[0019] 以下,參考所添附之圖面,對本發明之實施形態作說明。另外,以下,作為在本發明之實施形態中之活體資訊顯示裝置,係以活體資訊螢幕作為其中一例來進行說明,但是,除此之外之顯示活體資訊之其他裝置,亦係被包含在本發明之範圍中。 [0020] 〈1.活體資訊螢幕之全體概要〉 參考圖1,針對在本發明之實施形態中的活體資訊螢幕1作說明。活體資訊螢幕1,係如同圖1(a)中所示一般,主要藉由具備有觸控面板顯示器之平板型的電腦所構成。活體資訊螢幕1,係如同圖1(b)中所示一般,被安裝在支撐台3上,並被支撐台3所支撐。 [0021] 偵測裝置介面2,例如,係經由連接接頭部2a而被對於活體資訊偵測裝置作連接。活體資訊偵測裝置,係偵測出關連於被驗者之活體的狀態,並輸出與該狀態相對應之活體訊號。作為活體資訊偵測裝置,例如,係可列舉出用以偵測出心臟之活動電位的心電電極、用以偵測出血壓的血壓偵測裝置、用以偵測出體溫的體溫計、用以偵測出SpO2
偵測裝置(例如,脈搏血氧飽和儀)等。 [0022] 在活體資訊螢幕1以及偵測裝置介面2之各者處,例如,係被設置有USB(Universal Serial Bus)端子1b、2b,並經由USB纜線而被作連接。另外,偵測裝置介面2與活體資訊螢幕1之間之連接態樣,只要是能夠將資料送至活體資訊螢幕1處,則係亦可身為使用有IEEE1394等之序列匯流排方式、SCSI(Small Computer System Interface)等之平行匯流排方式等的有線通訊連接態樣,或者是使用有RFID(Radio Frequency Identifier)、NFC(Near Field Communication)、Bluetooth(註冊商標)等之無線通訊連接。又,偵測裝置介面2,例如,係如同圖1(b)中所示一般,被安裝在支撐台3上,並被支撐台3所支撐。 [0023] 又,作為活體資訊測定裝置,係如同圖1(b)中所示一般,亦具備有具有無線通訊功能之體溫計3。作為在體溫計3處之無線通訊規格,例如,作為其中一例,係可列舉出準據於上述所列舉出的RFID、NFC、FeliCa(註冊商標)、Bluetooth(註冊商標)、ISO/IEC14443、ISO/IEC15693、ISO/IEC18092、ISO/IEC21481等之近距離無線通訊技術的國際規格者。又,活體資訊螢幕1,係具備有與在體溫計3處的無線通訊方式相對應之無線通訊功能,而能夠與體溫計3進行無線通訊。 [0024] 接著,參考圖2,針對活體資訊螢幕1以及偵測裝置介面2之構成作說明。活體資訊螢幕1,例如,係具備有控制部10、和觸控面板顯示器11、和連接接頭12、和天線13、和揚聲器14、以及電池15。控制部10,係為進行活體資訊螢幕1內之各控制者。 [0025] 控制部10,例如,係具備有CPU(Central Processing Unit)101、RAM(Random Access Memory)102、ROM(Read Only Memory)103、記憶媒體104、無線通訊介面105、有線通訊介面106、操作輸入介面107、顯示控制部108、聲音控制部109、以及發光控制部110。另外,在圖2中,介面係標記為I/F。 [0026] CPU 101,係為掌管活體資訊螢幕1內之全體之處理者,並作為作業區域而使用RAM 102。在ROM 103中,例如,係被寫入有用以使活體資訊螢幕1啟動之程式或者是其他之被CPU 101所實行之基本的程式。記憶媒體104,例如,係藉由固態硬碟(solid state drive:SSD)或快閃記憶體等所構成。在記憶媒體104中,例如,係被寫入有實現活體資訊螢幕1之基本性之動作的作業系統(Operating System:OS)和依存於該作業系統之程式。又,記憶媒體104,係作為被供給之資料的保存場所而起作用。 [0027] 無線通訊介面105,例如,係為進行在自身與外部裝置之間藉由無線通訊而被作送受訊之資料的轉換處理(調變、解調)等者,並被與天線13作連接。天線13,係受訊從外部所被送訊而來之資料,並送至無線通訊介面105處。又,天線13,係將從無線通訊介面105所供給而來之資料對於外部作送訊。作為無線通訊介面105,例如,作為其中一例,係可列舉出準據於NFC之電路、或是準據於RFID之電路、或是準據於FeliCa(註冊商標)之電路、或是準據於Bluetooth(註冊商標)之電路、或是準據於ISO/IEC14443之電路、或是準據於ISO/IEC15693之電路、或是準據於ISO/IEC18092之電路、或是準據於ISO/IEC21481之電路、或者是準據於其他之近距離無線通訊技術之國際規格的所有之電路。無線通訊介面105,係具備有上述電路之全部或者是一部分。又,作為天線13,例如,作為其中一例,係可列舉出迴圈天線、螺旋天線、雙極天線、塊狀天線等,但是,係並不被限定於此,而亦可為其他之天線。 [0028] 有線通訊介面106,例如,係為進行在自身與外部裝置之間藉由有線通訊而被作送受訊之資料的轉換處理等者,並被與連接接頭12作連接。作為有線通訊介面106,例如,係可列舉出使用有USB等之序列匯流排規格者,但是,係並不被限定於此。作為其他之有線通訊介面106,係亦可為採用有IEEE1394等之序列匯流排方式、SCSI等之平行匯流排方式的任意之介面。 [0029] 操作輸入介面107,係為將從外部而來之操作傳導至CPU 101處者。顯示控制部108,係為使觸控面板顯示器11進行依循於從CPU 101而來之命令所致的顯示者。聲音控制部109,係為使揚聲器14進行依循於從CPU 101而來之命令所致的聲音之輸出者。發光控制部110,係為依循於從CPU 101而來之命令而進行發光部16、17之ON、OFF者。發光控制部110,例如,係從CPU 101而受訊關連於活體資訊之報告訊號,並使發光部16、17之雙方或者是其中一方進行發光。又,發光控制部110,例如,係從CPU 101而受訊關連於活體資訊之報告解除訊號,並使發光部16、17之雙方或者是其中一方熄燈或者是以與上述態樣相異之態樣來發光。 [0030] 觸控面板顯示器11,係為進行顯示以及操作輸入之受理者。上述操作輸入之受理,係藉由直接以手指等來對於觸控面板顯示器11之顯示面進行觸碰操作,來實現之。作為觸碰操作,例如,係可列舉出點擊、雙擊、捲動、捏縮(pinch in)、拉放(pinch out)、滑動等之手勢操作,但是,係並不被限定於此,而亦包含有其他之所有的手勢操作。若是進行觸碰操作,則操作輸入介面107,係將與該觸碰操作相對應之操作訊號傳導至CPU 101處。電池15,係為可充電之蓄電池,並對於活體資訊螢幕1內之各部供給電力。另外,電池15,若是構成為可充電地而被與外部電源作連接,則為理想。 [0031] 偵測裝置介面2,係經由連接線2c而被與活體資訊螢幕1作連接。又,偵測裝置介面2,例如,係具備有與複數之活體資訊偵測裝置之各別的規格相適配之接頭,並被與各活體資訊偵測裝置作連接。而,偵測裝置介面2,係發揮作為針對經由連接線2c而從複數之活體資訊偵測裝置之各者所供給而來之活體資訊而進行特定之處理以使活體資訊螢幕1能夠作處理之介面的作用。具體而言,偵測裝置介面2,例如,係基於經由連接線2c而從複數之活體資訊偵測裝置之各者所供給而來之活體資訊,來產生能夠以活體資訊螢幕1來作處理的活體資訊並對於活體資訊螢幕1作輸出。亦即是,偵測裝置介面2,係與活體資訊偵測裝置一同作為活體資訊之測定裝置而起作用。另外,作為上述能夠以活體資訊螢幕1來作處理之活體資訊,例如,作為其中一例,係可列舉出與心臟之活動電位相對應之心電訊號、心跳數、血中氧濃度、血壓等,但是,係並不被限定於此,而亦包含有其他的活體資訊。偵測裝置介面2,係經由上述所說明的有線通訊連接態樣或者是無線通訊連接態樣而被與活體資訊螢幕1作連接。 [0032] 活體資訊偵測裝置,係如同上述所說明一般,例如,係可列舉出用以偵測出心臟之活動電位的心電電極、用以偵測出血壓的血壓偵測裝置、用以偵測出體溫的體溫計、用以偵測出SpO2
偵測裝置等。另外,以上之活體資訊偵測裝置,係僅為其中一例,在本發明中,活體資訊偵測裝置,係亦可為從被驗者而偵測出其他之活體訊號者。 [0033] 在活體資訊螢幕1處之各種體溫計的連接態樣中,係除了透過測定裝置介面2來與活體資訊螢幕1作連接的態樣以外,亦包含有透過無線通訊來與活體資訊螢幕1作連接的態樣。透過無線通訊而被與活體資訊螢幕1作連接之體溫計3,例如,係內藏有非接觸式IC晶片,並具備有無線通訊功能。作為非接觸式IC晶片,例如,係可列舉出、NFC標籤、RF標籤、FeliCa(註冊商標)標籤、準據於其他之近距離無線通訊技術的國際規格者。 [0034] 在被內藏於體溫計3處之非接觸式IC中,例如,係記憶有所被測定之體溫資料。活體資訊螢幕1,係具備有與非接觸式IC晶片進行通訊並從非接觸式IC晶片而讀取資訊或對於非接觸式IC寫入資訊的作為讀寫機之作用。 [0035] 具體而言,活體資訊螢幕1,係接近體溫計3並對於體溫計3送訊特定之強度的電波。若是體溫計3從活體資訊螢幕1而受訊特定之強度的電波,則非接觸式IC晶片之通訊功能係啟動,與活體資訊螢幕1之間之通訊連接係確立。若是活體資訊螢幕1與非接觸式IC晶片之間之通訊連接確立,則被記憶在非接觸式IC晶片中之體溫資料係被送訊至活體資訊螢幕1處。活體資訊螢幕1係受訊此體溫資料並作記憶。 [0036] 另外,被內藏有非接觸式IC晶片之體溫計3,係並不被限定於將所受訊了的電波作為動作電壓來使用的被動型(passive型),而亦可為在通訊時藉由從電池而來之電力而發出電波的主動型(active型)。 [0037] 〈2.裝置功能區塊〉 接著,參考圖3,針對活體資訊螢幕1之功能構成作說明。活體資訊螢幕1,係為從體溫計3而受訊體溫資料並將該體溫資料作保持者。活體資訊螢幕1,例如,係具備有體溫資料受訊部201、和體溫資料保持部202、和受訊模式變遷部203、和第1受訊模式解除部204、和第2受訊模式解除部205、和受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206、和受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207、和第1頁面畫面顯示部208、和第2頁面畫面顯示部209、和第1體溫資料顯示部210、和第2體溫資料顯示部211、以及觸控面板顯示器11。 [0038] 體溫資料受訊部201,係受訊從可藉由無線通訊來送訊資料之體溫計3所送訊而來的體溫資料。體溫資料受訊部201,例如,主要係藉由無線通訊介面105以及天線13而實現之。 [0039] 體溫資料受訊部201,係構成為若是被變遷至能夠從體溫計3而受訊體溫資料之受訊模式,則以能夠確立與體溫計3之間之通訊連接的狀態而待機,並恆常成為能夠從體溫計3而受訊體溫資料之狀態。又,體溫資料受訊部201,若是上述受訊模式被解除,則與體溫計3之間之通訊連接係被切斷,而成為無法從體溫計3受訊體溫資料。其結果,係能夠對起因於使受訊模式(能夠確立通訊連接之狀態)持續一事所導致的活體資訊螢幕1之電力之消耗作抑制。又,係成為不會在非預期之時序處而使活體資訊螢幕1從體溫計3受訊體溫資料。 [0040] 例如,在受訊模式的情況時,體溫資料受訊部201,係持續送訊第1強度之電波。其結果,係能夠在自身與內藏有NFC標籤或RF標籤等之非接觸式IC晶片的體溫計3之間而確立通訊連接。另一方面,在非受訊模式的情況時(受訊模式之解除狀態的情況時),體溫資料受訊部201,係送訊第1強度以下之電波、或者是並不送訊電波。其結果,係無法在自身與內藏有上述非接觸式IC晶片的體溫計3之間確立通訊連接、或者是成為非常難以確立通訊連接之狀態。亦即是,關於是否要在自身與內藏有上述非接觸式IC晶片的體溫計3之間確立通訊連接一事的受訊模式/非受訊模式之狀態切換,係藉由從體溫資料受訊部201所送訊的電波之強度之切換來實行。 [0041] 又,當在自身與內藏有準據於Bluetooth(註冊商標)之電路的體溫計3之間而確立通訊連接的情況時,體溫資料受訊部201,例如,係有必要與體溫計3進行配對。當體溫資料受訊部201係身為受訊模式之狀態的情況時,體溫資料受訊部201,例如,係身為被與體溫計3作了配對的狀態。另一方面,當體溫資料受訊部201之受訊模式被解除的情況時,體溫資料受訊部201,例如,係身為被與體溫計3解除了配對的狀態。 [0042] 另外,係亦可與上述態樣相異,而身為並不將受訊模式與通訊連接之確立附加關連性的構成。例如,係亦可為在確立了活體資訊螢幕1與體溫計3之間之通訊連接的狀態下來進行變遷至受訊模式以及受訊模式之解除者。作為此種態樣,例如,作為其中一例,係可列舉出:於在準據於Bluetooth(註冊商標)之電路的體溫計3與活體資訊螢幕1之間而配對成立並且確立有通訊連接的狀態下,若是之後活體資訊螢幕1被變遷至受訊模式,則係對於體溫計3而進行資料送訊要求,若是活體資訊螢幕1之受訊模式被解除,則並不對於體溫計3進行資料送訊要求之構成。 [0043] 體溫資料保持部202,係為將體溫資料之測定日期時間或者是體溫資料之受訊日期時間,與體溫資料相互附加關連並作保持者。體溫資料保持部202,係藉由使CPU 101依循於被記憶在ROM 103或記憶媒體104之中的程式來對於體溫資料之測定日期時間或者是體溫資料之受訊日期時間與體溫資料進行處理,並將其結果記憶在記憶媒體104中,來實現之。 [0044] 受訊模式變遷部203,係為受訊代表應使體溫資料受訊部201變遷至受訊模式一事之變遷指示(以下,稱作受訊模式變遷指示),並使體溫資料受訊部201變遷至受訊模式者。受訊模式變遷指示,例如,係可想定為藉由從外部而來之操作(以下,稱作受訊模式變遷指示操作)所實現者。受訊模式變遷指示操作,係可想定有各種之態樣。 [0045] 作為受訊模式變遷指示操作,例如,係可列舉出:預先在活體資訊螢幕1處設置作為硬體之使其變遷至受訊模式的受訊模式變遷鍵,而對於該受訊模式變遷鍵所進行之鍵按壓操作。若是對於受訊模式變遷鍵進行鍵按壓操作,則操作輸入介面107,係對於CPU 101送訊與鍵按壓操作相對應之操作訊號。 [0046] 又,作為受訊模式變遷指示操作,例如,係可列舉出:在被顯示於觸控面板顯示器11上之頁面畫面中預先設置關連於受訊模式之顯示(例如,受訊模式變遷鍵顯示等),而對於該關連於受訊模式之顯示所進行之選擇操作。使用有關連於受訊模式之顯示而進行的受訊模式變遷指示操作,例如,係藉由觸控面板顯示器11和第1頁面畫面顯示部208以及受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206而被實現。 [0047] 第1頁面畫面顯示部208,係為使觸控面板顯示器11顯示包含有受訊模式變遷區域之頁面畫面者。頁面畫面,係為被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上者,並可想定有各種之態樣。作為頁面畫面,例如,係可列舉出被配置有複數之活體資訊者或者是被配置有單一之活體資訊者等。 [0048] 又,受訊模式變遷區域,係為被設置在頁面畫面內之特定區域。特定區域,係並未特別對於形狀或大小作限定,只要是被設置在頁面畫面內,則不論是何種的形狀、大小均可。又,在受訊模式變遷區域中,例如,係被設置有關連於受訊模式之顯示。第1頁面畫面顯示部208,主要係藉由使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式並使顯示控制部108實行作為其結果所發出的命令,來實現之。 [0049] 受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206,係受理被設置在上述頁面畫面內之受訊模式變遷區域之選擇。具體而言,若是對於受訊模式變遷區域內之關連於受訊模式之顯示的在觸控面板顯示器11上之顯示面而進行觸碰操作(單擊、雙擊等),則受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206,係判斷為受理了受訊模式變遷區域之選擇。上述一般之受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206,主要係能夠藉由觸控面板顯示器11以及操作輸入介面107來實現。 [0050] 又,若是對於受訊模式變遷區域內之關連於受訊模式之顯示,而在使用滑鼠等之外部輸入裝置來將指標配置在關連於受訊模式之顯示上之後,進行點擊等之選擇操作,則受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206,係判斷為受理了被設置在上述頁面畫面內之受訊模式變遷區域之選擇。上述一般之受訊模式變遷區域選擇操作部206,主要係能夠藉由(未圖示之)外部輸入裝置以及操作輸入介面107來實現。 [0051] 若是如同上述一般而受理對於受訊模式變遷區域之選擇的操作,則受訊模式變遷部203,係作為受訊了受訊模式變遷指示者,而使體溫資料受訊部201變遷至受訊模式。受訊模式變遷部203之受訊模式之變遷,主要係藉由因應於受訊模式變遷指示之受理結果來使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式,來實現之。 [0052] 第1體溫資料顯示部210,係在體溫資料受訊部201受訊了體溫資料之後,在觸控面板顯示器11處的上述頁面畫面或者是在與上述頁面畫面相異之其他頁面畫面中,顯示體溫資料。亦即是,第1體溫資料顯示部210,係將體溫資料受訊部201所受訊了的體溫資料,顯示在並未被特別作限定之頁面畫面中。第1體溫資料顯示部210,主要係藉由使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式並使顯示控制部108實行作為其結果所發出的命令,來實現之。 [0053] 接下來,針對受訊模式之解除(非受訊模式)作說明。第1受訊模式解除部204,係為受訊代表應將受訊模式解除之解除指示(以下,稱作受訊模式解除指示),並將體溫資料受訊部201之受訊模式解除者。受訊模式解除指示,例如,係可想定為藉由從外部而來之操作(以下,稱作受訊模式解除指示操作)所實現者。受訊模式解除指示操作,係可想定有各種之態樣。 [0054] 作為受訊模式解除指示操作,例如,係可列舉出:預先在活體資訊螢幕1處設置作為硬體之將受訊模式解除的受訊模式解除鍵,而對於該受訊模式解除鍵所進行之鍵按壓操作。若是對於受訊模式解除鍵進行鍵按壓操作,則操作輸入介面107,係對於CPU 101送訊與鍵按壓操作相對應之操作訊號。 [0055] 又,作為受訊模式解除指示操作,例如,係可列舉出:在被顯示於觸控面板顯示器11上之頁面畫面中預先設置關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示(例如,受訊模式解除鍵顯示等),而對於該關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示所進行之選擇操作。使用有關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示而進行的受訊模式解除指示操作,例如,係藉由觸控面板顯示器11和第2頁面畫面顯示部209以及受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207而被實現。 [0056] 第2頁面畫面顯示部209,係為使觸控面板顯示器11顯示包含有受訊模式解除區域之頁面畫面者。頁面畫面,係為被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上者,並可想定有各種之態樣。作為頁面畫面,例如,係可列舉出被配置有複數之活體資訊者或者是被配置有單一之活體資訊者等。另外,第2頁面畫面顯示部209所顯示的頁面畫面,係可為與第1頁面畫面顯示部208所顯示的頁面畫面相同之頁面畫面,亦可為相異之頁面畫面。 [0057] 又,受訊模式解除區域,係為被設置在頁面畫面內之特定區域。特定區域,係並未特別對於形狀或大小作限定,只要是被設置在頁面畫面內,則不論是何種的形狀、大小均可。另外,受訊模式解除區域,係可為與受訊模式變遷區域相同之區域,亦可為相異之區域。又,在受訊模式解除區域中,例如,係被設置有關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示。關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示,係能夠與關連於受訊模式之顯示作兼用,亦可另外作顯示。當將關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示與關連於受訊模式之顯示例如以被配置在某一特定區域內之「受訊模式」顯示鍵來作兼用的情況時,藉由將「受訊模式」顯示鍵作ON、OFF,係實現變遷至受訊模式以及受訊模式之解除。第2頁面畫面顯示部209,主要係藉由使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式並使顯示控制部108實行作為其結果所發出的命令,來實現之。 [0058] 受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207,係透過被設置在上述頁面畫面內之受訊模式變遷區域之選擇來受理受訊模式解除指示操作。 [0059] 具體而言,若是對於受訊模式解除區域內之關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示之在觸控面板顯示器11上之顯示面而進行觸碰操作(單擊、雙擊等),則受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207,係判斷為受理了被設置在上述頁面畫面內的受訊模式解除區域之選擇。上述一般之受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207,主要係能夠藉由觸控面板顯示器11以及操作輸入介面107來實現。 [0060] 又,若是對於受訊模式解除區域內之關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示,而在使用滑鼠等之外部輸入裝置來將指標配置在關連於受訊模式之解除的顯示上之後,進行點擊等之選擇操作,則受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207,係判斷為受理了被設置在上述頁面畫面內之受訊模式解除區域之選擇。上述一般之受訊模式解除區域選擇操作部207,主要係能夠藉由(未圖示之)外部輸入裝置以及操作輸入介面107來實現。 [0061] 若是如同上述一般而受理對於受訊模式解除區域之選擇的操作,則第1受訊模式解除部204,係作為受訊了受訊模式解除指示者,而將體溫資料受訊部201之受訊模式解除。第1受訊模式解除部204之受訊模式之解除,主要係藉由因應於受訊模式解除指示之受理結果來使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式,來實現之。 [0062] 亦可代替第1受訊模式解除部204,而設置第2受訊模式解除部205。第2受訊模式解除部205,係與第1受訊模式解除部204相異,而在體溫資料受訊部201結束了從體溫計3之體溫資料之受訊時,將受訊模式自動性地解除。第2受訊模式解除部205,主要係藉由使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式,來實現之。 [0063] 另外,第1受訊模式解除部204以及第2受訊模式解除部205,由於係並無法同時作使用,因此,係亦可藉由選擇部來對於其中一方作選擇並使其起作用。於此情況,被作了選擇者的功能係成為有效,另外一者之功能係成為無效。 [0064] 第2體溫資料顯示部210,係為受理日期時間之指定的操作(以下,係稱作日期時間指定操作),並從體溫資料保持部202而取得與日期時間指定操作之日期時間相對應的體溫資料並且使觸控面板顯示器11作顯示者。第2體溫資料顯示部210,主要係藉由因應於從觸控面板顯示器11以及操作輸入介面10而來之操作而主要使CPU 101實行被記憶在記憶媒體104等之中的程式並使顯示控制部108實行作為其結果所發出的命令,來實現之。 [0065] 〈3.頁面畫面〉 參考圖4,針對頁面畫面300之其中一例作說明。頁面畫面300,係如同圖4(a)中所示一般,被顯示有各種之種類的活體資訊之一覽,並被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上。各種種類之活體資訊的一覽,係被配置於頁面畫面300之第1特定區域301以及第2特定區域306處,並被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上。 [0066] 又,在頁面畫面300之上下方向下端部處,係如同圖4(a)中所示一般,被設置有受訊模式變遷區域310。在受訊模式變遷區域310內,係被設置有「TEMP」鍵顯示,並被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上。 [0067] 頁面畫面300之第1特定區域301,例如,作為其中一例,可以想定為如同圖4(a)中所示一般,設為較頁面畫面300之中央而更下方的區域。又,頁面畫面300之第1特定區域301之寬幅方向的長度,例如,係如同圖4(a)中所示一般,較理想,為與頁面畫面300之寬幅方向的長度略相同程度。又,頁面畫面300之第1特定區域301之上下方向的長度,例如,係如同圖4(a)中所示一般,較理想,係成為頁面畫面300之上下方向的長度之略1/3~1/2程度。 [0068] 在頁面畫面300之第1特定區域301中,係被配置有活體資訊波形。被配置在第1特定區域301中之活體資訊波形,係可為1個,亦可為複數。被配置在第1特定區域301中之活體資訊波形,例如,係如同圖4(a)中所示一般,將心電圖波形302和脈波303同時配置在特定區域301中。又,被顯示在第1特定區域301處之活體資訊波形,係反映有現在所測定到的波形,而被即時性地作更新。而,第1特定區域301之橫軸係為時間軸305a,縱軸係為代表關連於電位(心電圖)等之活體資訊之值的軸305b。在此種第1特定區域301中,於圖4(a)中,係以使心電圖波形302和脈波303沿著時間軸305a方向來延伸的方式而作配置。 [0069] 在活體資訊一覽頁面畫面300之第2特定區域306中,係被設置有將活體資訊針對各種類而個別地作展示的個別顯示區域307a~307e。在個別顯示區域307a~307e中,例如,係被顯示有各種種類的活體資訊。在個別顯示區域307a中,例如,係被顯示有關連於心跳數(HR)之活體資訊。在個別顯示區域307b中,例如,係被顯示有經皮性動脈血氧飽和度(SpO2
)之活體資訊。在個別顯示區域307c中,例如,係被顯示有關連於非侵入性血壓(NIBP)之活體資訊。在個別顯示區域307d中,例如,係被顯示有關連於呼吸(RESP)之活體資訊。在個別顯示區域307e中,例如,係被顯示有關連於體溫(TEMP)之活體資訊。 [0070] 另外,在活體資訊一覽頁面畫面300中而被設置於第2特定區域306處的個別顯示區域之數量,係如同圖4中所示一般而為5個,但是,係並不被限定於此,亦可為其他之數量,但是,較理想,係至少設為4個以上。又,被顯示在個別顯示區域中之活體資訊,係並不被限定於心跳數(HR)、經皮性動脈血氧飽和度(SpO2
)、非侵入性血壓(NIBP)、呼吸(RESP)、體溫(TEMP),而亦可為其他之活體資訊。 [0071] 作為被顯示在個別顯示區域307a~307e處之活體資訊,例如,係可列舉出最新之測定值(單位)、最新之測定日期時間、關連於活體資訊之良好與否的判定之上限臨限值以及下限臨限值、第2活體資訊波形、代表活體資訊之健全程度的條狀圖顯示等。另外,被顯示在個別顯示區域307a~307e中之活體資訊,係並不被限定於上述之資訊,而亦可追加其他的活體資訊。被顯示在個別顯示區域307a~307e中之活體資訊,係可為上述之資訊的全部,亦可從上述資訊中而選擇適當的資訊。 [0072] 受訊模式變遷區域310之「TEMP」鍵顯示,係可作選擇(觸碰)。例如,如同圖4(a)中所示一般,若是對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之「TEMP」鍵顯示的顯示面而進行觸碰操作(單擊、雙擊等),則活體資訊螢幕1係變遷至受訊模式。 [0073] 若是活體資訊螢幕1變遷至受訊模式,則如同圖4(b)中所示一般,「TEMP」鍵顯示係在觸控面板顯示器11上而變化為附加有顏色之顯示等的強調顯示。又,電波顯示312亦從點線顯示而被改變為粗線顯示。藉由此視覺變化,來使利用者認識到係身為受訊模式。 [0074] 在活體資訊螢幕1變遷至了受訊模式的狀態下,若是如同圖4(a)中所示一般,再度對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之「TEMP」鍵顯示311的顯示面而進行觸碰操作(單擊、雙擊等),則活體資訊螢幕1係將受訊模式解除。若是活體資訊螢幕1將受訊模式解除,則如同圖4(c)中所示一般,「TEMP」鍵顯示係在觸控面板顯示器11上而從附加有顏色之顯示等的強調顯示改變為通常顯示。又,電波顯示312亦從粗線顯示而被改變為點線顯示。藉由此視覺變化,來使利用者認識到係身為非受訊模式。 [0075] 如同上述一般,在本實施形態中,對於受訊模式之變遷、解除,係藉由對於受訊模式變遷區域310之「TEMP」鍵顯示的在觸控面板顯示器11上之顯示面所進行之觸碰操作,而實現之。亦即是,受訊模式變遷區域310,係同時亦身為受訊模式解除區域,「TEMP」鍵顯示係身為受訊模式變遷鍵,同時亦身為受訊模式解除鍵。亦即是,係將「TEMP」鍵顯示作為開關,並藉由對於該開關之ON、OFF操作來實現對於受訊模式之變遷、解除。 [0076] 另外,受訊模式變遷區域以及受訊模式解除區域,係並不被限定於上述一般之態樣,例如,係亦可將被配置有關連於體溫(TEMP)之活體資訊的個別顯示區域307e自身,作為受訊模式變遷區域以及受訊模式解除區域來構成之。藉由此,係成為能夠達成省空間化。於此情況,係對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之個別顯示區域307e之顯示面而進行觸碰操作(單擊、雙擊等),並進行對於受訊模式之變遷、解除。又,係亦可構成為:將受訊模式變遷區域以及受訊模式解除區域分別設為相異之區域,或者是設置其他之頁面畫面。 [0077] 〈4.對於受訊模式之變遷〉 接著,參考圖5以及圖6,針對變遷至受訊模式之後的流程作說明。若是如同上述一般地而變遷至受訊模式,則係成為能夠從體溫計3來受訊體溫資料的狀態。在受訊模式中,若是使體溫計3接近受訊區域,則通訊連接係被確立,在頁面畫面300中,係如同圖5(a)中所示一般,體溫資料受訊確認顯示320係被顯示在觸控面板顯示器11上。體溫資料受訊確認顯示320,實際上係為對於是否從體溫計3而受訊體溫資料一事進行最終確認者。藉由對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之體溫資料受訊確認顯示320內的「是」顯示和「否」顯示的其中一者之顯示面而進行觸碰操作,來進行對於上述確認之回答。 [0078] 例如,若是對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之「是」鍵顯示的顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則例如,活體資訊螢幕1係對於體溫計3而送訊體溫資料送訊要求訊號。接收了體溫資料送訊要求訊號之體溫計3,係將體溫資料對於活體資訊螢幕1作送訊。活體資訊螢幕1,係藉由體溫資料受訊部201而受訊體溫資料,但是,在受訊中,例如,係如同圖4(b)中所示一般,在觸控面板顯示器11處被顯示有具備進度條之受訊進行中顯示330。 [0079] 若是體溫資料之受訊結束,則活體資訊螢幕1,係如同圖6(a)中所示一般,在觸控面板顯示器11處被顯示有受訊結束顯示340。若是使在圖3中所說明了的第2受訊模式解除部205起作用,則在體溫資料之受訊結束之後,活體資訊螢幕1係使受訊模式被解除。 [0080] 又,若是在觸控面板顯示器11處被顯示有受訊結束顯示340,則活體資訊螢幕1,係如同圖6(b)中所示一般,使觸控面板顯示器11顯示被顯示有所受訊了的體溫資料之體溫資料顯示350。在體溫資料顯示350處,例如,係與體溫資料一同地而顯示有體溫資料之測定日期時間。 [0081] 在體溫資料顯示350內,係被配置有「OK」顯示351、和「再受訊」顯示352、和「取消」顯示353、以及「履歷」顯示355。「OK」顯示351和「取消」顯示353,係兼作為受訊模式解除區域354。若是對於「OK」顯示351之顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則係在直接使體溫資料確定的同時,亦受理受訊模式解除指示操作。藉由此,活體資訊螢幕1係將受訊模式解除。若是對於「取消」顯示353之顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則係先將體溫資料廢棄,再受理受訊模式解除指示操作。藉由此,活體資訊螢幕1係將受訊模式解除。 [0082] 又,若是對於在觸控面板顯示器11處之「再受訊」顯示352的顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則活體資訊螢幕1係對於體溫計3而再度送訊體溫資料送訊要求訊號。接收了體溫資料送訊要求訊號之體溫計3,係將體溫資料再度對於活體資訊螢幕1作送訊。若是活體資訊螢幕1再度受訊體溫資料,則係將體溫資料顯示350之內容更新並使觸控面板顯示器11作顯示。藉由此些之操作,係成為能夠僅將正確的體溫資料有效率地作保存。 [0083] 〈5.體溫資料履歷顯示〉 接著,參考圖6以及圖7,針對使觸控面板顯示器11顯示體溫資料之履歷的流程作說明。若是對於在圖6(b)中所示之觸控面板顯示器11處之「履歷」顯示355的顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則活體資訊螢幕1係在觸控面板顯示器11上顯示體溫資料之履歷。體溫資料之履歷,係如同圖7(a)中所示一般,例如作為趨勢圖表而在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360中被作顯示,但是,係並不被限定於此,而亦可為如同圖7(b)中所示一般之表的形式。在藉由趨勢圖表形式來顯示體溫資料之履歷的情況時,體溫資料履歷顯示區域360,係將橫軸作為時間軸,並將縱軸作為代表體溫的大小之軸。 [0084] 若是對於被配置在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360之正下方的觸控面板顯示器11處之前進鍵361、後退鍵362的顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360內之顯示內容係朝向時間軸方向作捲動。藉由此,係能夠在履歷顯示區域360內而顯示各種時間帶的體溫資料。 [0085] 又,例如,若是對於圖7(a)中所示一般之在觸控面板顯示器11處的日期範圍鍵363之顯示面而進行觸碰操作,則在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360內,係出現圖7(b)中所示之體溫資料表364。體溫資料表364,例如,在出現時之預設畫面中,係顯示包含有最新之測定資料的最新之10個資料。而,若是在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360正下方之日期範圍輸入部365處而輸入想要顯示在體溫資料履歷顯示區域360內之日期範圍,則體溫資料表364係被更新,與該日期相對應之體溫資料係被反映在體溫資料表364中。 [0086] 如同上述一般,在本發明之實施形態中的活體資訊螢幕1,係亦能夠將從體溫計3所受訊了的體溫資料之履歷以各種的態樣來作顯示。 [0087] 在以上之活體資訊螢幕1中,係藉由觸控面板顯示器11來構成顯示器,並對於觸控面板顯示器11而藉由觸碰操作來進行了各種的操作,但是,係並不被限定於此,亦可採用其他之態樣的操作。例如,使用以滑鼠、鍵盤為首之外部輸入裝置來實現以上所說明之操作者,亦係被包含在本發明中。又,顯示器,係亦可為並不具備有觸控面板之功能者。 [0088] 針對關連於被顯示在以上之活體資訊螢幕1等的活體資訊顯示裝置之顯示器處的活體資訊之顯示作控制的活體資訊顯示控制裝置,亦係被包含在本發明中。亦即是,活體資訊顯示控制裝置,係為被與顯示器作連接並針對對於該顯示器之上述顯示作控制者。 [0089] 另外,本發明之活體資訊顯示裝置以及活體資訊顯示控制裝置,係並不被限定於上述之實施形態,當然的,在不脫離本發明之要旨的範圍內,係能夠施加各種的變更。Embodiments of the present invention will be described below with reference to the attached drawings. In addition, in the following, as the biological information display device in the embodiment of the present invention, a biological information screen is taken as an example for description, but other devices for displaying biological information are also included in the present invention. within the scope of the invention. [0020] <1. Overall Outline of Living Body Information Screen> Referring to FIG. 1, the living body information screen 1 in the embodiment of the present invention will be described. The living body information screen 1, as shown in FIG. 1(a), is mainly composed of a tablet-type computer with a touch panel display. The living body information screen 1 , as shown in FIG. 1( b ), is mounted on and supported by the support table 3 . [0021] The detection device interface 2, for example, is connected to the living body information detection device through the connection joint portion 2a. The living body information detection device detects the state of the living body related to the subject, and outputs the living body signal corresponding to the state. Examples of living body information detection devices include electrocardiographic electrodes for detecting the active potential of the heart, blood pressure detection devices for detecting blood pressure, thermometers for detecting body temperature, and A SpO 2 detection device (eg, a pulse oximeter) that detects SpO 2 , and the like. [0022] At each of the living body information screen 1 and the detection device interface 2, for example, USB (Universal Serial Bus) terminals 1b and 2b are provided, and are connected via USB cables. In addition, the connection between the detection device interface 2 and the living body information screen 1 can also be used as a serial bus method such as IEEE1394, SCSI (SCSI ( A wired communication connection such as a parallel bus system such as Small Computer System Interface), or a wireless communication connection using RFID (Radio Frequency Identifier), NFC (Near Field Communication), and Bluetooth (registered trademark). Also, the detection device interface 2, for example, as shown in FIG. [0023] Also, as a biological information measuring device, as shown in FIG. 1(b), a thermometer 3 having a wireless communication function is also provided. As an example of the wireless communication standard in the thermometer 3, RFID, NFC, FeliCa (registered trademark), Bluetooth (registered trademark), ISO/IEC14443, ISO/ International standard for short-range wireless communication technology such as IEC15693, ISO/IEC18092, ISO/IEC21481. In addition, the living body information screen 1 is provided with a wireless communication function corresponding to the wireless communication method at the thermometer 3 , and can perform wireless communication with the thermometer 3 . [0024] Next, referring to FIG. 2, the configuration of the living body information screen 1 and the detection device interface 2 will be described. The living body information screen 1 includes, for example, a control unit 10 , a touch panel display 11 , a connection connector 12 , an antenna 13 , a speaker 14 , and a battery 15 . The control unit 10 is each controller in the living body information screen 1 . The control unit 10, for example, is provided with a CPU (Central Processing Unit) 101, a RAM (Random Access Memory) 102, a ROM (Read Only Memory) 103, a storage medium 104, a wireless communication interface 105, a wired communication interface 106, The operation input interface 107 , the display control unit 108 , the sound control unit 109 , and the light emission control unit 110 are operated. In addition, in FIG. 2, the interface is marked as I/F. [0026] The CPU 101 is a processor in charge of the entire body information screen 1, and uses the RAM 102 as a work area. In the ROM 103, for example, a program to activate the living body information screen 1 or other basic programs to be executed by the CPU 101 are written. The storage medium 104 is constituted by, for example, a solid state drive (SSD) or a flash memory. In the storage medium 104, for example, an operating system (OS) for realizing the basic operation of the living body information screen 1 and a program depending on the operating system are written. In addition, the storage medium 104 functions as a storage place for the supplied data. The wireless communication interface 105, for example, is used to perform conversion processing (modulation, demodulation), etc., of the data sent and received by wireless communication between itself and an external device, and is connected to the antenna 13. connect. The antenna 13 receives the data sent from the outside and sends it to the wireless communication interface 105 . In addition, the antenna 13 transmits the data supplied from the wireless communication interface 105 to the outside. As the wireless communication interface 105, for example, as an example, a circuit based on NFC, a circuit based on RFID, a circuit based on FeliCa (registered trademark), or a circuit based on The circuit of Bluetooth (registered trademark), or the circuit according to ISO/IEC14443, or the circuit according to ISO/IEC15693, or the circuit according to ISO/IEC18092, or the circuit according to ISO/IEC21481 circuit, or all circuits in accordance with other international standards for short-range wireless communication technology. The wireless communication interface 105 includes all or part of the above circuits. In addition, as the antenna 13, for example, a loop antenna, a helical antenna, a dipole antenna, a block antenna, etc. are mentioned as an example, However, It is not limited to this, Other antennas may be used. [0028] The wired communication interface 106, for example, is used to perform conversion processing and the like of data sent and received between itself and an external device through wired communication, and is connected to the connection connector 12. As the wired communication interface 106, for example, one using serial bus specifications such as USB can be cited, but it is not limited to this. The other wired communication interface 106 may be any interface using a serial bus method such as IEEE1394 or a parallel bus method such as SCSI. [0029] The operation input interface 107 is to transmit the operation from the outside to the CPU 101. The display control unit 108 is a display device that causes the touch panel display 11 to perform a display in accordance with a command from the CPU 101 . The sound control unit 109 is a device that causes the speaker 14 to output sound in accordance with a command from the CPU 101 . The light-emitting control unit 110 is one that turns on and off the light-emitting units 16 and 17 in accordance with a command from the CPU 101 . The light emission control unit 110, for example, receives a report signal related to the living body information from the CPU 101, and causes both or one of the light emission units 16 and 17 to emit light. In addition, the light-emitting control unit 110, for example, receives a report release signal related to the living body information from the CPU 101, and turns off both or one of the light-emitting units 16 and 17, or in a state different from the above. to shine. [0030] The touch panel display 11 is the receiver of display and operation input. The above-mentioned acceptance of the operation input is realized by directly touching the display surface of the touch panel display 11 with a finger or the like. Examples of touch operations include gesture operations such as tap, double tap, scroll, pinch in, pinch out, and slide. Contains all other gesture operations. If a touch operation is performed, the operation input interface 107 transmits an operation signal corresponding to the touch operation to the CPU 101 . The battery 15 is a rechargeable storage battery, and supplies power to each part in the living body information screen 1 . In addition, it is desirable that the battery 15 be connected to an external power source so as to be rechargeable. [0031] The detection device interface 2 is connected to the living body information screen 1 via the connection line 2c. In addition, the detection device interface 2, for example, is provided with connectors adapted to the respective specifications of the plurality of living body information detection devices, and is connected with each of the living body information detection devices. On the other hand, the detection device interface 2 is used to perform specific processing on the living body information supplied from each of the plurality of living body information detection devices via the connection line 2c, so that the living body information screen 1 can process the information. the role of the interface. Specifically, the detection device interface 2, for example, is based on the living body information supplied from each of the plurality of living body information detection devices via the connecting line 2c to generate the information that can be processed by the living body information screen 1. The living body information is output to the living body information screen 1 . That is, the detection device interface 2 functions together with the living body information detection device as a measuring device for living body information. In addition, as the above-mentioned biological information that can be processed by the biological information screen 1, for example, an electrocardiographic signal corresponding to the active potential of the heart, heart rate, blood oxygen concentration, blood pressure, etc. can be listed as an example, However, the system is not limited to this, and other living body information is also included. The detection device interface 2 is connected to the living body information screen 1 through the wired communication connection mode or the wireless communication connection mode described above. The living body information detection device is as described above, for example, the electrocardiographic electrode for detecting the active potential of the heart, the blood pressure detecting device for detecting the blood pressure, and the A thermometer for detecting body temperature, a SpO 2 detecting device for detecting SpO 2 , etc. In addition, the above living body information detection device is only one example. In the present invention, the living body information detection device can also detect other living body signals from the subject. In the connection aspects of the various thermometers at the living body information screen 1, in addition to the aspect of connecting with the living body information screen 1 through the measuring device interface 2, it also includes wireless communication with the living body information screen 1. form of connection. The thermometer 3 connected to the living body information screen 1 through wireless communication, for example, has a built-in non-contact IC chip and has a wireless communication function. Examples of the non-contact IC chip include NFC tags, RF tags, FeliCa (registered trademark) tags, and those conforming to other international standards for short-range wireless communication technology. [0034] In the non-contact IC embedded in the thermometer 3, for example, the measured body temperature data is memorized. The living body information screen 1 functions as a reader/writer which communicates with the non-contact IC chip, reads information from the non-contact IC chip, or writes information to the non-contact IC. [0035] Specifically, the living body information screen 1 is close to the thermometer 3 and transmits radio waves of a specific intensity to the thermometer 3. If the thermometer 3 receives radio waves of a specific intensity from the living body information screen 1, the communication function of the non-contact IC chip is activated, and the communication connection with the living body information screen 1 is established. If the communication connection between the living body information screen 1 and the contactless IC chip is established, the body temperature data stored in the contactless IC chip is sent to the living body information screen 1 . The living body information screen 1 receives the body temperature data and memorizes it. In addition, the thermometer 3 with a built-in non-contact IC chip is not limited to the passive type (passive type) that uses the received radio wave as an operating voltage, but may also be a passive type. Active type that emits radio waves by the power from the battery. [0037] <2. Device functional block> Next, with reference to FIG. 3 , the functional configuration of the living body information screen 1 will be described. The living body information screen 1 receives body temperature data from the thermometer 3 and holds the body temperature data. The living body information screen 1 includes, for example, a body temperature data receiving unit 201, a body temperature data holding unit 202, a receiving mode transition unit 203, a first receiving mode canceling unit 204, and a second receiving mode canceling unit 205 , the receiving mode transition area selection operation unit 206 , the receiving mode release area selection operation unit 207 , the first page screen display unit 208 , the second page screen display unit 209 , and the first body temperature data display unit 210 , and the second body temperature data display unit 211 , and the touch panel display 11 . [0038] The body temperature data receiving unit 201 receives body temperature data sent from the thermometer 3 that can send data by wireless communication. The body temperature data receiving unit 201 , for example, is mainly realized by the wireless communication interface 105 and the antenna 13 . [0039] The body temperature data receiving unit 201 is configured to stand by in a state where a communication connection with the thermometer 3 can be established if it is changed to a receiving mode capable of receiving body temperature data from the thermometer 3, and is kept constant. It is often in a state where body temperature data can be received from the thermometer 3 . Furthermore, if the above-mentioned receiving mode is canceled, the body temperature data receiving unit 201 will cut off the communication connection with the thermometer 3 , so that the body temperature data cannot be received from the thermometer 3 . As a result, the power consumption of the living body information screen 1 can be suppressed due to the fact that the receiving mode (the state in which the communication connection can be established) is continued. In addition, it is possible to prevent the living body information screen 1 from receiving body temperature data from the thermometer 3 at an unexpected timing. [0040] For example, in the case of the receiving mode, the body temperature data receiving unit 201 continuously transmits the radio waves of the first intensity. As a result, a communication connection can be established between itself and the thermometer 3 incorporating a non-contact IC chip such as an NFC tag or an RF tag. On the other hand, in the case of the non-reception mode (when the reception mode is released), the body temperature data reception unit 201 transmits radio waves of the first intensity or lower, or does not transmit radio waves. As a result, the communication connection cannot be established between itself and the thermometer 3 incorporating the non-contact IC chip, or it is in a state where it is extremely difficult to establish communication connection. That is, the state switching of the receiving mode/non-receiving mode regarding whether to establish a communication connection between itself and the thermometer 3 containing the above-mentioned non-contact IC chip 201 is implemented by switching the intensity of the radio wave sent by 201. Furthermore, when a communication connection is established between itself and the thermometer 3 incorporating a circuit compliant with Bluetooth (registered trademark), the body temperature data receiving unit 201, for example, needs to communicate with the thermometer 3. to pair. When the body temperature data receiving unit 201 is in the state of the receiving mode, the body temperature data receiving unit 201 is, for example, in the state of being paired with the thermometer 3 . On the other hand, when the receiving mode of the body temperature data receiving unit 201 is released, the body temperature data receiving unit 201 is, for example, in a state of being released from the thermometer 3 . [0042] In addition, it can also be different from the above-mentioned aspect, and it is a structure that does not establish an additional relationship between the reception mode and the communication connection. For example, it may be a state where the communication connection between the living body information screen 1 and the thermometer 3 is established and the transition to the receiving mode and the releasing of the receiving mode may be performed. As an example of this aspect, for example, in a state where the thermometer 3 and the living body information screen 1 are paired and a communication connection is established between the thermometer 3 and the biological information screen 1 based on the circuit of Bluetooth (registered trademark). , if the living body information screen 1 is changed to the receiving mode after that, the data transmission request is made to the thermometer 3, and if the receiving mode of the living body information screen 1 is released, the data sending request is not made to the thermometer 3. constitute. [0043] The body temperature data holding unit 202 is the one that additionally associates and maintains the measurement date and time of the body temperature data or the time of receipt of the body temperature data and the body temperature data. The body temperature data holding unit 202 processes the measurement date and time of the body temperature data or the reception date and time of the body temperature data and the body temperature data by making the CPU 101 follow a program stored in the ROM 103 or the storage medium 104 , This is achieved by storing the result in the storage medium 104 . The receiving mode transition part 203 is a transition instruction (hereinafter, referred to as the transition instruction of the receiving mode) for the receiving representative that the body temperature data receiving part 201 should be changed to the receiving mode, and the body temperature data can be received. Section 201 transitions to the recipient mode. The received mode transition instruction, for example, can be assumed to be realized by an operation from the outside (hereinafter, referred to as the received mode transition instruction operation). There are conceivably various forms for the operation of the receiving mode transition instruction. [0045] As the receiving mode transition instruction operation, for example, it is possible to enumerate: pre-setting a receiving mode transition key as a hardware at the living body information screen 1 to make it change to the receiving mode, and for the receiving mode The key press operation performed by the transition key. If a key press operation is performed on the signal receiving mode transition key, the operation input interface 107 sends an operation signal corresponding to the key press operation to the CPU 101 . [0046] In addition, as the receiving mode transition instruction operation, for example, it can be listed as follows: in the page screen displayed on the touch panel display 11, the display related to the receiving mode is preset (for example, the receiving mode transition) key display, etc.), and the selection operation performed on the display related to the receiving mode. The reception mode transition instruction operation using the display related to the reception mode is realized, for example, by the touch panel display 11 and the first page screen display part 208 and the reception mode transition area selection operation part 206 . [0047] The first page screen display unit 208 is for causing the touch panel display 11 to display the page screen including the reception mode transition area. The page screen is displayed on the touch panel display 11, and various forms are conceivable. As the page screen, for example, a plurality of living body information is arranged, or a single living body information is arranged. [0048] Furthermore, the receiving mode transition area is a specific area set in the page screen. The specific area is not particularly limited in shape or size, and any shape or size may be used as long as it is provided in the page screen. Also, in the receiving mode transition area, for example, a display related to the receiving mode is set. The first page screen display unit 208 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute a program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like and causing the display control unit 108 to execute commands issued as a result. [0049] The reception mode transition area selection operation unit 206 accepts the selection of the reception mode transition area set in the above-mentioned page screen. Specifically, if a touch operation (single-click, double-click, etc.) is performed on the display surface on the touch panel display 11 that is related to the display of the signal-receiving mode in the signal-receiving mode transition area, the signal-receiving mode transition area The selection operation unit 206 determines that the selection of the reception mode transition area has been accepted. The above-mentioned general receiving mode transition area selection operation unit 206 can be mainly realized by the touch panel display 11 and the operation input interface 107 . [0050] Furthermore, for the display related to the receiving mode in the receiving mode transition area, after using an external input device such as a mouse to place an indicator on the display related to the receiving mode, click etc. If the selection operation is performed, the reception mode transition area selection operation unit 206 determines that the selection of the reception mode transition area set in the above-mentioned page screen has been accepted. The above-mentioned general receiving mode transition area selection operation unit 206 can be mainly realized by an external input device (not shown) and the operation input interface 107 . [0051] If the operation for selection of the receiving mode transition area is accepted as described above, the receiving mode transition unit 203, as the one receiving the receiving mode transition instruction, causes the body temperature data receiving unit 201 to transition to Receive mode. The change of the reception mode of the reception mode transition section 203 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute the program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like in response to the reception result of the reception mode change instruction. [0052] The first body temperature data display unit 210, after the body temperature data receiving unit 201 receives the body temperature data, the above-mentioned page screen at the touch panel display 11 or another page screen that is different from the above-mentioned page screen. , the temperature data is displayed. That is, the first body temperature data display unit 210 displays the body temperature data received by the body temperature data receiving unit 201 on a page screen that is not particularly limited. The first body temperature data display unit 210 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute a program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like and causing the display control unit 108 to execute commands issued as a result. [0053] Next, the release of the receiving mode (non-signaling mode) will be described. The first receiving mode release part 204 is a release instruction (hereinafter, referred to as the receiving mode release instruction) for the receiving representative to release the receiving mode, and cancels the receiving mode of the body temperature data receiving part 201 . The reception mode release instruction, for example, can be assumed to be realized by an operation from the outside (hereinafter, referred to as the reception mode release instruction operation). The operation of the instruction to cancel the reception mode can be imagined in various forms. [0054] As the instruction operation for releasing the receiving mode, for example, it can be listed as follows: a receiving mode releasing key for releasing the receiving mode as a hardware is set in advance at the living body information screen 1, and the receiving mode releasing key is set as a hardware in advance. The key press operation performed. If a key press operation is performed on the signal receiving mode release key, the operation input interface 107 sends an operation signal corresponding to the key press operation to the CPU 101 . [0055] In addition, as the instruction operation for releasing the receiving mode, for example, it can be listed as follows: in the page screen displayed on the touch panel display 11, a display related to the releasing of the receiving mode is preset (for example, the receiving Mode release key display, etc.), and the selection operation performed on the display related to the release of the receiving mode. The receiving mode release instruction operation using the display related to the release of the receiving mode is performed, for example, by the touch panel display 11 and the second page screen display part 209 and the receiving mode releasing area selection operation part 207. is realized. [0056] The second page screen display unit 209 is for causing the touch panel display 11 to display the page screen including the reception mode release area. The page screen is displayed on the touch panel display 11, and various forms are conceivable. As the page screen, for example, a plurality of living body information is arranged, or a single living body information is arranged. In addition, the page screen displayed by the second page screen display unit 209 may be the same page screen as that displayed by the first page screen display unit 208, or may be a different page screen. [0057] Furthermore, the reception mode release area is a specific area set in the page screen. The specific area is not particularly limited in shape or size, and any shape and size may be used as long as it is provided in the page screen. In addition, the reception mode release area may be the same area as the reception mode transition area, or may be a different area. Also, in the reception mode release area, for example, a display related to release of the reception mode is provided. The display related to the release of the receiving mode can be used concurrently with the display related to the receiving mode, or it can be displayed separately. When the display related to the release of the call mode and the display related to the call mode are used together, for example, a "receive mode" display key arranged in a specific area is used. "Mode" display key is ON and OFF to realize the transition to the receiving mode and the release of the receiving mode. The second page screen display unit 209 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute a program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like and causing the display control unit 108 to execute commands issued as a result. [0058] The reception mode release area selection operation unit 207 accepts the reception mode release instruction operation by selecting the reception mode transition area set in the above-mentioned page screen. [0059] Specifically, if a touch operation (single-click, double-click, etc.) is performed on the display surface on the touch panel display 11 that is related to the release of the signal-receiving mode in the signal-receiving mode release area, then The reception mode release area selection operation unit 207 determines that the selection of the reception mode release area set in the above-mentioned page screen has been accepted. The above-mentioned general reception mode release area selection operation unit 207 can be mainly realized by the touch panel display 11 and the operation input interface 107 . [0060] Furthermore, in the case of the display related to the release of the receiving mode in the release area of the receiving mode, after using an external input device such as a mouse to place the indicator on the display related to the releasing of the receiving mode , and a selection operation such as a click is performed, the reception mode release area selection operation unit 207 determines that the selection of the reception mode release area set in the above-mentioned page screen has been accepted. The above-mentioned general reception mode release area selection operation unit 207 can be mainly realized by an external input device (not shown) and the operation input interface 107 . [0061] If the operation for selecting the reception mode release area is accepted as described above, the first reception mode release unit 204 receives the reception mode release instruction and sends the body temperature data reception unit 201 to the body temperature data reception unit 201. The receiving mode is released. The release of the reception mode of the first reception mode release unit 204 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute the program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like in response to the reception result of the reception mode release instruction. [0062] In place of the first reception mode release unit 204, a second reception mode release unit 205 may be provided. The second receiving mode canceling unit 205 is different from the first receiving mode canceling unit 204, and when the body temperature data receiving unit 201 finishes receiving the body temperature data from the thermometer 3, it automatically switches the receiving mode to lifted. The second reception mode release unit 205 is mainly realized by causing the CPU 101 to execute a program stored in the storage medium 104 or the like. [0063] In addition, since the first receiving mode canceling unit 204 and the second receiving mode canceling unit 205 cannot be used at the same time, the selection unit can also be used to select and activate one of them. effect. In this case, the function of the selected person becomes valid, and the function of the other one becomes invalid. The second body temperature data display unit 210 is an operation for accepting the designation of the date and time (hereinafter, referred to as the date and time designation operation), and obtains from the body temperature data holding unit 202 the date and time of the date and time designation operation. Corresponding body temperature data and the touch panel display 11 is used as the displayer. The second body temperature data display unit 210 mainly causes the CPU 101 to execute the program stored in the storage medium 104 and the like to control the display in response to operations from the touch panel display 11 and the operation input interface 10. The part 108 executes the command issued as a result to achieve this. [0065] <3. Page screen> Referring to FIG. 4 , an example of the page screen 300 will be described. As shown in FIG. 4( a ), the page screen 300 is displayed with a list of various types of living body information, and is displayed on the touch panel display 11 . A list of various types of living body information is arranged in the first specific area 301 and the second specific area 306 of the page screen 300 and displayed on the touch panel display 11 . [0066] Also, at the top, bottom, and bottom ends of the page screen 300, as shown in FIG. 4(a), a reception mode transition area 310 is provided. In the receiving mode transition area 310 , a “TEMP” key display is provided and displayed on the touch panel display 11 . [0067] The first specific area 301 of the page screen 300, for example, as one example, can be assumed to be an area lower than the center of the page screen 300 as shown in FIG. 4( a ). Moreover, the width direction length of the first specific area 301 of the page frame 300 is preferably approximately the same as the width direction length of the page frame 300 as shown in FIG. 4( a ), for example. In addition, the length in the vertical direction of the first specific area 301 of the page screen 300 is, for example, as shown in FIG. 1/2 degree. [0068] In the first specific area 301 of the page screen 300, a biological information waveform is arranged. The biological information waveform arranged in the first specific region 301 may be one or plural. As for the biological information waveform arranged in the first specific region 301 , for example, as shown in FIG. 4( a ), the electrocardiogram waveform 302 and the pulse wave 303 are simultaneously arranged in the specific region 301 . In addition, the biological information waveform displayed in the first specific area 301 reflects the waveform currently measured, and is updated in real time. On the other hand, the horizontal axis of the first specific region 301 is the time axis 305a, and the vertical axis is the axis 305b representing the value of the living body information such as electric potential (electrocardiogram). In such a first specific region 301, in FIG. 4(a), the electrocardiogram waveform 302 and the pulse wave 303 are arranged so as to extend in the direction of the time axis 305a. [0069] In the second specific area 306 of the biological information list page screen 300, individual display areas 307a to 307e for individually displaying biological information for each category are provided. In the individual display areas 307a to 307e, for example, various kinds of living body information are displayed. In the individual display area 307a, for example, living body information related to the heart rate (HR) is displayed. In the individual display area 307b, for example, in vivo information of percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) is displayed. In the individual display area 307c, for example, in vivo information related to non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) is displayed. In the individual display area 307d, for example, living body information related to respiration (RESP) is displayed. In the individual display area 307e, for example, living body information related to body temperature (TEMP) is displayed. [0070] In addition, the number of individual display areas provided in the second specific area 306 in the living body information list page screen 300 is generally five as shown in FIG. 4, but is not limited Here, other numbers may be used, but preferably, at least four or more. In addition, the living body information displayed in individual display areas is not limited to heart rate (HR), percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), respiration (RESP) , body temperature (TEMP), and other living information. [0071] As the living body information displayed in the individual display areas 307a to 307e, for example, the latest measurement value (unit), the latest measurement date and time, and the upper limit of the judgment related to the goodness of the living body information can be listed. Threshold value and lower threshold value, 2nd biological information waveform, bar graph display representing the soundness of biological information, etc. In addition, the living body information displayed in the individual display areas 307a to 307e is not limited to the above-mentioned information, and other living body information may be added. The living body information displayed in the individual display areas 307a to 307e may be all of the above-mentioned information, or appropriate information may be selected from the above-mentioned information. [0072] The “TEMP” key in the receiving mode transition area 310 is displayed and can be selected (touched). For example, as shown in FIG. 4( a ), if a touch operation (single click, double click, etc.) is performed on the display surface displayed by the “TEMP” key at the touch panel display 11 , the living body information screen 1 is Transition to receive mode. [0073] If the living body information screen 1 transitions to the receiving mode, as shown in FIG. 4(b), the “TEMP” key is displayed on the touch panel display 11 and is changed to a color display and other emphasis added show. In addition, the radio wave display 312 is also changed from the dotted line display to the thick line display. By this visual change, the user is made aware that it is the receiving mode. In the state where the living body information screen 1 transitions to the receiving mode, if it is as shown in FIG. When a touch operation (single-click, double-click, etc.) is performed, the information screen 1 of the living body is released from the receiving mode. If the living body information screen 1 is released from the receiving mode, as shown in FIG. 4( c ), the “TEMP” key is displayed on the touch panel display 11 , and the highlighted display such as the display with added color is changed to the normal display. show. In addition, the radio wave display 312 is also changed from the bold line display to the dotted line display. Through this visual change, the user is made aware of the non-signaling mode. As described above, in the present embodiment, the transition and release of the receiving mode are displayed on the display surface on the touch panel display 11 by the “TEMP” key displayed in the transition area 310 of the receiving mode. Carry out the touch operation, and realize it. That is, the reception mode transition area 310 also serves as the reception mode release area, and the “TEMP” key is displayed as the reception mode transition key and also as the reception mode release key. That is, the "TEMP" key is displayed as a switch, and the transition and release of the receiving mode are realized by the ON and OFF operations of the switch. In addition, the receiving mode transition area and the receiving mode releasing area are not limited to the above-mentioned general forms, for example, individual displays of living body information related to body temperature (TEMP) may also be configured. The area 307e itself is configured as a reception mode transition area and a reception mode release area. Thereby, it becomes possible to achieve space saving. In this case, a touch operation (single-click, double-click, etc.) is performed on the display surface of the individual display area 307e on the touch panel display 11, and the transition and release of the receiving mode are performed. In addition, the system may be configured such that the reception mode transition area and the reception mode release area are respectively different areas, or other page images are provided. [0077] <4. Transition of the receiving mode> Next, referring to FIG. 5 and FIG. 6, the flow after the transition to the receiving mode will be described. If it transitions to the receiving mode as described above, it will be in a state where body temperature data can be received from the thermometer 3 . In the receiving mode, if the thermometer 3 is brought close to the receiving area, the communication connection is established. In the page screen 300, as shown in FIG. 5(a), the body temperature data receiving confirmation display 320 is displayed. on the touch panel display 11 . The body temperature data receiving confirmation shows 320, which is actually the one who makes the final confirmation on whether the body temperature data is received from the thermometer 3. The answer to the above confirmation is performed by performing a touch operation on the display surface of one of the "Yes" display and the "No" display in the body temperature data receiving confirmation display 320 at the touch panel display 11. [0078] For example, if a touch operation is performed on the display surface displayed by the “Yes” key on the touch panel display 11, for example, the living body information screen 1 sends a body temperature data sending request signal to the thermometer 3. The thermometer 3 that has received the body temperature data sending request signal sends the body temperature data to the living body information screen 1 . The living body information screen 1 receives body temperature data through the body temperature data receiving unit 201 , but during the receiving, for example, as shown in FIG. 4( b ), it is displayed on the touch panel display 11 There is an in-progress message with a progress bar showing 330. [0079] If the receiving of the body temperature data ends, the living body information screen 1, as shown in FIG. 6(a), is displayed on the touch panel display 11 with a receiving end display 340. When the second reception mode canceling unit 205 described in FIG. 3 is activated, after the reception of the body temperature data is completed, the biological information screen 1 releases the reception mode. [0080] In addition, if the touch panel display 11 is displayed with an end-of-signal display 340, the living body information screen 1, as shown in FIG. 6(b), causes the touch panel display 11 to display a The body temperature data of the interrogated body temperature data showed 350. At the body temperature data display 350, for example, the measurement date and time of the body temperature data is displayed together with the body temperature data. [0081] In the body temperature data display 350, an "OK" display 351, a "Re-inquiry" display 352, a "Cancel" display 353, and a "History" display 355 are arranged. The "OK" display 351 and the "Cancel" display 353 also serve as the reception mode release area 354. If a touch operation is performed on the display surface of the "OK" display 351, the body temperature data is directly confirmed, and an instruction operation for canceling the reception mode is also accepted. Thereby, the living body information screen 1 releases the receiving mode. If the touch operation is performed on the display surface of the "Cancel" display 353, the body temperature data will be discarded first, and then the instruction operation of canceling the receiving mode will be accepted. Thereby, the living body information screen 1 releases the receiving mode. In addition, if the touch operation is performed on the display surface of the "re-receive" display 352 on the touch panel display 11, the living body information screen 1 sends the body temperature data sending request signal to the thermometer 3 again. . The thermometer 3 that has received the body temperature data sending request signal sends the body temperature data to the living body information screen 1 again. If the living body information screen 1 receives the body temperature data again, the content of the body temperature data display 350 is updated and the touch panel display 11 displays it. With these operations, only the correct body temperature data can be efficiently stored. [0083] <5. Display of body temperature data history> Next, referring to FIGS. 6 and 7 , the flow of displaying the body temperature data history on the touch panel display 11 will be described. If a touch operation is performed on the display surface of the "history" display 355 on the touch panel display 11 shown in FIG. resume. The history of body temperature data, as shown in FIG. 7( a ), is displayed in the body temperature data history display area 360 as a trend graph, for example, but it is not limited to this, and may be as shown in the figure In the form of a general table shown in 7(b). When the history of body temperature data is displayed in the form of a trend graph, the body temperature data history display area 360 uses the horizontal axis as the time axis and the vertical axis as the axis representing the magnitude of the body temperature. If the touch operation is performed on the display surface of the forward key 361 and the back key 362 at the touch panel display 11 located just below the body temperature data history display area 360, the body temperature data history display area 360 will be displayed in the body temperature data history display area 360 if the touch operation is performed. The displayed content is scrolled towards the time axis. Thereby, the body temperature data of various time zones can be displayed in the history display area 360 . Also, for example, if a touch operation is performed on the display surface of the date range key 363 at the touch panel display 11 as shown in FIG. 7(a), in the body temperature data history display area 360, The body temperature data table 364 shown in Figure 7(b) appears. The body temperature data table 364, for example, in the default screen when it appears, displays the latest 10 data including the latest measurement data. On the other hand, if a date range to be displayed in the body temperature data history display area 360 is input at the date range input unit 365 directly below the body temperature data history display area 360, the body temperature data table 364 is updated to correspond to the date. The body temperature data is reflected in the body temperature data table 364. [0086] As described above, in the living body information screen 1 in the embodiment of the present invention, the history of the body temperature data received from the thermometer 3 can also be displayed in various forms. In the above living body information screen 1, the touch panel display 11 constitutes a display, and various operations are performed on the touch panel display 11 by touch operations, however, it is not Limited to this, other aspects of the operation can also be used. For example, the use of external input devices such as a mouse and a keyboard to implement the above-described operator is also included in the present invention. In addition, the display may be one that does not have the function of a touch panel. [0088] The living body information display control device that controls the display of the living body information displayed on the display of the living body information display device related to the living body information screen 1 and the like above is also included in the present invention. That is, the living body information display control device is connected to the display and controls the above-mentioned display on the display. In addition, the biological information display device and the biological information display control device of the present invention are not limited to the above-mentioned embodiments, and of course, various changes can be added within the scope of not departing from the gist of the present invention. .