W2142 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本新型是有關於一種托盤裝置,特別是有關於一種可 ,承載熱拔插硬碟之托盤裝置。 、【先前技術】 ’ 一般來說,伺服器的熱插拔裝置通常包括熱插拔電 _ 源、熱插拔硬碟機、熱插拔電池、熱插拔風扇,這些熱插 拔襞置通常設於伺服器的面板及/或背板上,可方便從面板 及/或背板上立即更換。熱插拔裝置通常設有把手以供握持 $及閂鎖以供裝設後閂鎖定位。所謂熱插拔(h〇tswap),係 才日在電腦系統不關閉電源的情況下,直接進行與週邊設備 ,貫體連接或是實體拔除的動作。熱插拔的能力在伺服器 等級的系統上尤其重要,可以讓電腦在不中斷服務的前提 下’擴充系統的能力。 目前,習知之熱插拔硬碟托盤,通常係將硬碟機鎖固 於硬碟托盤後,再將硬碟托盤滑入主機之滑轨中固定。目 則,電腦業界有很多種固定硬碟的方式。通常應用最廣泛 之種方式係直接利用螺絲將硬碟鎖固於硬碟托盤上。 然而,此種習知結構之硬碟托盤中通常只能裝載一個 硬碟。因此,當使用者將硬碟托盤抽拉出來時,所有位在 硬碟托盤上的硬碟皆會中斷訊號及電源,導致系統長時間 中斷。後續更需要一段不短的時間來恢復資料的鍵結。另 外,一般支援熱插拔硬碟托盤之主機通常具有標準尺寸, 因此在需要大量硬碟的應用環境中,使用習知熱插拔硬碟 4 M422142 托盤的機架將只能容納數量較少的硬碟。或者,若欲增加 硬碟之數罝時’則必需增加主機數量。如此除會增加成本 外,也會使電腦主機系統之體積變得更為龐大,誠屬美中 不足之處。 【新型内容】 為解決習知技術之問題,本創作之一技術樣態是一種 • 托盤裝置,其主要是在托盤裝置上直接設置可熱插拔兩個 φ 儲存裝置的連接板’並藉由一條傳輸線將連接板連接至主 機的背板。另外,在托盤裝置中的有限空間中,還設計有 滑執機構’並將托盤裝置的一側固定至滑軌機構。當使用 者抽拉出此托盤裝置時’由於傳輸線係沿滑執機構拉線, 因此不會影響托盤裝置的作動。並且,在托盤裝置的作動 期間,由於傳輸線仍然連接於連接板與背板之間,因此供 給儲存裝置的電源及訊號更不會因此而被中斷。另外,為 顧及使用者方便拆裝儲存裝置,本創作還設計了用以承載 • 儲存裴置的承載座,讓使用者可以省力並輕易安裝或移除 任何一個儲存裝置。 ' 根據本創作一實施方式,一種托盤裝置。托盤裝置應 =主機中。托«置包含托盤、連接板滑執機構以及^ 二連繫件。連接板設置於托盤上。連接板適於供兩儲存 插拔地電性連接,並藉由傳輸線電性連接至主機。 =機構包含m定件以及賴件。固定件固定至主機並且 = 滑槽。滑動件適於相對固定件滑動。托盤的第—側 土固疋於滑動件,致使托盤可伴隨滑動件相對固定件滑動 5 於展開位置與收闔位置 第一滑槽中,並可Μ料傳輸滑動地卡合於 孔。鏤動件具有鏤空 滑動件、固定件與連繫件=線由連接板穿過鏤空孔並沿 於本創作之-實施^ Ί性連接至主機。 含兩承载座。兩承载座適:承托盤裝置進-步包 接板的兩側。每-承载座包托盤上,並分別位於連 载對應之儲存裝置,並適於二==把。座體用以承 動。提把樞接於座體的兩側,2盤朝向或遠離連接板滑 位置與垂直位置之間。 並適於相對座體轉動於水平 於本創作之一實施方i 含向外形成之至少一第一:上述之每一座體進-步包 二滑槽。每一第二滑槽罝5。托盤進-步包含至少兩第 過對應之開口以進入對應::1 口。每-座體以第-凸塊通 二滑槽相動朝向或遠進而沿對應之第 於本創作之一實施方* 盤遠離滑動件的第二側壁y,·上述之第二滑槽設置於托 於本創作之一實施方* 抵靠部以及第二抵靠部::,上述之每-提把包含第- 二第二凸塊。在每—座進一步包含向内形成之至少 槽中的期間,每-座體可a弟一凸塊滑動於對應之第二滑 一抵靠部推擠對應之第^由轉動提把至水平位置而使第 滑動以使對應之儲存裝置=塊,進而帶動座體朝向連接板 體可藉由轉動提把至垂直^連接連接板。並且’每一座 立置而使第二抵靠部推擠對應之 M422142 第二凸塊,進而帶動座體遠離連接板滑動以使對應之儲存 裝置脫離連接板。 於本創作之一實施方式中,上述之每一座體進一步包 含向外形成之至少第一凸塊。滑動件進一步包含至少兩第 二滑槽。每一第二滑槽具有開口。每一座體以第一凸塊通 過對應之開口以進入對應之第二滑槽中,進而沿對應之第 二滑槽相對托盤朝向或遠離連接板滑動。 於本創作之一實施方式中,上述之每一提把包含第一 抵靠部以及第二抵靠部。滑動件進一步包含向内形成之至 少二第二凸塊。在每一座體以第一凸塊滑動於對應之第二 滑槽中的期間,每一座體可藉由轉動提把至水平位置而使 第一抵靠部推擠對應之第二凸塊,進而帶動座體朝向連接 板滑動以使對應之儲存裝置電性連接連接板。並且,每一 座體可藉由轉動提把至垂直位置而使第二抵靠部推擠對應 之第二凸塊,進而帶動座體遠離連接板滑動以使對應之儲 存裝置脫離連接板。 於本創作之一實施方式中,上述之第一滑槽具有第一 端與第二端。第一端較第二端靠近連接板。當托盤位於展 開位置時,連繫件較鄰近第一端。當托盤位於收闔位置時, 連繫件較鄰近第二端。 於本創作之一實施方式中,上述之連繫件進一步包含 連繫部、頭部以及頸部。連繫部與頭部分別位於固定件的 兩側。連繫部連繫彎折部。頸部穿過第一滑槽並連接於連 繫部與頭部之間,並適於沿第一滑槽滑動於第一端與第二 端之間。— — 7 M422142 【實施方式】 以下將以圖式揭露本創作之複數個實施方式,為明確 說明起見,許多實務上的細節將在以下敘述中—併^明 然而’應瞭解到,這些實務上的細節不應用以限制本創作 也就是說,在本創作部分實施方式中,這些實務上的系& 是非必要的。此外,為簡化圖式起見,一些習知慣用的^ 構與元件在圖式中將以簡單示意的方式繪示之。 本創作之一技術態樣是一種托盤裝置。更具體地說 其主要是在托盤裝置上直接設置可熱插拔兩個儲存裝置@ 連接板,並藉由一條傳輸線將連接板連接至主機的背。 另外,在托盤裝置中的有限空間中,還設計有滑軌機構, 並將托盤裝置的一侧固定至滑執機構。當使用者抽拉出& 托盤裝置時,由於傳輸線係沿滑軌機構拉線,因此不會^ 響托盤裝置的作動。並且,在托盤裝置的作動期間,由= 傳輸線仍然連接於連接板與背板之間,因此供給儲存裳置 的電源及訊號更不會因此而被中斷。另外’為顧及使用者 方便拆裝儲存裝置,本創作還設計了用以承载儲存裝置的 承載座’讓使用者可以省力並輕易安裝或移除任何一個儲 存裝置。 °月參照弟1A圖。第1A圖為繪示本創作一實施例之托 盤裝置1的立體分解圖。 如第1A圖所示,本創作之托盤裝置1可以用來承載 一般設置於伺服器主機内部之儲存裝置(例如,軟碟機、硬 碟機、光碟機...等),但並不以此為限。特別來說,本創作 M422142 之托盤裝置1可以用來承載採用熱插拔形式之儲存裝置, 只要對於抽拉出此托盤裝置丨時仍然可達到持續供給儲存 裝置電源與訊號的功能有需求者,皆可應用本創作之概念 方便獲得實現。 如第1A圖所示,於本實施例中,托盤裝置i可應用 於主機(圖未示)中。舉例來說,托盤裝置1可應用於可熱 插拔複數個儲存裝置的伺服器主機中。托盤裝置丨包含托 盤10、連接板12、滑軌機構Η以及至少一連繫件16。以 下將詳細介紹本實施方式之托盤裝置i所包含之各元件的 結構配置。 請參照第1B圖、第1C圖以及第lD圖。第四圖為繪 不弟1A圖中之托盤裝置i的立體組合圖,其中托盤⑺伴 隨滑動件142相對固定件14〇位於展開位置。第lc圖為繪 示第13圖中之托盤裝置1的立體組合圖,其中兩儲:裝i 3已電性連接連接板12。帛1D圖為繚示第lc圖中之托盤 裝置1的立體組合圖,其中托盤10伴隨滑動件142 定件140位於收闔位置。 如第1A圖至第1D圖所示,於本實施例中,托盤裝置 1的連接板12設置於托盤10上。托盤裝置丨的 \ 適於供兩儲存裝置3可插拔地電性連接,補由傳輸線加 電性連接至主機。托盤裝置!的滑執機構14包含固’ 140以及滑動件142。滑執機構14的固定件14〇固定=主 機,並且具有第一滑槽14〇a。滑軌機構14的滑動: 適於相對固定件_滑動。托盤1()的第„側壁 於滑執機構14的滑動件M2 ,致使托盤1〇 U疋 J叶1¾滑動件 M422142 142相對固定件140滑動於展開位置(如第1(:圖所矛 闔位置(如第1D圖所示)之間。托盤裝置!的連繫件16、收W2142 V. New description: [New technical field] The present invention relates to a tray device, and more particularly to a tray device capable of carrying a hot-plug hard disk. [Prior Art] 'Generally, server hot-swap devices usually include hot-swappable _ sources, hot-swappable hard drives, hot-swappable batteries, hot-swappable fans, which are usually hot-swappable. It can be easily replaced from the panel and / or back panel on the panel and / or back panel of the server. Hot-swappable devices are typically provided with handles for holding the $ and latches for mounting the rear latch lock position. The so-called hot plug (h〇tswap), the day when the computer system does not turn off the power, directly with the peripheral devices, the body connection or physical removal. The ability to hot plug is especially important on server-class systems, allowing the computer to expand the system's capabilities without disrupting service. At present, the hot-swappable hard disk tray is usually fixed after the hard disk drive is locked to the hard disk tray, and then the hard disk tray is slid into the sliding rail of the main body. The computer industry has a variety of ways to fix hard drives. The most widely used method is to directly lock the hard disk to the hard disk tray with screws. However, such a conventional hard disk tray can usually be loaded with only one hard disk. Therefore, when the user pulls out the hard disk tray, all the hard disks on the hard disk tray will interrupt the signal and power, causing the system to be interrupted for a long time. Subsequently, it takes a short time to recover the key of the data. In addition, the mainframes that generally support hot-swappable hard disk trays are usually of standard size, so in applications that require a large number of hard drives, racks that use the conventional hot-swappable hard drive 4 M422142 trays can only accommodate a small number of racks. Hard drive. Or, if you want to increase the number of hard disks, you must increase the number of hosts. In addition to increasing costs, it will also make the size of the computer mainframe system even larger. It is a drawback of the United States and China. [New content] In order to solve the problem of the prior art, one of the technical aspects of the creation is a tray device, which mainly provides a connection plate for directly inserting two φ storage devices on the tray device and A transmission line connects the connection board to the backplane of the main unit. Further, in a limited space in the tray device, a slide mechanism ' is also designed and one side of the tray device is fixed to the slide rail mechanism. When the user pulls out the tray device, the transmission line is pulled along the sliding mechanism, so that the operation of the tray device is not affected. Moreover, during the operation of the tray device, since the transmission line is still connected between the connection board and the back board, the power supply and signals supplied to the storage device are not interrupted thereby. In addition, in order to facilitate the disassembly and assembly of the storage device, the author also designed a carrier for carrying the storage device, so that the user can save or easily install or remove any storage device. According to one embodiment of the present creation, a tray device. The tray unit should be = in the main unit. The tray contains the tray, the connecting plate sliding mechanism and the ^ two-piece. The connecting plate is placed on the tray. The connecting board is adapted to be electrically connected to the two storage plugs and electrically connected to the host by the transmission line. = The mechanism contains m-pieces and parts. The fixture is attached to the main unit and = chute. The slider is adapted to slide relative to the fixture. The first side soil of the tray is fixed to the sliding member, so that the tray can be slid with respect to the fixing member along the sliding member. 5 In the unfolding position and the receiving position, the first sliding groove can be slidably engaged with the hole. The swaying member has a hollow sliding member, a fixing member and a connecting member = the wire is passed through the venting hole by the connecting plate and is connected to the main body along the present invention. Includes two carriers. The two carriers are suitable: the tray device is inserted into the sides of the board. Each of the carrier trays is located in the corresponding storage device and is suitable for two==. The seat is used to carry. The handle is pivotally connected to both sides of the base body, and the two disks are oriented away from or away from the sliding position of the connecting plate and the vertical position. And adapted to rotate relative to the seat to the horizontal. One of the embodiments of the present invention includes at least one first formed outwardly: each of the above-mentioned body-in-step two-slots. Each second chute 罝5. The tray advance step includes at least two corresponding openings to enter the corresponding::1 port. Each of the seats is moved toward or away by the first-bump through the two chutes, and along the second side wall y of the corresponding one of the present inventions, the second chute is disposed on the second chute. For one of the implementations of the present invention * the abutment portion and the second abutment portion::, each of the above-mentioned handles includes the second and second second bumps. While each of the seats further includes at least a groove formed inwardly, each of the seats can slide a corresponding one of the second sliding one abutting portion to push the corresponding rotating handle to the horizontal position. And sliding the corresponding storage device = block, and then driving the base body toward the connecting plate body can be rotated to the vertical connecting plate. And each of the standing portions pushes the second abutting portion to push the corresponding M422142 second bump, thereby driving the seat body to slide away from the connecting plate to disengage the corresponding storage device from the connecting plate. In one embodiment of the present invention, each of the plurality of bodies further includes at least a first bump formed outwardly. The slider further includes at least two second chutes. Each second chute has an opening. Each of the bodies passes through the corresponding opening through the corresponding opening to enter the corresponding second sliding slot, and then slides along the corresponding second sliding slot toward or away from the connecting plate. In one embodiment of the present invention, each of the handles includes a first abutting portion and a second abutting portion. The slider further includes at least two second bumps formed inwardly. During the sliding of the first bumps in the corresponding second sliding slots, each of the seats can push the first abutting portions to push the corresponding second bumps by rotating the handles to the horizontal position. The carrier body is slid toward the connecting plate to electrically connect the corresponding storage device to the connecting plate. Moreover, each of the seats can push the second abutting portion to push the corresponding second protrusion by rotating the handle to the vertical position, thereby driving the seat body to slide away from the connecting plate to disengage the corresponding storage device from the connecting plate. In one embodiment of the present invention, the first chute has a first end and a second end. The first end is closer to the connecting plate than the second end. When the tray is in the extended position, the tie is closer to the first end. When the tray is in the retracted position, the tie is closer to the second end. In one embodiment of the present invention, the above-described connector further includes a tie, a head, and a neck. The connection and the head are respectively located on both sides of the fixing member. The connection is connected to the bend. The neck passes through the first chute and is coupled between the coupling portion and the head and is adapted to slide between the first end and the second end along the first chute. - 7 M422142 [Embodiment] Several embodiments of the present invention will be disclosed in the following drawings. For the sake of clarity, many practical details will be described below - and clearly, however, it should be understood that these practices The above details are not applied to limit the present work. That is to say, in the part of the present creative embodiment, these practical systems are not necessary. In addition, some of the conventional structures and elements are illustrated in the drawings in a simplified schematic representation. One of the technical aspects of this creation is a tray device. More specifically, it is mainly provided that two storage devices @ connection plates are directly inserted and unplugged on the tray device, and the connection plate is connected to the back of the main body by a transmission line. In addition, in a limited space in the tray device, a slide rail mechanism is also designed, and one side of the tray device is fixed to the slide mechanism. When the user pulls out the & tray device, since the transfer line is pulled along the slide rail mechanism, the operation of the tray device is not disturbed. Moreover, during the operation of the tray device, the transmission line is still connected between the connection plate and the back plate, so that the power supply and signals supplied to the storage device are not interrupted. In addition, in order to facilitate the disassembly and assembly of the storage device, the creation of the carrier for carrying the storage device allows the user to save labor and easily install or remove any storage device. ° month reference brother 1A map. Fig. 1A is an exploded perspective view showing the tray device 1 of an embodiment of the present invention. As shown in FIG. 1A, the tray device 1 of the present invention can be used to carry a storage device (for example, a floppy disk drive, a hard disk drive, a CD player, etc.) that is generally disposed inside the server host, but does not This is limited. In particular, the tray device 1 of the present M422142 can be used to carry a storage device in a hot-swappable form, as long as the function of continuously supplying the power and signal of the storage device is still required when the tray device is pulled out, The concept of this creation can be applied to facilitate the implementation. As shown in Fig. 1A, in the present embodiment, the tray device i can be applied to a host (not shown). For example, the tray device 1 can be applied to a server host that can hot swap a plurality of storage devices. The tray unit 丨 includes a tray 10, a web 12, a rail mechanism, and at least one tie 16. The structural configuration of each element included in the tray device i of the present embodiment will be described in detail below. Please refer to FIG. 1B, FIG. 1C, and FIG. The fourth figure is a perspective assembled view of the tray device i in Fig. 1A, in which the tray (7) is associated with the slider 142 in the deployed position relative to the fixture 14〇. Figure lc is a perspective assembled view of the tray device 1 of Figure 13, in which two storages: i 3 have been electrically connected to the connecting plate 12. The Fig. 1D is a perspective assembled view of the tray device 1 in Fig. lc, wherein the tray 10 is positioned with the slider 142 in the receiving position. As shown in Figs. 1A to 1D, in the present embodiment, the connecting plate 12 of the tray device 1 is placed on the tray 10. The tray device \ is adapted to electrically connect the two storage devices 3 in a pluggable manner, and the transmission line is electrically connected to the host. Tray device! The slide mechanism 14 includes a solid '140 and a slider 142. The fixing member 14 of the slide mechanism 14 is fixed = the main unit and has a first chute 14 〇 a. Sliding of the slide rail mechanism 14: suitable for sliding relative to the fixing member. The „the side wall of the tray 1() is on the sliding member M2 of the sliding mechanism 14 so that the tray 1〇U疋J blade 13⁄4 slider M422142 142 slides relative to the fixing member 140 in the deployed position (such as the first (: the spear position) (as shown in Figure 1D). The connection of the tray device!
=『動地卡合於第-滑槽驗中’用以連繫傳輪線^ 之考折部200。於一實施例中,托盤裝置丨的連接板I]、 =僅能供兩儲存裝置3可插拔地電性連接 J 求而相對應的修改連接板12的硬體架構,進而增加可執: fnt連接板12的儲存裝置3的數量。或者,可增加:盤 W的長度,並增加設置於托盤1〇上的連接板12的數量, 同樣可達到增加熱插拔至連接板12的儲存裝置3的= 如第1A圖與第1B圖所示,於本實施例中,滑軌機構 Η的滑動件H2具有鏤空孔142a。滑動件U2的鏤空孔 142a鄰近連接板12。傳輸線2〇係由連接板12穿過滑動件 142的鏤空孔142a並沿滑動件M2、固定件14〇與連繫件 16拉線配置以電性連接至主機。 如第1A圖至第1D圖所示,於本實施例中,托盤裝置 1進-步包含兩承載座18。兩承載座18適於承載於托盤 10上,並分別位於連接板12的兩側。每—承載座18包含 座體180以及提把182。承載座18的座體18〇用以承載對 應之儲存裝置3 ’並適於相對減1G朝向或遠離連接板12 滑動。承載座18的提把182福接於座體18〇的兩侧,並適 於相對座體丨80轉動㈣直位置(如第1β圖所示声水平位 置(如第1C圖所示)之間,但並不以此為限。於實際應用中, =載座18的提把182相對座體刚轉動的角度^依據設計 時所需或製造時的限制而.彈姓地調整。 請參昭钕β 4 …、卑2Α圖以及第2Β圖。第2Α圖為繪示第1Β 圖中之托盤掛aa , &裝置1的局部透視圖。第2B圖為繪示第1C圖 中之托盤1的局部透視圖。 如第 9 Δ 圖與第2B圖所示,於本實施例中,每一承載 座18的座ft τ 艘進一步包含向外形成之至少一第一凸塊 180a。扼盤担, 破展置1的托盤10進一步包含至少兩第二滑槽 100a。每一笛 _ 昂二滑槽100a具有開口 i〇〇b。每一承載座18 的座體180开,、,姑= "Move the ground in the first - chute check" to connect the test pass 200 of the transfer line ^. In an embodiment, the connection plate I] of the tray device = can only modify the hardware structure of the connection plate 12 correspondingly by the pluggable electrical connection of the two storage devices 3, thereby increasing the executable: The number of storage devices 3 of the fnt connection board 12. Alternatively, the length of the disk W can be increased, and the number of the connecting plates 12 provided on the tray 1〇 can be increased, and the storage device 3 that is hot-swapped to the connecting plate 12 can be increased as shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B. As shown, in the present embodiment, the slider H2 of the slide rail mechanism has a cutout hole 142a. The hollow hole 142a of the slider U2 is adjacent to the connecting plate 12. The transmission line 2 is connected by the connecting plate 12 through the hollow hole 142a of the sliding member 142 and along the sliding member M2, the fixing member 14A and the connecting member 16 to be electrically connected to the main body. As shown in Figs. 1A to 1D, in the present embodiment, the tray unit 1 further includes two carriers 18. The two carriers 18 are adapted to be carried on the tray 10 and are respectively located on both sides of the connecting plate 12. Each carrier 18 includes a body 180 and a handle 182. The seat body 18 of the carrier 18 is adapted to carry the corresponding storage device 3' and is adapted to slide relative to or away from the web 12 relative to the minus 1G. The handle 182 of the carrier 18 is attached to both sides of the seat body 18 , and is adapted to rotate relative to the seat 丨 80 (4) in a straight position (as shown in the first β-picture (as shown in FIG. 1C) However, it is not limited to this. In practical applications, the angle of the handle 182 of the carrier 18 relative to the rotation of the seat body ^ is adjusted according to the design requirements or manufacturing constraints.钕β 4 ..., Α Α Α 以及 以及 以及 以及 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部 局部In the present embodiment, the seat ft τ of each carrier 18 further includes at least one first protrusion 180a formed outwardly. As shown in FIG. 9 and FIG. The tray 10 of the broken display 1 further includes at least two second chutes 100a. Each flute-two chute 100a has an opening i〇〇b. The seat body 180 of each carrier 18 is opened,
J从第一凸塊180a通過對應之開口 100b以進 入對應之第-1 J 相對托盤 h槽1〇〇&中,進而沿對應之第二滑槽1〇〇a k I , lQ朝向或遠離連接板12滑動。於本實施例中, 托盤10的塗_、ra 〜岣槽l〇〇a設置於托盤1〇遠離滑動件142的 第二側壁1〇Λ ^ 中的第一 d上’並且適於卡合至托盤10的第二滑槽l〇〇a 凸塊W〇a係朝向托盤1〇的第二側壁i〇〇d向外形 成’但並不以此為限。J passes from the first bump 180a through the corresponding opening 100b to enter the corresponding -1 J opposite tray h slot 1 〇〇 & and further along the corresponding second chute 1 〇〇 ak I , lQ toward or away from the connection The plate 12 slides. In this embodiment, the coating _, ra 岣 岣 〇〇 〇〇 a of the tray 10 is disposed on the first d of the second side wall 1 〇Λ ^ of the tray 1 〇 away from the slider 142 and is adapted to be engaged to The second chute l〇〇a of the tray 10 is formed outwardly toward the second side wall i〇〇d of the tray 1〇, but is not limited thereto.
如第2 A 座18 β圖與第2Β圖所示,於本實施例中,每一承載 ,提把182包含第一抵靠部182a以及第二抵靠部 182b。托盤& 笛- 教置1的托盤10進一步包含向内形成之至少二 弟一凸塊1 180a严勤 e。在每一承載座ι8的座體180以第一凸塊 $ Μ Μ於托盤1〇的第二滑槽1〇〇a中的期間,每一承載 土立座體18〇可藉由轉動提把182至水平位置而使第一 抵罪。卩182a推擠對應之第二凸塊1〇〇e,進而帶動座體18〇 朝向連接板12滑動,並使對應之儲存裝置3電性連接連接 板12(如第lc圖與第2B圖所示)。相對地,在每一承載座 18的座體18〇以第一凸塊18〇a滑動於托盤ι〇的第二滑槽 1〇〇a中的期間—’每一承載座18的座體· 180可藉由轉動提 M422142 把182至垂直位置而使第二抵靠部182b推擠對應之第二凸 塊100e,進而帶動每一承載座18的座體180遠離連接板 12滑動,並使對應之儲存裝置3脫離連接板12(如第1B圖 與第2A圖所示)。 如第1A圖所示,於本實施例中,滑軌機構14的滑動 件142進一步包含至少兩第二滑槽142b。每一第二滑槽 142b具有開口 142c。每一承載座18的座體丨8〇可以第一 凸塊180a通過對應之開口 142c以進入對應之第二滑槽 142b中,進而沿對應之第二滑槽142b相對托盤1〇朝向^ 遠離連接板12滑動。於本實施例中,滑動件142的第二滑 槽142b設置於托盤1〇用以固定至滑動件142的第一側^ 100c上方,並且適於卡合至滑動件142的第二滑槽14孔 中的第一凸塊180a(圖未示,但與適於卡合至托盤1〇的第 二滑槽142b中的第一凸塊18〇a對稱)係朝向托盤1〇的 一側壁100c向外形成,但並不以此為限。 如第1A圖所示,於本實施例中,滑執機構14的 件142進一步包含向内形成之至少二第二凸塊142d。在a 一承載座18的座體18〇以第一凸塊18〇a滑動於滑動件2 的第二滑槽142b t的期間,每一承載座18的座體18〇 藉由轉動提把182至水平位置而使第一抵靠部182m J 應之第-凸塊l42d,進而帶動座體18〇朝向連接板 士 動,並使對應之儲存裳置3電性連接連接板12(如第3 所示)。相對地,在每一承载座18的座體18〇以第 圖 180a滑動於滑動件142的第二滑槽142b中_間,^鬼 承載座18顧體丨8G可藉由轉動.提把丨82至垂直 12 M422142 第一抵靠部182b推擠對應之第二凸塊H2d,進而帶動每 一承載座18的座體180遠離連接板12滑動,並使對應之 儲存裝置3脫離連接板12(如第1B圖所示)。. 於本實施例中’為了使儲存裝置3能夠穩固地電性連 接或脫離連接板12,每一承載座μ的兩側分別具有第一 凸塊180a ’並且各別可滑動於托盤1〇的第二滑槽1〇如中 ' 與滑動件142的第二滑槽142b中。然而,若僅為了使儲存 - 裝置3達到最基本的電性連接或脫離連接板12的功能,可 φ 以選擇性地僅於托盤10上設置第二滑槽100a或滑動件142 上設置第二滑槽142b,並於每一承載座18對應的一側設 置第一凸塊180a。 請參照第3圖。第3圖為繪示第1A圖中之滑軌機構 14與連繫件16的立體組合圖。 如第1A圖與第3圖所示,於本實施例中,固定件140 的第一滑槽140a具有第一端14〇13與第二端i4〇c。在托盤 裝置1的托盤10伴隨滑動件142相對固定件140滑動於展 φ 開位置(如第1C圖所示)與收闔位置(如第1D圖所示)之間 的期間,第一滑槽140a的第一端140b都較第二端H〇c靠 近連接板12。當托盤裝置1的托盤1〇朝向展開位置滑動 時’由於設置於托盤1〇上的連接板12也會跟著連動,因 此連接至連接板12的傳輸線2〇也會受到牵動而展開’進 而拉動連繫件16而朝向第一滑槽14〇a的第一端140b滑 動。相對地’當托盤裝置1的托盤10朝向收闔位置滑動時, 由於設置於托盤10上的連接板12也會跟著連動,因此連 接至連接板12的傳輪線:2〇也會受到牽動而彎折聚集,進 13 M422142 而推動朝向第一滑槽140a的第二端140c滑動。於實際應 用中,托盤裝置1設置於固定件140中的連-繫件16以及傳 輸線20的彎折部200的數量,可依據實際需求而彈性地改 〇 請參照第4圖。第4圖為繪示第3圖中之滑執機構14 與連繫件16的局部剖視圖。 如第4圖所示,於本實施例中,連繫件16進一步包含 連繫部160、頭部162以及頸部164。連繫件16的連繫部 160與頭部162分別位於固定件140的兩側。連繫件16的 連繫部160用以連繫傳輸線20的彎折部200。連繫件16 的頸部164穿過固定件140的第一滑槽140a並連接於連繫 部160與頭部162之間,並適於沿第一滑槽140a滑動於第 一端140b與第二端140c之間。於本實施例中,連繫件16 的連繫部160與頭部162的尺寸皆大於固定件140的第一 滑槽140a的寬度,連繫件16的頸部164的尺寸小於固定 伴140的第一滑槽140a的寬度,因此連繫件16的連繫部 160並無法通過固定件140的第一滑槽140a而與頭部162 位於固定件160的同一側,連繫件16的頭部162並無法通 過固定件140的第一滑槽140a而與連繫部160位於固定件 160的同一側。此外,連繫件16的連繫部160可以鎖固方 式、黏固方式、綁固方式...等方式連繫傳輸線的彎折部, 但並不以此為限。 如第1C圖與第1D圖所示,於本實施例中,托盤裝置 1的托盤10具有延伸部102。托盤10的延伸部102相對托 盤10的延伸方向,與托盤10朝向收闔位置移動的方向相 M422142 同。當托盤裝置1的托盤10位於收闔位置時,托盤1〇的 延伸部102大體上鄰近第一滑槽14〇a的第二端M〇c。在托 盤裝置1的托盤10伴隨滑動件142相對固定件14〇滑動至 展開位置的期間’傳輸線20會受連接板12的牽連而展開, 亚欠到連繫件16的連繫而不會因重力的因素而往下掉。在 托盤裝置1的托盤1〇伴隨滑動件142相對固定件14〇滑動 至收闔位置的期間,傳輸線20會受連接板12的牵連而朝 向第一滑槽140a的第二端14〇c彎折聚集,此時鄰近第一As shown in Fig. 2A 18 and FIG. 2, in the present embodiment, each of the load carrying handles 182 includes a first abutting portion 182a and a second abutting portion 182b. The tray & flute-tray 1 tray 10 further includes at least two inwardly formed bumps 1 180a. During the period in which the seat body 180 of each of the carrier seats ι8 is in the second groove 1〇〇a of the tray 1〇, each of the carrier earth stand bodies 18 can be rotated by the handle 182 to the horizontal position to make the first sin. The 卩182a pushes the corresponding second bump 1〇〇e, thereby driving the base 18〇 to slide toward the connecting plate 12, and electrically connecting the corresponding storage device 3 to the connecting plate 12 (as shown in Figure lc and Figure 2B) Show). In contrast, during the period in which the seat body 18 of each carrier 18 is slid in the second chute 1〇〇a of the tray ι by the first bump 18〇a—the seat of each carrier 18 The second abutting portion 182b can be pushed to the corresponding second bump 100e by rotating the lifting M422142 to the vertical position, thereby driving the seat body 180 of each carrier 18 to slide away from the connecting plate 12, and correspondingly The storage device 3 is detached from the connection plate 12 (as shown in Figures 1B and 2A). As shown in Fig. 1A, in the present embodiment, the slider 142 of the slide rail mechanism 14 further includes at least two second chutes 142b. Each of the second chutes 142b has an opening 142c. The base body 丨8〇 of each of the carrier seats 18 can pass through the corresponding opening 142c of the first protrusions 180a to enter the corresponding second sliding slot 142b, and then face the tray 1 〇 along the corresponding second sliding slot 142b. The plate 12 slides. In the present embodiment, the second sliding slot 142b of the sliding member 142 is disposed on the tray 1 〇 for fixing to the first side 100c of the sliding member 142, and is adapted to be engaged with the second sliding slot 14 of the sliding member 142. The first protrusion 180a in the hole (not shown, but symmetric with the first protrusion 18〇a in the second sliding groove 142b adapted to be engaged with the tray 1〇) is directed toward a side wall 100c of the tray 1〇 Formed outside, but not limited to this. As shown in Fig. 1A, in the present embodiment, the member 142 of the slide mechanism 14 further includes at least two second projections 142d formed inwardly. During the period in which the seat body 18 of the carrier 18 slides with the first protrusion 18〇a to the second sliding slot 142bt of the slider 2, the seat body 18 of each carrier 18 is rotated by the handle 182. To the horizontal position, the first abutting portion 182m J of the first-bump l42d, which in turn drives the seat body 18〇 toward the connecting plate, and the corresponding storage device 3 is electrically connected to the connecting plate 12 (such as the third Shown). In contrast, in the second sliding groove 142b of the sliding member 142 in the seat body 18 of each of the bearing blocks 18, the ghost carrier 8G can be rotated by the handle. 82 to the vertical 12 M422142, the first abutting portion 182b pushes the corresponding second bump H2d, thereby driving the seat body 180 of each carrier 18 to slide away from the connecting plate 12, and the corresponding storage device 3 is disengaged from the connecting plate 12 ( As shown in Figure 1B). In the present embodiment, in order to enable the storage device 3 to be stably electrically connected or detached from the connecting plate 12, each of the two sides of each carrier μ has a first bump 180a' and is slidable on the tray 1 respectively. The second chute 1 is, for example, in the second chute 142b of the slider 142. However, if only the storage device 3 is brought to the most basic electrical connection or the function of the disconnecting plate 12, the second chute 100a or the slider 142 may be selectively disposed on the tray 10 only. The chute 142b is provided with a first bump 180a on a side corresponding to each of the carriers 18. Please refer to Figure 3. Fig. 3 is a perspective view showing the combination of the slide rail mechanism 14 and the link member 16 in Fig. 1A. As shown in FIGS. 1A and 3, in the present embodiment, the first chute 140a of the fixing member 140 has a first end 14〇13 and a second end i4〇c. The first chute is in a period in which the tray 10 of the tray device 1 is slid with respect to the fixing member 140 with respect to the fixing member 140 (as shown in Fig. 1C) and the retracting position (as shown in Fig. 1D). The first end 140b of the 140a is closer to the web 12 than the second end H〇c. When the tray 1 of the tray device 1 slides toward the unfolded position, 'because the connecting plate 12 provided on the tray 1 is also linked, the transmission line 2 connected to the connecting plate 12 is also pulled and unfolded' and then pulled. The tie member 16 slides toward the first end 140b of the first chute 14A. Relatively, when the tray 10 of the tray device 1 slides toward the contracting position, since the connecting plate 12 provided on the tray 10 is also interlocked, the transfer line connected to the connecting plate 12: 2〇 is also affected. The bend gathers, and 13 M422142 is pushed to slide toward the second end 140c of the first chute 140a. In the actual application, the number of the connecting members 16 of the tray device 1 provided in the fixing member 140 and the bent portion 200 of the transmission line 20 can be flexibly modified according to actual needs. Please refer to Fig. 4. 4 is a partial cross-sectional view showing the slide mechanism 14 and the tie member 16 in FIG. As shown in Fig. 4, in the present embodiment, the tie member 16 further includes a tie portion 160, a head portion 162, and a neck portion 164. The connecting portion 160 and the head portion 162 of the connecting member 16 are respectively located on both sides of the fixing member 140. The tie portion 160 of the tie member 16 is used to connect the bent portion 200 of the transmission line 20. The neck portion 164 of the connecting member 16 passes through the first sliding slot 140a of the fixing member 140 and is connected between the connecting portion 160 and the head portion 162, and is adapted to slide along the first sliding slot 140a to the first end 140b and the first portion Between the two ends 140c. In this embodiment, the connecting portion 160 of the connecting member 16 and the head portion 162 are both larger than the width of the first sliding slot 140a of the fixing member 140, and the neck portion 164 of the connecting member 16 is smaller than the fixed bracket 140. The width of the first chute 140a, so that the connecting portion 160 of the connecting member 16 cannot pass through the first chute 140a of the fixing member 140 and the head portion 162 is located on the same side of the fixing member 160, the head of the connecting member 16 162 does not pass through the first chute 140a of the fixing member 140 on the same side of the fixing member 160 as the connecting portion 160. In addition, the connecting portion 160 of the connecting member 16 can be connected to the bent portion of the transmission line by means of a locking method, a fixing manner, a fastening manner, etc., but is not limited thereto. As shown in Figs. 1C and 1D, in the present embodiment, the tray 10 of the tray device 1 has an extending portion 102. The extending portion 102 of the tray 10 is the same as the direction in which the tray 10 extends, and the direction in which the tray 10 moves toward the contracting position M422142. When the tray 10 of the tray device 1 is in the retracted position, the extension 102 of the tray 1 is substantially adjacent to the second end M〇c of the first chute 14A. During the period in which the tray 10 of the tray device 1 slides relative to the fixing member 14 to the deployed position, the transmission line 20 is unfolded by the connection of the connecting plate 12, and the connection to the connecting member 16 is not owed by gravity. The factors are falling down. During the tray 1 of the tray device 1 with the slider 142 sliding relative to the fixing member 14 to the retracting position, the transmission line 20 is bent by the connecting plate 12 and bent toward the second end 14〇c of the first chute 140a. Gather, now close to the first
/月槽140a的第一端i4〇c的延伸部丨即可承載彎折聚集 的傳輸線20 ’進而防止傳輸線2〇因重力的因素而往下掉。 由以上對於本創作之具體實施例之詳述,可以明顯地 看出,本創作之托盤裝置,主要是在托盤裝置上直接設置 可熱插拔兩個儲存裴置的連接板,並藉由一條傳輸線將連 接板連接至主機的背板。另外,在托盤裝置中的有限空間 中,還設計有滑轨機構,並將托盤裝置的一側固定至滑軌 機構。當使用者抽拉出此托盤裝置時,由於傳輸線係沿滑 轨機構拉線’因此不會影響托盤裝置的作動。並且,在托 盤裝置的作動期間,由於傳輸線仍然連接於連接板與背板 之間,因此供給儲存裝置的電源及訊號更不會因此而被中 斷。另外,為顧及使用者方便拆裝儲存裝置,本創作還設 汁了用以承載儲存裝置的承載座,讓使用者可以省力並_ 易安裝或移除任何一個儲存裝置。 ^雖然本創作已以實施方式揭露如上,然其並非用以 1本創作,任何熟習此技藝者,在不脫離本創作之精神, 、圍内富.可作各種之.更動與-潤.飾因此本創作-之保士蔓 15 M422142 圍當視後附之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1A圖為繪示本創作一實施例之托盤裝置的立體分 解圖。 第1B圖為繪示第1A圖中之托盤裝置的立體組合圖, 其中托盤伴隨滑動件相對固定件位於展開位置。 • 第1C圖為繪示第1B圖中之托盤裝置的立體組合圖, φ 其中兩儲存裝置已電性連接連接板。 第1D圖為繪示第1C圖中之托盤裝置的立體組合圖, 其中托盤伴隨滑動件相對固定件位於收闔位置。 第2A圖為繪示第1B圖中之托盤裝置的局部透視圖。 第2B圖為繪示第1C圖中之托盤裝置的局部透視圖。 第3圖為繪示第1A圖中之滑軌機構與連繫件的立體 組合圖。 第4圖為繪示第3圖中之滑執機構與連繫件的局部剖 鲁視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 :托盤 100b 、 142c :開口 100d :第二側壁 12 :連接板 140 :固定件 1 =托盤裝置 100a、142b :第二滑槽 100c :第一側壁 100e、142d :第二凸塊 102 :延伸部… M422142 14 :滑軌機構 140b :第一端 140a :第一滑槽 142 :滑動件 140c :第二端 16 :連繫件 142a :鏤空孔 162 :頭部 160 :連繫部 18 :承載座 164 :頸部 180a :第一凸塊 180 :座體 182a :第一抵靠部 182 :提把 20 :傳輸線 182b :第二抵靠部 200 :彎折部 3:儲存裝置 17The extension portion 第一 of the first end i4〇c of the lunar groove 140a can carry the bent and concentrated transmission line 20' to prevent the transmission line 2 from falling down due to gravity. From the above detailed description of the specific embodiments of the present invention, it can be clearly seen that the tray device of the present invention is mainly provided with a connecting plate for hot-swapping two storage devices directly on the tray device, and by a strip The transmission line connects the connection board to the backplane of the main unit. Further, in a limited space in the tray device, a slide rail mechanism is also designed, and one side of the tray device is fixed to the slide rail mechanism. When the user pulls out the tray device, the movement of the transfer line along the slide mechanism does not affect the operation of the tray device. Moreover, during the operation of the tray device, since the transmission line is still connected between the connection board and the back board, the power supply and signals supplied to the storage device are not interrupted as a result. In addition, in order to facilitate the disassembly and assembly of the storage device by the user, the creation also has a carrier for carrying the storage device, so that the user can save labor and easily install or remove any storage device. ^ Although this creation has been exposed as above in the implementation, it is not used for one creation. Anyone who is familiar with this skill can do all kinds of things without changing the spirit of this creation. Therefore, the author of this creation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1A is a perspective exploded view showing a tray apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention. 1B is a perspective assembled view of the tray device of FIG. 1A, wherein the tray is in a deployed position with the slider relative to the fixture. • Fig. 1C is a perspective assembled view of the tray device of Fig. 1B, where two storage devices have been electrically connected to the connecting plate. 1D is a perspective assembled view of the tray device of FIG. 1C, wherein the tray is associated with the slider in a retracted position relative to the fixture. Fig. 2A is a partial perspective view showing the tray device of Fig. 1B. Fig. 2B is a partial perspective view showing the tray device of Fig. 1C. Fig. 3 is a perspective view showing the combination of the slide rail mechanism and the connecting member in Fig. 1A. Fig. 4 is a partially cutaway view showing the sliding mechanism and the connecting member in Fig. 3. [Main component symbol description] 10: tray 100b, 142c: opening 100d: second side wall 12: connecting plate 140: fixing member 1 = tray device 100a, 142b: second chute 100c: first side wall 100e, 142d: second Bump 102: extension... M422142 14: slide mechanism 140b: first end 140a: first chute 142: slide 140c: second end 16: tie 142a: hollow hole 162: head 160: connection Portion 18: carrier 164: neck 180a: first bump 180: seat body 182a: first abutment portion 182: handle 20: transmission line 182b: second abutment portion 200: bent portion 3: storage device 17