M368833 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種防竊裝置,尤指利用於電腦機殼上 設有一通道且以其空間限制電腦週邊設備的通過以防止遭 竊者。 【先前技術】 電腦主機板上均設有多種格式的插槽,可供各種週邊 設備的插頭插設而與主機板電連接,進而達到訊號的輸入、 輸出之目的,例如桌上型的電腦,其主機板之插槽係外露 於電腦機殼的後侧’而USB或PS2介面之滑鼠、鍵盤,或 者喇队、麥克風等電腦週邊設備,均可以其插頭插設於相 對應的USB插槽、PS2插槽或音源插槽,而可輸入指令、 撥放或輸入音效。 然而,所述滑鼠、鍵盤、喇叭或麥克風等電腦週邊設 備,於其本體與插頭之間係設有一傳輸線,以方便電腦操 作者使用或方便調整擺設位置,然而當電腦上連接多個週 邊設備使用時,該些週邊設備的多條傳輸線將顯得雜亂, 甚至在拔插或使用過程中相互交纏而必須耗費時間予以整 理,此外,當電腦係設置在例如圖書館、網咖等公共場合 時’由於上述週邊設備可輕易的自主機板上拔下,因此常 有週邊設備遭不肖人士取走之情事發生,且該該行為往 往難以察覺。 【新型内容】 有鑑於上述既有電腦周邊設備亦遭竊且其傳輸線不易 M368833 整理之問題’本創作係藉由於機殼上設置一兼具防竊及整 線功能之裝置以解決之。 為達成上述創作目的’本創作所使用之技術手段在於 提供一具傳輸線之電腦週邊設備的防竊及整線裝置,其包 含有: 一擋板’該擋板上形成有間隔設置的兩穿孔,擋板一 端形成有一插設部,而相對端彎折延伸有一組接部,該組 接部上緣形成有一穿槽,該插設部可插設於一機殼之嵌孔 •内,而組接部之穿槽可供一鎖固螺絲穿設通過並鎖固於一 機殼側板之鎖固螺孔内; 一挾持板,其兩端分別彎折延伸有鎖固板,於兩鎖固 板上分別形成有一螺孔,該兩鎖固板可貼抵於所述擋板上, 且兩螺孔分別對應於擋板上的兩穿孔,該兩螺孔可供兩螺 絲分別穿設通過擋板之穿孔後鎖固於其上,當挾持板以其 兩鎖固板貼抵於擋板時,挾持板與擋板間具有一間距,該 間距係小於USB插頭之高度。 I 本創作之防竊及整線裝置,其裝設時係令擋板之插設 .部插入於機殼後側所設擴充槽旁的嵌孔,而組接部由鎖固 螺絲穿設通過其穿槽再鎖固於機殼上,使擋板固設於機殼 後側的内部,隨後再以螺絲穿設通過擋板之穿孔後鎖固於 挾持板之螺孔,將挾持板組裝於擋板上並位於機殼後側外 部,同時將滑鼠、鍵盤、喇叭或麥克風等電腦週邊設備的 傳輸線包夾於挾持板與擋板之間,即可完成裝設; 由於則述週邊設備所採用的介面中,以介面的插 頭之高度最小,因此無論連接於電腦之週邊設備使用pS2 4 M368833 ;|面、USB介面的插頭或者為音源插頭,皆無法通過挾持 板以及擔板所包圍之空間,據此,即使有心人士將插頭自 電腦上拔下,也無法將之帶走,此外,藉由將複數週邊設 備的傳輸線集中於挾持板以及標板所包圍之空間Θ,可避 免傳輸線四散而顯得雜亂,因此本創作確實兼具有防止週 邊ax備遭竊及可整理傳輸線之目的。 ' 【實施方式】 參見第一及三圖所示,本創作之具傳輸線之電腦週邊 •設備的防竊及整線裝置,使用時係裝設於一電腦機殼(3〇) 的後側,詳細而言,係裝設於相對於機殼(3〇)上所設擴充 槽(31)處,一般桌上型電腦,其機殼(3〇)係配合主機板之規 格而有固定的規格,例如適用於安裝Ατχ規格之主機板的 機殼’其後側預設有一輸入/輸出背板(32)以及複數所述擴 充槽(31),週邊設備如滑鼠、鍵盤、喇ρ八或麥克風等等設 備,其插頭即通過該背板(32)而插設於主機板之插槽上, 並且該等設備於其本體與插頭之間係設有一傳輸線(41), 以方便電腦操作者使用或方便調整擺設位置,而擴充槽(3 i) , 係用以供擴充卡(圖中未示)裝設,且機殼(30)上於各擴充槽 (31)的一側邊係形成有一嵌孔(3〇1),而機殼(3〇)於擴充槽 (31)的另一侧邊彎折延伸有一側板(3〇2),於該側板(3〇2)上 相對各擴充槽(31)形成有一鎖固螺孔(3〇3); 配合參見第二及三圖所示,本創作之具傳輸線之電腦 週邊設備的防竊及整線裝置,其包含有: 一擋板(10),該擋板(10)上形成有間隔設置的兩穿孔 (101),且擋板(10)—端形成有一可插設於所述機殼(3〇)之嵌 5 M368833 孔(301)的插設部(li) ’而相對端係彎折延伸有可貼抵於機 殼(30)之侧板(302)的一組接部(12),該組接部(12)上緣對應 側板(302)之鎖固螺孔(3〇3)位置處形成有一穿槽(121); 一挾持板(20) ’其兩端分別彎折延伸有鎖固板(2丨),於 兩鎖固板(21)上分別形成有一螺孔(2 u),該兩鎖固板(21) 可貼抵於所述擋板(1〇)上,且兩螺孔(211)分別對應於擋板 (10)上的一穿孔(1 〇 1 ),於本實施例中,該兩鎖固板(2丨)係 ,先彎折與挾持板(20)呈垂直後再彎折與挾持板(2〇)呈平行, 修但只要其形成有螺孔(211)之部位可貼抵於擋板(1〇),鎖固 板(21)可彎折為任意形狀,此外,當挾持板(2〇)以其兩鎖固 板(21)貼抵於擋板(1〇)時,挾持板(2〇)與擋板(1〇)之間係具 有一間距’該間距係小於USB插頭之高度。 本創作使用時,參考第四圖所示,首先令擋板(1〇)以 其插設部(11)插設於機殼之嵌孔(3〇1)内,且以一鎖固螺絲 (51)穿設通過擋板(10)另一端之組接部(12)之穿槽(121)而鎖 固於機殼(30)側板(3〇2)之鎖固螺孔(211)内,將擋板(1〇)固 ,定於機殼(30)内部,再參考第一圖所示,隨後令挾持板(2〇) *的鎖固板(21)貼抵於擋板(10)上,同時令傳輸線(41)的至 少一段落通過擋板(1〇)與挾持板(2〇)之間,如圖所示可將 傳輸線(41)纏繞於挾持板(2〇)上,而後再以兩螺絲(52)分 別穿設通過擋板(1〇)之兩穿孔(1〇1)後再鎖固於兩鎖固板(21) 之螺孔(211),將挾持板(2〇)固定於擋板(1〇)上且位於機殼 (30)之外部的後侧,即完成安裝; 由前述可知,擋板(10)與挾持板(20)間的間距小於USB 插頭的咼度,而由於前述滑鼠等電腦週邊設備之插頭所採 M368833 用的介面中,以USB介面插頭(61)之高度最小,因此無論 週邊設備使用PS2介面插頭(62)、USB介面插頭(61)或者 音源插頭(63),該些插頭皆無法通過擋板(1〇)與挾持板(20) 之間’藉此’即使該等插頭(61~63)自電腦上拔下,也無法 通過挾持板(20)以及擋板(1〇)之間的空間,因此可避免週邊 設備遭竊’並且該螺絲(52)與鎖固螺絲(51)可使用如内六角 ' 螺絲’防止竊賊以容易取得之十字或一字起子進行拆解, ' 此外,如第一圖所示’藉由將複數週邊設備的傳輪線(41) Φ 集中於挾持板(20)以及擋板(10)所包圍之空間内,可避免傳 輸線四散而顯得雜亂’達到整理傳輸線(41)之目的。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為本創作之實施狀態圖。 第二圖為本創作之立體分解圖。 第三圖為本創作組接於電腦機殼之分解圖。 第四圖為本創作組接於電腦機殼之示意圖。 _ 【主要元件符號說明】 (10) 擋板 (11) 插設部 (121)穿槽 (20)挾持板 (211)螺孔 (30) 電腦機殼 (3 02)側板 (31) 擴充槽 (101)穿孔 (12)組接部 (21)鎖固板 (301)嵌孔 (303)鎖固螺孔 (3 2)背板 7 M368833 (41)傳輸線 (61)USB介面插頭 (62)PS2介面插頭 (63)音源插頭M368833 V. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation is about anti-theft devices, especially for the use of a channel on a computer case and the use of space to limit the passage of computer peripherals to prevent theft. [Prior Art] There are multiple formats of slots on the computer motherboard, which can be plugged into various peripheral devices and electrically connected to the motherboard, thereby achieving the purpose of inputting and outputting signals, such as a desktop computer. The slot of the motherboard is exposed on the back side of the computer case', and the USB or PS2 interface mouse, keyboard, or computer peripherals such as the racquet and microphone can be plugged into the corresponding USB slot. , PS2 slot or audio source slot, you can enter commands, play or input sound effects. However, the computer peripheral device such as the mouse, keyboard, speaker or microphone has a transmission line between the body and the plug to facilitate the use of the computer operator or to conveniently adjust the position of the display, but when the computer is connected to multiple peripheral devices When used, the multiple transmission lines of the peripheral devices will appear cluttered, even entangled in the process of plugging or using, and it must take time to organize them. In addition, when the computer system is installed in public places such as libraries and Internet cafes, 'Because the above peripheral equipment can be easily removed from the main board, it is often the case that peripheral equipment is taken away by unscrupulous people, and this behavior is often difficult to detect. [New content] In view of the fact that the above-mentioned computer peripheral equipment has also been stolen and its transmission line is not easy. The problem of finishing the M368833 is based on the installation of a device with anti-theft and whole-line functions on the casing. In order to achieve the above-mentioned creative purposes, the technical means used in the present invention is to provide a tamper-proof and complete line device for a computer peripheral device of a transmission line, which comprises: a baffle having two perforations formed at intervals on the baffle plate, An insertion portion is formed at one end of the baffle, and a plurality of connecting portions are bent at the opposite ends, and the upper edge of the connecting portion is formed with a through slot, and the inserted portion can be inserted into the through hole of the casing, and the group The through slot of the connecting portion can be inserted through a locking screw and locked in a locking screw hole of a side plate of the casing; a clamping plate, the two ends of which are respectively bent and extended with a locking plate for the two locking plates A screw hole is formed on the upper part, and the two locking plates are respectively attached to the baffle, and the two screw holes respectively correspond to the two perforations on the baffle, and the two screw holes are respectively configured for the two screws to pass through the baffle After the perforation is locked, the clamping plate has a spacing between the clamping plate and the baffle when the two locking plates are attached to the baffle, and the spacing is smaller than the height of the USB plug. I The anti-theft and complete line device of this creation is installed with the baffle inserted. The part is inserted into the insertion hole beside the expansion slot provided on the rear side of the casing, and the assembly part is passed through the locking screw. The slot is fixed on the casing, and the baffle is fixed on the inner side of the casing, and then the screw is passed through the through hole of the baffle and then locked to the screw hole of the clamping plate to assemble the clamping plate. The baffle is located outside the rear side of the casing, and the transmission line of the computer peripheral device such as a mouse, keyboard, speaker or microphone is sandwiched between the holding plate and the baffle plate to complete the installation; In the interface used, the height of the interface plug is the smallest, so no matter whether it is connected to the peripheral device of the computer, the pS2 4 M368833; | face, USB interface plug or audio plug cannot pass the space surrounded by the holding plate and the support plate. According to this, even if the person concerned removes the plug from the computer, it cannot be taken away. In addition, by concentrating the transmission line of the plurality of peripheral devices on the space surrounded by the holding plate and the target board, the transmission line can be avoided. Look messy Therefore, this creation does ax and preventing peripheral and can organize Preparation stolen object of the transmission line. 'Embodiment】 Referring to the first and third figures, the anti-theft and complete line device of the computer peripherals and equipment of the transmission line are installed on the back side of a computer case (3〇). Specifically, it is installed at an expansion slot (31) provided on the casing (3〇). Generally, the desktop computer has a fixed size in accordance with the specifications of the motherboard. For example, a casing suitable for mounting a motherboard of the Ατχ specification has an input/output backplane (32) and a plurality of expansion slots (31) on the rear side, and peripheral devices such as a mouse, a keyboard, a bar, or A device such as a microphone, the plug is inserted into the slot of the motherboard through the backboard (32), and the device is provided with a transmission line (41) between the body and the plug to facilitate the computer operator. The position of the display is conveniently adjusted or used, and the expansion slot (3 i) is provided for the expansion card (not shown), and the casing (30) is formed on one side of each expansion slot (31). There is a through hole (3〇1), and the casing (3〇) is bent at the other side of the expansion slot (31) and has a side plate. (3〇2), a locking screw hole (3〇3) is formed on the side plate (3〇2) relative to each expansion slot (31); as shown in the second and third figures, the transmission line of the creation is The anti-theft and the whole line device of the computer peripheral device comprises: a baffle (10), the baffle (10) is formed with two perforations (101) arranged at intervals, and the baffle (10) is formed at one end The insertion portion (li) of the 5 M368833 hole (301) embedded in the casing (3) can be inserted and the opposite end portion is bent to extend to the side plate (302) of the casing (30). a set of joints (12), the upper edge of the set of joints (12) corresponding to the side plate (302) of the locking screw hole (3〇3) at the location of a through slot (121); a holding plate (20) 'The two ends are respectively bent and extended with a locking plate (2丨), and a screw hole (2 u) is formed on each of the two locking plates (21), and the two locking plates (21) can be attached to the On the baffle plate (1〇), and the two screw holes (211) respectively correspond to a perforation (1 〇1) on the baffle plate (10). In this embodiment, the two locking plates (2丨) are First bend and hold the plate (20) vertically and then bend and hold the plate (2〇 ) is parallel, but as long as the part where the screw hole (211) is formed can be attached to the baffle (1〇), the locking plate (21) can be bent into any shape, and in addition, when the holding plate (2〇) When the two locking plates (21) are attached to the baffle plate (1〇), there is a distance between the clamping plate (2〇) and the baffle plate (1〇), which is smaller than the height of the USB plug. When using this creation, refer to the fourth figure. First, the baffle (1〇) is inserted into the insertion hole (3〇1) of the casing with its insertion part (11), and a locking screw is used. 51) is inserted into the locking screw hole (211) of the side plate (3) of the casing (30) through the through slot (121) of the connecting portion (12) at the other end of the baffle (10). Fix the baffle (1〇) to the inside of the casing (30), and then refer to the first figure, then attach the locking plate (21) of the clamping plate (2〇)* to the baffle (10). At the same time, at least one section of the transmission line (41) is passed between the baffle (1〇) and the holding plate (2〇), and the transmission line (41) can be wound on the holding plate (2〇) as shown in the figure, and then Two screws (52) are respectively passed through the two perforations (1〇1) of the baffle plate (1〇) and then locked to the screw holes (211) of the two locking plates (21) to hold the plate (2〇) The rear side of the baffle (1〇) is located on the outer side of the casing (30), that is, the installation is completed; as can be seen from the foregoing, the spacing between the baffle (10) and the holding plate (20) is smaller than the twist of the USB plug. , because the aforementioned mouse and other computer peripherals plugs used for M368833 In the face, the height of the USB interface plug (61) is the smallest, so whether the peripheral device uses the PS2 interface plug (62), the USB interface plug (61) or the audio source plug (63), the plugs cannot pass the bezel (1〇). ) 'With this', even if the plugs (61~63) are unplugged from the computer, the space between the holding plate (20) and the baffle (1〇) cannot be passed. Avoid theft of peripheral equipment' and the screw (52) and locking screw (51) can be used, such as a hexagonal 'screw' to prevent the thief from disassembling with an easy cross or a screwdriver. ' In addition, as shown in the first figure By "concentrating the transmission line (41) Φ of the plurality of peripheral devices in the space surrounded by the holding plate (20) and the baffle (10), the transmission line can be prevented from being scattered and messy" to reach the finishing transmission line (41) purpose. [Simple description of the diagram] The first diagram is the implementation state diagram of the creation. The second picture is a three-dimensional exploded view of the creation. The third picture is an exploded view of the creation team connected to the computer case. The fourth picture is a schematic diagram of the creation group connected to the computer case. _ [Main component symbol description] (10) Baffle (11) Inserting part (121) through slot (20) Holding plate (211) screw hole (30) Computer case (3 02) side plate (31) Expansion slot ( 101) Perforation (12) Assembly (21) Locking plate (301) Inserting hole (303) Locking screw hole (3 2) Back plate 7 M368833 (41) Transmission line (61) USB interface plug (62) PS2 interface Plug (63) audio plug