M301060 . * 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作芳香n結構改良,尤指—種芳香器於揮發時能有效的讓空氣進入產 生對流’並增加其揮發效率,且該芳香器亦可重複使用不易造成浪費,並可配 合不同的場所發揮最大效果。 【先前技術】 _ 在要求居家生活環境品質時,保持環境的整潔與清潔是-項必要的工作, 而/月办劑與方香劑則是扮演一項重要的角色,且各廠商紛紛開發出各種不同的 清潔與㈣轉產品,讓消費者於使社能麵清额料之需求。 *然而’於至崎境巾皆有異味的產生,如接使用方香器、精油或芳香蝶燭 等產品,使環輕氣淨化;其料器的·較普遍安全錄速,且於f價上較 能使消費者接受,而現有之耗歸取得便利,使社_皆無法揮發使 _香讀發於空氣中,其,於揮發時需空氣的對流促使芳香器内之芳香劑散發於 4中,然’現有芳香||之結構即_容器與—穿孔之蓋體,其皆無考慮空氣的 T與方香_揮發效轉缺失,再者,現有料㈣為坐立式則無法安設於 粘上且於芳香劑用盡後則予以丢棄,無發再添加芳香劑再使用。 緣此,創作人針對所述缺失為前提,破良出一種芳香器結構考量其揮發 的效率、空氣的對流,以作為解決目的;該芳結構其於芳香劑用盡時,即 可將芳香☆分解加人另—芳香劑,使其可重複使用不易造成浪費。 M3 01060 【新型内容】 —^乍方香③結構改良’主要係包括—上蓋、-播板、及-底座所構成, 精由上盍與擋板穿有氣孔,使錢有效的對流與香氣的散發,且底座形成有數 隔板讓芳香劑不易堆積於—端,並增力巧氣對流的效益。 柳乍芳香ϋ結構改良之主要目的,係提供—制料衫之底座中形成 有數隔板’於正放、織或直立時不易讓芳香劑堆積於—端,並增加空氣流動M301060 . * VIII. New description: [New technical field] The aromatic structure improvement of this creation, especially the aromatic scenter can effectively let air enter convection when volatilizing and increase its volatilization efficiency, and the aroma It can also be reused, which is not easy to cause waste, and can be used to achieve maximum effect in different places. [Prior Art] _ In order to keep the environment clean and clean, it is necessary to keep the environment clean and clean, and the monthly agent and the flavoring agent play an important role, and various manufacturers have developed A variety of different cleaning and (four) transfer products, so that consumers can enable the community to clear the demand for materials. *However, there are odors in the Tosaki area, such as the use of square incense, essential oils or aromatic butterfly candles to make the ring light gas purification; its material is more common safe recording speed, and f price It is more acceptable to consumers, and the existing consumption is convenient, so that the company can not be volatilized to make it scented in the air. It needs air convection during volatilization to promote the fragrance in the aroma. In the middle, the structure of the existing fragrance|| is the container and the perforated cover, and the T and the fragrance of the air are not considered. The volatile effect is missing. Moreover, the existing material (4) cannot be installed in the vertical position. After being applied to the fragrance, it is discarded, and the fragrance is added without further application. Therefore, the creator takes the premise of the lack, and breaks out a kind of aromatic structure to consider the efficiency of volatilization and the convection of air as a solution; the aromatic structure can be aromatic when the fragrance is used up ☆ Decomposition adds another fragrance, making it reusable and not easy to waste. M3 01060 [New content] —^乍方香3Structural improvement' mainly consists of the upper cover, the - broadcast board, and the base. The upper sill and the baffle are pierced with stomata to make the effective convection and aroma of the money. Dissipated, and the base is formed with a number of partitions to make the fragrance not easy to accumulate at the end, and enhance the efficiency of the convection. The main purpose of the improvement of the structure of the 乍 乍 乍 , , , , , ϋ 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要 主要
_率與散發的效益,且於芳香綱盡時可將容器分解更姆香劑,使其可重 複再利用減少浪費’並可配合不同的場所發揮最大效果。 然而,所述幾點係以完全符合專利申請的要件,且有關本創作之詳細說明 及技術内容’現配合赋制如下: 【實施方式】 广、 百先。月同時參閱『第i圖及第2圖』所示:本創作之芳香器結構改良主 要係i括有.—上蓋10、一擋板u、一底座12所構成之芳香器1,該上蓋1〇 係為長狐型蓋體,其具有適當的彈性,並於頂面形成一穿有數透氣孔1〇1之 孤形’並於底面形成有複數拱桿105、腿,且於一端形成有複數棋桿觀、 7之-凹槽102,並於凹槽102中縱壁面上形成有複數擔片⑽、則,,另於 上蓋10 -端底面形成與上蓋10垂直之扣耳104、刚,,以供空氣的流通及底座 12置入所嵌卡;板η係為-長方_薄板,並於其中频魏穿孔11〇, 且於中心水平軸上_形成兩定位孔1U、11Γ,以對應於底座12之凸柱122、 =2上’並具有空氣流動及阻擋芳香劑外漏之功用;該底座^2係為—门形盒體, 其中於内部形成有與水平面垂直之複數縫隙123、1231、1232、1233之隔板12卜 6 M301060 121 ’且於隔板121、121’上形成有對應於擋板n之定位孔出、⑴,之凸柱 122、122 ’其供裝填芳香綱使用,再者,於料劑之香制盡時,其可將芳 香器1分解更換芳香劑,已達到節省再利用之效益; 俾,於芳香劑置於底座12中,並將擔板u之定位孔⑴、ln,對應於底座 12之凸柱122、122’置於底座12之隔板m頂端水平面上,另者,該底 •座㈣口端形成有凸緣120,並將底座12之凸緣12〇 一端置於上蓋1〇凹槽⑽ 中藉由播板103、103將凸緣12〇喪合,而底座12另一端則扣於上蓋1〇 一端 籲之扣耳104、104,上,並將底座12固定於上蓋1〇之底面上。 再請同時參閱『第3—i圖及第3—2圖』所示底座12嵌於上蓋1〇時, 因上孤10女而之凹槽102内形成有播片1〇3、1〇3,,而將該底座U開口端所形 成之凸緣12_,_片⑽、⑽,上方,並予以抵制,由於該上蓋1Q係為一 長弧型蓋體,其具有適當的彈性,俾,^座12 一端嵌扣於上蓋1〇 一端凹槽1〇2 内之擔片103、103上時,其將上蓋1〇適當向上彎曲,則將底座另一端之凸 緣120扣置於扣耳104、1〇4,,使而將底座12固定於上蓋ι〇之底面上。 ♦另請_咖『⑽』所示:該底座12中係形射複數_ 123、1231、 1232、1233之隔板12卜121’,其於直立或坐立時可將盒體内之芳香劑區隔分 政因此車乂不會因堆積成團使之無法完整揮發,其有助於空氣進入時的流動 使芳香劑完整的揮發並將香氣散發於空氣中。 月同夺彡㈤帛5 @及第6圖』所示··其為本創作之最佳實施例,並可 正二、嫩或直立放置,由於該底座12係由一擒板11的對應,使該底座12之 内合物方香知!不易掉出,另該擔板u穿有數穿孔,則可讓空氣進入於底座 内並將芳香劑揮發,再藉由該穿孔务於空氣中;則該上蓋1〇係供底座12 7 M301060 斤u八中穿有透祕101,且透氣孔如大於播板η之穿孔㈣,使其有 較大的進風量有祕料__^散發。 綜合以上所述者,僅為本 斤運用之較佳實施例而已,並非用來限定本 創作貫施之範圍。即凡依摘 ^ 創作專利細賴蓋。 4概__均輕化娜飾,皆為本 M301060 隔板 121、12Γ 凸柱 122、122’ 縫隙 123、1231、1232、1233_ rate and the benefits of distribution, and the container can be decomposed into a better fragrance when the fragrance is exhausted, so that it can be reused to reduce waste' and can be used to achieve maximum effect in different places. However, the points are in full compliance with the requirements of the patent application, and the detailed description and technical content of the creation are now formulated as follows: [Embodiment] Wide and hundred. At the same time, please refer to the "I-figure and Figure 2": the aromatherapy structure of the creation is mainly composed of a top cover 10, a baffle u, and a base 12 composed of a fragrance device 1, the upper cover 1 The 〇 is a long fox type cover body, which has appropriate elasticity, and forms an orphan shape with a plurality of vent holes 1 〇 1 on the top surface and has a plurality of arches 105 and legs formed on the bottom surface, and a plurality of ribs and legs are formed at one end. a plurality of struts (10) are formed on the longitudinal wall surface of the recess 102, and the stalks 104 and slabs perpendicular to the upper cover 10 are formed on the bottom surface of the upper cover 10 - The air is circulated and the base 12 is inserted into the card; the plate η is a rectangular-thin plate, and the hole is perforated 11 其中, and two positioning holes 1U, 11 形成 are formed on the central horizontal axis to correspond The utility model has the functions of air flow and blocking the leakage of the fragrance on the protrusions 122 and =2 of the base 12; the base ^2 is a door-shaped box body, wherein a plurality of slits 123 perpendicular to the horizontal plane are formed inside, 1231, 1232, 1233, the partition 12 12 M301060 121 'and the partitions 121, 121' are formed corresponding to the baffle n The hole outlet, (1), the pillars 122, 122' are used for filling the aroma, and further, when the fragrance of the material is completed, the fragrance 1 can be decomposed and replaced with the fragrance, which has achieved the benefit of saving reuse;俾, the fragrance is placed in the base 12, and the positioning holes (1), ln of the support plate u are placed on the horizontal surface of the top surface of the partition m of the base 12 corresponding to the protrusions 122, 122' of the base 12, and the other The bottom end of the base (four) is formed with a flange 120, and one end of the flange 12 of the base 12 is placed in the upper cover 1 〇 recess (10), and the flange 12 is smashed by the playing boards 103, 103, and the base 12 is smashed. The other end is fastened to the buckles 104, 104 of one end of the upper cover, and the base 12 is fixed to the bottom surface of the upper cover 1 . Please also refer to the "3 - i picture and 3 - 2 picture" as shown in the "3 - i picture and 3 - 2 picture" when the base 12 is embedded in the upper cover 1 ,, because the upper 10 women and the groove 102 formed a broadcast piece 1 〇 3, 1 〇 3 The flanges 12_, _ sheets (10), (10) formed by the open end of the base U are placed above and resisted. Since the upper cover 1Q is a long-arc type cover, it has appropriate elasticity, 俾, ^ When one end of the seat 12 is fastened to the supporting piece 103, 103 in the groove 1 〇 2 of the upper cover 1 , the upper cover 1 〇 is appropriately bent upward, and the flange 120 at the other end of the base is buckled on the buckle 104 . 1, 4, so that the base 12 is fixed on the bottom surface of the upper cover. ♦Please also _Cai "(10)": the base 12 is shaped as a partition _ 123, 1231, 1232, 1233 of the partition 12 12 121', which can be used in the body of the box when standing upright or sitting up Therefore, the rut will not be completely volatilized by the accumulation of a group, which helps the flow of air to make the fragrance completely volatilize and the fragrance is emitted into the air. The same as the best embodiment of the creation, which can be placed in the second, tender or upright position, since the base 12 is made by the correspondence of a seesaw 11 The inner compound of the base 12 is fragrant and easy to fall out, and the support plate u is provided with a plurality of perforations, so that air can enter the base and volatilize the fragrance, and then the perforation is used in the air; The upper cover 1 is for the base 12 7 M301060 jin u is worn with the secret 101, and the venting hole is larger than the perforation (4) of the broadcast plate η, so that it has a larger air intake amount and the secret material __^ is emitted. The above description is only for the preferred embodiment of the present invention and is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention. That is to say, according to the selection of the creation of patents. 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _