M384276 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作是一種r面光源LED燈泡j,尤指一種由面光源LED失固於以傳熱性金屬 支架拼裝而成之一體式散熱器兼光源模组所组合而成之LED燈泡。 【先前技術】 LED具備壽命長、省電、體積小、無汞污染等特性,符合環保需求,隨著晶片封 裝技術的進步’應用領域已由指示燈與信號燈逐漸擴及照明與面板背光源等用途。 LED是藉由輪入電能來激發晶片而產生《光j與『熱』,就目前(2〇〇9年)的技術而言, 釋出的光與熱比例约為25¾光:75¾熱。LED的光與熱具兩大特性:第一是它的光線 具有方向性其發光方向呈半球狀’且LED的正向光最強,但側向光較弱;第二是當 它的溫度過高會造成光衰的現象,因此需加強散熱,以維持正常的光通量。 習用技術之LED有兩種,一為LAMP型點光源式封裝(插件式),另一為SMD型點 光源式封裝(表面黏著式),其中,以驅動電流來區分,又可分為大功率(運作電流 350mA以上)高亮度LED,它發出強光及高溫,大多使用在燈泡或路燈上;以及低功 率(運作電流20mA〜100mA)的指示型LED,它發出弱光,大多使用在信號燈或方向指 示燈(如紅綠燈、車輛方向燈)。 習用技術之燈泡設計,皆採用此類「點光源」LED,它們的共同缺點,包括採取 「間接照明的方式’降低了燈泡的亮度’且巨大的「散熱器」,限制了燈泡的造型 美觀,也增加製造成本’並且當多顆低電流LED串聯及併聯,電路複雜且接點多、 故障率高、穩定度差,不符LE1D使用壽命長的特性,综上所述,習用技術之led燈 泡其具體缺點分述如下: 一、 大多數燈泡皆採用大功率LED(350mA以上)上面覆蓋「光學透鏡」後平貼在散熱 器(heat sink)上,LED外部再蓋上「半球狀」的「霧面」燈殼,將LED發出的 光經過「光學透鏡」的折射到達「霧面燈殼」,再折射傳出燈殼之外,此種設計 經過2次折射是為「間接照明」,折射過程會損失一些亮度,且受限於「點」光 源式的封裝方式及「半球狀」的燈殼造型,發光角度較小,且燈殼需採用「霧 面」燈殼才能產生折射與漫射的效果,若使用「透明」燈殼則無法產生折射效 果,所以,外殼受限是此類設計之缺點之一。 二、 大功率LED燈泡會產生高溫,需使用大型散熱器(heat sink)來輔助散熱,影馨 了燈泡的造型美觀,其散熱方式,是在LED下方塗抹「導熱膏」再用螺絲平貼 固定於以鋁鋅合金轉造或以鋁擠型車床而成之散熱器(heat sink)之上,然而「導 熱膏」本身是一種矽膠,其導熱性不佳,散熱效果極為有限〔根據維基百科全 書記載’導熱係數(Thermal conductivity):發=〇. 004~0. 04 W/mK,銘 =120〜220W/mK ’銅=380W/mK)〕,況且,合金鑄造或以鋁掩型車床而成之散熱器, 體積較大,製程煩瑣,且每種尺寸或外型的LED燈泡都要開發一種模具,「時間 成本及資金成本較高」,這是此類設計之另一缺點。 三、 低功率「指示型LED」所組合而成之燈泡,由於「指示型led」本來就不是為“照 明”所設計,其外部封裝材質大多為環氧樹脂EPOXY,無法阻絕紫外線、容易老 化、不对高温且散熱不易,造成亮度衰減不足,且數十顆乃至上百顆LED串聨 及併聯時,電路複雜、接點多、故障率較高、穩定度較差。 3 M384276 【新型内容】 本案創作**面光源LED燈泡j係採用近來業界發展出一種新型之「面」光源led, ^封裝方式稱為MCOB(Mul ti Chips On Board-多晶片封裝),和「點」光源LED相比, 它具備了較大的發光面積及散熱面積,故可一舉解決習用技術之種種缺點。本創作 之第一目的在於提供一種燈泡,具有由面光源led拼製而成之中空多面體光源;本 創作之第二目的在於提供一種散熱器,是由傳熱性金屬薄板沖壓彎折之金屬支架所 組立而成,通風效果極為有效;本創作之第三目的在於提供一種光源模组,是由面 光源LED直接嵌載且緊密貼合於散熱器上之光源模組;本創作之第四目的在於提供 一種散熱系統能兼光源模組,能直接將燈泡内部之熱氣由内而外帶出;本創作之综 合目的係在於提供一種光向充足、光度明亮、散熱效率高之LED燈泡。 上述面光源LED係一平面狀之發光零件,尚無法直接成為燈泡光源,因此’本 創作之第一關鍵特點在於將該平板狀之「面光源LED」组成一中空多面體光源模组, 其中該面光源LED可製成四方形、長方形、三角形、五角形、六角形、圓形等幾何 形狀’配合燈泡之亮度、角度或成本等等需求,將面光源LED片片相連拼接,成為 近似球狀、半球狀、圓柱狀、撖欖狀、平頭錐體等之中空多面體光源模組設置於燈 泡内’讓發光源取得更加寬廣、平衡及足夠之亮度》 本創作之第二特點即在於面光源LED之金屬支架設計;為使多數之面光源LED 能夠片片相連’拼接成各式各樣的中空多面體光源模组,需先架設一金屬骨架以支 撐面光源LED,本創作設計之面光源LED支架,其材質係傳熱性金屬片,並巧妙的與 散熱系統共構,形成支撐LED並兼具LED散熱器之双功能光源模組。 本創作大致上由一燈泡殼體與一面光源LED光源模组所组成,該燈泡殼體與習 用燈泡類似,係由一燈泡基座、一電源驅動器、一散熱固定環及一光罩所組成,該 燈泡基座上有一通用電源接頭,該接頭係配合市售之燈泡基座而設,可採用習用之 E27、E14、E12、E10、GU10等規格接頭,但有必要時仍可改為插接式,並無礙於本 創作之功能。該燈泡基座之内側壁設有三個以上之底座凸點,以便卡撐面光源led 燈泡之光源模組,並以散熱固定環夾固該光源模組於底座凸點之上,該燈泡基座側 壁亦開設複數散熱孔以利熱氣流通,燈泡基座内置一電源驅動器,其上緣設有可與 散熱固定環旋接之螺紋。該散熱固定環實為本創作之另一巧思,其下方以螺牙與燈 泡基座旋固,散熱固定環與底座凸點緊密夾固上述之光源模组之環狀支架底座,形 成一散熱通道’可將燈泡内之高溫迅速傳導至燈泡外部,該散熱固定環之材質為傳 熱性金屬或耐熱材質,散熱固定環之環想上開設複數散熱孔可幫助散熱,一光罩嵌 設(亦可旋接)於散熱固定環之上,其材質為耐熱材質’且該光罩外殼表面型式不拘, 如透明、霧面及花式,造型或密閉或開口皆可自由搭配,由於LED燈有別於傳統白 熾燈泡’不必氣密絕緣,故光單只為美觀或消費者之習慣而設,若可不用光罩或將 光軍設計成開口通風,將更有助於燈泡之敎熱。 本創作面光源LED燈泡之光源模组是由複數LED散熱片支架、一支架上蓋板及 一環狀支架底座所環繞組合而成之中空多面體散熱器,且該散熱片支架須鎖固於環 狀支架底座之上,再將複數面光源LED嵌載於各LED散熱片支架之上,而組立成一 中空之多面體光源模组,為组成各種不同形狀之光源模组,散熱片支架須有不同之 設計及嵌載,但其基本原則如下所述: 面光源LED之散熱片支架是以傳熱性金屬,例如鋁片或銅片沖壓而成之散熱片, 於支架正面兩側彎折成倒门字型凹槽扣堤,用以嵌載面光源LED於該扣堤之中,該 面光源LE:D緊密貼合於散熱片支架,可發揮固定及散熱之功能,扣堤越長散熱面積 4 M384276 越大,越具散熱果效,但為配合面光源LED之形狀,也可能缩短成扣鉤狀。 本創作之另一特色在於,將散熱片支架向上延伸稍短於該散熱片支架,再向後 弩折成懸空散熱片,用來增加金屬面積以加強散熱,且每一支散熱片支架之背部亦 沖壓複數之立體散熱鰭片,亦可提升其散熱效果;該散熱片支架之底端亦彎折一凸 出耳部,耳部中心有一固定孔,以固定散熱片支架於環狀支架底座之上,但必須不 致妨礙散熱固定環之卡夾,該支架上蓋板係以沖壓方式形成複數邊形及凸出耳部, 耳部中心亦設有一固定孔可同時固定散熱片支架及面光源LED,且該支架上蓋板亦設 有固定孔,以固定上蓋板上方之面光源LED,支架上蓋板與該中空之多面體散熱器為 相同邊數之多邊形;組成面光源LED燈泡時,需將該面光源LED光源模组夾固於散 熱固定環與燈泡基座之間,電源驅動器則經由該散熱通道,將直流電源連結至面光 源LED之電源接點上。 此種固定LED的方式〜「將散熱片支架環繞組立成為一中空多面體散熱器,再將 面光源LED嵌入、扣壓成為LED光源模組」,可使面光源LED完全緊貼於散熱支架上, 熱傳導效率極佳,且此種先進的燈泡設計不像習用技術的方式〜「先用導熱膏粘貼 LE1D,再以螺絲鎖固LED於大型散熱器上」,一來可節省LED燈泡的製造成本,二來 若需維修LED燈泡時,亦可輕易抽換LED。 綜上所述,本創作之特色為: 1. 將複數面光源LED,片片相連拼接,組合成中空多面體之光源模组,發光 亮度充足,光芒四射,可完全排除習用LED燈光度與光射不足的缺陷。 2. 本創作之面光源LED燈泡具備雙散熱系統:一為面光源LED之背面直接緊 密貼合於散熱片支架上,LED產生的熱量可經由散熱片支架底座及散熱固 定環傳導至燈泡外部,另一為懸空散熱片、立體散熱鰭片、燈泡基座散熱 孔、散熱固定環上之散熱孔與燈泡外之冷空氣所共同形成之自然對流,可 排除LED燈泡長久以來之散熱困擾。 3. 本創作之LED散熱片支架,其製造方式係以傳熱性金屬薄片沖壓而成之懸 空散熱片,兼具固定與散熱器之功能,且製造成本低廉,組裝容易。 4. 不同的LED燈泡或燈具可共用光源模組,光罩亦可彈性置換及搭配,外型 豐富具多樣化之特色。 本創作之創意確實新穎且所提手段使本創作能達到所預期之功能,對於經濟、 社會及照明產業均有突破性之貢獻,確實合於專利要件。 【實施方式】 以下針對本創作之面光源LED燈泡之實施例進行描述: 第一囷為本案面光源led燈泡之一實施例之結構示意圓,該燈泡包含一燈泡基 座1 ' 一電源驅動器2,一 LED光源模組3、一光罩散熱固定環4、一光罩5,其中該 燈泡基座1設有複數散熱孔11及連結交流電之通用燈頭12,該燈頭可以是習用燈頭 如E27、E14、E12或GU10等等,且該燈泡基座1之内蝝設複數凸點13,用來承載該 LED光源模組3 :該電源驅動器2設於燈泡基座1内部,可將交流電源21轉為直流 ^22後’連結至光源棋组3 ’該光罩散熱固定環4以簡單的機械原理將光源模组 3I密扣合於燈泡基座1之上’可將光源模組3產生的熱氣導出燈泡之外;且該散熱 固定環4上亦具有複數散熱孔41,可使燈泡内外空氣產生自然對流,且該散熱固定 巧4上方連結一光罩5,其中該光罩5為耐熱透光材質,外鸛可為透明、霧面及花式, 造型可為一個球體亦可呈開口狀。 5 M384276 第t圖為本案面光源LED燈泡之組裝後示意圚,將LED光源模组3失固於光罩 熱固定環4及燈泡基座1之間,且電源驅動器2設置於燈泡基座丨之内部,該散 熱固定環4上方設置一光罩5即可成一面光源led燈泡。 第三圊為本案面光源LED燈泡之光源模組其實施例之結構示意圓,該光源模组3 包含.複數LED散熱片支架31、複數面光源LED32、一支架上蓋板33、一上蓋面光 源LED34及一環狀支架底座35 ;其中該up散熱片支架31是以傳熱性金屬例如 鋁片或銅片經過沖壓及彎折而成之懸空散熱片311,且每一支架之背部沖壓成複數 ^體散熱鰭片312,每一支架又向上及内側彎折成倒门字型凹槽扣堤313,且每一支 架之底端皆彎折成一凸出耳部314,耳部中心有一開孔315 :該面光源LED32(34)之 兩端各有一組定位孔321(341)及電源接點322(342):該支架上蓋板33每一邊皆向 下延伸一凸出耳部331,耳部中心有一固定孔332可同時用來固定LED散熱片支架 31及面光源LED32,且該支架上蓋板33亦有兩個LED固定孔333,用來固’▲其上^ 面光源LED34,該環狀支架底座35設有複數定位孔351,用以固定該散熱片支架31, 且該環狀支架底座中心為一散熱通道352,電源驅動器2之直流電源22可輕易、穿過 其間與面光源LED32及34之電源接點321及341導通》 第四囷為本案面光源LED燈泡之光源模組之組裝後之示意圖,其組裝方式是將 複數LED散熱片支架31固定於環狀支架底座35之上,加上一支架上蓋板33成為一 中空多面體散熱器’再將複數面光源LED32嵌載並緊密貼合於倒η字型凹槽扣堤312 ^内,再將螺絲穿過定位孔321與支架上蓋板33固定之,成為一面光源LE:D燈泡之 光源模組3。 綜上所述,運用本創作量產LED燈泡時,可依據用途、預算或喜好,彈性的搭 燈殼或光罩,此種設計兼具共用光源模组的概念,減少開模費用,有利照明產業 知省成本。 ' 本案所示之實施例僅能闞述本創作之構想,並非限制本創作之範圍,在不脫離 本案之創意及範圍内做適當的變化及修改,仍不脫離本創作主張之精神。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:為本案創作之實施例結構示意圖; 第二圖:為本案創作之組裝後示意圖; 第三圓:為本案創作之光源模組之實施例結構示意圖; 第四圊:為本案創作之光源模组之组裝後之示意圖; 【主要元件符號說明】 (=)本案之指定代表圖為:第一圈 (二)本案之代表圓之元件符號簡單說明: 1……燈泡基座 11……燈泡基座散熱孔 12......交流電通用燈頭 !3......底座凸點 2......電源驅動器 21......交流電源線 22……直流電源線 3……LED光源模組 6M384276 V. New description: [New technology field] This creation is a kind of r-surface light source LED bulb j, especially a kind of radiator and light source which is assembled by heat transfer metal bracket by surface light source LED. LED bulbs assembled by modules. [Prior Art] LED has long life, power saving, small size, no mercury pollution and other characteristics, in line with environmental protection requirements, with the advancement of chip packaging technology, the application field has gradually expanded from lighting and panel backlights by indicators and signal lights. use. LEDs generate "light and heat" by injecting electrical energy to excite the wafer. For the current (2-9 years) technology, the ratio of light to heat is about 253⁄4 light: 753⁄4 heat. LED light and heat have two major characteristics: the first is that its light has a directionality, its light-emitting direction is hemispherical' and the positive light of the LED is the strongest, but the lateral light is weak; the second is when its temperature is too high It will cause light decay, so heat dissipation is needed to maintain normal luminous flux. There are two kinds of LEDs in the conventional technology, one is the LAMP type point source type package (plug-in type), and the other is the SMD type point source type package (surface adhesion type), wherein the drive current is used to distinguish and can be divided into high power. (Operating current 350mA or more) High-brightness LED, which emits strong light and high temperature, mostly used in bulbs or street lamps; and low-power (operating current 20mA~100mA) indicating LEDs, which emit low light, mostly used in signal lights or Directional indicators (such as traffic lights, vehicle direction lights). The light bulb design of the conventional technology uses such "point light source" LEDs. Their common shortcomings include the use of "indirect lighting to reduce the brightness of the bulb" and the huge "heat sink", which limits the aesthetic appearance of the bulb. It also increases the manufacturing cost' and when multiple low-current LEDs are connected in series and in parallel, the circuit is complicated and has many contacts, high failure rate, poor stability, and does not conform to the long service life of LE1D. In summary, the conventional technology of LED bulbs The specific shortcomings are as follows: 1. Most of the bulbs are covered with high-power LEDs (above 350mA) and covered with "optical lenses". They are flat on the heat sink, and the outside of the LEDs is covered with "hemispherical" fog. The surface of the lamp housing, the light emitted by the LED is refracted by the "optical lens" to reach the "matte lamp housing", and then refracted out of the lamp housing. This design is "indirect illumination" after two times of refraction, and the refraction process Will lose some brightness, and is limited by the "point" light source type of packaging and "hemispherical" lamp shell shape, the light angle is small, and the lamp shell needs to use a "matte" lamp shell to produce refraction The diffusion effect, the use of "transparent" lamp envelope refraction effect can not, therefore, limited housing is one of the drawbacks of such a design. Second, high-power LED bulbs will generate high temperature, need to use a large heat sink (heat sink) to assist in heat dissipation, the shape of the bulb is beautiful, and the way to dissipate heat is to apply "thermal paste" under the LED and then fix it with screws. On the heat sink made of aluminum-zinc alloy or aluminum extrusion lathe, however, the "thermal paste" itself is a kind of silicone, its thermal conductivity is not good, and the heat dissipation effect is very limited [according to Wikipedia) Record 'Thermal conductivity': Hair = 〇. 004~0. 04 W/mK, Ming = 120~220W/mK 'Copper = 380W/mK)], and alloy casting or aluminum cover lathe The heat sink, which is bulky and cumbersome, requires the development of a mold for each size or shape of the LED bulb. "Time cost and capital cost are high", which is another disadvantage of this type of design. Third, the combination of low-power "indicating LED", because "indicating led" is not originally designed for "illumination", the external packaging material is mostly epoxy EPOXY, can not block ultraviolet rays, easy to age, Not high temperature and heat dissipation is not easy, resulting in insufficient brightness attenuation, and dozens or even hundreds of LEDs are connected in series and in parallel, the circuit is complicated, the contacts are many, the failure rate is high, and the stability is poor. 3 M384276 [New Content] The creation of the ** surface light source LED bulb j series has recently developed a new type of "face" light source led, ^ package method called MCOB (Mul ti Chips On Board - multi-chip package), and " Compared with the light source LED, it has a large light-emitting area and a heat-dissipating area, so that various disadvantages of the conventional technology can be solved in one fell swoop. The first object of the present invention is to provide a light bulb having a hollow polyhedral light source formed by a surface light source led; the second object of the present invention is to provide a heat sink which is a metal bracket stamped and bent by a heat transfer metal sheet. It is assembled and the ventilation effect is extremely effective; the third purpose of the present invention is to provide a light source module, which is a light source module directly embedded by the surface light source LED and closely attached to the heat sink; the fourth purpose of the creation The utility model provides a heat dissipation system capable of a light source module, which can directly bring out the heat inside the bulb from the inside to the outside; the comprehensive purpose of the creation is to provide an LED bulb with sufficient light, bright brightness and high heat dissipation efficiency. The above-mentioned surface light source LED is a planar light-emitting component, which cannot be directly used as a light source of a light bulb. Therefore, the first key feature of the present invention is that the flat-shaped "surface light source LED" is composed of a hollow polyhedral light source module, wherein the surface light source LED The light source LED can be made into a square shape, a rectangle, a triangle, a pentagon, a hexagon, a circle and the like. The light source LED pieces are connected and spliced into a spherical shape and a hemisphere. The hollow polyhedral light source module of the shape, the column shape, the sapphire shape, the flat cone and the like is disposed in the bulb to make the illumination source obtain a wider, balanced and sufficient brightness. The second feature of the creation is the metal of the surface light source LED. Bracket design; in order to enable most of the surface light source LEDs to be connected to each other's splicing into a variety of hollow polyhedral light source modules, a metal skeleton must be erected to support the surface light source LED, the surface light source LED bracket of the design The material is a heat-transfer metal piece, and is skillfully combined with the heat dissipation system to form a dual-function light source module that supports the LED and has an LED heat sink. The present invention generally consists of a bulb housing and a light source LED light source module. The bulb housing is similar to a conventional bulb, and is composed of a bulb base, a power driver, a heat-dissipating ring and a mask. The bulb base has a universal power connector, which is matched with a commercially available bulb base, and can be used with conventional E27, E14, E12, E10, GU10 and the like, but can be plugged in if necessary. It does not hinder the function of this creation. The inner side wall of the bulb base is provided with more than three base bumps for engaging the light source module of the light source of the led light source, and the light source module is clamped on the base bump by the heat dissipating ring, the bulb base The side wall also has a plurality of heat dissipation holes for the hot air flow, and the lamp base has a power driver built therein, and the upper edge is provided with a thread which can be screwed with the heat dissipation fixing ring. The heat-dissipating ring is another ingenuity of the creation, and the screw base and the bulb base are screwed under the bottom, and the heat-fixing ring and the base protrusion closely clamp the ring-shaped bracket base of the light source module to form a heat dissipation. The channel 'can quickly transmit the high temperature inside the bulb to the outside of the bulb. The material of the heat-dissipating ring is made of heat-transfer metal or heat-resistant material. The ring of the heat-dissipating ring is intended to provide a plurality of heat-dissipating holes to help dissipate heat, and a mask is embedded ( It can also be screwed onto the heat-dissipating ring. The material is made of heat-resistant material. The surface of the reticle is not limited. For example, it is transparent, matte and fancy. The shape or the seal or the opening can be freely matched. Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs, which do not need to be insulated, the light sheet is only designed for aesthetics or consumer habits. If the mask is not used or the light army is designed to be open, it will help the heat of the bulb. The light source module of the creation surface light source LED bulb is a hollow polyhedron heat sink which is composed of a plurality of LED heat sink brackets, a bracket upper cover and a ring bracket base, and the heat sink bracket is locked in the ring. Above the base of the bracket, the plurality of surface light source LEDs are embedded on the LED heat sink brackets, and are assembled into a hollow multi-faceted light source module. The light source brackets of different shapes are required to be different. Design and embedded, but the basic principles are as follows: The heat sink bracket of the surface light source LED is a heat sink made of heat transfer metal, such as aluminum sheet or copper sheet, which is bent into a double door on both sides of the front side of the bracket. The gravure deduction embankment is used for embedding the surface light source LED in the buckle embankment. The surface light source LE: D is closely attached to the heat sink bracket, and can function as a fixing and dissipating heat. The longer the decanter heat dissipation area is 4 The larger the M384276 is, the more it has the effect of dissipating heat, but it may also be shortened into a hook shape in order to match the shape of the surface light source LED. Another feature of the creation is that the heat sink bracket extends upwards slightly shorter than the heat sink bracket, and then folds back into a floating heat sink for increasing the metal area to enhance heat dissipation, and the back of each heat sink bracket is also Pressing a plurality of three-dimensional heat-dissipating fins can also improve the heat-dissipating effect; the bottom end of the heat-dissipating bracket is also bent to protrude from the ear, and a fixing hole is formed in the center of the ear to fix the heat sink bracket on the base of the annular bracket However, the clip of the heat-dissipating ring must not be obstructed. The upper cover of the bracket is formed into a plurality of edge-shaped and protruding ears by punching, and a fixing hole is also arranged in the center of the ear to fix the heat sink bracket and the surface light source LED at the same time. The upper cover of the bracket is also provided with a fixing hole for fixing the surface light source LED above the upper cover plate, and the upper cover plate of the bracket and the hollow polyhedron heat sink have the same number of sides; when forming the surface light source LED bulb, The surface light source LED light source module is clamped between the heat dissipation fixing ring and the bulb base, and the power driver connects the DC power source to the power source LED of the surface light source LED through the heat dissipation channel. The way of fixing the LED ~ "to surround the heat sink support into a hollow polyhedron heat sink, and then embed and crimp the surface light source LED into an LED light source module", so that the surface light source LED completely adheres to the heat sink bracket, and heat conduction The efficiency is excellent, and this advanced bulb design is not like the way of the conventional technology ~ "Paste the LE1D with the thermal paste first, and then lock the LED on the large radiator with the screw", which can save the manufacturing cost of the LED bulb. If you need to repair the LED bulb, you can easily replace the LED. In summary, the characteristics of this creation are as follows: 1. Combine the multiple surface light source LEDs and pieces into a hollow multi-faceted light source module. The brightness is sufficient and radiant, which can completely eliminate the conventional LED light and light. Defects with insufficient shots. 2. The surface light source LED bulb of this creation has a dual heat dissipation system: the surface of the LED is directly attached to the heat sink bracket directly, and the heat generated by the LED can be conducted to the outside of the bulb through the heat sink bracket base and the heat dissipation ring. The other is the natural convection formed by the suspended heat sink, the three-dimensional heat sink fin, the heat sink hole of the bulb base, the heat dissipation hole on the heat dissipation ring and the cold air outside the bulb, which can eliminate the long-term heat trouble of the LED bulb. 3. The LED heat sink bracket of this creation is manufactured by a floating heat sink stamped by a heat transfer metal foil, which has the functions of fixing and heat sink, and has low manufacturing cost and easy assembly. 4. Different LED bulbs or lamps can share the light source module, and the mask can be elastically replaced and matched, and the appearance is rich and diverse. The creativity of this creation is truly novel and the means proposed to enable this creation to achieve the desired function, and to make a breakthrough contribution to the economic, social and lighting industries, and indeed meet the patent requirements. [Embodiment] The following describes an embodiment of the surface light source LED bulb of the present invention: The first embodiment is a schematic circle of an embodiment of the surface light source led bulb, which includes a bulb base 1 'a power driver 2 An LED light source module 3, a reticle heat-dissipating ring 4, and a reticle 5, wherein the bulb base 1 is provided with a plurality of heat-dissipating holes 11 and a universal lamp cap 12 for connecting alternating current, and the lamp cap can be a conventional lamp head such as E27. E14, E12 or GU10, etc., and a plurality of bumps 13 are disposed in the bulb base 1 for carrying the LED light source module 3: the power driver 2 is disposed inside the bulb base 1, and the AC power source 21 can be After being converted to DC^22, 'connected to the light source chess set 3', the reticle heat-dissipating ring 4 is tightly fastened to the light bulb base 1 by a simple mechanical principle, which can be generated by the light source module 3. The heat-dissipating heat-dissipating ring 4 has a plurality of heat-dissipating holes 41 for natural convection of the air inside and outside the bulb, and the heat-dissipating fixing 4 is connected to a photomask 5, wherein the light-shielding 5 is heat-resistant. Light material, the outer layer can be transparent, matte Fancy shape may be a sphere which is open also. 5 M384276 The t-th is the schematic diagram of the assembly of the surface light source LED bulb, the LED light source module 3 is lost between the reticle thermal fixing ring 4 and the bulb base 1, and the power driver 2 is disposed at the bulb base 丨Inside, a light cover 5 is disposed above the heat dissipation fixing ring 4 to form a light source led bulb. The third embodiment is a light source module of the surface light source LED light bulb. The light source module 3 includes a plurality of LED heat sink brackets 31, a plurality of surface light source LEDs 32, a bracket upper cover 33, and an upper cover surface. The light source LED 34 and an annular bracket base 35; wherein the up heat sink bracket 31 is a floating heat sink 311 which is stamped and bent by a heat transfer metal such as an aluminum sheet or a copper sheet, and the back of each bracket is punched into The plurality of heat dissipation fins 312 are folded into the inverted door-shaped groove buckle 313, and the bottom end of each bracket is bent into a protruding ear portion 314, and the center of the ear has a The hole 315 has a plurality of positioning holes 321 (341) and a power contact 322 (342) at each end of the surface light source LED 32 (34): the bracket upper cover 33 extends downwardly from each side to protrude from the ear 331 The center of the ear has a fixing hole 332 for fixing the LED heat sink bracket 31 and the surface light source LED 32 at the same time, and the bracket upper cover 33 also has two LED fixing holes 333 for fixing the upper surface light source LED 34 The annular bracket base 35 is provided with a plurality of positioning holes 351 for fixing the heat sink bracket 31, and The center of the ring bracket base is a heat dissipation channel 352, and the DC power source 22 of the power driver 2 can be easily passed through the power contacts 321 and 341 of the surface light sources LEDs 32 and 34. The fourth light source of the surface light source LED bulb The assembled schematic diagram of the module is assembled by fixing a plurality of LED heat sink brackets 31 on the annular bracket base 35, and adding a bracket upper cover 33 to form a hollow polyhedron heat sink. It is embedded and closely attached to the inverted n-shaped groove buckle 312 ^, and then the screw is fixed through the positioning hole 321 and the bracket upper cover 33 to become a light source module 3 of a light source LE: D bulb. In summary, when using this creation to mass-produce LED bulbs, the flexible lamp housing or reticle can be used according to the application, budget or preference. This design has the concept of shared light source module, reducing the cost of mold opening and facilitating illumination. The industry knows the cost. The examples shown in this case can only explain the concept of this creation, and do not limit the scope of this creation. The appropriate changes and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of this case. [Simple diagram of the diagram] The first picture: the structure of the embodiment of the creation of the case; the second picture: the assembled diagram of the creation of the case; the third circle: the structure diagram of the embodiment of the light source module created for the case;圊: The schematic diagram of the assembled light source module for this case; [The main component symbol description] (=) The designated representative picture of this case is: the first circle (2) The symbol of the representative circle of the case is simple: 1... ...light bulb base 11...light bulb base cooling hole 12...alternating universal lamp head!3...base bump 2...power driver 21...AC Power line 22...DC power line 3...LED light source module 6