五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係一種可拆式發光二極體模組及其燈 具,係指一種可將數個較短之發光二極體模組配合 連接體連接組成長度較長的發光二極體模組,以及 配合該可拆式發光二極體模組的燈具,特別的是指 一種使用於該可拆式發光二極體模組之抽合固定結 構,該結構能輕易更換該可拆式發光二極體模組之 創新設計者。 【先前技術】 目刖的發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode)燈 具已有燈泡型、平面型、…等多種;由於單顆發光 二極體做為照明或警示用途的亮度有限,因此通常 做為前述用途時,必須將多數發光二極體集合在一 起才能產生足夠的亮度與視覺效果^ 在市面上所販售之發光二極體燈具,其燈具中 的發光二極體燈板多為一整體式長形板條態樣,而 固定該發光二極體燈板之結構多為在燈具上有對應 該燈板之凹槽,使得該發光二極體燈板可裝設於發 光一極體燈具上,當其中局部的發光二極體損壞不 亮時,使用者若要更換,將必須換掉整塊發光二極 體燈板,如此顯然存在著浪費資源、不環保之問題, 不更換等到發光二極體損壞到—^數量時,發光 二極體燈具的㈣效果將會大打折扣,使得使用者 面臨兩難’此外’針對不同用途,前述電路板的尺 :也必須為該用途而特別制定,無法自由選擇發光 二極體組合後的長度或其它尺寸,如此均直接影響 發光二極體模組的製造成本。 雖然我國已公開之發明專利(公開號第 200925495號,如圖十三、圖十四所示)内提供了一 模組化發光二極體燈管構造,其燈板係藉由複數個 卡扣片來予以固定,當使用者欲更換發光二極體燈 板時先拆卸整個燈罩後,再鬆脫卡扣片來將發光 二極體燈板取下,然而此一步驟既繁雜又多工,使 用者不能輕易了解更換方式,需閱讀說明書才能完 全了解其操作方式,且該卡扣片結構顯得極佔空間 且極為脆弱’易有斷裂之虞不便使用。 另我國已公告之新型專利(公告號第M317652 號,如圖十五所示)係一種可將多數個發光二極體 串接組成任意長度的模組化發光二極體燈管構造, 亦是一種可拆式發光二極體模組,惟更換發光二極 體燈板時,亦必須拆下整個發光二極體模組,並將 連接處前後均拆卸後,才能取下損壞的部分發光二 極體模組,形成更換作業的不變,並且由於串接後 的發光二極體模組會因為具有一長度而易產生搖 M391617 晃、不穩定,因此需要一外殼(如圖十六所示)才 能提供該發光二極體模組穩定的作用,不但透光品 質文到影響,也直接增加發光二極體模組的製造成 〇 有鑑於此,發明人本於多年從事相關產品之製 造開發與設計經驗,針對上述之目標,詳加設計與 審慎評估後,終得一確具實用性之本創作。 【新型内容】 《欲解決之技術問題》 1·習知發光二極體燈板無法局部更換損壞部 分的燈板,且尺寸均固定的訂製品,亦增加製 造成本。 2·習知發光二極體燈具無法自由拆解,更換發 光一極體燈板時,必須拆下整個燈罩,形成更 換作業的不便,且拆卸與組裝燈罩係經由人工 加壓方式作業,容易造成燈罩斷裂。 《採取之技術手段》 提供一種可拆式發光二極體模組,包含二個以 上的發光一極體本體以及二個 鄰兩發光二極體本體的連接虛1^ 件,於相 、 不體的逑接處以至少二個連接件子 以電性連接’而於每一發光二極體本體各設置導電 5 M391617 凸緣以供固定及與連接件的電性連接。 另提供一可拆式發光二極體燈具,包含一上述 之可拆式發光二極體模組、一主燈座、一燈罩蓋、 二固定座以及一抽合件,該燈罩蓋係蓋合於該主燈 座之一開口,使主燈座與燈罩蓋呈一管體狀,二固 定座係分別插設於該管體二端,該主燈座具一门型 結構,可用以固定該發光二極體燈板之一端,另一 端則由該抽合件之门型結構所固定。上述可拆式發 光二極體燈具,該燈罩蓋與該些固定座之間另設有籲 一轉轴與二凸緣,以固定該燈罩蓋與該些固定座, 且該些轉軸係位於同一軸心上,使該燈罩蓋與該主 燈座以該些轉軸為轴心而相對旋轉。上述可拆式發 光二極體燈具,另於該抽合件與該些固定座之間設 有二凸緣,且該抽合件與該些固定座設有可配合該 凸緣之滑槽,以固定該抽合件與該些固定座並使凸 緣可於滑槽内相對滑動。上述可拆式發光二極體燈· 具,另於該抽合件之抽合件階級面係呈一相對應燈. 板階級面之门型結構,可用以固定該發光二極體燈 板,該抽合件上具一抽合件結合面,使該燈罩蓋扣 合端係接合該抽合件結合面,可固定該抽合件位 置,並達到同時固定燈罩蓋、抽合件以及發光二極 體燈板之三重效果。 6 M391617 • _ 《達成功效》 發光二極體燈板可連接組裝成所需之長度,使 用過程中如損壞時可予以拆卸’僅需更換損壞部分 的燈板,並可降低成本。 另外,使用者在發光二極體燈具需要更換其内 部之燈板時’不須拆下燈具,亦不需拆下整個燈罩, 只需掀開燈罩,抽出該燈板之抽合固定結構即刻鬆 脫該燈板,使得使用者可輕易抽出該燈板來作更換。 有關本創作之技術、手段及其功效,茲舉較佳實施 例並配合圖式詳細說明於後。 【實施方式】 為讓鈞局貴審查委員及習於此技術人士,對本 創作之功效完全了解,茲配合圖示及圖號,就本創 作之構件結構、功效特徵,詳細說明如下: 請參閱本創作之第一實施例如圖一所示,係本 創作所述之可拆式發光二極體模組1,可裝設於發 光二極體燈座2以提供光源,圖一所示包含二個局 部的發光二極體本體u以及二個連接件12,於相 鄰兩發光二極體本體μ的連接處至少需要二個連 接件12予以電性連接,而於每一發光二極體本體 11之同侧表面各設置第-導電凸緣m及第二導電 7 凸緣112 (如圖二所示之發光二極體本體u,其上 表面°又置有多數發光二極體113,而其兩端部均各 設置有第一導電凸緣nl及第二導電凸緣112,於兩 端部均可再連接另一發光二極體本體11以延長使 用之長度),如圖三所示,兩個連接件12提供發光 一極體本體11間之電性連接,亦是可獨立拆卸之活 動連接件12,上述之每一個連接件12均各設置於 第一連接孔121及第二連接孔122藉以電性連接相 鄰排列之二個發光二極體本體u,且該等連接件U 之第一連接孔121固定於該第一導電凸緣111或第 二導電凸緣112,而第二連接孔122則固定於另一 發光一極體本體11之第一導電凸緣ln或第二導電 凸緣112 ’每一連接件12之第一連接孔ΐ2ι及第二 連接孔122各有一第一導電凸、緣111或第二導電凸 緣112與之電性連接’第一實施例發光二極體本體 11間與連接件12之結合狀態如圖三所示,其中該 等發光二極體本體11之發光面係朝同方向,且以i -侧邊與相鄰發光二極體本體之一側邊接續排列:、 上述第一實施例之連接件12係可獨立拆卸之活 動連接件12,該發光二極體本體11之第-導電凸 緣m及第二導電凸緣112設置於發光面(即第一 導電凸緣m及第二導電凸緣112與發光二極體ιΐ3 M391617 設置於同側),第一實施例之發光二極體本體n侧 視圖如圖六所示,而本創作第二實施例,如圖四所 示’該連接件12係固定設置於發光二極體燈座2, 該等連接件12與發光二極體燈座2之發光二極體模 組容置部21形成一可容置發光二極體本體u的平 放位置,如圖五所示係連接件12與發光二極體本體 11之結合狀態圖,第二實施例之發光二極體本體】1 側視圖如圖七所示。 另上述之發光二極體本體11係以直線接續排列 (如圖一、圖三所示),該發光二極體本體丨丨亦可 以環狀排列方式以符合環形燈座。 另有更佳實施例(第三實施例)如圖八所示, 係將可拆式發光二極體模組1設置於一特別設計的 可拆式發光二極體燈具3(其閉合狀態之剖面圖如 圖九所示),其包含一上述第一實施例或第二實施例 之可拆式發光二極體模組1、一主燈座31、一燈罩 蓋32、二固定座35以及一抽合件34;該主燈座31 之二端各具一主燈座凹部311,且該主燈座31另設 有一燈板階級面312及一抽合件平置面313,該燈 板階級面312係呈一门型結構,可用以固定該發光 二極體模組1之一端;該燈罩蓋32係蓋合於該主燈 座31之一開口,使主燈座31與燈罩蓋32呈一管體 9 M391617 狀;該二固定座35係分別插設於該主燈座凹部 311;該抽合件34係位於主燈座31之抽合件平置面 313上,並設有一抽合件階級面342及一抽合件結 合面342 ;其中該抽合件階級面342係呈一相對應 燈板階級面312之门型結構,可用以固定該發光二 極體模組卜且該燈罩蓋32具一燈罩蓋扣合端323 係接合該抽合件結合面343,可固定該抽合件34位- 置° 如圖九所示之可拆式發光二極體燈具3閉合狀 態剖面圖,主燈座31除具有一主燈座凹部311外, 尚具有一燈板階級面312與抽合件平置部313,該 燈板階級面312係呈一门型結構,可用以固定該發 光二極體本體11之一端,而發光二極體本體u之 另一端則與一抽合件34結合,該抽合件34置於主 燈座31之抽合件平置部313上,此外發光二極體本 _ 體11上設有複數個發光二極體113。 除燈板階級面312之门型結構可用以固定該發 光二極體本體11,在本實施例甲,燈罩蓋32上可 具有轉軸321,該轉軸321係一體成形於該燈罩蓋 32之兩端,並分別配合兩端的固定座35上之凹槽 351,請一併參閲圖十一與圖十二,該轉轴321可用 以固定該燈罩蓋32與該固定座35,而此些轉軸321 10 M391617 係位於同一軸心上,冑得該燈罩I 32肖該主燈座 31以該些轉軸321為軸心而相對旋轉,換言之,燈 罩蓋32即便可進行掀開、蓋合動作,#然該些轉轴 321並不限定必須與該燈罩蓋32 一體成形並且與固 定座35之凹槽351配合’亦可將轉軸321 一體成形 於固定座35内侧,而燈罩蓋32上具有相對應的凹 槽可配合,本創作並不將轉軸321位置作一限制。 該抽合件34上具有一凸緣341、一抽合件階級 面342以及一抽合件結合面343 ’該凸緣341係一 體成形於該抽合件34之兩端,並分別配合兩端的固 定座35之滑槽352,用以固定該抽合件34與該固 疋座35,並使凸緣341可於滑槽352内相對滑動, 當然該凸緣341亦不限定必須一體成形於該抽合件 34之兩端並與固定座35之滑槽352配合,也可將 凸緣341 —體成形於固定座35内侧,而抽合件34 上具有相對應的滑槽可配合,本創作並不將凸緣341 位置作一限制。 該抽合件34上的抽合件階級面342為一门型結 構,並相對於主燈座31之燈板階級面312之π型結 構’而此二门型結構可分別與發光二極體本體U之 二端搞合’藉此該發光二極體本體11可固定於此二 Π型結構中間’而該燈罩蓋32兩端各具一凸緣 M391617 322 ’可與二固定座35上之凹槽353配合達一嵌卡 固定,令燈罩蓋32可方便蓋合或掀開,而該燈罩蓋 32尚具有一燈罩蓋扣合端323可與抽合件34之抽 合件結合面343作一接合動作,使該抽合件34之位 置不會移動,進而固定發光二極體本體u,達到固 定燈罩蓋32、抽合件34以及發光二極體本體丨丨之 二重效果,當然該凸緣322不限定必須一體成形於 該燈罩蓋32之兩端與固定座之凹槽353配合,亦可 鲁 一體成形於該固定座35内侧,而該燈罩蓋32上具 有相對應的凹槽可配合,本創作並不以此為限。 藉此,當燈罩蓋32掀開時,請參閱圖十,該燈 罩蓋扣合端323脫離該抽合件34之抽合件結合面 343,使得抽合件34失去固定力量,使用者即可將 抽合件34沿著凸緣341所搭配的滑槽352來向外抽 出,而發光二極體本體11之一端即脫離抽合件34 φ 之抽合件階級面342的门型結構,達到鬆脫發光二 極體本體11之目的,此時使用者即可很輕易的進行 發光一極體本體11的更換作業,在完成更換作業 後,將抽合件34沿著滑槽352再向内滑入,即可固 定該發光二極體本體11,並將燈罩蓋32蓋上以固 疋該抽合件3 4之位置,而此一抽合固定結構可達到 同時固定燈罩蓋32、抽合件34以及發光二極體本 12 M391617 體11之三重效果,令使用者可輕易使用,實為一大 進步。 綜上所述,本創作之結構型態,可提供一種可 拆式發光二極體模組,係可連接組裝成所需之長 度,使用過程中如損壞時可予以拆卸,僅需更換損 壞部分的燈板,並可降低成本。另提供一可拆式發 光二極體燈具,使用者在發光二極體燈具需要更換 % 其内部之燈板時,不須拆下燈具,亦不需拆下整個 燈罩,只需掀開燈罩,抽出該燈板之抽合固定結構 即刻鬆脫該燈板,使得使用者可輕易抽出該燈板來 作更換。 上述實施例僅為說明本創作之原理及其功效, 並非限制本創作。因此習於此技術之人士對上述實 施例進行修改及變化仍不脫本創作之精神。本創作 • 之權利範圍應如後述之申請專利範圍所列。 13 M391617 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一係本創作第一實施例之分解圖。 圖二係本創作第一實施例發光二極體本體之立體圖。 圖二係本創作第一實施例發光二極體本體間與連接件之結合 狀態圖。 圖四係本創作第二實施例連接件與發光二極體燈座之結合狀 態圖。 圖五係本創作第二實施例連接件與發光二極體本體之結合狀 態圖。 圖六係本創作第一實施例發光二極體本體之侧視圖。 圖七係本創作第二實施例發光二極體本體之侧視圖。 圖八係本創作第三實施例發光二極體本體與發光二極體燈具 之結合狀態圖。 圖九係本創作第三實施例可拆式發光二極體燈具之剖面圖。 圖十係本創作第三實施例可拆式發光二極體燈具之燈罩蓋開 啟示意圖。 圖十一本創作第三實施例發光二極體本體與發光二極體燈具 之一端示意圖 圖十二本創作發光二極體燈具配合之固定座示意圖。 圖十三係習知發光二極體模組之立體圖。 圖十四係習知發光二極體模組之分解圖。 圖十五係另一習知發光二極體模組之結合示意圖。 圖十六係另一習知發光二極體模組之固定用外殼立體圖。 14 M391617 【主要元件符號說明】 1 發光二極體模組 11 發光二極體本體 111第一導電凸緣 112第二導電凸緣 113發光二極體 12 連接件 121第一連接孔 122第二連接孔 2 發光二極體燈座 21 發光二極體模組容置部 3 發光二極體燈具 31 主燈座 311主燈座凹部 312燈板階級面 313抽合件平置部 32 燈罩蓋 321轉軸 322凸緣 323燈罩蓋扣合端 34 抽合件 341凸緣 342抽合件階級面 343抽合件結合面 35 固定座 351、353 凹槽 352滑槽 354固定座凸部 15V. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creator is a detachable LED module and its luminaire. It refers to a combination of several short LED modules with connectors. A long-length LED module and a luminaire for the detachable LED module, in particular, a splicing and fixing structure for the detachable LED module, The structure can easily replace the innovative designer of the detachable LED module. [Prior Art] The light emitting diode (Light Emitting Diode) lamps have been known to have a bulb type, a flat type, etc.; since a single light-emitting diode has limited brightness for illumination or warning purposes, it is usually used as In the above applications, most of the light-emitting diodes must be brought together to produce sufficient brightness and visual effects. ^In the market, the light-emitting diode lamps sold in the lamps and lanterns are mostly integrated. The long slat shape, and the structure of the light-emitting diode lamp plate is mostly provided with a groove corresponding to the lamp plate on the luminaire, so that the illuminating diode plate can be installed on the illuminating one-pole lamp When the partial light-emitting diode is not damaged, if the user wants to replace it, the whole light-emitting diode light board must be replaced, so that there is obviously a problem of wasting resources and not environmental protection, and it is not replaced until the light is emitted. When the diode is damaged to the number of ^^, the effect of the (II) of the LED lamp will be greatly reduced, so that the user faces a dilemma. 'In addition' for different purposes, the scale of the aforementioned circuit board must also be used for this purpose. In particular, it is not possible to freely select the length or other dimensions of the LED assembly, which directly affects the manufacturing cost of the LED module. Although a disclosed invention patent (publication number 200925495, as shown in FIG. 13 and FIG. 14) provides a modular light-emitting diode lamp structure, the light board is provided by a plurality of buckles. The film is fixed. When the user wants to replace the light-emitting diode light board, the entire light cover is removed, and then the buckle piece is released to remove the light-emitting diode light board. However, this step is complicated and multiplexed. The replacement method cannot be easily understood, and the instruction manual is required to fully understand the operation mode, and the structure of the buckle piece is extremely space-consuming and extremely fragile. In addition, a new type of patent (No. M317652, as shown in Figure 15) has been announced in China, which is a modular LED light-emitting diode structure in which a plurality of light-emitting diodes are connected in series to form an arbitrary length. A detachable light-emitting diode module, but when replacing the light-emitting diode light board, the entire light-emitting diode module must also be removed, and the joints are removed before and after, in order to remove the damaged partial light-emitting two The pole body module is formed to be the same as the replacement work, and since the LED module after the series connection is easy to generate the shake M391617 due to the length, it needs a casing (as shown in FIG. In order to provide the stability of the LED module, not only the light transmission quality is affected, but also the manufacturing of the LED module is directly increased. In view of this, the inventor has been engaged in the manufacture and development of related products for many years. With the design experience, after the detailed design and careful evaluation of the above objectives, the original creation will be practical. [New content] "Technical problems to be solved" 1. The conventional light-emitting diode lamp board cannot partially replace the damaged part of the lamp board, and the fixed-size products are also increased. 2. The conventional light-emitting diode lamp cannot be dismantled freely. When replacing the light-emitting one-pole light board, the entire lamp cover must be removed to form the inconvenience of replacement work, and the disassembly and assembly lamp cover is operated by manual pressure, which is easy to cause The lamp cover is broken. "Technical means adopted" provides a detachable light-emitting diode module, comprising two or more light-emitting diode bodies and two adjacent two-light-emitting diode body connecting virtual ones, in phase, non-body The connecting portion is electrically connected with at least two connecting members, and each of the light emitting diode bodies is provided with a conductive 5 M391617 flange for fixing and electrically connecting with the connecting member. A detachable light-emitting diode lamp, comprising the above-mentioned detachable light-emitting diode module, a main lamp holder, a lamp cover, two fixing seats and a drawing piece, the lamp cover cover Opening the main socket of the main lamp holder, the main lamp holder and the lamp cover are in a tubular shape, and the two fixing bases are respectively inserted at the two ends of the tube body, and the main lamp holder has a door structure, which can be used for fixing the main lamp holder One end of the light-emitting diode lamp board, and the other end is fixed by the door type structure of the drawing member. The detachable light-emitting diode lamp is further provided with a rotating shaft and two flanges between the lamp cover and the fixing bases for fixing the lamp cover and the fixing bases, and the rotating shafts are located in the same On the shaft center, the lamp cover and the main lamp holder are relatively rotated with the rotating shaft as an axis. The detachable light-emitting diode lamp is provided with two flanges between the drawing member and the fixing seats, and the drawing member and the fixing seats are provided with a sliding groove that can engage the flange. The sliding member and the fixing seat are fixed and the flange is relatively slidable in the sliding slot. The above-mentioned detachable light-emitting diode lamp and the drawing part of the drawing member are in a corresponding lamp. The gate-type structure of the plate-level surface can be used to fix the light-emitting diode lamp board. The splicing member has a splicing joint surface, so that the splicing end of the lamp cover is engaged with the joint surface of the splicing member, the position of the splicing member can be fixed, and the lamp cover, the splicing member and the illuminating device are simultaneously fixed. The triple effect of the polar body light board. 6 M391617 • _ "Effects" The LED light board can be connected to the required length and can be removed if it is damaged during use. Only the damaged part of the light board needs to be replaced and the cost can be reduced. In addition, when the light-emitting diode lamp needs to replace its inner light board, the user does not need to remove the light fixture, and does not need to remove the entire light cover, and only needs to open the light cover, and the pull-out fixed structure of the light board is immediately loosened. The light board is removed, so that the user can easily take out the light board for replacement. The preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings. [Embodiment] In order to let the review board members and the technical personnel of this board fully understand the effects of this creation, the structure and function characteristics of the creation are described in detail with the drawings and figure numbers: The first embodiment of the creation is as shown in FIG. 1. The detachable LED module 1 of the present invention can be installed on the LED lamp holder 2 to provide a light source. The partial light-emitting diode body u and the two connecting members 12 need at least two connecting members 12 to be electrically connected to each other at the junction of the adjacent two light-emitting diode bodies μ, and each of the light-emitting diode bodies 11 The same side surface is provided with a first conductive flange m and a second conductive 7 flange 112 (the light-emitting diode body u shown in FIG. 2, the upper surface of which is further provided with a plurality of light-emitting diodes 113, and The first conductive flange n1 and the second conductive flange 112 are respectively disposed at both ends, and the other LED body 11 can be connected to both ends to extend the length of use, as shown in FIG. Two connecting members 12 provide electrical connection between the light-emitting body bodies 11 The movable connecting member 12 is also detachable, and each of the connecting members 12 is disposed on the first connecting hole 121 and the second connecting hole 122 to electrically connect two adjacent light emitting diode bodies u. The first connecting hole 121 of the connecting member U is fixed to the first conductive flange 111 or the second conductive flange 112, and the second connecting hole 122 is fixed to the first conductive body of the other light emitting body body 11. The first connecting hole ΐ2 ι and the second connecting hole 122 of each connecting member 12 have a first conductive protrusion, a rim 111 or a second conductive flange 112 electrically connected thereto. The state of the light-emitting diode body 11 and the connecting member 12 in the first embodiment is as shown in FIG. 3, wherein the light-emitting surfaces of the light-emitting diode bodies 11 are oriented in the same direction, and the i-sides are adjacent to each other. One side of the light-emitting diode body is arranged in a row: the connecting member 12 of the first embodiment is a movable connecting member 12 that can be independently detached, and the first conductive flange m and the second conductive body of the light-emitting diode body 11 The flange 112 is disposed on the light emitting surface (ie, the first conductive flange m and the second conductive flange 112 The light-emitting diode ιΐ3 M391617 is disposed on the same side), the side view of the light-emitting diode body n of the first embodiment is as shown in FIG. 6, and the second embodiment of the present invention, as shown in FIG. The light-emitting diode housing 2 is fixedly disposed on the light-emitting diode housing 2, and the light-emitting diode housing accommodating portion 21 of the LED housing 2 forms a flat position for accommodating the LED body u. FIG. 5 is a view showing a state in which the connector 12 and the LED body 11 are combined. FIG. 7 is a side view of the body of the LED body of the second embodiment. The above-mentioned light-emitting diode bodies 11 are arranged in a straight line (as shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 3), and the light-emitting diode body 丨丨 can also be arranged in a ring shape to conform to the ring-shaped lamp holder. In another preferred embodiment (third embodiment), as shown in FIG. 8, the detachable light-emitting diode module 1 is disposed in a specially designed detachable light-emitting diode lamp 3 (the closed state thereof) FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of the first embodiment or the second embodiment of the detachable LED module 1 , a main lamp holder 31 , a lamp cover 32 , and two fixing seats 35 . a main drawing base 34 has a main lamp socket recess 311, and the main lamp base 31 is further provided with a light board level surface 312 and a pumping member flat surface 313. The level surface 312 is a door type structure, and can be used to fix one end of the LED module 1; the lamp cover 32 is closed to one of the main lamp holders 31 to make the main lamp holder 31 and the lamp cover 32 The two fixing bases 35 are respectively inserted into the main lamp holder recess 311; the drawing member 34 is located on the sliding member flat surface 313 of the main lamp holder 31, and is provided with a pumping a joint level surface 342 and a pumping member joint surface 342; wherein the pumping member level surface 342 is a door type structure corresponding to the light board level surface 312, which can be used to fix the The light-emitting diode module has a lamp cover cover end 323 coupled to the pumping member joint surface 343, and the pick-up member 34 can be fixed. The detachable light as shown in FIG. A closed state cross-sectional view of the diode lamp 3, the main lamp holder 31 has a lamp plate level surface 312 and a pumping member flat portion 313 in addition to a main lamp holder recess 311. The gate structure can be used to fix one end of the LED body 11 , and the other end of the LED body u is combined with a pumping member 34 , and the pumping member 34 is placed on the main lamp holder 31 . Further, on the flat portion 313, a plurality of light-emitting diodes 113 are provided on the light-emitting diode body 11. The door type structure of the lamp panel surface 312 can be used to fix the LED body 11. In the embodiment A, the lamp cover 32 can have a rotating shaft 321 which is integrally formed at both ends of the lamp cover 32. And respectively, the groove 351 on the fixing base 35 of the two ends is matched. Referring to FIG. 11 and FIG. 12 together, the rotating shaft 321 can be used to fix the lamp cover 32 and the fixing base 35, and the rotating shaft 321 10 M391617 is located on the same axis, and the lampshade I 32 is relatively rotated by the main shaft base 31 with the rotation shafts 321 as an axis. In other words, even if the lamp cover 32 can be opened and closed, The rotating shaft 321 does not need to be integrally formed with the lamp cover 32 and cooperates with the groove 351 of the fixing seat 35. The rotating shaft 321 can also be integrally formed on the inner side of the fixing seat 35, and the lamp cover 32 has a corresponding concave shape. The slot can be matched, and the creation does not limit the position of the shaft 321 . The drawing member 34 has a flange 341, a drawing member surface 342 and a drawing member joint surface 343. The flange 341 is integrally formed at both ends of the drawing member 34, and is respectively matched with the two ends. The sliding groove 352 of the fixing seat 35 is configured to fix the drawing member 34 and the fixing seat 35, and the flange 341 can be relatively slidably in the sliding groove 352. Of course, the flange 341 is not limited to be integrally formed in the sliding groove 352. The two ends of the drawing member 34 cooperate with the sliding groove 352 of the fixing seat 35, and the flange 341 can be integrally formed on the inner side of the fixing seat 35, and the corresponding sliding groove 34 can be matched with the corresponding sliding groove. The position of the flange 341 is not limited. The drawing part surface 342 of the drawing member 34 is a door type structure and is opposite to the π-type structure of the lamp panel surface 312 of the main lamp holder 31, and the two-door type structure can respectively be combined with the light emitting diode The two ends of the body U are engaged in 'the light-emitting diode body 11 can be fixed in the middle of the two-type structure' and the two ends of the lamp cover 32 have a flange M391617 322 ' and the two fixing seats 35 The recess 353 is fixed to a card to ensure that the lamp cover 32 can be easily closed or opened. The lamp cover 32 has a lamp cover fastening end 323 and can be combined with the drawing member 343 of the drawing member 34. a joining action, so that the position of the drawing member 34 does not move, thereby fixing the light emitting diode body u, and achieving the double effect of fixing the lamp cover 32, the drawing member 34 and the body of the light emitting diode, of course, The flange 322 does not need to be integrally formed at the two ends of the lamp cover 32 to cooperate with the groove 353 of the fixing seat, or may be integrally formed on the inner side of the fixing seat 35, and the lamp cover 32 has a corresponding groove. Cooperate, this creation is not limited to this. Therefore, when the lamp cover 32 is opened, please refer to FIG. 10 , the lamp cover cover end 323 is separated from the extraction member joint surface 343 of the extraction member 34 , so that the extraction member 34 loses the fixed force, and the user can The drawing member 34 is drawn outward along the sliding groove 352 of the flange 341, and one end of the light emitting diode body 11 is separated from the door type structure of the drawing part surface 342 of the drawing member 34 φ to reach the loose structure. The purpose of the light-emitting diode body 11 is to enable the user to easily perform the replacement operation of the light-emitting body body 11. After the replacement operation is completed, the pumping member 34 is further sliding inward along the sliding slot 352. The light-emitting diode body 11 is fixed, and the lamp cover 32 is covered to fix the position of the extraction member 34, and the pull-and-fix structure can simultaneously fix the lamp cover 32 and the drawing member. 34 and the LED diode 12 M391617 body 11 triple effect, so that users can easily use, is a big improvement. In summary, the structure of the present invention can provide a detachable light-emitting diode module that can be connected and assembled into a required length, and can be disassembled if damaged during use, and only needs to be replaced. Light board and reduce costs. In addition, a detachable light-emitting diode lamp is provided. When the light-emitting diode lamp needs to be replaced with the inner light plate, the user does not need to remove the lamp, and does not need to remove the entire lamp cover, and only needs to open the lamp cover. The pumping and fixing structure for taking out the light board immediately releases the light board, so that the user can easily take out the light board for replacement. The above embodiments are merely illustrative of the principles and effects of the present invention and are not intended to limit the present invention. Therefore, those skilled in the art can revise and change the above embodiments without departing from the spirit of the present invention. The scope of this creation • shall be as set forth in the scope of the patent application described below. 13 M391617 [Simple Description of the Drawings] Fig. 1 is an exploded view of the first embodiment of the present creation. 2 is a perspective view of the body of the light-emitting diode of the first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a view showing the state of bonding between the bodies of the light-emitting diodes and the connecting members in the first embodiment of the present invention. Figure 4 is a view showing the combination of the connector of the second embodiment of the present invention and the LED socket. Fig. 5 is a view showing a state in which the connecting member of the second embodiment of the present invention and the body of the light emitting diode are combined. Fig. 6 is a side view of the body of the light-emitting diode of the first embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a side view of the body of the light-emitting diode of the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 8 is a view showing the state of the combination of the light-emitting diode body and the light-emitting diode lamp of the third embodiment of the present invention. Figure 9 is a cross-sectional view of a detachable light-emitting diode lamp of the third embodiment of the present invention. Figure 10 is a third embodiment of the present invention. The hood of the detachable light-emitting diode lamp is opened. FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram of one end of a light-emitting diode body and a light-emitting diode lamp according to a third embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of a fixed seat of the light-emitting diode lamp. Figure 13 is a perspective view of a conventional light-emitting diode module. Figure 14 is an exploded view of a conventional light-emitting diode module. Figure 15 is a schematic view showing the combination of another conventional light-emitting diode module. Figure 16 is a perspective view of another conventional housing for a light-emitting diode module. 14 M391617 [Description of main components] 1 LED module 11 LED body 111 First conductive flange 112 Second conductive flange 113 Light-emitting diode 12 Connector 121 First connection hole 122 Second connection Hole 2 Light-emitting diode lamp holder 21 Light-emitting diode module housing portion 3 Light-emitting diode lamp 31 Main lamp holder 311 Main lamp holder recess 312 Light board level surface 313 Extraction piece flat portion 32 Lamp cover cover 321 shaft 322 flange 323 lamp cover cover fastening end 34 extraction member 341 flange 342 extraction member level surface 343 extraction member joint surface 35 fixing seat 351, 353 groove 352 sliding groove 354 fixing seat convex portion 15