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TWI338785B TW96107571A TW96107571A TWI338785B TW I338785 B TWI338785 B TW I338785B TW 96107571 A TW96107571 A TW 96107571A TW 96107571 A TW96107571 A TW 96107571A TW I338785 B TWI338785 B TW I338785B
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Priority to TW96107571A priority Critical patent/TW200837364A/en
Publication of TW200837364A publication Critical patent/TW200837364A/en
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Publication of TWI338785B publication Critical patent/TWI338785B/zh



  • Testing Of Individual Semiconductor Devices (AREA)


1338785 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於一種測試機台,尤其是一種批次檢測待 測元件之機台及該測試方法。 5【先前技術】 積體電路元件已經成為幾乎所有電子設備中不可或 缺的核心,元件之可靠度,也無疑成為決定電子設備可靠 度之極重要環節。所以,在積體電路元件出廠前均會進行 出廠檢測’以維持良好之品質。 10 現有之檢測機台雖然已經全面自動化,但如圖丨所 示,一般仍以單一機台9設置多組基座9〇,每一基座9〇 形成單顆元件之測試位置,亦因此,即使多組基座9〇同 時運行,但總檢驗效率仍相當有限,一旦所需檢驗之產品 屬於大量製造與檢驗者,就會因費時、效率不高,而不符 1 5市場之需求。 另方面,由於前述單顆測試之前與之後,猶需依賴較 慢速之機械設備逐一搬遷待測元件,相較於檢測過程中快 速之電子訊號傳輸作業,機械移動無疑會減緩整體測試流 程之順暢運作,測試成本亦因而提高,從而影響產品售 20價’並降低產品之市場接受度。 本發明是關於-種批次檢測待測元件之機台及該測 試方法,分批檢驗待測元件,而減少檢測的時間及檢測成 本,使得檢測待測元件之過程更為經濟,以提升該元件的 生產力及市場競爭力。 /1338785 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a testing machine, and more particularly to a machine for batch detecting components to be tested and the testing method. 5 [Prior Art] Integrated circuit components have become an indispensable core in almost all electronic devices. The reliability of components is undoubtedly an important part of determining the reliability of electronic devices. Therefore, the factory circuit test is performed before the integrated circuit components are shipped to maintain good quality. 10 Although the existing inspection machine has been fully automated, as shown in the figure, generally, a plurality of sets of bases 9 are arranged by a single machine 9, and each base 9 is formed into a test position of a single component, and thus, Even if multiple sets of pedestals are operated at the same time, the overall inspection efficiency is still quite limited. Once the products to be inspected belong to a large number of manufacturers and inspectors, it will be time-consuming and inefficient, and will not meet the needs of the market. On the other hand, because before and after the single test, it is necessary to rely on the slower mechanical equipment to move the components to be tested one by one. Compared with the rapid electronic signal transmission during the detection process, the mechanical movement will undoubtedly slow down the overall test process. Operation, the cost of testing is thus increased, which affects the price of the product sold at 20' and reduces the market acceptance of the product. The invention relates to a machine for detecting a component to be tested and the test method, and testing the component to be tested in batches, thereby reducing the time of detection and the cost of detection, so that the process of detecting the component to be tested is more economical, so as to improve the process. Component productivity and market competitiveness. /

5 【發明内容】 因此,本發明之一目的,在提供—種批次檢測待測元 件之機台’單次檢測多顆待測元件,以提高檢測之效率。 本發明之另-目的,在提供—種減少檢測過程中機械 移動次數之高效能批次檢測機台。 本發明之再-目的,在提供_種高效率的機台以減 少同一工財對於機台需求的數目,節省廠區空間。' 本發明之又-目的,在提供—種高效率之批次檢測方 法’以降低檢測成本。 因此,本發明之批次檢測機台,係供檢測複數分別具 有複數測料的待測元件之電氣特性,該等待測元件係被 容置於-具有供將該等測試淳暴露開口之待測元件承栽 盤上,該機台包含:一用以承載並自一起始位置搬移該待 測元件承載盤至一預定檢測位置區域之承載移動裝置;一 自該開Π接觸料制元㈣料、批讀得該#待測元 件電氣特性訊號資料之檢測裝置;一驅動該承載移動裝 置、並接收該撿測裝置所獲得該等訊號資料、分析該等待 測π件電氣特性之控制裝置;及一受該控制裝置驅動、將 承載盤上之待測元件撿取至預定檢測位置及將該等電氣 特性不合格待測元件撿取脫離該承載盤之撿取裝置。 藉由批次檢驗,縮減檢測單一元件之時間,且減少機 械移動,提升檢測之效率,同時降低檢測之成本,提高受 測元件之市場競爭力;與财之單—元件檢測機台相較, 亦可精簡機台所佔的空間,而更有效利用廠房空間。 【實施方式】 有關本發明之前述及其他技術内容、特點與功效,在 、下配σ參考圖式之較佳實施例的詳細說明中,將可清 的呈現。 5 Α說明起見,本例之待測元件80如圖2所示,具有 例如兩個可供測試及焊接於電路板上之接點800,藉以達 成與電路板之電性連結,發揮元件之功效;而探測該等接 亦可得知δ亥待測元件之電氣特纟’以判別豸元件是否 良好,故在此稱為測試淳。當然,如熟於此技者所能輕易 10理解’待測元件亦可額外設置有凸出作為測試蜂及焊接點 之接腳。 目前對於待測it件8G ’如圖3、4所示,-般係置放 於一承載盤8中,以供搬移輸送。承載盤8具有複數容室, 在本例中,係以例如1〇〇個容室為例,每一容室形成有— 15向上暴露開口,供置入/取出待測元件80,且為提供本例 中自上而下的檢測裝置接觸,待測元件係被以底部朝 上的方向置放於容室中,以暴露其接點800。 本案第一較佳實施例之批次檢測待測元件之機台i i 如圖5、圖6所示,包括一控制裝置1〇、一待測元件承載 20移動裝i 12、一檢測裝置14、一感測單元144及一撿取 t置16。本例中之承載移動裝置12係一雙分別設置於圖 式承載盤8上下兩側之皮帶輪,供將承載盤8朝圖式左右 向移動§然,如熟於此技術者所能輕易理解,此結構 亦可以其他類似者如螺桿驅動之載台等而達成。 1338785 故#參照圖8,當步驟41 _,先將裝有待測元 承載盤8放置於_起始位置i 3,依照目前技術, 承載盤8通韦疋彼此上下疊置於此起始位置η,並由承 載移動裝置12將承載盤8向右搬移至對應於檢測裝置" 5 之預定檢測位置15。 為說明起見,本例中之檢測裝置14如圖7之放大圖 所示,具有一例如為一機械臂之顯動單元140、及設置於 • 試機械彳140底端作為感測之感測單元144。步驟42 時,檢測裝置14驅動測試機械臂14〇對應於預定檢測位 1〇置15下移,使該測試機械臂14〇底端感測單元⑷對應 接觸第-行例如1{)顆待測元件8G之接點_,以批次檢 職等待測元件之電氣特性,並回傳至控制裝置10,將 整批10顆元件之優劣分別加以記錄。 隨後,於步驟43,由檢測裝置14驅動該测試機械臂 丨5 140上移,遠離該待測元件80,以便承載移動裝置12在 φ 步驟44將承載盤8稍微向右,相對於機械臂14〇移動一 格,讓次一行待測元件移動至對應檢測裝置丨4之位置受 檢’直至承載盤8上之待測元件8〇均完成檢測為止。 於步驟45所示,將該完成檢測之承載盤8仍由承載 °移動裝置12繼續向右搬移,至對應於撿取裝置μ之預定 撿取位置Π;步驟46中,具有一撿取機械臂16〇之檢取 裝置16,受控制裝置10之驅動由一預備位置移至對應於 上述預定撿取位置17,且位於機械臂底端之一吸嘴162 隨機械臂下移,並依控制裝置丨〇原先從檢測裝置14所得 8 1338785 之檢測資訊,以真空吸取方式撿取電氣特性不符預期之待 測元件80’ ,並依照其不合格程度,排列置放於次級品 承載盤或廢品承載盤(圖未示)。 在本例中,撿取裝置16不僅負責將承載盤8中之不 5合格70件8〇’取出,也隨後於步驟47,由控制裝置10驅 動機械臂160下移,並吸取位於預備位置18上之備品承 載盤8’内經過檢測之合格元件181,將該合格元件i8i 移置該待測元件承載盤8,填補該承載盤中空餘位置。 虽然,如熟於此技術領域者所能輕易理解,當待測元 件為例如LED,其發光側為頂面,且接點若位於底面時, 就不能將發光面向下置於一底部封閉之承載盤中,以免致 能後所發光束無法透出而被檢測。故如圓9所示,承載盤 8”需在各容室底部形成暴露開π88”,使得各待測元件 80”作為測試埠之接點800”由承載盤底部暴露開口 15 88”露出。 第二實施例中’作為感測單元144”則設置於承載盤 下方,承載盤8”則由承載移動裝置i2驅動,直到被準 確對位放置,使得各接點800”對正感測單元144,,置 放,從而接收絲各待測元件80” &檢測資訊,並隨後 檢取補齊,達成前述檢測流程,相同之處不再贅述。5 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a single detection of a plurality of components to be tested in a machine for providing batch detection of components to be tested to improve the efficiency of detection. Another object of the present invention is to provide a high performance batch inspection machine that reduces the number of mechanical movements during the inspection process. A further object of the present invention is to provide a highly efficient machine to reduce the number of machines required for the same work, thereby saving plant space. The further object of the present invention is to provide a highly efficient batch detection method to reduce the cost of testing. Therefore, the batch testing machine of the present invention is for detecting electrical characteristics of a plurality of components to be tested having a plurality of materials respectively, and the waiting component is accommodated - having a test opening for the test openings On the component carrier tray, the machine includes: a carrier moving device for carrying and moving the component carrier to be tested from a starting position to a predetermined detection location; a material from the opening contact material (four), a device for detecting the electrical characteristic signal data of the component to be tested; a control device for driving the mobile device, receiving the signal data obtained by the device, and analyzing the electrical characteristics of the waiting component; and Driven by the control device, the device under test on the carrier tray is captured to a predetermined detection position and the components with the electrical characteristics that are not qualified are extracted from the capture device of the carrier. By batch inspection, the time for detecting a single component is reduced, and the mechanical movement is reduced, the efficiency of detection is improved, the cost of detection is reduced, and the market competitiveness of the component under test is improved; compared with the financial instrument-component inspection machine, It also reduces the space occupied by the machine and makes more efficient use of the plant space. [Embodiment] The foregoing and other technical contents, features, and advantages of the present invention will be clearly described in the detailed description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention. 5 For the sake of explanation, the device under test 80 of this example has, for example, two contacts 800 that can be tested and soldered on the circuit board, so as to achieve electrical connection with the circuit board, and to function as components. Efficacy; and the detection of the connection can also be known as the electrical characteristics of the element to be tested to determine whether the element is good, so it is referred to herein as a test 淳. Of course, as can be understood by those skilled in the art, the component to be tested can be additionally provided with a pin that protrudes as a test bee and a solder joint. At present, the 8G ′ to be tested is placed in a carrier 8 for transporting as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The carrier tray 8 has a plurality of chambers. In this example, for example, one chamber is formed, and each chamber is formed with an upwardly exposed opening 15 for inserting/removing the member to be tested 80 and providing In this example, the top-down detection device is in contact, and the component to be tested is placed in the chamber in a bottom-up direction to expose its contact 800. As shown in FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 , the machine ii for detecting the component to be tested in the first preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a control device 1 , a device to be tested 20 , a mobile device 12 , a detecting device 14 , A sensing unit 144 and a capture t are set 16. The carrying mobile device 12 in this example is a pair of pulleys respectively disposed on the upper and lower sides of the drawing carrier 8 for moving the carrying tray 8 to the left and right of the drawing. As can be easily understood by those skilled in the art, This structure can also be achieved by other similar persons such as a screw driven stage. 1338785 Therefore, referring to FIG. 8, when step 41_, the device carrying tray 8 to be tested is first placed at the initial position i3, according to the current technology, the carrier disk 8 is placed on top of each other at the starting position. η, and the carrier tray 8 is moved to the right by the carrier moving device 12 to a predetermined detection position 15 corresponding to the detecting device " For the sake of explanation, the detecting device 14 in this example has a display unit 140 such as a robot arm and a bottom end disposed at the bottom of the test machine 140 as a sense sensing as shown in the enlarged view of FIG. Unit 144. In step 42, the detecting device 14 drives the test robot arm 14 to move downward corresponding to the predetermined detecting position 1 , so that the bottom end sensing unit ( 4 ) of the testing robot 14 corresponds to the first line, for example, 1 {) to be tested. The contact _ of the component 8G is checked by the batch to wait for the electrical characteristics of the component, and is transmitted back to the control device 10 to record the advantages and disadvantages of the entire batch of 10 components. Subsequently, in step 43, the test robot arm 1405 140 is moved up by the detecting device 14 away from the device under test 80 so that the carrier moving device 12 slightly positions the carrier disk 8 to the right in the step 44, relative to the robot arm. 14〇 moves one grid, and the next row of the component to be tested is moved to the position corresponding to the detecting device 丨4 to be inspected until the detecting element 8〇 on the carrying tray 8 is completed. As shown in step 45, the carrier 8 that has completed the detection is still moved to the right by the carrier moving device 12 to a predetermined capturing position 对应 corresponding to the capturing device μ; in step 46, there is a picking arm The 16-inch pick-up device 16 is driven by the control device 10 from a preparatory position to correspond to the predetermined pick-up position 17, and one of the nozzles 162 at the bottom end of the robot arm moves down with the robot arm, and according to the control device丨〇 Originally, the detection information of 8 1338785 obtained from the detecting device 14 is taken by vacuum suction to take the component to be tested 80' whose electrical characteristics are not in accordance with the expected degree, and arranged in the substandard carrier or waste product according to the degree of failure. Disk (not shown). In this example, the picking device 16 is not only responsible for taking out 70 of the carrier tray 8 and removing it, but also in step 47, the mechanical arm 160 is driven down by the control device 10 and sucked in the preparatory position 18. The qualified component 181 is tested in the spare tray 8', and the qualified component i8i is displaced to the component carrier 8 to be tested, and the remaining position of the carrier is filled. Although it can be easily understood by those skilled in the art, when the component to be tested is, for example, an LED, the light-emitting side is a top surface, and if the contact is located on the bottom surface, the light-emitting surface cannot be placed under a bottom-closed load. In the disk, in order to prevent the light beam from being emitted after being enabled, it is detected. Therefore, as shown by the circle 9, the carrier disk 8" needs to be exposed at the bottom of each chamber to open π88", so that each of the components to be tested 80" as the test joint 800" is exposed by the bottom exposed opening 1588" of the carrier. In the second embodiment, 'as the sensing unit 144' is disposed under the carrier tray, and the carrier tray 8" is driven by the carrier moving device i2 until it is accurately aligned, so that the contacts 800" are aligned to the sensing unit 144, And placing, thereby receiving the detection elements of the wire to be tested 80" & and then checking and completing, to achieve the aforementioned detection process, the same points will not be described again.

此外,如熟於此技者所能輕易理解,為順應例如要在 嚴酷溫度環境作業之電路元件檢驗條件,亦可考慮將批次 檢測待測元件機台外側設置一絕熱殼體21〇,並在絕熱殼 趙210中設置例如-液餘噴嘴(圖未示),以控制檢Z 20 1338785 置處之溫度於例如零下卅度。 如圖1 0、11所示,為避免待測元件從室溫立即遽降 至零下卅度,材料間熱漲冷縮程度不一而導致元件無謂損 壞’也為避免溫度遽降所造成空氣中蒸汽凝結等問題,起 5始位置13處可疊置數盤承載盤,由於起始位置13與檢測 位置14有一段距離’起始位置13更設置有一預冷裝置 211作為溫度緩衝裝置’使此處之溫度從而介於預定檢測 溫度與室溫間,可容許待測元件逐步降溫。為便於說明, 在將上述絕熱殼體210、預冷裝置211及喷嘴等共同稱為 1〇 —溫度控制裝置20。 當然,亦可取消預冷裝置211,僅將待測元件同樣置 於絕熱殼體210中,即可受到例如噴嘴喷出氮氣預冷,再 由該承載移動裝置12將該承載盤8搬移至預定檢測位置 15 ’逐步降溫至預定的受測溫度而可進行元件之檢測流 15程,待檢測完成後將該待測元件承載盤8搬移至撿取位置 14,其餘則均與本發明之第一實施例相同,不再詳述。 惟以上所述者’僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已,當不 忐以此限定本發明實施之範圍,即大凡依本發明申請專利 範圍及發明說明書内容所作之簡單的等效變化與修飾,皆 20應仍屬本發明專利涵蓋之範圍内。 10 1338785 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1是習知檢測待測元件之機台; 圖2是待測元件之立體示意圖; 圖3、4是待測元件容置於承載盤之立體示意圖及剖 5 面示意圖; 圖5是本案檢測機台第—較佳實施取結構方塊圖; 圖6本發明批次檢測待測元件之機台第一較佳實施 例之示意圖; 圖7是檢測裝置之立體放大示意圖 0 圖8疋本案測試方法之流程圖; 圖9本案檢測機台第二較佳實施例之容置有待測元 件之承載盤侧視示意圖; 圖10疋本案檢測機台第三較佳實施例之結構方塊 圖;及 5 圖11是本案檢測機台第三較佳實施例之示意圖。 1338785 8、8”承載盤 12…承載移動裝置 14…檢測裝置 16…撿取裝置 18…預備位置 41〜47…步驟 8 0 ’…不合格元件 140···驅動單元 【主要元件符號說明】 9、11…機台 10…控制裝置 13…起始位置 5 1 5···預定檢測位置 17···預定撿取位置 20…溫度控制裝置 80、80”…待測元件 9 0…基座 10 144、144”…感測單元 160…撿取裝置撿取機械臂 162…撿取裝置吸嘴 181…合格元件 210…絕熱殼體 211…預冷裝置 800、800”…待測元件接點 15 8’ …備品承載盤 88”…開口In addition, as is well understood by those skilled in the art, in order to comply with the circuit component inspection conditions, for example, to operate in a severe temperature environment, it is also conceivable to provide an insulating housing 21〇 on the outside of the batch detection component frame. For example, a liquid remaining nozzle (not shown) is disposed in the heat insulating shell Zhao 210 to control the temperature at which the Z 20 1338785 is placed, for example, below zero. As shown in Figure 10 and 11, in order to avoid the component to be tested from the room temperature to the zero temperature immediately, the degree of heat expansion and contraction between the materials is different, resulting in unnecessary damage to the components. For steam condensation and the like, the plurality of tray carriers can be stacked from the initial position 13 at the beginning position. Since the starting position 13 is at a distance from the detection position 14, the starting position 13 is further provided with a pre-cooling device 211 as a temperature buffering device. The temperature at which it is between the predetermined detection temperature and the room temperature allows the element to be tested to gradually cool down. For convenience of explanation, the heat insulating casing 210, the pre-cooling device 211, the nozzles, and the like are collectively referred to as a temperature control device 20. Of course, the pre-cooling device 211 can also be omitted, and only the component to be tested is placed in the heat insulating housing 210, and then, for example, the nozzle is sprayed with nitrogen to be pre-cooled, and then the carrier moving device 12 is moved to the predetermined position. The detecting position 15 'gradually cools down to a predetermined measured temperature and can perform the detection flow of the component for 15 steps. After the detection is completed, the component carrying tray 8 to be tested is moved to the capturing position 14, and the rest are the first of the present invention. The embodiments are the same and will not be described in detail. However, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention, that is, the simple equivalent changes and modifications made in accordance with the scope of the present invention and the contents of the invention. , 20 should still be within the scope of the invention patent. 10 1338785 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a device for detecting an element to be tested; FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a device to be tested; FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 are a schematic perspective view of a component to be tested placed on a carrier disk and FIG. Figure 5 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of the test machine of the present invention; Figure 6 is a schematic view of a first preferred embodiment of the machine for detecting a component to be tested according to the present invention; Figure 10 is a flow chart of the test method of the present invention; Figure 9 is a side view of the carrier of the second preferred embodiment of the present invention; Example block diagram; and Fig. 11 is a schematic view of a third preferred embodiment of the test machine of the present invention. 1338785 8, 8" carrier disk 12 ... carrying mobile device 14 ... detecting device 16 ... capturing device 18 ... preparatory position 41 ~ 47 ... step 8 0 ' ... failed component 140 · · · driving unit [main component symbol description] 9 11...machine 10...control device 13...starting position 5 1 5···predetermined detecting position 17·...predetermined picking position 20...temperature control device 80,80”...substance to be tested 9 0...base 10 144, 144"...sensing unit 160...sucking device grabbing robot arm 162...sucking device nozzle 181...qualifying element 210...insulating housing 211...precooling device 800,800"...inspection component contact 15 8 '...reserve carrier plate 88"...opening


Claims (1)

1338785 十、申請專利範園:1338785 X. Applying for a patent garden: 5 1.-種批次檢測待測元件之方法,係被應用於一具有一承 载移動裝置、-檢測袭置、及—撿取裝置之檢測機台, 其中,複數具有複數測試埠之待測元件係被容置於一具 有供將該等測試埠暴露開σ之待測元件承載盤,該檢測 方法包含下列步驟:5 1.- A method for batch detection of components to be tested is applied to a testing machine having a carrying mobile device, a detecting device, and a picking device, wherein the complex number has a plurality of test devices to be tested The component is housed in a component carrier to be tested having exposed σ to the test leads, and the detection method comprises the following steps: 1010 υ由承載移動裝置將該待測元件承載盤自—起始位置 搬移至一預定檢測位置區域; 2) 檢測裝置由該暴露開σ電性接觸該等測試埠,於預定 檢測位置區域下移對應接觸第一批次待測元件,以單 次檢驗複數該等待測元件方式進行批次檢測,測得該 等待測元件電氣特性並回傳至控制裝置; 3) 該檢職置遠離該待測元件,該承載移動裝置將承 載盤相對檢測裝置移動’讓承載盤之次一批次待測元 件移動至對應檢測裝置之位置受檢;及 4) 依照該等待心件電氣特性,以撿取裝置移除該承載 盤上不合格元件。 2. 依照中請專利範圍第i項所述之方法,更包含於步驟 4)於撿取不合格元件後’以事先準備之合乎品質的元件 20 補齊該待測元件承載盤上空餘位置之步驟5)。 3. 依照中請專利範圍第丨項所述之方法,更包含介於該批 次檢測步驟3)至該檢測步驟4)間,以該承載移動裝置 將承載有該等測畢待測元件之待測元件承載盤從該檢 測位置搬移至一撿取位置之步驟6)。 1338785 次檢測機台,係供檢測複數分別具有複數測試棒 的待測元件之電氣特性,該等待測元件係被容置於一且 有供將該㈣料暴露_之待測元件承龍上, 台包含: 5 _用以承載並自-起始位置搬移該待測元件承載盤至 一預定檢測位置區域之承載移動裝置; 自該開口接觸該等待測元件測試埠批次獲得該等 • 待測元件電氣特性訊號資料之檢測裝置,; -驅動該承載移動裝置、並接收該檢測裝置所獲得該 10 等訊號資料、分析該等待測元件電氣特性之控制裝 置;及 -文該控制裝置驅動、將該等電氣特性不合格待測元 件檢取脫離該承載盤之檢取裝置; 其中,該檢測裝置係於預定檢測位置區域下移對應接 15 觸第—批次待測元件’以批次檢測該等待測元件之 • 電氣特性並回傳至控制裝置,隨後由檢測裝置遠離 該待測元件,該承載移動裝置將承載盤相對檢測裝 置移動,讓次一批次待測元件移動至對應檢測裝置 之位置受檢。 20 5_依照申請專利範圍第4項所述之機台,其中該檢測裝置 包括: 一用以接觸感測該等待測元件該等檢測埠之感測單 元;及 用以致動該感測單元在一當該承載盤位於該預定檢 14 1338785 • 測位置區域時,電氣接觸該等待測元件檢測埠之感 測位置;以及遠離該等檢測埠之預備位置間移動之 驅動單元。 6.依照申請專利範圍第4項所述之機台,更具有一供置放 5 一承載有複數預備元件之預備元件承載件之預備位 置,且該撿取裝置係、-在該預備位置及—撿除該承載盤 中該等不合格待測元件之撿取位置間移動的機械臂。 • 7.依照申請專利範圍第4項所述之機台,更包含一供控制 該預定檢測位置區域溫度至一預定操作檢測溫度之溫 10 度控制裝置。 8. 依照申請專利範圍第7項所述之機台,其中該溫度控 裝置包括-涵蓋該預定檢測位置區域之絕熱殼體。 9. 依照中請專利8項所述之機台,更包含一涵蓋 15 使該起始位置溫度介於該操作檢測溫度與室溫間之 溫度緩衝裝置。 15υ moving the device-bearing disk to be tested from the initial position to a predetermined detection position by the carrying mobile device; 2) the detecting device electrically contacts the test 由 by the exposure σ, and moves downward in the predetermined detection position region. Contacting the first batch of components to be tested, performing batch detection by means of a single test of the waiting component, measuring the electrical characteristics of the waiting component and returning it to the control device; 3) the inspection device is away from the component to be tested The carrying mobile device moves the carrying tray relative to the detecting device to allow the next batch of the component to be tested of the carrying tray to be moved to the position of the corresponding detecting device to be inspected; and 4) according to the electrical characteristics of the waiting core, to move the picking device Except for the defective components on the carrier. 2. In accordance with the method described in item i of the scope of the patent application, further included in step 4) after the defective component is taken, 'the quality component 20 prepared in advance is used to fill the space on the carrier of the device to be tested. Step 5). 3. The method according to the third aspect of the patent application, further comprising between the batch detecting step 3) and the detecting step 4), wherein the carrying mobile device will carry the measured components to be tested Step 6) of moving the component carrier to be tested from the detection position to a pickup position. 1338785 inspection machine is used for detecting the electrical characteristics of the component to be tested with a plurality of test bars respectively, and the waiting component is placed on one of the components to be tested for exposing the (four) material. The station comprises: 5 _ a carrying mobile device for carrying and moving the device under test to the predetermined detecting position from the starting position; contacting the waiting component from the opening to test the batch to obtain the a detecting device for the electrical characteristic signal of the component, - driving the carrying device and receiving the signal data obtained by the detecting device, and analyzing the electrical characteristics of the waiting component; and - the control device driving, The unqualified component to be tested is taken out of the pick-up device of the carrier tray; wherein the detecting device is moved downward in the predetermined detection position region to correspond to the 15-touch-to-be-tested component to detect the batch Waiting for the electrical characteristics of the component to be measured and returned to the control device, which is then moved away from the device under test by the detecting device, which will carry the disk phase Movement detecting means, so that once a batch of test elements corresponding to the position detecting means to move the examinee. The machine according to claim 4, wherein the detecting device comprises: a sensing unit for contacting the detecting electrodes for sensing the waiting component; and for actuating the sensing unit And when the carrier is located in the predetermined location 14 1338785 • the location of the measurement, electrically contacting the sensing location of the standby component to detect the flaw; and the driving unit moving away from the preliminary position of the detecting jaws. 6. According to the machine of claim 4, there is provided a spare position for placing a spare component carrier carrying a plurality of spare components, and the picking device is, in the preparatory position, - removing the robot arm moving between the picking positions of the unqualified components to be tested in the carrier. 7. The machine according to claim 4, further comprising a temperature control device for controlling the temperature of the predetermined detection position to a predetermined operation detection temperature. 8. The machine of claim 7, wherein the temperature control device comprises an insulated housing covering the predetermined detection location area. 9. The machine according to the eighth aspect of the patent application, further comprising a temperature buffering device for covering the starting position temperature between the operating detection temperature and the room temperature. 15
TW96107571A 2007-03-05 2007-03-05 Device batch testing tool and method thereof TW200837364A (en)

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TW96107571A TW200837364A (en) 2007-03-05 2007-03-05 Device batch testing tool and method thereof

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9373534B2 (en) 2012-09-05 2016-06-21 Industrial Technology Research Institute Rotary positioning apparatus with dome carrier, automatic pick-and-place system, and operating method thereof

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9373534B2 (en) 2012-09-05 2016-06-21 Industrial Technology Research Institute Rotary positioning apparatus with dome carrier, automatic pick-and-place system, and operating method thereof

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