aijy 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種空調設 —種針對空調設備之子裝置的 持續性之評估與控制,而獲得 耗能之控制系統。 【先前技術】 備節能控制系統,尤其係指 耗電性成進行整體、自動與 自動診斷功能以減少非必要 • P遺著國民所得與生活水準的提升,人們極力追求生活 上的舒適度’空調設備在此趨勢下即成為一項重要產物, f且:從過去的奢侈品躍升為不可或缺的曰常生活必需 口口,尤其在高溫酷熱的夏季,更為人們的生活空間令帶來 涼爽的室溫感受。 此外Ik著工業發展的腳步快速,工廠内不僅需要創 4符合人員室溫需求的工作環境,為了因應製程環境中的 高=,空調設備更是不可缺少的廠房設備之一;所以’除 _ 了豕中、辦公室或是各類的室内公共空間中,卫業廠房對 於空調設備的需求更隨著工業發展而大幅提升。 舉例而5,過去的紡織工廠係使用簡單的裁縫機搭配 大量人力進灯生產製造,因此僅需要在門口灑水增加環境 中的濕度來降低溫度,即可符合溫度需求;然而,現在則 因為自動化設備成為生產製造的主力設施,且該等自動化 設備多為高熱機台,在其本身散發熱能的同時,也提升了 廠房内的溫度,因此便需要空調設備來排除機台熱負載以 及調控廠房内的空氣溫濕度,由此可知,空調設備負栽以 3 M397498 及空調設備用電勢必大幅增加。 然而,人們在透過空調設備來獲得舒適溫度或排除機 台熱負載的同時,伴隨而來的是用電量屢創高峰,尤1是 在夏季的尖峰時段,當備載容量不足以負擔用電需求時, -旦發電機組跳機,限電危機立即顯現,反而徒增不必要 的產業損I,因此’空調設備所耗用的電力,在夏季尖峰 時段的耗電量’占了舉足輕重的地位。 因此,若能在不影響空間溫濕度、舒適度以及空調設備 運轉壽命的前提下’調控空調設備負冑,降低空調設備用 電’不僅可減少空調用戶的雷鲁 用戶的電費支出,更可因應節能減碳 的環保趨勢,達到空調設備的節能控制。 故如何研發出—種適用於空調設備的節能控制系統,可 調控空調設備的整體運轉狀態,藉以達到最適運轉效率, 而避免非必要性的用電耗損’即成為相關業者極力研究開 發的重要方向。 【新型内容】 本創作人有鑑於目前節能減碳之環保趨勢以及空調設 備之耗能控制需求,乃锫托贫$ μ 士 積極者手攸事研究,經過不斷的試 驗及努力,終於開發出本創作。 乍之主要目的在於提供一種針對空調設 置的耗電性能進行整體、自動與持續性之評估與控制,而 獲得自動診斷功能以減少 战少非必要耗能之空調設備節能控制 糸統。 為了達到上述創作曰认 . 乍目的,本創作係採取以下之技術手 4 M397498 k予以達成’其令本創作之空調設備節能控 結於至少一組空調設備,其包括: 制系統,係連 又備數據輸入模組,具有複數個數據收 以收集5亥空調設備 < 各項運轉數據及外部 據; 集單元,係用 環境之各項數 中央運算處理單 並且接收各數據收集 制指令; 元’係連結於該設備數據輸 單元之數據進行運算處理, 入模組, 以形成控 _ 控制指令輸出模組, 結於S亥中央運算處理單元 之控制指令後,將控制指 空調設備之運轉狀態。 具有複數個指令控制單元,係連 ,並且接收該中央運算處理單元 令傳送至該空調設備,以調控該 “乍空調設備節能控制系統之配置,由該設備 =輸入模組針對空調設備各子裝置的運作狀態收集運轉 ,並且|配外氣及空調負載需求與設借效率特性之數 由〆中央運算處理單元將該等數據經過運算之後轉 換為控制空調設備各子裝置之運轉狀態的控制指令,再由 該控制指令輸出模組將該控制指令傳輸至空調設備各子裝 藉此本創作之空調設備節能控制系統可依據空調設 :各子裝置之運轉數據及外部環境之外氣數據,自動且持 續地調控其運轉耗能狀態,使得整體空調設備之能量耗損 極小化,進而達到節能控制之目的。 、 【實施方式】 M397498 / μ,考第—及三圖所示’本創作之空調設備節能控制 ^統⑴、’係連結於至少—組空調設備⑺,該組空調設備⑺ 匕括至V 一具有冷凝器(圓中未示)之冰水主機(21)、至少— ΉΡ水¥ (22)、複數以冰水循環管路(如第三圖之空心箭頭 所示)f.接於該冰水主機(21)之冰水泵(23)以及複數以冷卻 循衣g路(如第二圖之實心箭頭所示)連接於該冷卻水塔 (22)之冷卻水栗(24),該空調設備節能控制系統⑴包括: 設備數據輸入模組(11),具有複數個數據收集單元,係 用以收集該空調設備(2)之各項運轉數據及外部環境之各項 外氣數據; ' 中央運算處理單元(12),係連結於該設備數據輸入模組 (1 2,並且接收各數據收集單元之運轉數據及外氣數據進行 運算處理,以形成控制指令; 控制指令輸出模組(13),具有複數指令控制單元,係連 、’《於該中央運异處理單元(1 2),並且接收該中央運算處理單 儿(12)之控制指令後,將控制指令傳送至該空調設備之冰 水主機(21)、冰水泵(23)、冷卻水泵(24)以及冷卻水塔(22), 藉此依據該空調設備(2)以及外部環境之實際狀況,調控該 空調設備(2)之運轉狀態,以達到整體性耗能最適化的配 置,而獲得節能最佳化的效果,相較於尋求個別子裝置最 低耗能所獲得的節能效果,更實質地具備整體最佳化之節 能效益。 清參考第二、三及四圖所示,該複數個數據收集單元 係包括複數電錶(1 1 1 )、複數溫度計(丨丨3 )、複數壓力計(1丨4) 以及一外氣溫濕度計(11 5 )。 6 M397498 該複數電錶(Π 1)係可分別設置連接於該冰水主機 (21)、該冷卻水塔(22)、該冰水泵(23)以及該冷卻水泵(24), 以量測各空調設備子裝置之用電度數。 該複數溫度計(1 1 3)係設置連接於該冰水主機(2 1)之冰 水進、出位置以及該冰水主機(2 1)之冷凝器的冷卻水進、出 位置,以量測冰水與冷卻水之進、出溫度。 6玄複數壓力计(114)係分別設置連接於該冰水泵(23)之 冰水的進、出位置,透過該冰水泵(23)之冰水進、出位置的 鲁壓力差量測結果,推算出該冰水泵(23)之冰水流量;並且分 別设置連接於該冷卻水泵(24)之冷卻水的進、出位置,透過 s玄冷卻水泵(24)之冷卻水進、出位置的壓力差量測結果,推 算出該冷卻水泵(24)之冷卻水流量。 該外氣溫濕度計(1 1 5)係用以量測外部環境氣候之溫度 與溼度。 此外,该中央運算處理單元(12)具有一運算模型並依 據該運算模型之運算規則,將該設備數據輸入模組(11)所收 馨集的各項資訊進行運算處理,取得操作參數,並依據各操 作參數升> 成各項控制指令,以作為系統調控的標準;其中, 該中央運算處理單元(12)所形成對於該冰水主機(21)之控制 指令,係直接傳送至該冰水主機(21),並且由該冰水主機(21) 内部之控制單元(圖中未示)接收後,依據該控制指令針對該 冰水主機(2 1)之卸載量進行調控。 再者,该複數指令控制單元係為複數變頻器(丨3 1 ),該 複數變頻器(13 1)係分別連結設置於該冷卻水塔(22)、該冰水 泵(23)以及該冷卻水泵(24),藉以在接收到該令央運算處理 7 M397498 單元⑽所下達之控制指令後’將控制指令傳達至該冷卻水 塔(22)、該冰水果(23)以及該冷卻水系(24),對其馬達(圖中 未示)進行最佳化控制。 另外,該空調設備節能控制系統(1 )更包括: 儲存單元(14),係為一資料庫,其連結於該設備數據輸 入模組(11)以及該中央運算處理單元(12),_方面接收並儲 存該設備數據輸入模組(1丨)之數據收集單元所收集之各項 數據以及該中央運算處理單元(丨2)之運算結果,一方面將提 供該中央運算處理單元(丨2)需要的參考數據以供運算所需; 管理輸出單元(丨5),係為一人機介面,其連結於該中央 運算處理單元(12)以及該儲存單元(14),可將該令央運算處 理單疋(12)以及該儲存單元(14)之資訊進行即時顯示,以提 供管理警報、紀錄查詢以及報表輸出之功能。 請再參考第二、三及四圖所示,言亥空調設備⑺另包括 一空調箱(25)’在該空調設備(2)運轉以維持一空調空間中所 需要之溫溼度的過程中,該冰水主機(21)係製造冰水並輸送 至該空調箱(25)中的冰水盤管(圖中未示)以吸收該空調空間 中的、…、1而進行熱父換且輸出調制後符合溫溼度需求之冷 風,並且由該冰水泵(23)將熱交換後的冰水送回該冰水主機 (21)中,與循環冷煤進行熱交換以降低水溫,藉此建立一冰 水循環以持續輸出符合溫溼度需求之冷風。 然而,該冰水主機(21)在製造冰水的過程中,會持續產 生熱量,此熱量藉由循環冷媒傳送至該冰水主機(21)之冷凝 器並透過該冷卻水塔(22)之冷卻水與其進行熱交換而進行 散熱的動作,並且由該冷卻水泵(24)將熱交換後的冷卻水送 8 M397498 回該冷卻水塔(22)中,再與.外氣進行熱交換以降低水溫藉 此建立一冷卻水循環以持續幫助該冰水主機(2丨)散熱。 因此’在該空調設備(2)運轉的過程中,該冰水主機 (21)、該冷卻水塔(22)、該冰水泵(23)以及該冷卻水泵(24) 勢必耗損龐大的電力能量’故可使用本創作之空調設備節 能控制系統(1)’針對該空調設備(2)進行節能控制。 當該空調設備(2)透過本創作之空調設備節能控制系統 (1)進行節能控制’必須先行安裝該設備數據輸入模組(]υ _ 之數據收集單元’包括該電錶(111)'該溫度計(Π 3 )、該壓 力計(114)以及該外氣溫濕度計(11 5)。 當該冰水主機(2 1)啟動以製造冰水,即由設置於該冰水 主機(2 1)之電錄(1 1 1 )量測其用電度數,並且由該以冰水循環 管路連結於冰水主機(2 1)之冰水泵(23)進行冰水循環輸送的 動作’此時,設置於該冰水泵(23)之電錶(11 1)亦量測其用電 度數’並且由設置於冰水主機(2 1)之冰水進、出位置的溫度 計(1 1 3)量測冰水進、出該冰水主機之溫度,以及由設置於 ® 該冰水泵(23)之冰水的進、出位置的壓力計(1 14),量測冰水 進、出該冰水泵(23)之壓力,以推算出該冰水泵(23)之冰水 流量。 同時,在該冰水主機(2 1)製造冰水的過程中,該冷卻水 塔(22)以及該冷卻水泵(24)亦建立冷卻水循環,從該冷凝器 帶走該冰水主機(2 1)之熱量,此時,即由設置於該冷卻水塔 與(22)該冷卻水泵(24)之電錶(Π 1)量測其用電度數;並且由 設置於該冷卻水泵(24)之冷卻水進、出位置的壓力計(1 14) 量測冷卻水進、出該冷卻水泵(24)之壓力,以推算出該冷卻 9 M397498 水泵(24)之冷卻水流量;以.及由設置於該冷卻水塔之冷卻水 進、出位置的溫度計(1 1 3 )量測冷卻水進、出該冷卻水塔之 溫度。 再者’除了该空調設備(2)之運轉數據外,更透過該外 氣溫濕度計(1 1 5 ),量測外部環境氣候之溫度與濕度,以收 集外氣數據。 當該設備數據輸入模組(u)之數據收集單元收集了各 項數據之後’一方面傳送至該儲存單元(丨4)進行儲存,另一 •方面傳送至該中央運算處理單元(12),該中央運算處理單元 (12 )在接收各項數據後’隨即由其内建之運算模型依據其運 算規則,進行運算處理。 舉例而言’該中央運算處理單元(12)依據冰水進、出該 冰水主機(2 1)之溫度求得溫差,並搭配冰水循環管路之總流 量’即可計算出實際之冰水主機(2丨)負載。 *玄中央運算處理單元(1 2)依據冷卻水進、出該冷卻水塔 (22)之溫度求得溫差,並搭配冷卻水進、出該冷卻水泵(24) 春之壓差所推算之冷卻水流量,即可計算出實際之冷卻水塔 (24)散熱量。 該中央運算處理單元(12)依據外氣溫濕度、冷卻水流 a:、冷卻水塔之進出口水溫以及空氣流量,即可計算出該 冷卻水塔之散熱能力,其中該空氣流量係由該冷卻水塔(2 2) 之風扇轉速換算而得。 另外’上述所有使用該壓力計(1 1 4)求得冰水或冷卻水 進出該冰水泵(23)或冷卻水泵(24)之壓力差,進而推算冰水 或冷卻水流量的做法,並非唯一做法,僅為本創作之一實 M397498 * 施例’故該數據收集單元另可包括至少一流量計,藉以取 代以壓力差推算流量之做法,直接由該流量計量測而獲得 冰水或冷卻水流量,因此該至少一流量計可設置於該冰水 擔ί衣官路以及冷卻水循環管路上,藉以量測冰水或冷卻水 流量 0 當該中央運算處理單元(12)完成各項運算處理之後,即 取得該空調設備(2)在整體熱量平衡及耗電值為最低的情況 下,該冰水主機(21)、該冷卻水塔(22)、該冰水泵(23)以及 ®该冷卻水泵(24)之操作參數;之後,該中央運算處理單元(12) 將該等操作參數儲存於該儲存單元(14),並且以該等操作參 數作為控制指令傳送至設置於該冰水主機(2 1 )、該冷卻水塔 (22)、泫冰水泵(23)以及該冷卻水泵(24)以及該冷卻水泵之 變頻器〇 3 1)。 田》亥等憂頻器(1 3 1)接收到該等控制指令後,隨即傳送 至該冰水主機(21)、該冷卻水塔(22)、該冰水泵(23)以及該 冷卻水泵(24),以調控其運轉狀態’藉此’將該等空調設備 鲁⑺之子裝置的運作調整至整體總耗能最小化的狀態進而 獲知畴此控制最佳化的效果。 除此之外,系統管理者可透過該管理輸出單元(15)將該 中央運算處理單元(12)以及該儲存單元(14)之資訊進行輪 出,以供管理之用。 故綜合以上所述,本創作之空調設備節能控制系統且 有下列優勢: 〃 -、將空調設備之各子裝i進行整體性的耗能計算斑 節能規劃,取代習知尋求個別子裝置最低耗能所 M397498 « 0 獲得之節# 制效益;果4而獲得實質的整體性節能控 適用於一組以上之空調設備,使噹 & 需各自進行n “ 二凋设備不 三 祝… 可獲得整體性的節能效果; 格配儲存單元, 四 TH又備之歷史紀錄完整儲 絲查詢比對進而隨時調整操作參數; 搭配管理輪+ ^ ’ % m統管理者輸出各項報 表或颁不控制所需資訊,俾利管理。 故本創作之空調設備節能控制系統能夠達到全面性、 整體性的節能控制目的’使得空調設備的運轉能夠依照本 身狀態以及外氣條件,調整至最適狀態下的運轉效率,而 不需要讓空調設備& $ a 4 μ π χ侑的各個子裝置全都維持在最高效率下的 運轉,徒增不必要的用電耗損。 惟以上所述者,僅為本創作之較佳實施例,當不能以 此限疋本創作實施之範圍;& ’凡依本創作申請專利範圍 及創作說明書内容所作之簡單的等效變化與修飾,皆應仍 屬本新型專利涵蓋之範圍内。 、 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作空調設備節能控制系統之架構 圖。 心 第二圖係本創作空調設備節能控制系統之細部架構示 意圖。 μ 第二圖係空調設備之示意圖。 第四圖係空調設備搭配本創作空調設備節能控制系統 M397498 之示意圖。 · 【主要元件符號說明1 (1) 空調設備節能控制系統 (II) 設備數據輸入模組 (III) 電錶 (1 1 3)溫度計 (1 14)壓力計 (115)外氣溫濕度計 _ (12)中央運算處理單元 (13) 控制指令輸出模組 (1 3 1)變頻器 (14) 儲存單元 (15) 管理輸出單元 (2) 空調設備 (21) 冰水主機 (22) 冷卻水塔 # (23)冰水泵 (24) 冷卻水泵 (25) 空調箱 13Aijy V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about a kind of air-conditioning control system for the evaluation and control of the sub-devices of air-conditioning equipment. [Prior Art] Energy-saving control system, especially for power consumption, for overall, automatic and automatic diagnostic functions to reduce unnecessary non-necessary • P legacy national income and living standards, people strive for comfort in life 'air conditioning Under this trend, equipment has become an important product, f: from the luxury of the past to the indispensable life of the necessary life, especially in the hot summer months, more people's living space to bring cool Feeling at room temperature. In addition, Ik has a fast pace of industrial development. In the factory, it is not only necessary to create a working environment that meets the room temperature requirements of personnel. In order to cope with the high temperature in the process environment, air-conditioning equipment is one of the indispensable plant equipments; In the middle of the public space, in the office or in various indoor public spaces, the demand for air-conditioning equipment in the Weiye factory has increased significantly with the development of the industry. For example, in the past, the textile factory used a simple tailoring machine with a large number of manual light to produce the light. Therefore, it is only necessary to sprinkle water at the door to increase the humidity in the environment to lower the temperature, which can meet the temperature demand; however, now because of automation The equipment has become the main facility for manufacturing, and these automation equipments are mostly high-heating machines. When they dissipate heat energy, they also increase the temperature inside the plant. Therefore, air-conditioning equipment is needed to eliminate the heat load of the machine and regulate the plant. The air temperature and humidity, it can be seen that the air conditioning equipment will be planted with 3 M397498 and the air conditioning equipment will have a large increase in potential. However, when people use air-conditioning equipment to obtain comfortable temperature or eliminate the heat load of the machine, it is accompanied by repeated peaks in power consumption, especially during the peak season in summer, when the backup capacity is insufficient to cover the electricity consumption. When demanding, the generators jumped, the power-limiting crisis immediately appeared, but increased unnecessary industrial damage I, so 'the power consumed by air-conditioning equipment, the power consumption during the peak summer season' occupied a pivotal position . Therefore, if the air conditioning equipment can be controlled without reducing the temperature, humidity, comfort and operating life of the air-conditioning equipment, the electricity consumption of the air-conditioning equipment can be reduced, which not only reduces the electricity bills of the air-conditioning users, but also responds to The environmental protection trend of energy saving and carbon reduction achieves energy saving control of air conditioning equipment. Therefore, how to develop an energy-saving control system suitable for air-conditioning equipment, can control the overall operating state of air-conditioning equipment, in order to achieve optimal operating efficiency, and avoid unnecessary power consumption loss, which has become an important direction for relevant industry research and development. . [New content] This creator has developed the book after considering the environmental protection trend of energy saving and carbon reduction and the energy consumption control demand of air-conditioning equipment, and the research on the anecdotes of the poor people. creation. The main purpose of the 乍 is to provide an overall, automatic and continuous evaluation and control of the power consumption performance of the air conditioner, and to obtain an automatic diagnostic function to reduce the energy-saving control system of the air-conditioning equipment with less unnecessary energy consumption. In order to achieve the above-mentioned creation recognition, the purpose of this creation is to use the following technical hand 4 M397498 k to achieve 'the air conditioning equipment of this creation is energy-controlled and controlled in at least one group of air-conditioning equipment, including: system, system and A data input module having a plurality of data collections for collecting 5 Hai air conditioning equipment < various operational data and external data; a unit, using a central processing unit of the environment and receiving each data collection instruction; 'The data is connected to the data transmission unit of the device for arithmetic processing, and is input into the module to form a control_control command output module. After the control command of the central processing unit of the Shai, the control state refers to the operating state of the air conditioner. . Having a plurality of command control units, tying, and receiving the central processing unit to transmit to the air conditioning device to regulate the configuration of the “air-conditioning equipment energy-saving control system, by the device=input module for each sub-device of the air-conditioning device The operation state collection operation, and the number of external air and air conditioning load demand and the loan efficiency characteristic are converted into a control command for controlling the operation state of each sub-device of the air-conditioning device after the central processing unit performs the calculation. The control command output module transmits the control command to each sub-assembly of the air-conditioning device. The air-conditioning device energy-saving control system of the present invention can be automatically and according to the air-conditioning device: the operation data of each sub-device and the external environment air data. Continuously control the energy consumption state of the operation, so that the energy consumption of the overall air-conditioning equipment is minimized, thereby achieving the purpose of energy-saving control. [Embodiment] M397498 / μ, the first and third figures show the energy-saving equipment of the creation Control system (1), 'system is connected to at least - group air conditioning equipment (7), the group of air conditioning equipment (7) V a chilled water main unit (21) having a condenser (not shown in the circle), at least - ΉΡ水¥ (22), and a plurality of ice water circulation lines (as indicated by the hollow arrows in the third figure) f. The ice water pump (23) of the ice water host (21) and the plurality of cooling water pipes (24) connected to the cooling water tower (22) by cooling the clothes g road (shown by the solid arrow in the second figure), the air conditioning device The energy-saving control system (1) comprises: a device data input module (11) having a plurality of data collection units for collecting various operation data of the air-conditioning device (2) and external air data of the external environment; The processing unit (12) is coupled to the device data input module (12, and receives operation data and external air data of each data collection unit for arithmetic processing to form a control command; and a control command output module (13), Having a plurality of command control units, tying, 'in the central transport processing unit (12), and receiving the control command of the central processing unit (12), transmitting the control command to the ice water of the air conditioner Main unit (21), ice water pump (23) a cooling water pump (24) and a cooling water tower (22), thereby adjusting the operating state of the air conditioning device (2) according to the actual condition of the air conditioning device (2) and the external environment, so as to achieve an optimal configuration of the overall energy consumption. The effect of optimizing the energy saving is more substantial than the energy saving effect of seeking the lowest energy consumption of the individual sub-devices, and the energy efficiency of the overall optimization is more substantial. As shown in the second, third and fourth figures, The plurality of data collecting units includes a plurality of electric meters (1 1 1 ), a plurality of thermometers (丨丨3), a plurality of pressure gauges (1丨4), and an external temperature hygrometer (11 5 ). 6 M397498 The plurality of electric meters (Π 1) The chilled water main unit (21), the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump (24) may be separately provided to measure the power consumption of each air conditioner sub-device. The plurality of thermometers (1 1 3) are arranged to be connected to the ice water inlet and outlet position of the ice water host (2 1) and the cooling water inlet and outlet positions of the condenser of the ice water host (21) for measuring The temperature at which ice water and cooling water enter and exit. 6 Xuan plural pressure gauge (114) is provided with the inlet and outlet positions of the ice water connected to the ice water pump (23), and the Lu pressure difference measurement result of the ice water inlet and outlet positions of the ice water pump (23), Calculating the ice water flow rate of the ice water pump (23); and separately setting the inlet and outlet positions of the cooling water connected to the cooling water pump (24), and the pressure of the cooling water in and out of the squirrel cooling water pump (24) The difference measurement result is used to calculate the cooling water flow rate of the cooling water pump (24). The external temperature hygrometer (1 15) is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the external environment. In addition, the central processing unit (12) has an operation model and performs arithmetic processing on the information collected by the device data input module (11) according to the operation rule of the operation model to obtain operation parameters, and According to each operation parameter, the control commands are used as a system control standard; wherein the central processing unit (12) forms a control command for the ice water host (21), which is directly transmitted to the ice. After the water host (21) is received by the control unit (not shown) inside the ice water host (21), the unloading amount of the ice water host (21) is regulated according to the control command. Furthermore, the plurality of command control units are a plurality of frequency converters (丨3 1 ), and the plurality of frequency converters (13 1) are respectively coupled to the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump ( 24), after receiving the control command issued by the command unit 7 M397498 unit (10), the control command is transmitted to the cooling tower (22), the ice fruit (23) and the cooling water system (24), Its motor (not shown) is optimized for control. In addition, the air conditioning equipment energy-saving control system (1) further includes: a storage unit (14), which is a database connected to the device data input module (11) and the central processing unit (12), Receiving and storing the data collected by the data collection unit of the device data input module (1丨) and the operation result of the central operation processing unit (丨2), on the one hand, providing the central operation processing unit (丨2) The required reference data is required for operation; the management output unit (丨5) is a human machine interface, which is connected to the central processing unit (12) and the storage unit (14), and can process the command The information of the unit (12) and the storage unit (14) is displayed in real time to provide functions for managing alarms, record queries, and report output. Referring to the second, third and fourth figures, the Yanhai air conditioning unit (7) further includes an air conditioning box (25) in the process of operating the air conditioning unit (2) to maintain the required temperature and humidity in an air conditioning space. The ice water host (21) manufactures ice water and delivers it to an ice water coil (not shown) in the air conditioner box (25) to absorb heat... and 1 to perform hot parent exchange and output modulation. After the cold wind meets the temperature and humidity demand, the ice water pump (23) sends the heat exchanged ice water back to the ice water host (21), and exchanges heat with the circulating cold coal to lower the water temperature, thereby establishing a Ice water circulation to continuously output cold air that meets the temperature and humidity requirements. However, the ice water host (21) continuously generates heat during the manufacture of the ice water, and the heat is transferred to the condenser of the ice water main unit (21) by the circulating refrigerant and is cooled by the cooling water tower (22). The water exchanges heat with it to perform heat dissipation, and the cooling water pump (24) sends the heat exchanged cooling water to the M cooling water tower (22), and then exchanges heat with the external air to lower the water temperature. Thereby establishing a cooling water cycle to continuously help the ice water host (2 丨) to dissipate heat. Therefore, during the operation of the air conditioning unit (2), the ice water main unit (21), the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump (24) are bound to consume a large amount of electric energy. The air-conditioning equipment energy-saving control system (1) of the present invention can be used for energy-saving control of the air-conditioning equipment (2). When the air conditioning equipment (2) performs energy saving control through the air conditioning equipment energy saving control system (1) of the present invention, the equipment data input module (] υ _ data collecting unit 'includes the electric meter (111) 'the thermometer must be installed first (Π 3 ), the pressure gauge (114) and the external temperature hygrometer (11 5). When the ice water host (2 1) is activated to manufacture ice water, it is disposed on the ice water host (2 1) The electric recording (1 1 1 ) measures the amount of electricity used, and the ice water pump (23) connected to the ice water main unit (2 1) by the ice water circulation line performs the operation of the ice water circulation transmission. The electric meter (11 1) of the ice water pump (23) also measures the electric power degree ' and measures the ice water into the temperature (1 1 3) set in the ice water inlet and outlet position of the ice water main unit (2 1). The temperature of the ice water main unit and the pressure gauge (1 14) set in the inlet and outlet positions of the ice water pump (23) to measure the pressure of the ice water into and out of the ice water pump (23) To calculate the ice water flow rate of the ice water pump (23). At the same time, in the process of manufacturing the ice water by the ice water host (2 1), the cold The water tower (22) and the cooling water pump (24) also establish a cooling water circulation, and the heat of the ice water main unit (2 1) is taken away from the condenser, at this time, the cooling water pump is disposed in the cooling water tower and (22) (24) The meter (Π 1) measures the amount of electricity used; and the pressure gauge (1 14) provided in the cooling water inlet and outlet position of the cooling water pump (24) measures the cooling water into and out of the cooling water pump (24) The pressure is used to calculate the cooling water flow of the cooling 9 M397498 water pump (24); and the cooling water is measured by a thermometer (1 1 3) provided in the cooling water inlet and outlet position of the cooling water tower. And the temperature of the cooling tower. In addition to the operating data of the air conditioning equipment (2), the external temperature and humidity meter (1 15) is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the external environment and climate to collect external air. After the data collection unit of the device data input module (u) collects the data, it is transferred to the storage unit (丨4) for storage, and the other aspect is transmitted to the central processing unit (12). ), the central processing unit (12) is receiving After the item data, it is processed by its built-in computing model according to its calculation rules. For example, 'the central processing unit (12) according to the temperature of ice water into and out of the ice water host (2 1) The temperature difference and the total flow rate of the ice water circulation line can be used to calculate the actual ice water main unit (2丨) load. * The central processing unit (1 2) enters and exits the cooling tower according to the cooling water (22) The temperature is obtained by the temperature difference, and the cooling water flow calculated by the differential pressure of the cooling water pump (24) is used to calculate the heat dissipation amount of the actual cooling water tower (24). The central processing unit (12) According to the external temperature and humidity, the cooling water flow a:, the inlet and outlet water temperature of the cooling water tower, and the air flow rate, the heat dissipation capacity of the cooling water tower can be calculated, wherein the air flow rate is converted by the fan speed of the cooling water tower (2 2) Got it. In addition, all of the above-mentioned pressure gauges (1 1 4) are used to determine the pressure difference between ice water or cooling water entering and leaving the ice water pump (23) or the cooling water pump (24), and then calculating the flow rate of ice water or cooling water is not unique. The practice is only one of the creations of M397498 * The application of the data collection unit may include at least one flow meter, instead of estimating the flow by the pressure difference, directly obtained by the flow meter to obtain ice water or cooling The water flow rate, so the at least one flow meter can be disposed on the ice water and the cooling water circulation line to measure the flow rate of the ice water or the cooling water. When the central processing unit (12) completes various operation processing After that, the ice water main unit (21), the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump are obtained when the air conditioning device (2) has the lowest overall heat balance and power consumption value. (24) operating parameters; afterwards, the central processing unit (12) stores the operating parameters in the storage unit (14), and transmits the operating parameters as control commands to the ice water host (2 1 ), the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump (24) and the frequency converter 〇 3 1) of the cooling water pump. After receiving the control commands, Tian Zhonghai and other frequency alarms (1 3 1) are then transmitted to the ice water main unit (21), the cooling water tower (22), the ice water pump (23), and the cooling water pump (24). In order to adjust the operation state, the operation of the sub-devices of the air conditioners (7) is adjusted to a state in which the total total energy consumption is minimized, thereby obtaining the effect of optimizing the control. In addition, the system manager can rotate the information of the central processing unit (12) and the storage unit (14) through the management output unit (15) for management purposes. Therefore, according to the above, the air-conditioning equipment energy-saving control system of the present invention has the following advantages: 〃 -, the sub-assembly of the air-conditioning equipment for the overall energy consumption calculation of the spot energy-saving plan, instead of knowing the minimum consumption of individual sub-devices No. M397498 « 0 Get the festival # system benefits; fruit 4 and obtain substantial overall energy-saving control applies to more than one group of air-conditioning equipment, so that when the & need to carry out each n "two withered equipment not three wishes ... can be obtained The overall energy-saving effect; the grid storage unit, the four TH and the historical record complete storage wire query comparison and then adjust the operating parameters at any time; with the management wheel + ^ '% m management output reports or no control Need information, profit management. Therefore, the air-conditioning equipment energy-saving control system of this creation can achieve comprehensive and holistic energy-saving control purposes', so that the operation of air-conditioning equipment can be adjusted to the optimal operating efficiency according to its own state and external gas conditions. Without the need to keep the air conditioners & $ a 4 μ π χ侑 all the sub-devices operating at the highest efficiency, increasing unnecessary The above-mentioned ones are only the preferred embodiments of the present invention, and cannot be limited to the scope of the implementation of this creation; & 'the simpleness of the patent application scope and the content of the creation manual. Equivalent changes and modifications shall remain within the scope of this new patent. [Simplified description of the drawings] The first picture is the architecture diagram of the energy-saving control system for air-conditioning equipment of this creation. The second picture is the energy-saving equipment of this creation air-conditioning equipment. Schematic diagram of the detailed structure of the control system. μ The second diagram is a schematic diagram of the air conditioning equipment. The fourth diagram is a schematic diagram of the air conditioning equipment with the air conditioning equipment energy saving control system M397498. · [Main component symbol description 1 (1) Air conditioning equipment energy saving control system (II) Equipment data input module (III) Electric meter (1 1 3) Thermometer (1 14) Pressure gauge (115) External temperature hygrometer _ (12) Central processing unit (13) Control command output module (1 3 1) Inverter (14) Storage unit (15) Management output unit (2) Air conditioning equipment (21) Ice water main unit (22) Cooling water tower # (23) Ice water pump (24) Cooling water pump (25) Air conditioning box 13