芰通的杈式,就是增加電動馬達的 的馬力,増加幫浦體積,加大活 塞運動的進出液室空間,但盆妗里 ' ,部疋有耗材、體積過大(笨 重)’不利在各種空間簡便安裝的問 曰义 门題,因此,如何在足夠的出液 量前提下’有效精緻小型化液體*两封 狀體加型體,為當今業者努 力突破的技術瓶頸。 【新型内容】 、本舰的主要目的在於提供—種同步推拉活塞型液體加壓幫 甫至乂疋由f4主體及一電動馬達所構成;該幫浦主體,至 少包含有-幫浦座一上蓋及—底蓋,該幫浦座的座體中心具有 一圓形容室,棚形容㈣徑向均布安財多個貫穿座體的活塞 閥固定孔,並在每-活塞咖定孔_設有—活額,且座體的 上座面與下座面,沿著_容室的周緣,相互對應喊有多個分 ^與活塞_定孔相通的上定位孔與下定位孔,並分別在每一上 疋位孔與下定位孔内各財—上止逆閥及—下止㈣,並且座體 的上下座面上還各没有-出液通孔與一入液通孔,並使該出液 通孔與該人液通孔’分別和座體身部設定的出液接孔與入液接孔 相通又且’座體身部還開設有一相通圓形容室的注油孔供潤滑 油注入圓形容室内’且該注油孔的孔口並常時被一油蓋封閉,防 止異物侵入;另外,該每一活塞閥内具有一設在活塞孔室内的活 塞’及開設有至少-排液孔與至少—錄孔在活塞孔室的最内端 形成貝穿,並使該排液孔與吸液孔,透過活塞固定孔分別和上止 逆閥與下止逆閥相通,並且,該每一活塞閥内的活塞一端朝圓形 M420595 容室内廷伸’ ϋ分別透過—連動扣^與對肖的活塞構成直線性扣 接,該每一連動扣片的板面上具有一長圓孔,及兩端各具有一與The style of the 芰通 is to increase the horsepower of the electric motor, increase the volume of the pump, and increase the space of the piston movement. In the basin, there are consumables and excessive volume (bulky). The simple installation of the question of the righteousness, therefore, how to effectively reduce the size of the liquid * two-piece shape addition body under the premise of sufficient liquid output, is a technical bottleneck for today's industry efforts. [New content] The main purpose of the ship is to provide a synchronous push-pull piston type liquid pressurizing gong to the f4 body and an electric motor; the pump body includes at least a --seat seat And the bottom cover, the center of the seat of the pump seat has a circular chamber, and the shed describes (4) a radial uniform distribution of a plurality of piston valve fixing holes penetrating the seat body, and is provided in each of the pistons. The amount of the live, and the upper and lower seating surfaces of the seat, along the circumference of the chamber, correspond to each other with a plurality of upper and lower positioning holes communicating with the piston _ fixed holes, respectively, on each of the upper and lower positioning holes In the boring hole and the lower locating hole, each of the upper and lower stop valves and the lower end (four), and the upper and lower seating surfaces of the seat body are not provided with a liquid through hole and a liquid through hole, and the liquid is passed through. The hole and the human liquid through hole ' respectively communicate with the liquid inlet hole and the liquid inlet hole set by the body body, and the oil body hole of the circular body chamber is opened in the body portion for lubricating oil to be injected into the circular volume chamber. 'And the orifice of the oil hole is always closed by an oil cover to prevent foreign matter from entering; in addition, each a piston valve has a piston disposed in the piston bore chamber and at least a drain hole and at least a bore hole formed at the innermost end of the piston bore chamber, and the drain hole and the liquid suction hole are The piston fixing hole is respectively communicated with the upper check valve and the lower check valve, and the piston end of each piston valve is extended toward the circular M420595, and the piston is respectively connected to the piston of the shaft. Linear fastening, each of the interlocking cleats has a long round hole on the plate surface, and each end has a
活塞扣合的扣部’並以相互疊置的型態,在兩兩對角的活塞間形 成扣接連動,該上盍為組裴在幫浦座的上座面上,中心部具有一 轴承座孔及一油封裝置座孔,並透過轴承及油封的組裝,設定有 偏匕軸且盍體内面端還开)成有一與幫浦座的上座面上出液通 孔及每一上定位孔相通的上凹環槽,該偏心軸的主軸體裝設在上 蓋軸承航與油封裝置座孔的軸承及油封上,外端具有—可與電 動馬達轉軸形成連接的接合部,内端相繼形成有一偏心部及一穿 過每-連動扣片長圓孔的巾哗部,且心部上設有一與每一 活塞端。卩職,並允許自轉動的減轉輪;該底蓋為組裝在幫 浦座的下座面上’蓋體内面中心部具有一轴承座槽,並透過軸承 供偏心軸的中心桿部轴蚊位,且蓋體内面端還形成有一與幫浦 座的下座面上人液通孔及每_下定位孔相通的下凹環槽;該電動 馬達,組設謂肚_上蓋上部,並使鶴馬達_軸與偏心 轴的接合部構成組接連動;幫浦主體幫浦座身部的出液接孔與入 液接孔上”雕上出齡與人液管’動人液管接通欲加塵的液 體則電動馬達啟動運轉驅動偏心軸旋轉,該偏心轴的偏心部透 過缝轉輪’喊且重_相對活塞產生_展作,憑借被壓 推的活塞在往活塞_活塞孔㈣擠_,該連動扣片會同步拉 ^對角相對位置的活塞產生退紐塞孔室的伽;如此,偏心轴 速旋軺即可利用每一活塞在活塞閥的活塞孔室内高速來回往 6 M420595 複運動,配合下止逆閥在活塞退出活塞孔室時閥門吸開,止逆的 把相通入液接孔的下凹環槽内入液吸入活塞孔室内,及上止逆閥 在活塞撥壓入活塞孔室時閥門被(壓力)推開,將被加壓後的液 體止逆的壓送至上凹環槽内;因此,出液f可由出液接孔接出加 麼後的液體使S,且整個過程,由於打㈣浦座的油蓋,可將潤 滑油從注油餘人®職室内後飾蓋回缝,這使構成密封油 槽型態關縣室崎树祕件得到充分輯;麵對入液接 孔端(入液管)送人的液體,能夠低噪音、低轉率的產生高效 率、兩性能的加壓效果’具有㈣型體精緻小型化,絲倍能化, 允許在多種場合空間更輕便運用。 本創作的次一目的在於提供一種同步推拉活塞型液體加㈣ 浦’其中’該幫浦座每一活塞闕固定孔内固設有一活塞闕,該活 塞閥’包括有-活塞承置筒、一活塞及一鎖固栓件;該活塞承置 ★筒内’具有_抉塞環件,辆個扶塞環件間具有—v形環,且 筒體-端内緣形成有一内螺紋部;該活塞桿身一端穿置入活塞承 置筒内被辦倾_持,勒該V_料細身部產生 止密’且身部另—端形成有—供連動扣片的扣部扣接的扣環槽; =鎖固,件具有-外螺紋部鎖固在該活塞_定孔上,且相對活 f承置η軸觀部具有公槪部,勤該公職部與該内螺紋· 部螺合,使⑽與活塞承置_組合構成—供活塞活動的活塞 ^盘該活塞孔室的徑向還設有一排液孔及一吸液孔,使該活塞 至…上止逆間及下正逆闕相通,·由偏心轴的偏心部上減轉輪 M420595 將活塞往活塞孔室内推壓時,同步 塞孔室内的活塞作·動作;憑借活塞外拉增加活: 啊下止逆閥會被吸開’使下凹環槽端人液透過下止逆閥,由吸 ί孔塞孔室内的翻,及活塞内推縮小活塞孔室空間時上 、、, 内液體由排液孔排出透過上止逆閥 凹環槽輪出加_的作用;活塞在活塞孔室内’ 與外拉的往複運動;達到將入液續高效率輸出的效果。 =創作的另-目的在於提供—_步錄活塞型液體加壓幫 ”中該幫4座上,分別與—活塞閥固定孔相通的每一上定 2孔内各設有關,該上定位孔,是透過— 塞間固定孔相通,且該上止逆閥,則包括有-杯形上閥座、I上 間門件、-上彈簧及-上支標架;該杯形上啦,透過一定位〆 固定在上定位孔内,座體内形成有一閱室,且座面一端與上穿孔 對置的具有-上閥門孔;該上閥門件,設在杯形上闕座的間室内, 門體邊緣在杯形上閥座的閥室内保留有通液空隙,且—面端常離 透過該上彈簧_推’對上_孔形成_;該上彈簧一端耻 間m牛頂推’另—端靠置在該上支撐架上產生彈性推力;該上支 T ’以多支撐腳的非密封形體裝設在杯形上驗關室内供上 每黃靠置’且其外端與上蓋的上凹環槽對置,並由上蓋限制其退 出杯开乂上閥座的閥室’為上彈簧產生對上閥門件的制力;活塞 破推塵轉輪餘塞孔内減,從排液孔·,經上穿孔到達上闕 門孔的加壓後賴,即賴推上_件㈣上_孔,使液體迅 M42U595 連被㉞至上凹環槽;在此過程中,對角位置的活塞被連動扣片 1始有拉絲塞孔室㈣作,該排液孔難生的錢,則上彈 ,·簧反_幫助上闊門件封閉上閥門孔的動作,立即可限麵送至 •上凹壞槽内的加廢輸出液回流,以此確保入液由下止逆閥進入。 •、本創作的再-目的在於提供—種同步推拉活塞型液體加· 浦…中》亥幫浦座上,分別與一活塞闕固定孔相通的每一下定 魏略対-下止挪,釘定減,是剌—打孔來與活 基闕固定孔相通,且該下止逆闕,則包括有-杯形下闕座,一下 閥二件,-下彈簧及一下支撐架;該杯形頂座,透過—定位環, 口疋f下疋位孔内’座體内形成有—閥室,且座面—端與底蓋的 下凹%槽對置的具有-下閥門孔;該下閱門件,設在杯形下闕座 的閥至内’門體邊緣在杯形下閥座的闕室内保留有通液空隙,且 知吊透過該下彈簧的_,對下閥門孔形成封闕,·該下彈簧 籲獅下_件獅,另―端靠置在該下支辟上產生彈性推 ,居下支撐架’衫支撐__封形體妓在杯形下閥座的 .^室内供下彈簧靠置’且與下穿孔對置的由下定位孔底部對其限 ^ ,下彈Η產生對下閥門件的作用力;活塞被連動扣件拉出活 —至的使活塞孔至增加容積空間’該吸液孔所產生的吸液動作 力量,即能在吸起下剛件時,令下凹⑽入液流 經杯形下 ^的嶋™,-崎入嫩t嫩;在此過程 ,對角位置的活塞被_轉輪_開始往活塞孔室内的推塵動 作’遠活塞孔室内液體被加壓的結果,使下彈菁反推的幫助下闕. M420595 門件回位封閉下闕Η孔,立即措止液往下凹環槽回流,以此確保 液體被加壓的由上止逆間輪出利用。 . 本創作的又目的在於提供一種同步推拉活塞型液體加愿幫 ;浦,其中’該電動馬達組設在幫浦主體的上蓋上部,該電動馬達 ‘的組設端還固設有一_,該襯座上相對幫浦主體上蓋上部的鎖 口孔並。又有牙技孔’透過螺栓穿過穿栓孔在鎖固孔上鎖固觀座, 使電動馬達簡易組設在幫浦主體上提供對作偏心轴驅動的旋轉動 ’力。 【實施方式】 一種同步推拉活塞型液體加壓幫浦,如圖i、圖2,至少是由 一幫浦主體10及-電動馬達2〇所構成;如圖3、圖4,該幫 浦主體10 ’至少包含有一幫浦座11、一上蓋12及-底蓋1 —’該幫浦座1 1的座體中心具有一圓形容室i1〇,該圓形容 室1 1 0的徑向均布安排有多個貫穿座體的活塞咖定孔工工 1 ’亚在每-活塞刚定孔ii内固設有—活塞閥丨4,且座 體的上座面與下座面, 沿著圓形容室110的周緣,相互對應的 設有多個分職活塞咖定孔1 1 1相義上定位孔i i 2與下 疋位孔1 13 ’亚分別在每—上定位孔i丄2與下定位孔工工3 内各設有-上止逆閥15及—下止逆閥16,如圖3、圖5、圖 6 ’並且座體的上、下座面上還各設有-出液通孔1i 4與一入 液通孔115 ’並使該出液通孔i i 4與該人液通孔i丨5,分 別和座體身部設定的出液接孔丄丄6與人液接孔丄丄7相通,又 M420595 如圖5,且整個作動過程,由於打開幫浦座i i的油蓋丄工g, 可將潤滑油從注油孔i i 8注入圓形容室丄丄〇内(半滿)後重新 蓋回油蓋119,這使構成密封油槽型態的圓形容室1i 〇内所 :有連動構件,得到充分潤滑,整體對入液接孔工工7端(入液管) 送入的㈣產生級率、紐能的加壓效果,具有幫浦型體精緻 小型化,效果倍能化,允許在多種場合空間更輕便運用。 —根據上述實施例,其中,如圖3,該幫浦座“每一活塞闊固 灸疋孔111内固設有-活塞閥i4,該活塞閥工4,如圖4、圖 1〇 ’包括有-活塞承置筒i 4 3、—活塞i 7及—鎖固检件:· 4 4 ’該活塞承置筒!4 3内,具有兩個扶塞環件】4 5,該兩 個扶塞環件i45間具有—v形環146,且筒體一端内緣形成 有一内螺紋部!4 7 ;該活塞i 7桿身—端穿置人活塞承置筒工 4 3内被該兩個扶塞環件14 5扶持,並由該v形環工4 6對活 塞17的身部產生止密’且身部另—端形成有—供連動扣片工8 的扣。PI 81扣接的扣環槽170 ;該鎖固栓件丄44具有 螺紋部1 4 8鎖固在該活塞閥固定孔工工1±,且相騎塞承置 筒14 3的内螺紋部!4 7具有公螺紋部i 4 9,並由該公螺紋 邰14 9與該内螺紋部i 4 7螺合,使内部與活塞承置筒丄 共同組合構成—供活塞1 7簡的活塞孔室1 4 0,該活塞孔a 14 〇的徑向還設有—排液孔i 4 i及—吸液孔丄4 2 = ^孔14 Q室與上止逆閥丄5及下止逆閥}6相通;由偏心^ 的偏心部1 9 1上賴轉輪1 9 3將活塞i 7往活塞孔室丄4 13 M420595 範圍的情况下,可做出許多修改、變化或等效,但都將落入本新 型的保護範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為本創作構造外觀示意圖; 圖2為本創作電動馬達與幫浦主體分解構造示意圖; 圖3為本創作幫浦主體構造分解示意圖; 圖4為本創作幫浦主體構造剖面示意圖; 圖5為本創作幫浦主體的出液接孔處剖面構造示意圖; 圖6為本創作幫浦主體的入液接孔處剖面構造示意圖; 圖7為本創作幫浦主體斷面内部構造示意圖; 圖8為本創作電動馬達傳動幫浦主體的構造示意圖(一); 圖9為本創作電動馬達傳動幫浦主體的構造示意圖(二); 圖10為本創作活塞閥構造分解示意圖; 圖11為本創作上止逆閥構造分解示意圖; 圖12為本創作下止逆閥構造分解示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 〇-幫浦主體 1 1-幫浦座 1 0-圓形容室 1 1 1-活塞閥固定孔 1 2-上定位孔 1 1 下定位孔 1 4-出液通孔 1 1 5-入液通孔 1 6-出液接孔 1 1 7-入液接孔 1 8-注油孔 1 1 9 -油蓋 17 M420595 1 2-上蓋 1 2 0 -轴承座孔 1 2 0 A-油封裝置座孔 1 2 1-軸承 1 2 1 A-油封 12 2-上凹環槽 1 2 3 -鎖固孔 1 3-底蓋 1 3 0 _轴承座槽 1 3 1 -轴承 1 3 2-下凹環槽 1 4-活塞閥 1 4 0-活塞孔室 1 4 1_排液孔 1 4 2 -吸液孔 1 4 3-活塞承置筒 1 4 4-鎖固栓件 1 4 5 -扶塞環件 14 6-V形環 1 4 7-内螺紋部 14 8-外螺紋部 1 4 9 -公螺紋部 1 5-上止逆閥 1 5 0-上穿孔 1 5 1 _杯形上閥座 1 5 2-上閥門件 15 3-上彈簧 1 5 4-上支撐架 1 5 5_定位環 15 6-上閥門孔 1 6-下止逆閥 1 6 0-下穿孔 1 6 1-杯形下閥座 16 2-下閥門件 1 6 3-下彈簧 1 6 4-下支撐架 1 6 5-定位環 1 6 6-下閥門孔 1 7-活塞 1 7 0-扣環槽 1 8-連動扣片 1 8 0-長圓孔 1 8 1 -扣部 1 9 -偏心轴 18 M420595 1 9 Ο -接合部 1 9 2-中心桿部 2 0-電動馬達 2 2-襯座 2 2 1 -螺栓 1 9 1-偏心部 1 9 3 -推壓轉輪 2 1 -轉軸 2 2 0-穿栓孔The buckle portion of the piston buckle is formed in a mutually overlapping manner, and a snap joint is formed between the two diagonal pistons. The upper jaw is a set on the upper seating surface of the pump seat, and the center portion has a bearing seat. a hole and an oil sealing device seat hole, and through the assembly of the bearing and the oil seal, a biasing shaft is set and the inner surface of the inner body of the crucible is further opened) to be connected with the liquid discharging through hole on the upper seating surface of the pumping seat and each upper positioning hole The upper ring groove of the eccentric shaft is mounted on the bearing and the oil seal of the upper cover bearing and the oil seal device seat hole, and the outer end has a joint portion which can be connected with the electric motor shaft, and the inner end is successively formed with an eccentricity And a portion that passes through the oblong hole of each of the interlocking clasps, and the core portion is provided with one and each piston end. Defeated, and allows the self-rotating reducer; the bottom cover is assembled on the lower seat surface of the pump seat. The central part of the inner surface of the cover has a bearing seat groove, and the central rod of the eccentric shaft passes through the bearing. And a concave ring groove formed in the inner surface of the cover body and communicating with the human liquid through hole and the lower positioning hole of the lower seat surface of the pump seat; the electric motor is set to be the upper part of the upper cover and The junction between the crane motor _ shaft and the eccentric shaft constitutes a group connection; the liquid outlet hole and the liquid inlet hole of the main body of the pump main body are carved on the age and the human liquid pipe. The dusting liquid starts the operation of the electric motor to drive the eccentric shaft to rotate. The eccentric portion of the eccentric shaft passes through the sewing wheel and shouts and the weight _ is generated relative to the piston, and the piston is pushed by the piston to the piston _ piston hole (four) _, the interlocking buckle will synchronously pull the diagonally opposite position of the piston to produce the gamma of the retracting hole chamber; thus, the eccentric shaft speed rotation can use each piston to rotate back and forth in the piston hole of the piston valve to 6 M420595 Double movement, with the lower check valve, the valve is sucked when the piston exits the piston chamber The liquid is sucked into the piston hole chamber through the recessed ring groove of the liquid inlet hole, and the upper check valve is pushed (pressure) when the piston is pressed into the piston hole chamber, and will be pressurized. The liquid is back-pressed and sent to the upper concave ring groove; therefore, the liquid f can be taken out by the liquid outlet hole to add the liquid to the S, and the whole process can be used because of the oil cover of the (four) base. The back seam is trimmed from the back of the oil-filled person's interior, which makes the secrets of the Miyazaki tree that constitutes the seal sump type Guan County fully equipped; the liquid that is delivered to the liquid inlet end (inlet pipe) can be low-noise The high-efficiency, high-efficiency, two-performance pressurization effect of the (four) type is refined and miniaturized, and the wire is multi-functionalized, allowing the space to be used lightly in various occasions. The second purpose of the present invention is to provide a synchronous push-pull piston. Type liquid plus (4) Pu 'where 'the pump seat is fixed in each piston 阙 fixed hole with a piston 阙, the piston valve 'includes - piston bearing cylinder, a piston and a locking bolt; the piston is mounted ★The inside of the cylinder has a 抉 环 ring, and there is a shackle between the pieces. a v-shaped ring, and an inner threaded portion is formed on the inner end of the cylinder body; the one end of the piston rod is inserted into the piston receiving cylinder to be tilted and held, and the V_ material body is formed to be tightly sealed and the body is The other end is formed with a buckle groove for fastening the buckle portion of the interlocking buckle piece; = locking, the member has a - external thread portion locked on the piston_ fixed hole, and the relative living f is placed on the η-axis portion The utility model has a male squatting portion, and the public service department is screwed with the internal thread portion, so that (10) and the piston bearing _ are combined to form a piston for the piston to move. The piston hole chamber is further provided with a drainage hole and a radial hole. The suction hole allows the piston to be connected to the reverse and the reverse yoke. · When the piston is pushed into the piston chamber by the eccentric portion of the eccentric shaft, the piston is moved to the piston chamber. Action; with the piston pull-out to increase the activity: ah, the lower check valve will be sucked open', so that the recessed ring groove end of the human liquid passes through the lower check valve, the chamber is turned by the suction hole, and the piston pushes the piston hole When the chamber space is up, the inner liquid is discharged from the liquid discharge hole through the upper check valve concave ring groove wheel to add _; the piston is in the piston hole chamber' Reciprocating motion with the outer pull; achieving the effect of continuously delivering high efficiency output. = Another purpose of the creation is to provide - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , through the inter-plug fixing hole, and the upper check valve includes a cup-shaped upper valve seat, an upper upper door member, an upper spring and an upper support frame; the cup shape is transmitted through A positioning cymbal is fixed in the upper positioning hole, a reading room is formed in the seat body, and one end of the seat surface is opposite to the upper perforating hole, and the upper valve member is disposed in the room of the cup-shaped upper squat, the door The body edge retains a liquid-passing gap in the valve chamber of the cup-shaped valve seat, and the surface end is often formed by the upper spring _ pushing the upper _ hole; the upper spring end is masculine The end portion is placed on the upper support frame to generate an elastic thrust; the upper support T' is installed in a cup-shaped upper inspection chamber by a non-seal body of a plurality of support legs, and the outer end and the upper cover are concave. The ring groove is opposite, and the upper valve cover is restricted from the valve chamber of the upper seat of the cup opening. The upper spring generates the force for the upper valve member; The inner part of the broken dust wheel is reduced from the drain hole, and after the upper perforation reaches the pressure of the upper door hole, the lag is pushed on the _ piece (four) _ hole, so that the liquid M42U595 is connected to 34 a concave ring groove; in the process, the piston in the diagonal position is connected with the wire tab 1 (4), and the money that is difficult to be produced is lifted, and the spring is reversed to help the upper door member close. The action of the valve hole can be immediately sent to the recirculating waste liquid in the concave groove to ensure that the liquid enters from the lower check valve. • The purpose of this creation is to provide a synchronous push-pull Piston type liquid addition · Pu... in the "Haipupu seat", each of which is connected with a piston 阙 fixed hole, each of which is set to Wei Wei 対 - lower stop, nail reduction, is 剌 - punching and fixed with the base The holes are connected, and the bottom stop is reversed, and includes a cup-shaped lower jaw, two lower valves, a lower spring and a lower support frame; the cup-shaped top seat, through the positioning ring, and the lower jaw a valve chamber is formed in the body of the hole, and the seat surface is opposite to the lower groove of the bottom cover and has a lower valve hole; the lower door member The valve disposed in the cup-shaped lower sill is in the inner side of the door body, and a liquid-passing space is left in the sill chamber of the cup-shaped lower seat, and the hoisting through the lower spring _, forming a seal on the lower valve hole, The lower spring slams the lion _ lion, the other end is placed on the lower branch to produce elastic push, the lower support frame 'shirt support __ the seal body 妓 in the cup-shaped lower seat. ^ indoor for the lower spring The lower end of the lower positioning hole is opposite to the lower positioning hole, and the lower elastic piece generates a force against the lower valve member; the piston is pulled out by the interlocking member to move the piston hole to increase the volume space' The aspirating action force generated by the liquid suction hole can make the concave (10) liquid flow through the cup-shaped 嶋TM when sucking the lower part, and it is tender and tender; in this process, The piston in the angular position is started by the _rotor _ starting to push the dust into the piston chamber. The result is that the liquid in the piston chamber is pressurized, so that the back of the piston is reversed. M420595 The door is closed and closed. The hole immediately stops the liquid from flowing back to the lower ring groove, thereby ensuring that the liquid is pressurized and is used by the top stop. The purpose of the present invention is to provide a synchronous push-pull piston type liquid plus help; Pu, wherein 'the electric motor unit is disposed on the upper part of the upper cover of the pump body, and the set end of the electric motor' is further provided with a _, the The lining seat is opposite to the locking hole at the upper part of the upper cover of the pump body. In addition, the dental hole is fixed to the locking hole through the bolt through the bolt hole, so that the electric motor is simply assembled on the pump body to provide a rotational force for driving the eccentric shaft. [Embodiment] A synchronous push-pull piston type liquid pressure pump, as shown in Fig. i and Fig. 2, is composed of at least a pump body 10 and an electric motor 2; as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the pump body 10' includes at least one pedestal 11, an upper cover 12 and a bottom cover 1 - the central portion of the pedestal 1 1 has a circular chamber i1 〇, and the radial arrangement of the circular chamber 1 1 0 A plurality of piston-punching hole workers 1' are inserted into the fixed-hole ii of each piston-piston valve 丨4, and the upper and lower seats of the seat body are along the circular chamber 110. The peripheral edge, corresponding to each other, is provided with a plurality of split pistons, and the hole is fixed. 1 1 1 The upper positioning hole ii 2 and the lower clamping hole 1 13 ' are respectively positioned on each of the upper positioning holes i丄2 and the lower positioning hole In the work 3, there are an upper check valve 15 and a lower check valve 16, as shown in Fig. 3, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6', and the upper and lower seating surfaces of the seat body are respectively provided with a liquid discharge through hole 1i. 4 and a liquid inlet through hole 115', and the liquid outlet hole ii 4 and the human liquid through hole i 丨 5, respectively, and the liquid outlet hole 丄丄 6 and the human liquid connection hole set in the body portion 丄丄7 communicates, and M420595 5, and the entire operation process, due to the opening of the oil cap completion g of the pump seat ii, the lubricating oil can be injected from the oil injection hole ii 8 into the circular chamber 半 (half full) and then returned to the oil cover 119, which The circular chamber 1i that constitutes the sealed oil sump type is provided with a linkage member that is sufficiently lubricated, and the whole is fed to the liquid inlet hole 7 end (into the liquid inlet tube). The pressure effect has the exquisite miniaturization of the pump body, and the effect is multiplied, allowing the space to be used lighter in various occasions. - According to the above embodiment, wherein, as shown in Fig. 3, the pump seat "a piston valve i4 is fixed in each of the piston wide moxibustion pupils 111, and the piston valve 4 is as shown in Fig. 4, Fig. 1" Yes - Piston-mounted cylinder i 4 3, Piston i 7 and - Locking check: 4 4 'The piston is mounted on the cylinder! 4 3, with two relief rings] 4 5, the two There is a v-shaped ring 146 between the ring members i45, and an inner threaded portion is formed on the inner edge of one end of the cylinder body; 4 7; the piston i 7 is inserted into the piston and the piston is placed in the inner tube 4 3 by the two The shackle ring member 14 5 is supported, and the v-shaped ringing member 46 forms a stop-tightness on the body of the piston 17 and the other end of the body is formed with a buckle for the interlocking clipper 8. The PI 81 is fastened. Buckle groove 170; the locking bolt 丄44 has a threaded portion 148 locked to the piston valve fixing hole 1±, and the internal threading portion of the phase-carrying socket 14 3 has a male thread a portion i 4 9, and the male thread 邰 14 9 is screwed into the internal thread portion i 4 7 so that the inside and the piston receiving sleeve are combined to form a piston hole chamber 1 4 0 for the piston 17 The radial direction of the piston hole a 14 〇 is also provided - the drain hole i 4 i And - the liquid suction hole 2 4 2 = ^ hole 14 Q chamber is connected with the upper check valve 丄 5 and the lower check valve } 6; the eccentric portion of the eccentric ^ 1 1 1 is the upper wheel 1 9 3 the piston i 7 In the case of the piston bore chamber 丄4 13 M420595, many modifications, changes or equivalents can be made, but all fall within the scope of the new protection. [Simplified illustration] Figure 1 is a schematic view of the creation structure Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the exploded structure of the electric motor and the pump body; Figure 3 is a schematic exploded view of the main body of the creative pump; Figure 4 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the main body of the creative pump; Schematic diagram of the cross-section structure of the liquid connection hole; Figure 6 is a schematic cross-sectional structure of the liquid inlet hole of the main body of the pump; Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of the internal structure of the main body section of the creative pump; Schematic diagram of the structure of the main body (1); Fig. 9 is a schematic structural view of the main body of the electric motor drive pump (2); Fig. 10 is a schematic exploded view of the construction of the piston valve of the present invention; Figure 12 is under the creation Schematic diagram of the reverse valve structure. [Main component symbol description] 1 〇-Pump main body 1 1-Guitar seat 1 0-Circular chamber 1 1 1-Piston valve fixing hole 1 2-Upper positioning hole 1 1 Lower positioning hole 1 4-outlet through hole 1 1 5-inlet through hole 1 6-outlet connection hole 1 1 7-inlet connection hole 1 8-injection hole 1 1 9 - oil cover 17 M420595 1 2-upper cover 1 2 0 - Housing bore 1 2 0 A-oil seal seat hole 1 2 1-bearing 1 2 1 A-oil seal 12 2-upper ring groove 1 2 3 -locking hole 1 3 - bottom cover 1 3 0 _ bearing housing groove 1 3 1 - bearing 1 3 2-recessed ring groove 1 4-piston valve 1 4 0 - piston bore chamber 1 4 1_ drain hole 1 4 2 - suction hole 1 4 3-piston-mounted cylinder 1 4 4- Locking bolt 1 4 5 - tamper ring 14 6-V ring 1 4 7-internal thread 14 8 external thread 1 4 9 - male thread 1 5 - top check valve 1 5 0-up Perforation 1 5 1 _ cup-shaped upper seat 1 5 2-upper valve member 15 3-upper spring 1 5 4-upper support frame 1 5 5_positioning ring 15 6-upper valve hole 1 6-lower check valve 1 6 0-lower perforation 1 6 1-cup lower seat 16 2-lower valve 1 6 3-lower spring 1 6 4-lower support 1 6 5-position ring 1 6 6-lower valve hole 1 7-piston 1 7 0- buckle 1 8- Linkage clasp 1 8 0-Long round hole 1 8 1 - Buckle 1 9 - Eccentric shaft 18 M420595 1 9 Ο - Joint 1 9 2-Center stem 2 0-Electric motor 2 2-Sheet 2 2 1 - Bolt 1 9 1-eccentric part 1 9 3 - Pushing wheel 2 1 - Shaft 2 2 0 - Piercing hole