M383786 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係提供-種讀卡機,尤指可將天線端子、天線為 分別整合卿路板、座肋㈣處,並以電子切具之天線 接點抵持綱於天線端子形成電性連接,俾使電子卡可透過 天線發射、接收無線訊號之讀卡機。 【先前技術】 按,現今電子產品皆朝向微型化為發展主軸,而在可儲 存多媒體資訊或檔案之資料儲存媒體,如小型記憶卡、微型 硬碟等的尺寸大小亦朝向小型化發展,然若以記憶卡為例, 其主要可包括有智能卡(SM+)、安全數位卡(sd卡)M383786 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation provides a kind of card reader, especially the antenna terminal and antenna can be integrated into the Qingdao board, the seat rib (4), and the antenna of the electronic cutting device. The contact point is a card reader that forms an electrical connection between the antenna terminals and enables the electronic card to transmit and receive wireless signals through the antenna. [Prior Art] According to today's electronic products, the miniaturization is the main axis of development, and the size of data storage media such as small memory cards and micro-hard disks that can store multimedia information or files is also becoming smaller and smaller. Taking a memory card as an example, it mainly includes a smart card (SM+) and a secure digital card (sd card).
、Ml C Γ 〇SD記憶卡、S〇NY記憶卡(Ms + )、M S Micro(M2t)等種類,且記憶卡在不同市場區 隔、各自佔有獨佔優勢與地位,並具有輕薄短小、省電、易 保存及可重複讀寫資料等特性。 而一般記憶卡目前已被廣泛使用於各項新興可攜式電子 裝置如個人數位助理(PDA)、數位相機、個人電腦或 筆。己型電知等’且§己憶卡内部儲存之資料若欲傳輸至電腦或 筆記型電腦内部進行存取時,通常會利用到讀卡機作為記憶 卡與電腦間之連接介面,並透過電腦上俱備之通用序列匯流 排(U S B)插槽提供讀卡機進行插接、資料傳輸,使讀卡 機能由熱減方錢物接伽’惟目前市面上額之讀卡 機體積較大,即會個過多所需的空間,且不方便隨身攜帶 ,所以各家廠商莫不推出各種不同規格與機種之讀卡機,甚 至發展出可供多個記憶卡插接之多卡讀卡機,以因應使用者 不同的使用需求。 再者,隨著無線傳輸技術的不斷演進與改良,使得人們 生活周遭許多地方都會利用到無線傳輸技術,有如停車場、 大眾運輸交通王具、公司、住家Αη、便利商店、餐應等, 其中常見__輸技術不外乎有Wi F i、無線射頻辨識 系統(RFID)以及無線感測網路(z i gbe e)等, 並應用於連結上網際網路、個人身份識別卡、汽車防盜鎖、 寵物晶>1 ’也可適用於數位家庭控制、安全監控、物流追縱 與居家_等賴,砂,絲發料—射無線傳輸 訊號發射、触魏之讀卡機,將是影響讀卡機錢機能與 效果是否提权_齡,有餘上叙針贿展趨勢與 各種缺點,以跡製造薇商間競爭相當激烈,所以任何一點 有利於使用者之貼心輯,都將可能影量與市佔率, 而扮演著舉足輕重之角色。 【新型内容】 故’根據上述諸點缺失之考量,鮮人乃騎讀卡機之 特性上作深人分析舰討,並經由多料估與考量以及透過 苦心之鑽研與研發,義不捨的試作雜改,始設計出此種 讀卡機的新型專利誕生者。 MJ83786 本創作之主要目的乃在於座體前方對接部為與電路板上 之端子組可組構而成符合通用序列匯流排型式之插頭,並與 電子裝置對接使用,當電子卡為由座體後方之插槽插入後, 使其天線接點抵持接觸於電路板上定位之天線端子形成電性 連接狀態,俾使電子卡可透過天線端子、天線分別整合到電 路板、座體内壁面處來發射、接收訊號,並藉由較大面積之 天線增益其訊號傳輸的品f與強度,以避免訊號衰減之情況 發生,從而達成良好無線訊號發射、接收效果者。 、本創作之次要目的乃在於天線裝置所具之二天線間為形 成有預㈣距,並彻天線端子捲繞部_與基部間之調整 二間5周整射尺寸大小,且天線可為平面式或印刷式天線, 亦可依使用者需求或設計的不同,耐以增減天線定位於座 體内壁面處的數量,以供天線裝置可魏或接料同頻率、 波段無線訊號。 【實施方式】 為達成上述目的及構造,本創作所採用之技術手段及其 功效,就本創叙較佳實_詳加·其步驟與功能 如下,俾利完全瞭解。 月>閱第、一、二圖所示,係分別為本創作之立體外 觀圖、立體分解圖及另—視角之立體分解圖,由圖中可清楚 看出’本創作為包括有座體i、電路模組2及天線裝置3, 故就本案主要構件及特徵詳述如后,其中: 該座體1為具有基座11及外殼12所構成,並於基座 11及外殼12内部形成有容置空間1〇,而基座11前方 延伸有對接部13,其對接部13表面内凹有可與容置空間 1〇相連通之嵌槽131,且位於對接部13後方容置空間 10底部設有複數嵌柱i i i ;另,基座丄χ後方處開設有 貝通至谷置空間1〇内之插槽14,而外殼12底部設有複 數對接柱121及可與嵌柱111呈相對應嵌合卡固之接合 孔12 2 ’並於基座11與外殼12外侧周邊處則設有呈相 對應扣合定位之複數扣槽112及凸扣12 3。 該電路模組2為具有電路板21,並於電路板21前方 表面處設有可供定位於對接部i 3所具嵌槽i 3 i内且符合 通用序列匯流排(USB)型式之端子組211,而電路板 21後方表面處設有複數金屬接點212,其金屬接點2工 2二外側邊處設有具穿孔2131之複數接點213,再於 電路板21表面上設有一個或一個以上之銅箔接點214, 且位於銅箔接點214與金屬接點212間開設有透空槽2 15 ’又,電路板21上透設有複數定位孔216 ;此外, 電路板21之複數金屬接點212上設有訊號端子組2 2, 並於sfl號端子組2 2所具之基部2 2 1 —側設有可穿出透空 槽215外之彎折狀接觸部2 2 2,其另側朝接觸部2 2 2 方向則反折延伸有可套設於電路板21後侧邊上並與金屬接 點212電性連接之接合部223;而訊號端子組22中一 個或-伽上之部2 2 2末觀伸有可與編接點2 2 4抵持接觸且形成電性導通之偵測端子2 2 4 ^ 該天線裝置3為包括有複數天線端子31及天線32, 其二天線端子31所具之基部3〗〗朝相對内側f折延伸有 呈連續曲折狀之捲繞部3 i 2,並於捲繞部3 i 2内側與基 部311間形成有調整空間3丨〇,且捲繞部3丄2末端表 面上設有-個或-個以上之凸點3上3,而基部3上丄二側 邊處則分職有可定位於接點2 i 3所具穿孔2丨3丄内之 接腳314 ’再者’二天線3 2所具之基部3 21間形成有 預定的_3 2 Q,且各基« 2 i上設有可觸接μ 2 1呈相對應嵌合卡@]之卡孔3 2 2,並於基部3 2 i則向下 延伸有一個或一個以上之抵持部3 2 3。 上述座體1所具之基座i i與塑膠材質之外殼工2為可 利用包S射出方式結合成為—體’但本創作於實際應用時並 非是以此作為侷限,使其外殼i 2亦可為金屬材質所製成, 並與基座11分開組構成為一體;而電路模組2所具電路板 21上之訊號端子組2 2也可為單排或多排並列設置,且各 排訊號端子之接觸部2 2 2為朝前方、後方或是可呈相對、 相反方向設置,其僅只需提供複數訊號軒定位於電路㈣ 1上之金屬接點212 ’可不受構件方向、位置的限制進行 組裝或焊固接合後成為-體;另,天線裝置3所具之二天線 3 2間為形成有就間距3 2 Q,並姻天線端子3 1捲繞 部312内側與基部311間之調整空間310調整警 =大小’㈣天、_子3 !為蝴3 2朗形成電性 連接,且該天線3 2亦可為平面式物刷式天線,以供天線 裝置3可發射或接收不同頻率、波段之無線訊號,惟,有關 天線3 2發射或接收無線訊號方式係為現有技術範轉,且該 細部構成並非本創作創設要點,兹不再資述。 再請搭配參Μ四、五、六圖所示,係分別為本創作較 佳實施繼卡叙立料_、插讀之觀勤圖及插卡 後之側視剖面圖,由圖中可清楚看出,藉由上述之構件於組 裝時,係先將域端子組2 2所具之基部2 2〗為定位於電 路板21底面上,並以基部2 2 i —側之接觸部2 2 2穿出 透空槽215外,使其另側之接合部2 2 3套設於電路板2 1後側邊上’並與金屬接點212形成預置定位後,再利用 表面黏著技術(SMT)結合方式觸形成紐連接狀態, 而後便可將天線軒3 i上之概接腳3 i 4分職位於接 點2 1 3所具之穿孔2 1 3 1内’再^以烊卿成電性連接 狀態’且將天線3 2定位於外殼12内壁面處,使其基部3 21上之複數卡孔3 2 2為與外殼12底部之對接柱121 呈相對應嵌合卡固成為一體。 續將電路模組2為收容於基座11與外殼2 2間之容置 二間10内,並以電路板21前側嵌入於對接部13所内凹 之嵌槽131内,使其端子組21 1露出於嵌槽2 3工外, M383786 即可利用對接部13及端子組211組構而成符合通用序列 匯机排(U S B)型式之插頭使用,同時亦使基座丄丄内部 之複數嵌柱11 出電路板21上之定位孔216,並與 外忒12底部之接合孔12 2呈相對應喪合卡固,且將天線 3 2基部3 21向下延伸之抵持部3 2 3抵持接觸於電路板 21上對應之接點213形成電性連接狀態,並具有適當的 彈性阻力,以確保整體電性接觸的效果,再以外殼i 2底側 之複數凸扣12 3則扣持於基座1!外側周邊處之扣槽丄i 2呈相對應扣合定位後’而使基座丨i與外殼丨2組裝結合 成為一體,便完成本創作整體之組裝。 而於使用時,係先將電子卡4為由座體工後方插槽工4 插入於容置空間1〇内,且該電子卡4可符合Mi c r 〇 SD、SDI〇或是Exp r e s s Ca r d型式,並於 電子卡4一側表面處由前向後依序設有複數訊號接點4工及 天線接點4 2 ’即可將訊號接點41為與電路板2丄上之訊 號端子組2 2-側之接觸部2 2 2抵持接觸形成電性連接, 同時亦使天線接點4 2抵持接觸於天線端子3丄上之凸點3 1 3形成電性連接後,再將座體!前方符合序列匯流排 型式之對接部1 3對接於電子裝置(針未示出)上相對型 式之插槽内,使其露出對接部i 3嵌槽i 3 i處之端子組2 1 1分別與插槽内舌板所具之複數對接端子抵持接觸,並形 成電性連接狀H ’如此,便可將電子卡4内部所儲存之資料 10 裝置ί如電腦、筆記我腦等)進行資料訊號傳輸、 子取的動作且可透過天線端子31、天線3 2分別整合到 電路板2/、座體1内壁面處將電子卡4訊號傳輸至外部, 並精由較大面積之天線3 2增益訊麟輸品質與強度,同時 可避免訊綠減之情況發生,吨有良㈣錄峨發射、 接收效果。 另田電子卡4插入於座體工後方之插槽工4内過程中, 使其。fl號接點4 1即會向下抵持於峨端子組2 側之接 觸部2 2 2上’而連動伽端子2 2 4另側之抵持端偏擺至 電路板f 1上對應之_接點2丨4細鍋,並形成電性 導通狀,4 ’肋细彳電子卡4確實插人到錢,再進行資料 訊號傳輸動作。 此外’以上所述僅為本創作之較佳實施例而已,並非因 此即侷限本創作之申請專利翻,本創作座體丨前方對接部 13與電路板21上之端子組211為可組構而成符合通用 序列匯流排型式之插頭,使其端子組2丨丨可為電路板21 單排具有四支接腳之U S B 2 · Q標準,或是上、下排具有 共九支接腳之US B 3 . Q鮮;再者,天線裝置3所具之 二天線端子31基部311亦可分別為由前向後或是由後向 則彎折延伸有捲繞部312,且該捲繞部312可為水平或 朝上方、下方彎折延伸有一圈或一圈以上而呈連續曲折狀, 而天線3 2最佳之一具體實施例為定位於座體丄所具之外殼 M383786 12内壁©處’但於實際應用時,並非以此作為侷限,其二 天線3 2可定位於基座11 _面處,或是分财位於基座 1 1與外殼12内壁面處’且呈前後、左右或並排排列等, 也可依使用者需求或設計不同而扣增減天線3 2的數量, 並與電路板21表面或底面處複數接點2 i 3上定位之天線 端子31抵持接觸形成電性連接狀態,其僅只需提供本創作 讀卡機與電子褒置對接使用,並對電子卡4進行資料訊號傳. 輸、存取動作’且可糊電子卡4上之天線接點4 2抵持接 觸於天線端子3 1形成電性連接,俾使電子卡柯透過域 _ 端子3 1、天線3 2分別整合到奴板2丄、座體工内壁面 處發射、接收訊號,並藉由較大面積之天線3 2來增益其訊 號傳輸品質触度,從喊纽好無線峨(如無線射麵 識系統RF !D、Wi F i等)發射、接收效果即可,故舉 凡可達成驗效果之料皆贼麵作蓋,此_祕 飾及等效結漏化,均朗理包含於本_之翔細内, 合予陳明。 _ 綜上所述,本創作上述之讀卡機,為確實能 及目的,故本創作誠為—實雜優異之創作,實符合新型專 利之申請要件,爰依法提出申請,盼審委早 以保障創作人之辛苦創作,條若釣局有任何稽疑,請^吝 來函指示,創作人定當竭力配合,實感德便。 12, Ml C Γ 〇 SD memory card, S〇NY memory card (Ms + ), MS Micro (M2t) and other types, and the memory card in different market segments, each occupying a unique advantage and position, and has a light and thin, power saving Easy to save and re-read data. General memory cards are now widely used in emerging portable electronic devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), digital cameras, personal computers or pens. If you want to transfer the data stored in the internal memory of your computer or notebook computer for access, you will usually use the card reader as the interface between the memory card and the computer, and through the computer. The universal serial bus (USB) slot provided by the reader provides the card reader for plug-in and data transmission, so that the card reader can be connected to the heat by the heat-reducing party. That is, there will be too much space required, and it is not convenient to carry it with you. Therefore, various manufacturers do not introduce card readers of various specifications and models, and even develop multi-card readers that can be inserted by multiple memory cards. Respond to the different needs of users. In addition, with the continuous evolution and improvement of wireless transmission technology, wireless transmission technology is utilized in many places around people's lives, such as parking lots, mass transit transportation equipment, companies, homes, convenience stores, meals, etc. __Transmission technology is nothing more than Wi F i, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless sensing network (zi gbe e), and is used to connect to the Internet, personal identification cards, car security locks, Pet Crystal >1 ' can also be applied to digital home control, security monitoring, logistics tracking and home _, etc., sand, silk hair - radiation wireless transmission signal transmission, touch Wei card reader, will affect the card reading Whether the machine function and the effect of the money are _ _ age, there are more than the trend of the contract and the various shortcomings, the competition between the Wei and the business is very fierce, so any point that is conducive to the user's intimate collection, will be possible to influence the city Occupy, and play a pivotal role. [New content] Therefore, according to the above-mentioned lack of consideration, the freshman is a deep-person analysis ship on the characteristics of riding a card reader, and through many evaluations and considerations, through painstaking research and development, a reluctant trial. Miscellaneous changes, the birth of a new patent for this type of card reader. MJ83786 The main purpose of this creation is that the front part of the body is a plug that can be assembled with the terminal group on the circuit board to conform to the universal serial bus type, and is used for docking with the electronic device. When the electronic card is behind the seat After the slot is inserted, the antenna contact is brought into contact with the antenna terminal positioned on the circuit board to form an electrical connection state, so that the electronic card can be integrated into the circuit board and the inner wall surface of the socket through the antenna terminal and the antenna respectively. Transmitting and receiving signals, and gaining the strength and intensity of the signal transmission by a larger area antenna to avoid signal attenuation, so as to achieve good wireless signal transmission and reception effects. The second purpose of this creation is that the antennas are formed with a pre-(four) distance between the two antennas, and the two antennas between the antenna terminal winding portion and the base are adjusted for two weeks, and the antenna can be Planar or printed antennas can also be used to increase or decrease the number of antennas positioned at the wall of the housing, depending on the user's needs or design, so that the antenna device can transmit or receive the same frequency and band wireless signals. [Embodiment] In order to achieve the above purpose and structure, the technical means and its functions adopted in this creation are better than the details. The steps and functions are as follows, and the benefits are fully understood. Month> Read the first, first and second figures, which are respectively the three-dimensional appearance drawing, the three-dimensional exploded view and the other three-dimensional exploded view of the creation. It can be clearly seen from the figure that 'this creation includes a seated body. i, the circuit module 2 and the antenna device 3, so the main components and features of the present invention are as follows, wherein: the base body 1 is composed of a base 11 and a casing 12, and is formed inside the base 11 and the outer casing 12. The accommodating space is 1 〇, and the abutting portion 13 is defined in the front of the pedestal 11. The surface of the abutting portion 13 is recessed with a recess 131 which can communicate with the accommodating space 1 ,, and the accommodating space 10 is located behind the abutting portion 13 A plurality of columns iii are arranged at the bottom; and a slot 14 is provided at the rear of the base 贝 to the inside of the valley space, and the bottom of the casing 12 is provided with a plurality of docking columns 121 and can be opposite to the column 111 Correspondingly, the engaging hole 12 2 ′ of the fitting and the outer side of the outer casing 12 and the outer periphery of the outer casing 12 are provided with a plurality of buckle grooves 112 and a buckle 13 3 corresponding to the fastening position. The circuit module 2 has a circuit board 21, and a terminal group disposed on the front surface of the circuit board 21 for positioning in the recess i 3 i of the docking portion i 3 and conforming to the universal serial bus (USB) type 211, and a plurality of metal contacts 212 are disposed on the rear surface of the circuit board 21, and a plurality of contacts 213 having perforations 2131 are disposed at the outer sides of the metal contacts 2 and 2, and a surface is provided on the surface of the circuit board 21 Or more than one copper foil contact 214, and a transparent slot 2 15 ' is formed between the copper foil contact 214 and the metal contact 212. Further, the circuit board 21 is provided with a plurality of positioning holes 216; and, the circuit board 21 The plurality of metal contacts 212 are provided with a signal terminal group 2 2 , and a bent contact portion 2 2 outside the through hole 215 is provided on the side of the base portion 2 2 1 of the sfl terminal group 2 2 2, the other side of the contact portion 2 2 2 direction recurs to extend a joint portion 223 which can be sleeved on the rear side of the circuit board 21 and electrically connected to the metal contact 212; and one of the signal terminal groups 22 or - The upper part of the gamma 2 2 2 terminal view has a detection terminal 2 which can be electrically contacted with the splicing point 2 2 4 and is electrically conductive. 2 2 4 ^ The antenna device 3 is A plurality of antenna terminals 31 and an antenna 32 are included, and the base portion 3 of the two antenna terminals 31 has a winding portion 3 i 2 extending in a continuous meander shape toward the inner side f, and is inside the winding portion 3 i 2 An adjustment space 3丨〇 is formed between the base portion 311, and one or more than three or more bumps 3 are provided on the end surface of the winding portion 3丄2, and the two sides of the base portion 3 are divided into two. The pin 314 which can be positioned in the perforation 2丨3丄 of the contact 2 i 3 is further formed with a predetermined _3 2 Q between the bases 3 21 of the two antennas 3 2 , and each base « 2 i There is a card hole 3 2 2 with a contactable μ 2 1 corresponding to the fitting card @], and one or more abutting portions 3 2 3 extending downward at the base portion 3 2 i. The pedestal ii of the base body 1 and the outer casing 2 of the plastic material can be combined into a body by the injection method of the package S. However, the present invention is not limited thereto in practical application, and the outer casing i 2 can also be used. It is made of a metal material and is integrally formed separately from the base 11; and the signal terminal group 2 2 on the circuit board 21 of the circuit module 2 can also be arranged in a single row or multiple rows in parallel, and each row of signals The contact portion 2 2 2 of the terminal is forwardly facing, rearward or oppositely disposed, and only needs to provide a plurality of signal contacts. The metal contact 212' positioned on the circuit (4) 1 can be restricted by the direction and position of the component. After assembly or soldering and bonding, the antenna is formed into a body; and the two antennas 3 2 of the antenna device 3 are formed with a spacing of 3 2 Q, and the adjustment space between the inner side of the winding portion 312 and the base 311 of the antenna terminal 31 is formed. 310 adjusts the alarm = size '(4) days, _ child 3! is a butterfly 3 2 to form an electrical connection, and the antenna 32 can also be a planar brush antenna for the antenna device 3 to transmit or receive different frequencies, Band wireless signal, except for antenna 3 2 transmission or connection The wireless signal is based the prior art embodiment Fan rpm, and the detailed configuration is not present creation creation point, no capital is hereby described. Please also refer to the four, five, and six figures of the reference, which are the side-by-side cross-sectional views of the better implementation of the creation of the card, the observation of the attendance and the insertion of the card. It can be seen that when the above-mentioned components are assembled, the base portion 2 of the domain terminal group 2 2 is first positioned on the bottom surface of the circuit board 21, and the contact portion 2 2 2 on the base portion 2 2 i side. After passing through the through-hole 215, the other side joint portion 2 2 3 is sleeved on the rear side of the circuit board 2 1 and formed with a preset position with the metal contact 212, and then the surface adhesion technology (SMT) is utilized. The combination mode touches the button connection state, and then the antenna pin 3 i on the antenna pin 3 i 4 positions in the contact point 2 1 3 perforation 2 1 3 1 're-^ The connection state 'and the antenna 32 are positioned at the inner wall surface of the outer casing 12 such that the plurality of card holes 3 2 2 on the base portion 31 are integrally fitted with the mating posts 121 at the bottom of the outer casing 12. The circuit module 2 is accommodated in the two compartments 10 between the base 11 and the outer casing 2, and is embedded in the recess 131 of the abutting portion 13 by the front side of the circuit board 21, so that the terminal group 21 1 Exposed to the slot 2, the M383786 can be assembled by using the docking part 13 and the terminal group 211 to conform to the universal serial port (USB) type plug, and also the plurality of columns inside the base 丄丄11, the positioning hole 216 on the circuit board 21 is correspondingly engaged with the engaging hole 12 2 at the bottom of the outer casing 12, and the resisting portion 3 2 3 extending downward from the base portion 3 21 of the antenna 32 is resisted. Contacting the corresponding contact points 213 on the circuit board 21 to form an electrical connection state, and having appropriate elastic resistance to ensure the overall electrical contact effect, and then the plurality of bumps 12 3 on the bottom side of the outer casing i 2 are held by The shackle 2i 2 at the outer periphery of the pedestal 1! is in a correspondingly engaged position, and the pedestal 丨i and the outer casing 丨2 are assembled and integrated to complete the assembly of the whole. In use, the electronic card 4 is first inserted into the accommodating space 1 由 by the seat rear slot 4, and the electronic card 4 can conform to Mi cr 〇 SD, SDI 〇 or Exp ress Ca rd The type, and the plurality of signal contacts 4 and the antenna contacts 4 2 ' are sequentially disposed from the front to the rear on the side surface of the electronic card 4, and the signal contacts 41 are connected to the signal terminal group 2 on the circuit board 2 The contact portion 2 2 2 on the 2-side forms an electrical connection, and also makes the antenna contact 4 2 electrically contact with the bump 3 1 3 on the antenna terminal 3, and then the body is connected. ! The front part of the serial bus bar type matching interface 1 3 is docked into the slot of the opposite type on the electronic device (not shown) so as to expose the terminal group 2 1 1 at the mating portion i 3 of the mating portion i 3 i and The plurality of docking terminals of the tongue plate in the slot are in contact with each other and form an electrical connection H'. Thus, the data stored in the electronic card 4 can be used as a data signal for the device, such as a computer, a note, or the like. The transmission and sub-fetching operations can be integrated into the circuit board 2/, the inner wall surface of the base 1 through the antenna terminal 31 and the antenna 3, respectively, and the signal of the electronic card 4 is transmitted to the outside, and the gain of the antenna of the larger area is 32 The quality and intensity of Xunlin's transmission, while avoiding the occurrence of the news green reduction, tons of good (four) recorded the launch and reception effects. The Ueda electronic card 4 is inserted into the slot machine 4 behind the seat body to make it. F1 contact 4 1 will be pressed down on the contact portion 2 2 2 on the side of the terminal group 2 and interlocked with the other end of the gamma terminal 2 2 4 to the corresponding circuit board f 1 The contact point is 2丨4, and the electric conduction is formed. The 4' rib fine electronic card 4 is inserted into the money, and then the data signal transmission action is performed. In addition, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and is not limited to the patent application of the present invention. The front seat abutting portion 13 and the terminal group 211 on the circuit board 21 are configurable. The plug conforms to the universal serial bus type, so that the terminal group 2 can be the USB 2 · Q standard of the circuit board 21 having four pins in a single row, or the US with a total of nine pins in the upper and lower rows. Further, the base portion 311 of the two antenna terminals 31 of the antenna device 3 may also have a winding portion 312 extending from the front to the rear or from the rear to the rear, and the winding portion 312 may be One or more loops are bent horizontally or upwardly and downwardly to form a continuous meander shape, and one of the preferred embodiments of the antenna 32 is positioned at the inner wall of the housing M383786 12 of the housing ' In practical applications, this is not a limitation. The two antennas 3 2 can be positioned at the pedestal 11 _ face, or the wealth can be located at the inner wall of the pedestal 1 1 and the outer casing 12 and arranged side by side, left and right or side by side. Etc., can also increase or decrease the antenna 3 2 according to user needs or design. And electrically connected to the antenna terminal 31 positioned on the plurality of contacts 2 i 3 at the surface or the bottom surface of the circuit board 21 to form an electrical connection state, which only needs to provide the original card reader to be used in conjunction with the electronic device, and The electronic card 4 performs data transmission. The transmission and access operations are performed, and the antenna contacts 4 2 on the electronic card 4 are electrically connected to the antenna terminals 31, so that the electronic card passes through the domain_terminal 3. 1. The antennas 3 2 are respectively integrated into the slave board 2丄, the inner wall of the seat body transmits and receives signals, and the antenna of the larger area is used to gain the signal transmission quality touch, and the wireless communication is called For example, the wireless surface recognition system RF!D, Wi F i, etc.) can transmit and receive the effect, so the materials that can achieve the test results are all covered by the thief face, this _ secret decoration and equivalent junction leakage, all reasonable It is included in the details of this _, and is given to Chen Ming. _ In summary, the above-mentioned card readers are designed to be effective and purposeful. Therefore, the creation of this book is sincere and the creation of the products is in line with the application requirements of the new patents, and the application is submitted in accordance with the law. To protect the hard work of the creators, if there is any doubt in the fishing bureau, please contact us by letter. The creator will try his best to cooperate with him. 12