M412353 - 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 • 本新型是有關於一種衛星導航裝置,且特別是有關於一種 能夠依據外界環境光源的強弱程度,以自動纏顯示在 之導航資訊的清晰度的具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝 . 【先前技術】 < ° 衛星導航裝置可幫助制者快速朗目前自己正位於何 φ 處,因此對於出門在外的使用者來說,特別«歇者,的確帶 來極大的便利,以讓駕駛者立即掌握行車資訊。 目前市面上所出現的衛星導航裝置多數為利用裝置時 間’來得㈣星導航裝置本身所處的實際外界環境為曰間(如 大白天)或夜間(如夜晚),從而調整衛星導航裝置進入日間模式 或夜間模式,以利駕駛者觀看衛星導航裝置之勞幕所顯示且二 合日間或夜間之光亮與配色的導航資訊。 然:而’上述問題為衛星導航裝置並不能真正辨識出實際外 • 卩環境光源的強弱程度。例如,在隧道或雨天行驶車辅時 仍可能會被視為日間’使得螢幕所顯示之導航資訊的光亮與 配色未必能夠迎應實際外界環境,因此往往造成駕駛者無法 清楚觀看螢幕所顯示之導航資訊的困擾。 【新型内容】 本新型提供一種具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝置。 依據上述之目的,本新型提供一種具光源感測功能之衛 星導航裝置’包含衛星導航主機以及此主機所包含的地圖資料 3 儲存模組、訊號接收模組、衛星導航定位模組、螢幕、光感測 元件與顯示切換模組。訊號接收模組用以接收衛星訊號;衛星 導航疋位模組依據訊號接收模組所接收的衛星訊號從地圖資 1儲存模组取得對應的地理資料;螢幕用以顯示此包含此地理 貝料的導航資訊;光感測元件用以偵測外界環境光源並據此產 生對應之外界環境光源參數;顯示切換模組依據此外界環境光 源參數以自動調整顯示在螢幕之此導航資訊的清晰度。 依照本新型的實施例所述之具光源感測功能之衛星 導航裝置,上述清晰度包含一光亮程度。 依照本新型的實施例所述之具光源感測功能之衛星 導航裝置,上述清晰度包含一配色程度。 、依照本新型的實施例所述之具光源感測功能之衛星 導航裝置,上述導航資訊包含地_、文字、數字或符號。 、依照本新型的實施例所述之具光源感測功能之衛星 導航裝置’上述㈣可由液晶螢幕來實現。 ,用本新型的特點之—在於:利用光感測元件積剛實際 外界%境光源的強弱程度,以於螢幕顯示出迎應此外界戸 境光源且更清楚的導航資訊。 长 【實施方式】 古為期許對本新型之構造、特徵、功效及目的能夠有更 詳盡的瞭解’兹配合圖式將本新型相關實施例詳細說明如 下0 S參閱圖1’圖1為本新型-實施例具光源感測功能 M412353 之衛星導航裝置的示意圖。 如圖1所示,具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝置ι(以下 簡稱衛星導航裝置1)包含衛星導航主機10、地圖資料儲存 模組11、訊號接收模組12、衛星導航定位模組13、螢幕 14、光感測元件15與顯示切換模組16。 地圖資料儲存模組11設置在衛星導航主機10 ;訊號 接收模組12設置在衛星導航主機10並用以接收導航衛星 2所發送的衛星訊號。於實際運用時,可依衛星導航裝置1 之導航精準度的不同,而同時接收數個來自不同導航衛星 2所發送的衛星訊號。其中,訊號接收模組12與衛星導航 定位模組13亦可整合在一起(亦即衛星導航定位模組13可 直接接收上述之衛星訊號)。 衛星導航定位模組13設置在衛星導航主機10並依據 訊號接收模組12所接收的衛星訊號計算出衛星導航裝置1 目前的經緯度資訊,並從地圖資料儲存模組11取得對應的 地理資料。 其中,所述地理資料可為與上述經緯度資訊對應的建 築物、平面道路、高架道路、隧道、觀光景點、河流或山 谷的特定資訊,但不限定於此。 螢幕14可由觸控式液晶螢幕來實現。所述螢幕14設 置在衛星導航主機10上並用以顯示包含上述地理資料的 導航資訊。於此,導航資訊可包含地圖、文字、數字或符 號;當然,導航資訊亦可包含攜帶此衛星導航裝置1之使 5 用者的#始位置或使用者所欲到達的一目標位置,此為 熟悉此項技藝者所能_解之際術麟,於衫加贅述。 光感測凡件15設置在衛星導航主機10並用以偵測衛 星導航裝置1所處的外界環境光源並據此產生對應之外界 環境光源參數。顯示切換模組16設置在衛星導航主機10 並依據此外界環境光源參數以自動調整顯示在螢幕14之 此導航資訊的清晰度。其中,所述清晰度包含顯示在螢幕 14之導航資訊的光亮程度或配色程度。據此’衛星導航裝 置1能夠真正迎應當前所處之外界環境光源的強弱程度, 而於螢幕14顯示出光亮或配色最佳的導航資訊,以利駕驶 者於視覺上立即清楚辨識出導航資訊中的所有細節内容, 而確保行車安全。 舉例來說,當駕駛者將衛星導航裝置1置放於車内作 為導航工具且駕駛者之車輛行駛經過隧道時,衛星導航裝 置1的光感測元件15偵測到隧道内之光源較為昏暗(亦即 外界環境光源昏暗),光感測元件15據此產生對應之外界 環境光源參數。所述外界環境光源參數比起一基準值較 低’因此顯示切換模組16依據此較低的外界環境光源參數 而自動調整顯示在螢幕14之導航資訊的清晰度(例如光亮 程度或配色程度),令使用者能夠於行駛於隧道中時,仍然 於鸯幕14觀看到最清楚且配色最合適的導航資訊。例如, 在隨道中螢幕14以防眩光的配色顯示出導航資訊,但並不 限定於此。 M412353 或者,當駕駛者將衛星導航裝置1置放於車内作為導 航工具且於雨天或陰天行駛車輛時,光感測元件15據此產 生對應之外界環境光源參數。所述外界環境光源參數介於 基準值範圍内,因此顯示切換模組16依據所偵測到的此外 界環境光源參數而自動調整顯示在螢幕14之導航資訊的 清晰度(例如光亮程度或配色程度)。例如,在處於雨天或 陰天的狀況下,螢幕14以正常的配色顯示出導航資訊,但 並不限定於此。 或者,當駕駛者將衛星導航裝置1置放於車内作為導 航工具且於晴天(即陽光較強)行駛車輛時,光感測元件15 據此產生對應之外界環境光源參數。所述外界環境光源參 數比起一基準值較高,因此顯示切換模組16依據此較高的 外界環境光源參數而自動調整顯示在螢幕14之導航資訊 的清晰度(例如光亮程度或配色程度)。例如,在處於晴天 的狀況下,螢幕14以亮度加強的配色顯示出導航資訊,但 並不限定於此。 請同時參閱圖1與圖2,圖2為本新型一實施例衛星 導航裝置顯示出清晰度經顯示切換模組調整後之導航資訊 的示意圖。 承上述之一例中,當駕駛者將衛星導航裝置1置放於 車内作為導航工具且於晴天行駛車輛時,光感測元件15據 此產生對應之外界環境光源參數,所述外界環境光源參數 比起一基準值較高,因此顯示切換模組16依據此較高的外 7 M412353 界環境光源參數而自動調整顯示在衛星導航主機10其螢 幕14之導航資訊140的清晰度(例如光亮程度L或配色程 度D1-D4,其中導航資訊140的配色程度D1〜D4可為顏色 深淺不一的區塊以更凸顯出如上述之建築物、平面道路、 高架道路、隧道、觀光景點、河流或山谷等特定資訊,但 不限定於此)。例如,在處於晴天的狀況下,螢幕14以亮 度加強的配色顯示出導航資訊140,如此令駕駛者(使用者) 能夠於晴天(即陽光較強)的環境行駛車輛時,仍然於螢幕 14觀看到更清楚且配色更合適的導航資訊140,以利駕駛 者於視覺上立即清楚辨識出導航資訊140中的所有細節内 容,而確保行車安全。其中導航資訊140亦可包含攜帶此 衛星導航裝置1之使用者的一起始位置S或使用者所欲到 達的一目標位置T。 由上述可知,本新型所述具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝 置,具有以下之特點: 利用光感測元件偵測裝置本身所處的實際外界環境光 源的強弱程度,以於衛星導航主機其螢幕自動顯示出真正 可迎應此外界環境光源且更清楚的導航資訊,以利駕駛者 於視覺上立即清楚辨識出導航資訊中的所有細節内容,而 確保行車安全。 綜上所述,本新型已具有產業利用性、新穎性與進步 性,符合新型專利要件,且以上所述者,僅為本新型所舉 出之較佳實施例而已,並非用以限定本新型實施之範圍。 8 M412353 即凡依本新型申請專利範圍所做的均等變化與修飾,皆為 本新型專利範圍所涵蓋。 M4123-5 3 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為本新型一實施例具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝置的 不意圖,以及 圖2為本新型一實施例具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝置顯 示出清晰度經顯示切換模組調整後之導航資訊的示 意圖。M412353 - V. New description: [New technical field] The present invention relates to a satellite navigation device, and in particular to a clear navigation information that can be automatically displayed according to the intensity of the ambient light source. Satellite navigation device with light source sensing function. [Prior Art] < ° Satellite navigation device can help the system to quickly locate itself where it is located, so for users who go out, especially It does bring great convenience, so that the driver can immediately grasp the driving information. At present, most of the satellite navigation devices appearing on the market are based on the device time. The current external environment in which the star navigation device itself is located is daytime (such as daylight) or nighttime (such as nighttime), thereby adjusting the satellite navigation device into the daytime mode. Or night mode, in order to facilitate the driver to watch the navigation information of the satellite navigation device and the navigation information of the light and color of the daytime or nighttime. However: the above problem is that the satellite navigation device does not really recognize the strength of the actual external light source. For example, when driving in a tunnel or rainy day, it may still be regarded as a daytime. 'The light and color of the navigation information displayed on the screen may not be able to meet the actual external environment, so the driver can not clearly see the navigation displayed on the screen. Information troubles. [New content] The present invention provides a satellite navigation device with a light source sensing function. According to the above purpose, the present invention provides a satellite navigation device with a light source sensing function, including a satellite navigation host, and a map data included in the host, a storage module, a signal receiving module, a satellite navigation positioning module, a screen, and a light. The sensing element and the display switching module. The signal receiving module is configured to receive the satellite signal; the satellite navigation clamp module obtains the corresponding geographic data from the map resource 1 storage module according to the satellite signal received by the signal receiving module; the screen is used to display the geographic material containing the material The navigation sensing component is configured to detect an ambient light source and generate corresponding ambient light source parameters according to the ambient light source; the display switching module automatically adjusts the clarity of the navigation information displayed on the screen according to the ambient light source parameter. According to the satellite navigation device with light source sensing function according to the embodiment of the present invention, the resolution includes a degree of brightness. According to the satellite navigation device with light source sensing function according to the embodiment of the present invention, the resolution includes a color matching degree. According to the satellite navigation device with light source sensing function according to the embodiment of the present invention, the navigation information includes a ground_, a text, a number or a symbol. The satellite navigation device with light source sensing function according to the embodiment of the present invention can be realized by a liquid crystal screen. The characteristics of the novel are: the use of the light sensing component to accumulate the actual strength of the external ambient light source, so that the screen displays a clearer navigation information that meets the external ambient light source. Long [Embodiment] It is expected that there will be a more detailed understanding of the structure, features, effects and purposes of the present invention. The following is a detailed description of the related embodiments of the present invention. A schematic diagram of a satellite navigation device with light source sensing function M412353. As shown in FIG. 1 , a satellite navigation device ι (hereinafter referred to as a satellite navigation device 1 ) having a light source sensing function includes a satellite navigation host 10 , a map data storage module 11 , a signal receiving module 12 , and a satellite navigation and positioning module 13 . The screen 14, the light sensing element 15 and the display switching module 16 are provided. The map data storage module 11 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10; the signal receiving module 12 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10 and is configured to receive satellite signals transmitted by the navigation satellite 2. In actual use, several satellite signals transmitted from different navigation satellites 2 can be simultaneously received according to the navigation accuracy of the satellite navigation device 1. The signal receiving module 12 and the satellite navigation positioning module 13 can also be integrated (that is, the satellite navigation positioning module 13 can directly receive the satellite signal described above). The satellite navigation positioning module 13 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10 and calculates the current latitude and longitude information of the satellite navigation device 1 according to the satellite signals received by the signal receiving module 12, and obtains the corresponding geographic data from the map data storage module 11. The geographic data may be specific information of a building, a flat road, an elevated road, a tunnel, a sightseeing spot, a river, or a valley corresponding to the above latitude and longitude information, but is not limited thereto. The screen 14 can be implemented by a touch screen LCD screen. The screen 14 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10 and is used to display navigation information including the geographic information. Herein, the navigation information may include a map, a text, a number or a symbol; of course, the navigation information may also include a # start position of the user who carries the satellite navigation device 1 or a target position that the user desires to reach, which is Familiar with the skill of this artist can solve the problem of the arsenal. The light sensing device 15 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10 and is configured to detect an ambient light source in which the satellite navigation device 1 is located and generate corresponding external environmental light source parameters accordingly. The display switching module 16 is disposed on the satellite navigation host 10 and automatically adjusts the definition of the navigation information displayed on the screen 14 according to the ambient light source parameters. The sharpness includes the degree of lightness or color matching of the navigation information displayed on the screen 14. According to this, the satellite navigation device 1 can truly meet the intensity of the ambient light source currently located in the environment, and display the navigation information with the best light or color matching on the screen 14, so that the driver can clearly visually recognize the navigation information immediately. All the details in the content, while ensuring driving safety. For example, when the driver places the satellite navigation device 1 in the vehicle as a navigation tool and the driver's vehicle travels through the tunnel, the light sensing component 15 of the satellite navigation device 1 detects that the light source in the tunnel is dim (also That is, the ambient light source is dim), and the light sensing component 15 accordingly generates corresponding ambient light source parameters. The ambient light source parameter is lower than a reference value. Therefore, the display switching module 16 automatically adjusts the definition (eg, brightness or color matching) of the navigation information displayed on the screen 14 according to the lower ambient light source parameter. In order to enable the user to view the navigation information of the clearest and most suitable color matching on the curtain 14 while driving in the tunnel. For example, the navigation screen 14 displays the navigation information in an anti-glare color scheme, but is not limited thereto. M412353 Alternatively, when the driver places the satellite navigation device 1 in the vehicle as a navigation tool and drives the vehicle on a rainy or cloudy day, the light sensing element 15 accordingly generates a corresponding external ambient light source parameter. The ambient light source parameter is in the range of the reference value, so the display switching module 16 automatically adjusts the clarity (such as the brightness or color matching degree) of the navigation information displayed on the screen 14 according to the detected ambient light source parameter. ). For example, in a rainy or cloudy state, the screen 14 displays navigation information in a normal color, but is not limited thereto. Alternatively, when the driver places the satellite navigation device 1 in the vehicle as a navigation tool and travels the vehicle on a sunny day (i.e., when the sunlight is strong), the light sensing element 15 accordingly generates an outer boundary ambient light source parameter. The ambient light source parameter is higher than a reference value, so the display switching module 16 automatically adjusts the definition (such as the degree of lightness or color matching) of the navigation information displayed on the screen 14 according to the higher ambient light source parameter. . For example, in the case of a sunny day, the screen 14 displays navigation information in a color enhanced color, but is not limited thereto. Please refer to FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 at the same time. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of navigation information after the satellite navigation device of the present invention displays the resolution adjusted by the display switching module. In one of the above examples, when the driver places the satellite navigation device 1 in the vehicle as a navigation tool and drives the vehicle on a sunny day, the light sensing component 15 generates corresponding ambient light source parameters according to the ambient light source parameter ratio. Since the reference value is higher, the display switching module 16 automatically adjusts the definition (eg, the brightness level L) of the navigation information 140 displayed on the screen 14 of the satellite navigation host 10 according to the higher outer 7 M412353 boundary ambient light source parameter. The degree of color matching D1-D4, wherein the color matching degrees D1 to D4 of the navigation information 140 may be blocks of different shades of color to highlight the buildings, plane roads, elevated roads, tunnels, sightseeing spots, rivers or valleys, etc. as described above. Specific information, but not limited to this). For example, in the case of a sunny day, the screen 14 displays the navigation information 140 in a brightness-enhanced color scheme, so that the driver (user) can still watch on the screen 14 when driving the vehicle in a sunny (ie, strong sunlight) environment. The navigation information 140 is more clear and more suitable for color matching, so that the driver can clearly recognize all the details in the navigation information 140 immediately and visually, and ensure driving safety. The navigation information 140 may also include a starting position S of the user carrying the satellite navigation device 1 or a target position T that the user desires to reach. It can be seen from the above that the satellite navigation device with light source sensing function of the present invention has the following features: The light sensing component is used to detect the intensity of the actual external environment light source of the device itself, so that the satellite navigation host has its screen It automatically displays navigation information that is truly responsive to the ambient light source, so that the driver can clearly visually recognize all the details in the navigation information and ensure driving safety. In summary, the present invention has industrial applicability, novelty, and progressiveness, and conforms to the novel patent requirements, and the above is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the present invention. The scope of implementation. 8 M412353 Any change and modification made in accordance with the scope of this new patent application is covered by this new patent. M4123-5 3 [Simplified description of the drawings] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a satellite navigation device with a light source sensing function according to an embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 2 is a display of a satellite navigation device with a light source sensing function according to an embodiment of the present invention. A schematic diagram of the navigation information after the definition of the switching module is adjusted.
【主要元件符號說明】 1 具光源感測功能之衛星導航裝置 10 衛星導航主機 11 地圖資料儲存模組 12 訊號接收模組 13 衛星導航定位模組 14 螢幕 140 導航資訊 15 光感測元件 16 顯示切換模組 2 導航衛星 D1 〜D4 配色程度 L 光亮程度 S 起始位置 T 目標位置[Main component symbol description] 1 Satellite navigation device with light source sensing function 10 Satellite navigation host 11 Map data storage module 12 Signal receiving module 13 Satellite navigation positioning module 14 Screen 140 Navigation information 15 Light sensing component 16 Display switching Module 2 Navigation satellite D1 ~ D4 Color matching degree L Brightness S Starting position T Target position