creation have the characteristics of two-way pull, and the user does not need special By winding to a specific side, you can take two-way pull and take-out in a sequence. M438863 2. The two-way crawling rail and its waste collection group of this creation can have the convenience of the isolation of the large counter or the tool counter, and it can simultaneously provide the two-side user to take the shared items in the drawer in both directions. [Embodiment] 'Please refer to the drawings, which explains the two-way drawer slipper and its 'drawer group'. For the first time, please refer to Figure 1 to Figure 4. The drawer set comprises: a plurality of two-way drawer slide rails, which are arranged on two sides of the drawer, and the bag, the slide 11 is provided with at least one surface of the first chute 111 and a plurality of holes 112' And a first supporting protrusion m 4 and two sliding rails 12 ′ are disposed at two ends of the first sliding gate u, at least one surface is provided with a second sliding slot 121, and the second sliding 12 is configured for the second sliding slot 121 The two sides of the second chute 121 of the first chute are respectively provided with a socket-shaped recess 1221 corresponding to the first stop bump 123' and the second stop bump 123. η Gan's month rail U - the first stop bump 113 configuration; the first roll U door, j is a rectangular sheet and is respectively set on the first and second slide rails 11, and its:, :;, -, two Sliding squat, friction of motion, ^ 止 止 止 止 止 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl hl 14 22 at least - faceted Sliding label) The second chute m of the 12 is corresponding to the sleeve, and the second and second slide rails 12 are: the open end 1411; the second ball Η is accommodated empty: two and = is set at the second The three-slide upper and lower ball rows 151, 152 points 7 ^ are separated between the second and third slide rails 12, H; the plurality of stop inserts 16, the body body extends at least one side with a sleeve projection 161, which fits the sleeve recess The port 21 is sleeved on the end side of the second chute ΐ2 ι and the stop inserts 51 are respectively provided with a stop block 162 , a sliding edge 163 and first and stop ribs 164 , 165 ′ The inner end surface of the block 162 is a vertical portion 1623, and the top edge of the vertical side 1623 is extended with first and second sides 1621, 1622 'and the first 'two stop ribs 164, 165 respectively set - limit The recesses 1641, 165 provide the upper and lower ball rows 151, 152 - the side sleeves are supported by the limit, and the two load inserts 16 are sleeved in the opposite manner to the second chute 121. The two ends of the left and right sides; the second limit of the four pieces 17 are correspondingly arranged on the end surface of the third sliding slot l4i, the limiting member 17 is configured to extend obliquely from the locking portion 171 to have the first and second elasticity. Limit 梓17 2, 173' is locked to the position of the locking hole 142 of the third sliding rail 14 by the locking component, and the second limiting member is locked in the reverse orientation configuration. The left and right end faces of the third/moon branches 141 of the three slide rails 14 are in a proper position, and the apex of the first and second limit cups 172 and 173 of the limiting member 17 is elastically abutted against the upper end surface of the third sliding slot ΐ4ι. The middle portion of the first limiting rod 172 is connected by a vertical section 174 - (four) 175, and the vertical section 174 has a lateral limit to strike the vertical side 1623 of the stop insert 16 (see Fig. 8). The user pulls the pressing portion 175 to enable the second sliding portion 14' to be disassembled and then extended in the opposite direction from the middle apex of the second limiting rod !3. 76, which is advantageous for the elastic retracting action between the slope section 176 and the second oblique side 1622 of the shackle insert 16 (FIG. 7), and the second limiting rod 173 is coupled to the stop insert 16 The first oblique edge 1621 creates an elastic contraction action, which facilitates the smooth reciprocating connection between the slide rails. The set of 2' includes: a drawer receptacle 21, which has two ends: open Chuan, 212, the pumping The positioning groove 21 is provided with a positioning recess 213 at least in the center position, and the positioning=the center position of the middle top surface has a symmetrical arc-shaped concave portion 214, and the two-side sliding rail η is assembled and fixed. On the two sides _: of the drawer receptacle 21, that is, it is fitted with a locking component to engage the locking hole ι 2 to lock the first rail 11 to the inner side wall of the drawer receptacle 21, and the positioning recess 2 corresponds to Positioned on the bottom surface of the first slider 11; (4) the main body 22' is movable in the drawer pocket 21 $, and has a container space 22 on the outer side of the drawer body 22 to cooperate with the locking component The handle 223 is respectively provided on the pulling surface 222 of the drawer main body 22 in the corresponding assembly, and the handle 223 is respectively provided for the double Pulling the drawer main body and a cylindrical positioning protrusion 224 at a central position of the bottom surface of the third sliding handle 14 at least one side of the drawer main body 22, and the positioning recess 213 is disposed corresponding to each other, so that the drawer main body 22 is When the position is pushed to the central closed position, the positioning protrusion 224 is slidably positioned at the central recess 214 of the positioning recess 213 (as shown in FIG. 5), thereby achieving the smooth positioning of the drawer body 22 and avoiding improper sliding. Referring to FIG. 6 to FIG. 8 , it is a schematic diagram of the operation of the two-way drawer slide rail and the drawer set thereof, which shows that the drawer body 22 is in the rightward pulling state, that is, when it is located on the right side. When the user wants to open the drawer body 22 to pick up and drop the article, the slider 224 is slid away from the central recess 214 of the positioning recess 213 by simply pulling the drawer body 22' of the right handle 223. The third slide 14 fixed to the wall of the main body 22 side 9 M438863 slides to the right with respect to the second slide rail 12, and the first limit rod 172 of the right limit member π and the limit: Elastic and guided by the sliding edge 163 of the right stop insert 16 and the first side 1621, 1622 (as shown in Figure 7), the cymbal can smoothly slide smoothly, but when pulled to the right to the first limit of the left side When the straight section Μ is in contact with the vertical side lake of the right stop insert 16 (Fig.) 俾忐 when the drawer slide rail is fully pulled to the right, the drawer body 22 is stretched out of the pull. The maximum distance range of the pocket, so it is convenient for the user to take or place the item in the main body of the drawer U According to the above configuration, if the drawer body 22 is to be retracted, the drawer body 22 only needs to be pushed back. When the positioning protrusions 224 on both sides of the drawer body 22 are slidably positioned at the central recess 214 of the positioning recess 213, The resetting and closing action of the drawer body 22 is completed. Then, when the user on the left wants to open the left drawer main body 22, the embodiment thereof will be further described with reference to FIG. 9 to FIG. 1A, that is, the basic operation mode is similar to that of the above embodiment. In the state in which the drawer body is completely pulled to the left, since the drawer body 22 is pulled in the reverse direction, the left position limiting member 17 can be elastically retracted during the pulling to the left. Sliding through the stop insert 16 on the left side, and when the right limit member 17 is sequentially slid against the stop insert 16 on the left side (as shown in FIG. 1), the waste body is evacuated. It is fully pulled to the left to open the state, so that the other side user can take the item taken or placed in the drawer body 22. The specific embodiments set forth in the present disclosure are only used to facilitate the description of the technical content of the present invention, and the present invention is not limited to the above-mentioned M438863 embodiment, and does not exceed the spirit of the present invention and the following patent application scope. In the case of the implementation of the various changes, still belongs to the scope of this creation. In summary, the two-way drawer slide and its drawer group structure are indeed innovative and progressive, and have already met the requirements of the application requirements for new patents in China's Patent Law. [Simple description of the drawing] Fig. 1 is a three-dimensional exploded view of the two-way drawer slide of the present invention. Figure 2 is a schematic view of some of the components of the bi-directional drawer slide of the present invention. Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view of the assembled structure of Figure 1. Figure 4 is an illustration of an embodiment of the two-way pumping slip and its drawer set of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view showing the operation of the bidirectional drawer slide and its drawer set, showing the drawer body in a closed state. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view 2 of the embodiment of the bidirectional drawer slide and the drawer set thereof, showing the drawer body being pulled to the right. Fig. 7 is a partial cross-sectional view of Fig. 6 showing an embodiment in which the drawer body is partially pulled to the right. Figure 8 is another partial cross-sectional view of Figure 6 showing the embodiment in which the drawer body is fully pulled to the right. M438863 Fig. 9 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the embodiment of the two-way drawing slide rail and the drawer set thereof. The system shows that the drawing body is in a leftward pulling state. Figure 10 is a partial cross-sectional view of Figure 9 showing the embodiment of the pomelo drawer body being fully pulled to the left. [Main component symbol description] 1 ·. Two-way exhausting slide rail 11.. First slide rail 111. · First chute 112.. Lock hole 113··First stop bump 12: Second slip 121 The second chute 122.. the socket segment 1221. The sleeve recess 123.. the second stop bump 13: the first ball member 14. the third slide rail 141.. the third chute 12 M438863 1411.. Open end 142.. Keyhole 15.. Second ball part 151.. Upper ball row 152.. Lower ball row 16.. Stop insert 161.. Socket bump 162.. Stop block 1621 .. first oblique side 1622.. second oblique side 1623.. vertical side 163.. sliding edge 164.. first stop rib 1641.. limit groove 165.. second stop rib 1651.. limit Position groove 17: Limiting piece 171.. Locking part 172.. First limiting rod 173.. Second limiting rod 13 M438863 174.. Vertical section 175.. Pressing section 176.. Slope section 2. Drawer set 21.. Drawer tank 211, 212. · Opening 213.. Positioning recess 214.. Recessed part 22.. Drawer body 221.. Container space 222.. Pulling surface 223.. Handle 224.. Positioning convex column